Basswood Cemetery
    Eagle Township, Richland County, Wisconsin  USA

           (Last Updated January 16, 2025)

                        Surnames A-D

SURNAME   Given Name  MAIDEN-OTHER          
_____, Alanta                           1872 1880            11-17-1880
     MS with her brother Myron J. Burke. Aged 7Yr 11Ms
     Note: "Children of ~~~ " is below the base of the poured concrete.
     Note: Surname unknown! Buried on the Jacob STETLER lot. Alanta maybe a
           granddaughter of Jacob & Mary (Douglas) Stetler.
_____, Myron J.                         1871 1871 03-00-1871 11-30-1871
     MS with his sister Alanta Burke. Age 8Ms.
     Note: "Children of ~~~ " is below the base of the poured concrete.
Note: Surname unknown! Buried on the Jacon STETLER lot. Myron maybe a
           grandson of Jacob & Mary (Douglas) Stetler.

ADAMS, Allen Tarlton                    1856 1931 02-13-1856 12-16-1931
     MS with Ida. Married Ida Viola Peters on March 12, 1882.
     Son of Tarlton & Esther Maria (Taylor) Adams.
ADAMS, Andrew Jackson                   1864 1953 10-31-1864 12-07-1953
     Married P.G. Ellen Crye on April 8, 1892.
     Son of Tarlton & Esther Maria (Taylor) Adams.
ADAMS, Cooper John                      2006 2006 03-01-2006 03-01-2006
ADAMS, Donna Kay MCKY-ELDER             1931 2004 04-05-1931 03-12-2004
     Married Herbert J. Adams on July 31, 1948.
     Married Arleigh Elder on September 20, 1997.
     Daughter of John S. & May (Kerrigan) McKy.
ADAMS, Dorothea F. MURRAY               1904 1982 07-27-1904 01-03-1982

     Married Howard C. Sr. Adams on August 25, 1921.
          Daughter of Harriet "Hattie" Murray.
Harriet "Hattie" Murray-HINES]
ADAMS, Francis Jacob                    1870 1931 12-04-1870 07-16-1931
     Married Lillie May Fazel on August 31, 1904.
     Son of Tarlton & Maria (Taylor) Adams.
     Note: Added from death record.
ADAMS, George Allen, Rev.               1876 1939 01-17-1876 01-04-1939
     MS with Mary. Married Mary Elizabeth Dieter on January 22, 1898.
     Son of Hale Elijah & Angeline Melissa (Cooper) Adams.
ADAMS, Herbert J.                       1933 1995 03-03-1933 03-28-1995
     Married Donna Kay McKy on July 31, 1948.
     Son of Herbert Sr. & Mary (Ruzicka) Adams.
     Note: Added from Burial Permit. Died in Madison, WI.
ADAMS, Howard C. Sr.                    1895 1980 09-26-1895 10-15-1980
     Veteran - World War I
Married Dorothea F. Murray on August 25, 1921.
     Son of Andrew Jackson & P.G. Ellen (Crye) Adams.
ADAMS, Howard C., Jr.                   1921 1940 12-17-1921 07-19-1940
     Son of Howard C. Sr. & Dorothea F. (Murray) Adams.
ADAMS, Ida Viola PETERS                 1862 1939 02-27-1862 01-04-1939
     MS with Allen. Married Allen Tarlton Adams on March 12, 1882.
     Daughter of Holiday & Eliza Jane (Thompson) Peters.
ADAMS, James A. "Jimmy"                 1936 1997 12-03-1936 03-19-1997
     MS with Joan. Married Joan Carol Harris on September 21, 1957.
     Son of Herbert Sr. & Mary (Ruzicka) Adams.
     "Beloved Parents of Shrie, Jody, Rhoda, Jill"

ADAMS, Joan Carol HARRIS                1939      08-20-1939
     MS with James. Married James A. "Jimmy" Adams on September 21, 1957.
     "Beloved Parents of Shrie, Jody, Rhoda, Jill"
     Death date pending.

ADAMS, Lillie May FAZEL                 1886 1912 07-24-1886 06-26-1912
     Married Francis Jacob Adams on August 31, 1904.
     Daughter of Peter & Liddie (Miller) Fazel.
     Note: Added from death record.
ADAMS, Mary Elizabeth DIETER            1880 1951 01-20-1880 08-24-1951
     MS with George. Married George Allen Adams on January 22, 1898.
     Daughter of Charles & Mary Elizabeth (Keehn) Dieter.
ADAMS, P.G. Ellen CRYE                  1870 1942 10-08-1870 03-31-1942
     Married Andrew Jackson Adams on April 8, 1892.
     Daughter of Joseph Washington & Amanda (Mickols) Crye.
ADAMS, Paul Zelda                       1911 1932 01-07-1911 08-30-1932
     Son of Francis Jacob & Lillie May (Fazel) Adams.
ADAMS, William B.                       1907 1986 10-12-1907 10-29-1986
     Married Ardith Walker on September 29, 1939.
     Son of George Allen & Mary Elizabeth (Dieter) Adams.
Note: Added from Burial Permit. Died in Mesa, AZ.
AINSWORTH, Francis E.                   1872 1907
ALLEMANG, Cynthia BLICKENSTAFF          1841 1878            09-00-1878
     MS with Washington. Married Washington William Allemang on August 23, 1864.
     Daughter of Joseph & Kaziah (Jones) Blickenstaff.   Aged 37 years.
     Note: 3rd wife of Washington William Allemang.
ALLEMANG, John W.                       1852 1915 04-11-1852 03-12-1915
     Son of Washington William & Martha (Mauzey) Allemang.
ALLEMANG, Washington William            1824 1899 10-02-1824 10-31-1899
     Married Martha Mauzey.  Aged 75Ys 1Ms
     Married Sarah _____.
     MS with Cynthia. Married Cynthia Blickenstaff on August 23, 1864 in Indiana.
     Married Julia A. Peck-Collins September 9, 1879.
     Married Mary Mann-Pippin on November 22, 1894.
     Son of William & Charity (Lewis) Allemang.
     [See Julia A. Peck-Allemang-COLLINS]
          [See Mary Mann-Allemang-PIPPIN in Tavera Cemetery]
ANDERSON, Alfred M.                     1871 1961 06-03-1871 10-03-1961

     MS with Jennie. Married Jennie Amanda Fry on April 28, 1895.
     Son of Herman & Carrie (Larson) Anderson.
ANDERSON, Anton Hans                    1868 1892
     Son of Barnhart & Helen (Floaten) Anderson.
ANDERSON, Archie LaVerne                1926 2005 03-12-1926 10-03-2005
     Corporal US Marine Corps - World War II
     MS with Hazel. Married Hazel Pansy Bailey on April 7, 1947.
     Son of Lester Glen & Leona Myrtle (Burkhamer) Anderson.
ANDERSON, Arthur B.                     1884 1939 04-02-1884 05-20-1939
     MS with Laura. Married Laura J. Elliott on June 10, 1906.
     Son of Barnhart & Helen (Floaten) Anderson.
          Note: Engraved 1844 birth is in error, Arthur was born in 1884.
ANDERSON, Barnhart                      1844 1933 06-27-1844 07-30-1933

     MS with Helen. Married Helen Floaten in 1868.
          Large marker="ANDERSON"
ANDERSON, Carrie KNUDTSON-KUMRGETTER    1830 1920 08-02-1830 03-28-1920

     Married _____ Kumrgetter.  Aged 89Ys 7Ms 26Ds
     Married Herman Anderson on January 4, 1874.
     Daughter of Knut & Marti (Olsftr) Knudtson.
     Note: Added from death record.
ANDERSON, Catherine O. GABLER-TOMAN     1934
     Married _____ Toman.
     MS with Robert. Married Robert August Anderson on October 4, 1969.
     Death date
ANDERSON, Dallas D.                     1918 1991 10-29-1918 08-15-1991
     Married Veva J. Reuter on October 5, 1940.
     Son of Alfred M. & Jennie (Fry) Anderson.
ANDERSON, David LaVerne                 1953 2014 11-15-1953 09-22-2014
     Married Jori Perlewitz.
     Son of LaVerne D. "Bill" "Andy" & Lois Ardrue (Ekleberry) Anderson.
ANDERSON, Edward Paul                   1918 1986 02-28-1918 03-13-1986
     Son of Peter & Nettie (Hardy) Anderson.
     Note: Mother later married Edward LAWVER and is buried in Boscobel Cemetery.

ANDERSON, Elsie LaVerna MINETT-BURKHAMER 1917 2003 04-24-1917 05-19-2003
     Married Frank Iceland "Jake" Burkhamer on April 20, 1940.
     Married _____ Anderson.
     Daughter of Erve Louis & Celia S. (Romack) Minett.
ANDERSON, Eva Marie WISER              1912 1968 07-01-1912 10-09-1968
     MS with Melvin. Married Melvin Henry Anderson on August 25, 1930.
     Daughter of Arthur & Rettia (Dary) Wiser.

ANDERSON, Gertrude ELDER                1878 1954 02-11-1878 01-11-1954
     MS with Martin. Married Martin Anderson on November 1, 1896.
     Daughter of Andrew & Julia Ann (Andrews) Elder.
ANDERSON, Glen Delos                    1897 1984 08-29-1897 03-03-1984
     MS with Nellie. Married Nellie M. Mead on March 7, 1920.
     Son of Albert M. & Jennie Amanda (Fry) Anderson.
          "Parents of Geneva, Jean, June & Al"
ANDERSON, Guy                           1896 1897 04-19-1896 

           MS with his sister Nina Grace Anderson.
     Son of Alfred M. & Jennie
Amanda (Fry) Anderson.
ANDERSON, Hazel Pansy BAILEY            1928 2019 12-24-1928 09-03-2019
     MS with Archie. Married Archie LaVerne Anderson on April 7, 1947
     Daughter of Willoughby & Elsie (Musick) Bailey.
ANDERSON, Helen FLOATEN                 1849 1927           12-21-1927

     MS with Barnhart. Married Barnhart Anderson in 1868.
          Large marker="ANDERSON"
ANDERSON, Helen L.                      1907 1907
     "Helen L. Anderson  Dau. of A.B. & L.J. Anderson"
     Daughter of Arthur B. & Laura J. (Elliott) Anderson.

     Note: Dates below ground level.
ANDERSON, Henry Elmer                   1867 1890 04-08-1867 12-19-1890

     Married Julia E. Anderson on February 19, 1887. Aged 23Ys 8Ms 11Ds
     Son of Herman & Permelia (Johnnerson) Anderson.
     Note: Julia 1866-1954 {dau.of Thomas & Anna Anderson} buried in Mauston,WI.

ANDERSON, Herman                        1826 1916 12-03-1826 01-14-1916
     Private Co I 15th Wis Inf - Civil War    F=Civil War
     Married Permelia Johnnerson on May 12, 1867.
     Married Carried Knudtson-Kumrgetter on January 4, 1874.
     Son of Andrew & Karen Anderson.
ANDERSON, Ivan B.                       1907 1988 08-22-1907 07-21-1988
     Married Bertha Ellen Wells-Borland on March 19, 1932.
     Son of Alfred M. & Jennie Amanda (Fry) Anderson.
ANDERSON, James Leland "Lee"            1927 2014 07-02-1927 04-06-2014
     MS with Vesta. Married Vesta Jean Edgerly on June 1, 1951 in Iowa.
     Married Lois May Gilbert on April 5, 1986 in Dane Co., WI.
     Son of James & Emily Laurinda (Slayback) Anderson.

ANDERSON, Jennie Amanda FRY             1875 1965 05-25-1875 02-25-1965
     MS with Alfred. Married Alfred M. Anderson on April 28, 1895.
     Daughter of Martin & Sarah Catherine (Thompson) Fry.
ANDERSON, Kenneth Arthur                1931 1931 03-22-1931 06-24-1931
     "Kenneth A. Anderson  1931 - 1931"
Son of Arthur B. & Laura J. (Elliott) Anderson.
ANDERSON, Laura J. ELLIOTT              1887 1972 11-21-1887 09-15-1972
     MS with Arthur. Married Arthur B. Anderson on June 10, 1906.
     Daughter of George Monroe & Caroline Louise "Carrie" (Hartwick) Elliott.
ANDERSON, LaVerne D. "Bill" "Andy"      1929 2014 08-22-1929 01-25-2014
     US Army - Korea
     MS with Lois. Married Lois Ardrue Ekleberry.
     Son of Lee E. "Pat" & Lucille Dorothy (Standish) Anderson.
     "Proud Parents of Davis, Lisa and Nancy"
ANDERSON, Lee E. "Pat"                  1905 1991 03-08-1905 11-15-1991

          LS with his wife Lucille and their son Levi.
     Married Lucille Dorothy Standish on November 20, 1924.
     Son of Martin & Gertrude (Elder) Anderson.
ANDERSON, Leland G. "Sweeney"           1939 2001 01-19-1939 05-30-2001
     Married Marlene Schlafer in December of 1959.
     Son of Lee E. "Pat" & Lucille Dorothy (Standish) Anderson.
          "His children  Martin - Steven - Tonia - Karla"
ANDERSON, Leo Burnhart                  1925 1928 09-30-1925 05-11-1928

          "Leo B. Anderson  Son of A.B. & L.J. Anderson"
     Son of Arthur B. & Laura J. (Elliott) Anderson.
     Note: Dates below ground level.
ANDERSON, Leona Myrtle BURKHAMER        1902 1989 07-23-1902 08-24-1989
          LS with her husband Lester and dau. & son-law Maxine & William TANNER.
     Married Lester Glen Anderson on December 29, 1921.

     Daughter of Frank Iceland & Martha Frances (Hardy) Burkhamer.
ANDERSON, Lester Glen                   1897 1971 08-18-1897 12-10-1971
     Wisconsin Private US Army - World War I
     LS with his wife Leona and dau. & son-law Maxine & William TANNER.
     Married Leona Myrtle Burkhamer on December 29, 1921.
     Son of Martin & Gertrude (Elder) Anderson.
ANDERSON, Levi                          1929 1929 08-22-1929 08-22-1929
          LS with his parents Lee and Lucille.  "Baby Levi"
     Son of Lee E. "Pat" & Lucille Dorothy (Standish) Anderson.
ANDERSON, Lloyd Leonard                 1902 1958 07-13-1902 04-10-1958
     Married Nellie Hazel Lewis on September 21, 1919.
     Married Julia M. Roseneau [1897-1983 buried in Avoca, WI].
     Married Lorna Mae VanHorssen-East-Masters on Sept 30, 1955 in Calif.
     Son of Martin & Gertrude (Elder) Anderson.
ANDERSON, Lois Ardrue EKLEBERRY         1933 2019 06-25-1933 07-12-2019
     MS with LaVerne. Married LaVerne D. "Bill" "Andy" Anderson.
     Daughter of Milford F. & Lena F. (Ray) Ekleberry.
"Proud Parents of Davis, Lisa and Nancy"
ANDERSON, Lucille Dorothy STANDISH      1906 1986 06-11-1906 12-05-1986
     LS with her husband Lee and their son Levi.
     Married Lee E. "Pat" Anderson on November 20, 1924.

     Daughter of Bert Francis & Delilah (Hardy) Standish.
ANDERSON, Martin                        1871 1954 01-06-1871 10-15-1954
     MS with Gertrude. Married Gertrude Elder on November 1, 1896.
     Son of Barnhart & Helen (Floaten) Anderson.
ANDERSON, Mary                          1816 1890
     Married Andrew H. Anderson.
ANDERSON, Mary L.                       1873 1941            01-22-1941
     Daughter of Barnhart & Helen (Floaten) Anderson.
          Large marker="ANDERSON"
ANDERSON, Melvin Henry                  1910 1993 05-01-1910 01-05-1993
     MS with Eva. Married Eva Marie Wiser on August 25, 1930.
     Son of Arthur & Bernice (Henry) Anderson.
ANDERSON, Micheal D. "Mike"             1943 2022 01-29-1943 11-20-2022
     Married Sherry J. Marshall on March 27, 1965.
     Son of Dallas D. & Veva J. (Reuter) Anderson.
     Note: Obituary cemetery not listed. Used Parents cemetery.
ANDERSON, Nancy K.                      1958 2013 07-15-1958 04-25-2013
     Daughter of LaVerne D. "Bill" "Andy" & Lois Ardrue (Ekleberry) Anderson.
ANDERSON, Nellie Hazel LEWIS            1901 1929 09-09-1901 08-02-1929

     Married Lloyd Leonard Anderson on September 21, 1919.
     Daughter of Edmund Storer James & Lillie Matilda (Hardy) Lewis.
ANDERSON, Nellie M. MEAD                1898 1987 09-28-1898 09-18-1987
     MS with Glen. Married Glen Delos Anderson on March 7, 1920.
     Daughter of Edmund & Della (Johnston) Mead.
          "Parents of Geneva, Jean, June & Al"
ANDERSON, Nina Grace                    1899 1900 08-17-1899 10-29-1900
          MS with her brother Guy Anderson.
     Daughter of Alfred M. & Jennie
Amanda (Fry) Anderson.
ANDERSON, Orval Ray                     1924 1924 12-24-1924 12-24-1924
     Son of Lester Glen & Leona Myrtle (Burkhamer) Anderson.
ANDERSON, Permelia JOHNNERSON           1828 1873            07-30-1873
     Married Herman Anderson on May 12, 1867. Aged 45 years.
     Daughter of Johannes & Anna Pederson.
ANDERSON, Raymond                       1925 1925 02-22-1925 02-23-1925
     Son of Lester Glen & Leona Myrtle (Burkhamer) Anderson.
     Note: Added from death record.
ANDERSON, Robert August                 1930 2012 04-08-1930 02-01-2012
     Married Betty Jean Turk on April 8, 1950.
     MS with Catherine. Married Catherine O.Gabler-Toman on October 4, 1969.
     Son of Lester Glen & Leona Myrtle (Burkhamer) Anderson.
ANDERSON, Ruth Rebecca CALLAWAY         1892 1929 07-15-1892 10-23-1929
     Married Willie Herbert Tenney Anderson on November 21, 1912. 
     Daughter of Frank Allen & Ella M. (Childs) Callaway.
     Married Micheal D. "Mike" Anderson on March 27, 1965.
     Owner - all dates pending.
ANDERSON, Theodore                      1886 1887

     Son of Barnhart & Helen (Floaten) Anderson.
ANDERSON, Theron A.                     1914 1917 09-30-1914 12-21-1917
          "Theron A. Anderson  Son of A.B. & L.J. Anderson   1914 - 1917"
     Son of Arthur B. & Laura J. (Elliott) Anderson.
ANDERSON, Torval                        1888 1889
     Son of Barnhart & Helen (Floaten) Anderson.
ANDERSON, Vesta Jean EDGERLY            1932 1984 10-26-1932 11-20-1984
     MS with James. Married James Leland "Lee" Anderson on June 1, 1951 in Iowa.
     Daughter of Buford D. & Mary Anna (Miller) Edgerly.
ANDERSON, Veva J. REUTER                1914 2002 10-09-1914 10-19-2002
     Married Dallas D. Anderson on October 5, 1940.
     Daughter of Henry Richard & Mabel Lucinda (Sage) Reuter.
ANDERSON, Willie Herbert Tenney         1890 1971 06-01-1890 11-21-1971
     Married Ruth Rebecca Callaway on November 21, 1912.
     Son of Henry Elmer & Julia E. (Anderson) Anderson.

ANDRETTI, Dominic Dimitri               1954 1990 12-10-1954 07-21-1990

     PFC US Marine Corps - VietNam
     Married Janet Rae Dearborn on September 26, 1981.
     Married Deborah Jean "Debbie" Chitwood on June 7, 1988.

     Son of Lorraine J. (Luke) Andretti.
ANNEAR, Bertha Elizabeth PENNEL         1908 1995 01-13-1908 07-19-1995
     Married Warren Lucas "Dutch" Annear on February 28, 1930.
     Daughter of Fredrick "Fred" Speidel & Jessie M. (Eldred) Pennel.
ANNEAR, Dora May HAMMOND                1881 1978 10-10-1881 04-14-1978
     MS with J.Insco. Married James Insco Annear on December 24, 1905.
     Daughter of Levi Carver Jr. & Hattie Florinda (Andrews) Hammond.
ANNEAR, Elizabeth C. ALLEMANG           1850 1925 05-20-1850 07-26-1925
     Married Samuel Blake Annear on September 5, 1872.
     Daughter of Washington William & Martha (Mauzey) Allemang.
ANNEAR, James Insco                     1881 1949 10-14-1881 09-15-1949
     MS with Dora. Married Dora May Hammond on December 24, 1905.
     Son of John & Sarah Olletha (Lucas) Annear.
ANNEAR, John Franklin                   1883 1890
     LS with his sisters Velma Alice and Sarah Etta Annear.
     Son of Samuel Blake & Elizabeth C. (Allemang) Annear.

          "Children of Mr. & Mrs. Samuel B. Annear."
ANNEAR, Oscar                           1883 1883 10-18-1883 10-18-1883

     Infant son of John & Sarah Olletha (Lucas) Annear.
ANNEAR, Samuel Blake                    1850 1931 10-15-1850 11-17-1931
     Married Elizabeth C. Allemang on September 5, 1872.
     Married Ella Kershner-Sawyer-Perkins in 1928.
     Son of Joseph & Jennifred "Jane" (Blake) Annear.
     [See Ella
Kershner-Perkins-Annear-SAWYER in Richland Center Cemetery]
     [See Jennifred "Jane" Blake-Annear-WILLEY]

 ANNEAR, Sarah Etta                      1887 1903 09-08-1887 10-06-1903
     LS with her sister Velma Alice and her brother John Franklin Annear.
     Daughter of Samuel Blake & Elizabeth C. (Allemang) Annear.

          "Children of Mr. & Mrs. Samuel B. Annear."
ANNEAR, Sarah Olletha                   1880 1880 04-12-1880
     "Dau. of John & S.O. Annear"
     Daughter of John & Sarah Olletha (Lucas) Annear.
     Note: Can not read death date on marker.
ANNEAR, Velma Alice                     1879 1890

     LS with her sister Sarah Etta and her brother John Franklin Annear.
     Daughter of Samuel Blake & Elizabeth C. (Allemang) Annear.

          "Children of Mr. & Mrs. Samuel B. Annear."
ANNEAR, Warren Lucas "Dutch"            1907 1978 08-15-1907 11-24-1978
     Married Bertha Elizabeth Pennell on February 28, 1930.
     Son of James Insco & Dora May (Hammond) Annear.
ANTHONY, Alice Louise                   1951 1953 03-22-1951 08-25-1953
     Daughter of Beauford J., Jr. & Geneva (Ready) Anthony.
     Note: Added from death record.
ANTHONY, Beauford J., Jr.               1920 1993 05-31-1920 04-14-1993
     PFC US Army - World War II
Married Geneva Ready.
     Son of Frederick W. "Fred" & Ethel Estelle (Persinger) Anthony.
ANTHONY, Charles Dennis                 1946 1947            02-15-1947
of Beauford J., Jr. & Geneva (Ready) Anthony. Aged 7 months.
Note: Added from Burial Permit. Died in Boscobel, WI.
ANTHONY, Donald Gerald                  1926 1983 07-16-1926 04-01-1983
     Son of Frederick W. "Fred" & Ethel Estelle (Persinger) Anthony.

ANTHONY, Ethel Estelle PERSINGER        1900 1988 09-18-1900 03-03-1988
     MS with Fred. Married Frederick W. "Fred" Anthony on April 26, 1919.
     Daughter of Oscar H. & Lena (Hardy) Persinger.
ANTHONY, Frederick W. "Fred"            1898 1930 02-28-1898 01-29-1930
     Wisconsin Pvt 127 Inf 32nd Div AEF - World War I
     MS with Ethel. Married Ethel Estelle Persinger on April 26, 1919.
     Son of Abraham B. & Elizabeth (Burton) Anthony.
ANTHONY, Kenneth Everette               1922 1985 01-27-1922 12-02-1985
     US Army - World War II
Married Elaine Craig.
     Son of Frederick W. "Fred" & Ethel Estelle (Persinger) Anthony.
ATWOOD, Christina HOTTMAN-COOPER        1827 1887 06-28-1827 03-02-1887
     LS with her husband William and their son Joseph. Aged 59Ys 8Ms 2Ds
     Married Josephus Cooper on December 17, 1846.
     Married William Harrison Atwood on April 16, 1866.
     Daughter of John David Sr. & Ann Hottman.
ATWOOD, Joseph P.                       1867 1868 04-31-1867 09-24-1868
     LS with his parents. "Gone Home" Aged 1Ys 4Ms 24Ds
     Son of William Harrison & Christina (Hottman-Cooper) Atwood.      
ATWOOD, William Harrison                1814 1884 02-07-1814 10-20-1884
     LS with his wife Christina and their son Joseph. Aged 70Ys 8Ms 12Ds
     Married Charlotte Thankful Reynolds on Dec. 25, 1840. 
     Married Christina Hottman-Copper on April 16, 1866.
     Son of Jacob & Drusills (Churchill) Atwood.
BAILEY, Albert                          1835 1892 04-20-1835 10-18-1892
     Corporal Co I 19th Wis Inf - Civil War.
     Married Jane Annear on August 27, 1866.
     Son of Willis & Mary Bailey.
          Large Marker-BAILEY"
BAILEY, Ellen                           1871 1872

     Daughter of Albert & Jane (Annear) Bailey.
          Large Marker-BAILEY"
BAILEY, Isaac                           1874 1888
     Son of Albert & Jane (Annear) Bailey.
          Large Marker-BAILEY"
BAILEY, Jane ANNEAR                     1843 1925
     Married Albert Bailey on August 27, 1866.
     Daughter of Joseph & Jennifred "Jane" (Blake) Annear.
     Large Marker-BAILEY"
     [See Jennifred "Jane" Blake-Annear-WILLEY]
BAILEY, Robert R.                       1908 1979 12-26-1908 06-30-1979
     US Army - World War II
     Son of Howard Lee & Grace Edyth (Carley) Bailey.
     [See Grace
Edyth Carley-Bailey-REINHART]
BAILEY, Sandra Marie TANNER             1955 2019 12-22-1955 03-09-2019
     Married Alan G. Bailey on September 6, 1974.
     Daughter of William Fay "Bill" & Maxine Cleo (Anderson) Tanner.
BAILEY, Violette "Ella" JOHNS-ANDERSON  1886 1952 02-17-1886 10-17-1952
     Married Nicoli Anderson on February 27, 1907 in Eagle Township, Richland Co., WI.
     Married Arthur J. Bailey on August 9, 1924 in Galverson, Texas.
     Daughter of William Henry & Cynthia C. (Logue) Johns.

BAMBROUGH, Duayne Lafayette             1919 1980 04-23-1919 11-22-1980
     MS with Rebecca. Married Rebecca A. Sabinson.     
     Son of Floyd Ray & Ora N. (Cornwall) Bambrough.
Note: Ora N. Cornwall-Bambrough later married Edward/Edmond VRANEK
           and buried as Ora Vranek [1893-1978] in Muscoda, WI.
BAMBROUGH, Floyd Ray                    1883 1924 01-31-1883 06-05-1924
     Married Ora N. Cornwall. "Father"
     Son of Samuel James & Lena Lenoria Rosmond "Lena" (Taylor) Bambrough.
          Note: Ora N. Cornwall-Bambrough later married Edward/Edmond VRANEK
           and buried as Ora Vranek [1893-1978] in Muscoda, WI.
BAMBROUGH, Rebecca A. SABINSON          1916 1958            10-19-1958

          MS with Duayne. Married Duayne Lafayette Bambrough.
     Daughter of Joseph Andrew & Bessie V. (France) Sabinson.
BARBER, Florence Caroline DVORAK        1921 2002 05-15-1921 06-07-2002

     MS with Marvin. Married Marvin Eugene Barber on February 10, 1943.
     Daughter of Joseph & Vieve Livilla (Belcamper) Dvorak.
BARBER, Marvin Eugene                   1920 1975 08-12-1920 01-02-1975
     Sgt. USMC - World War II
MS with Florence. Married Florence Caroline Dvorak on February 10, 1943.
     Son of Lawrence Fred & Freda L. (Leonard) Barber.
     [See Freda L. Leonard-Barber-SCHULTZ in Richland Center Cemetery]

BARBER, Minda Jo                        1950 2020 09-15-1950 04-09-2020
     Daughter of Marvin Eugene & Florence Caroline (Dvorak) Barber.
     Note: Added from obituary. Cemetery not listed!
BARNES, Alan Douglas                    1953 1958 12-05-1953 02-02-1958
     LS with his parents Roger and Doris. "Son - Brother" 
     Son of Roger Leron & Doris Marie (Fitzgerald) Barnes.
     Note: Parents names & dates are engraved on the edge of his marker.

BARNES, Doris Marie FITZGERALD-BLASER   1925 2018 01-09-1925 03-15-2018
     LS with Roger Leron Barnes and their son Alan Douglas Barnes.
     Married Roger Leron Barnes on February 26, 1944 in Boaz, WI.
     Married _____Blaser.
     Daugther of Gerald & Lora Fay (Cornwall) FitzGerald.
     Note: Her ashes are buried on her son Alan's gravesite and her name
           and dates are engraved on the edge of Alan's marker.
BARNES, Roger Leron                     1924 2016 06-02-1924 05-16-2016
     LS with Doris and their son Alan Douglas Barnes.
     Married Doris Marie FitzGerald on February 26, 1944 in Boaz, WI.
     Married Helen "Ardella" Frost-Brown on September 13, 1972.
     Son of Leron Myers & Gladys Geraldine (Jones) Barnes.
     Note: His ashes are buried on his son Alan's gravesite and his name
           and dates are engraved on the edge of Alan's marker.
BARRETT, Alexander "Alex"               1836 1915 01-22-1836 12-15-1915
     MS with Jennett. Married Jennett Ruby Manchester.
     Son of D. Cantlin & Mary Polly (Odell) Barrett.
BARRETT, Bradley A.                     1892 1963 07-11-1892 04-00-1963
     Son of Niran Alanson Lant & Lucy Mariah (McKy) Barrett.
BARRETT, Jennett Ruby MANCHESTER        1840 1901 07-03-1840 01-12-1901
     MS with Alex. Married Alexander "Alex" Barrett.
     Daughter of Niram & Betsy Manchester.
BARRETT, Lucy Mariah MCKY               1861 1928 12-09-1861 03-11-1928
     Married Niran Alanson "Lant" Barrett on December 26, 1880.
     Daughter of John & Sarah (Jackson) McKy.
BARRETT, Niran Alanson "Lant"           1858 1929 01-04-1858 02-23-1929
     Married Lucy Mariah McKy on December 26, 1880. 
     Married Flossie Lois Peters on December 28, 1928.
     Son of Alexander "Alex" & Jennett Ruby (Manchester) Barrett.
          Note: Marker engraved "Lant Barrett 1858-1929"
          [See Flossie Lois Peters-Barrett-LEWIS]
BATTERSON, Dorothy A. HANSON            1908 1987 03-09-1908 05-04-1987
     MS with Josh. Married Josh C. Batterson on June 1, 1929.
     Daughter of Hans & Anna (Stromberg) Hanson.
BATTERSON, Josh C.                      1900 1975 06-22-1900 02-16-1975
     MS with Dorothy. Married Dorothy A. Hanson on June 1, 1929.
     Son of Selie & Sara (Newland) Batterson.
BAUMANN, Juliaette NILES                1855 1887 12-25-1855 02-10-1887
     Married Franz Baumann on March 7, 1873. "Mother"
     Daughter of Philetus Norman & Juliatt (Armstrong) Niles.
BAXTER, Etta M.                         1887 1887 08-05-1887 08-26-1887
          LS with William & Susannah WARREN, Lucinda BAXTER, Truvinia HINKEL,
        Annie CHENOWETH and Samuel A. WARLEY.

     Note: Unsure of Etta BAXTER & Samuel WARLEY relationship to this family.

BAXTER, Lucinda                         1857 1877 02-25-1857 08-05-1877
     LS with her parents William & Susannah WARREN, her sister Truvinia
        HINKEL, her grandmother Annie CHENOWETH, Etta BAXTER and
        Samuel A. WARLEY.

     Married _____ Baxter.
     Daughter of William and Susannah (Lock) Warren.
     Note: Lucinda died before Etta Baxter's birth so is not Etta's mother.

     Note: Unsure of Etta BAXTER and Samuel WARLEY relationship to this family.
BEEBE, Frances Barbara TROXEL           1898 1918 05-09-1898 02-07-1918
     Married James Wilder Beebe.
     Daughter of Franklin William "Frank" & Cora (Burton) Troxel.
     Note: Added from death record.
BELL, Cecil Ray                         1942 2009 09-07-1942 11-01-2009 
     MS with Susan. Married Susan "Sue" Miller on November 28, 1970.
     Son of Francis Ray & Ellen I. (Moore) Bell.
     "Amazing Grace"
BELL, Christine M. "Chris"              1975 2021 10-01-1975 10-30-2021
     Daughter of Cecil Ray & Susan N. "Sue" (Miller) Bell.
BELL, Susan N. "Sue" MILLER             1949
     MS with Cecil. Married Cecil Ray Bell on November 28, 1970.
     Daughter of Delbert J. & Camilla Oneida (Anderson) Miller.
     Death date pending.
BENNETT, Norman Eugene                  1892 1894 06-14-1892 09-07-1894

           MS with his sister Theodora Virginia "Theo" Bennett.
     Son of Norman Wallace & Amelia Theresa (Wulfing) Bennett.

BENNETT, Theodora Virginia "Theo"       1886 1888 06-30-1886 02-20-1888 
           MS with her brother Norman E. Bennett.
     "Theo V.  Dau. of N.W. & A.T. Bennett  Died ~~ 2_, 1888  Age ~~ ~~"
      Daughter of
Norman Wallace & Amelia Theresa (Wulfing) Bennett.
      Note: Death date and age on marker are hard to read.
BERAN, Christina Eleanor VACIN-HROUDA   1861 1933 07-23-1861 03-02-1933
     Married Josef "Joseph" Hrouda [1859-1901]. "Mother"
     Married Wencil "Vaclav" Beran on July 11, 1914. Bur. Muscoda Cemt.
     Daughter of Joseph & Antonia (Trousil) Vacin.
     Note: Some show birth as 1860, Maiden as Watzin and name as Christine
     Elinora/Eleanore. The Hrouda children used Rhode spelling instead of Hrouda.
BERKLEY, Elizabeth A. WIRTZ             1958 1978 04-04-1958 05-18-1978

     Married William L. Jr. Berkley.
     Daughter of Fred Swisher & Bessie Fern (Mahara) Wirtz.
BLANCHARD, Woodrow W.                   1934 2003 12-29-1934 10-03-2003
     Senior Air Force Pilot - Korea VietNam    DFC AM+3 OLC's  BA MA
     "PFC US Marine Corps   CAPT US Air Force   Distingished Flying Cross"

      F=Korea  F-VietNam
BOAK, Beatrice A.                       1935 1937

     Daughter of Frank & Gertrude "Gertie" (Turnmire) Boak.
BOAK, Clifford W.                       1929 1929
     Son of Frank & Gertrude "Gertie" (Turnmire) Boak.
BOAK, Frank                             1896 1975 04-11-1896 01-21-1975
     Married Myrtle "Mertie" Turnmire on January 2, 1917.
     MS with Gertie. Married Gertude "Gertie" Turnmire on October 25, 1926.
     Son of William L. & Sarah Ann (Vance) Boak.
BOAK, Gertrude "Gertie" TURNMIRE        1896 1990 08-29-1896 07-24-1990
     MS with Frank. Married Frank Boak on October 25, 1926.
     Daughter of Samuel & Nancy Ann (Troxel-Hardy) Turnmire.
BOAK, Harold William                    1908 1976 10-19-1908 02-28-1976
     Married Rozella Irene Slane on June 27, 1932. 
     Son of Henry & Anna (Vance) Boak.
          [See Rozella Irene Slane-Boak-PENNEL]
BOAK, Norman G.                         1958 1992 08-10-1958 06-16-1992
     Son of Marie Annette Boak.
Marie Annette Boak-DRAVES]
BOGGS, (Baby)                           1939 1939 01-24-1939 01-24-1939
     Son of Edgar Pearly & Eva L. (Maly) Boggs.
     Note: Added from death record. Cemetery not listed!
BOGGS, Edgar Pearly                     1891 1976 08-23-1891 04-16-1976
     Private Bat. A 338th Field Artillery - World War I
Married Dorothy R. Crasper in 1929.
     MS with Eva. Married Eva L. Maly on December 21, 1934.
     Son of John & Barbara E. (Fry) Boggs.
     [See Barbara E. Fry-Boggs-PALMER in Dawson Cemetery]

BOGGS, Eva L. MALY                      1917 1997 08-07-1917 04-12-1997
     MS with Edgar. Married Edgar Pearly Boggs on December 21, 1934.
     Daughter of Glen Edward & Jessie Gertrude (Knaus) Maly.
BOMKAMP, Albert John                    1906 1969 09-30-1906 09-16-1969
     MS with Margaret. Married Margaret Emily Wilcox-Hafenbrack in 1946.
     Son of John Henry & Mary Angelina (Jansen) Bomkamp.
BOMKAMP, Margaret Emily WILCOX-HAFENBRACK 1918 1997 11-20-1918 05-18-1997
     Married Robert G. Hafenbrack on August 15, 1937.
     MS with Albert. Married Albert John Bomkamp in 1946.
     Daughter of George F. & Lottie Mae (Hayward) Wilcox.
BORTON, Lydia                           1858 1936
     Married Ule G. Borton.
BORTON, Ule G.                          1869 1954
BOYCE, Dorothy Mae HATCHER-CARLSON      1915 1992 03-02-1915 09-22-1992
     Married Kenneth Peter Carlson on February 15, 1935 in Milwaukee, WI.
     Married Harry Vincent Boyce on September 25, 1982 in Sauk Co., WI.
     Daughter of Allen G. Thurman & Alta Mae (Morris) Hatcher.
          "In Loving Memory"
BRENNUM, Mavis Irene BOAK-JACKSON       1940 1990 03-21-1940 01-04-1990

     Married Ralph Jackson.
     Married Gerald Brennum on February 24, 1968.
     Daughter of Harold William & Rosella Irene. (Slane) Boak.
[See Rozella Irene Slane-Boak-PENNEL]
BREWER, Bernard Alva                    1900 1963 08-14-1900 03-28-1963
     MS with Violet. Married Violet Bradley on July 3, 1927.
     Son of William Seth & Lillie B. (Conkle) Brewer.
BREWER, Ethan Dale                      1927 1995 05-05-1927 06-21-1995
     S2 US Navy - World War II
     Son of Bernard Alva & Violet (Bradley) Brewer.
BREWER, Eugene Kelly "Gene"             1926 1999 04-26-1926 04-15-1999
     U.S. Air Force - World War II
     Married Helen Elaine Denman on January 24, 1951.
     Married Ruby Parish.
     Son of Harry Joel & Bertha K. (Kelly) Brewer.
BREWER, Lillie Samantha BREWER-BAXTER   1852 1931 01-19-1852 12-21-1931
     LS with her parents
Ranssealaer and Phebe. "Their Dau."
     Married Benjamin Baxter on March 20, 1870.

     Daughter of Ranssealaer & Phebe H. (Housinger) Brewer.
     Note: Buried under her maiden name.
BREWER, Phebe H. HOUSINGER              1823 1914 12-20-1823 04-30-1914
     LS with her husband Ranssealaer & their daughter Lillie. "At Rest"
     Married Ranssealaer Brewer.

     Daughter of Michael & Anna (Deuel) Housinger.
BREWER, Ranssealaer                     1820 1897 11-05-1820 11-06-1897
     Private Co I 12th Wis Inf - Civil War
     LS with wife Phebe & dau. Lillie. "Co. I, 12th Reg. Wis. Vol. Inft."
Married Phebe H. Housinger.
     Son of Peter & Hannah (Sandborn) Brewer.
BREWER, Violet BRADLEY                  1907 1980 08-26-1907 11-05-1980
     MS with Violet. Married Bernard Alva Brewer on July 3, 1927.
     Daughter of George & Ida Alice (Stanley) Bradley.
BRIDGEMAN, Marilyn Ann STORMS           1942 1995 11-03-1942 09-22-1995
     MS with Richard. Married Richard J. Bridgeman on July 5, 1980.
     Daughter of Fay L. & Clara M. (Schneider) Storms.
BRIDGEMAN, Reginald J. "Reggie"         1906 1973 04-04-1906 02-24-1973
     Married Leola Glass-Hudson on October 20, 1934.
     Son of John & Julia Ann (Dunbar) Bridgeman.
Richard J.                   1949
     MS with Marilyn. Married Marilyn Ann Storms on July 5, 1980.
     Death date pending.
BRIGGS, Agnes Mary OLESON               1898 1948 03-10-1898 01-05-1948

     MS with Roy. Married Roy Briggs on November 3, 1913 in Iowa.
     Daughter of Adolph O. & Lillian May (White) Oleson.
BRIGGS, Beauford                        1887 1968 08-24-1887 11-30-1968
     Married Estella Mae "Stella" Logue on September 9, 1908.
     MS with Glayds. Married Gladys Hazel Maybee-Adams on January 28, 1931.
     Son of Willis T. & Mary Jane (Hardy) Briggs.
          Note: Estella Mae "Stella" Logue-Briggs-BRICKSON 1891-1978 in Muscoda Cemetery, WI.
BRIGGS, Burl Elroy                      1910 1985 02-28-1910 12-18-1985
     Married Ida Hughbanks on May 27, 1930.
     Son of Beauford & Estella Mae "Stella" (Logue) Briggs.
     [See Ida Hughbanks-BRIGGS in Sand Prairie Cemetery]
Note: Estella Mae "Stella" Logue-Briggs-BRICKSON 1891-1978 in Muscoda Cemetery, WI.
BRIGGS, Daniel E.                       1825 1905 09-11-1825 01-14-1905
     MS with Mary. Married Mary Jane Andrews on October 12, 1862. 
     Son of William & Kasiah (Richardson) Briggs.
           Aged 79Ys 4Ms 3Ds
BRIGGS, Donald "Don"                    1897 1974 01-15-1897 03-04-1974
     Married Beulah Leora Culver on January 2, 1918.
     Son of Willis T. & Mary Jane (Hardy) Briggs.
          Note: Beulah Leora Culver-BRIGGS 1898-1988 buried Madison, Wisconsin.
BRIGGS, Donna Lee                       1946 1947 07-19-1946 01-16-1947
     Daughter of Virgil Leroy & Nina Elizabeth (Krabbe) Briggs.
     Note: Granddaughter of Roy & Agnes Mary (Oleson) Briggs that are buried here.
     Note. Her parents Virgil & Nina are buried in Oakwood Cemt., Sharon, WI.

BRIGGS, Elizabeth Elaine "Betty" WEST   1925 2013 08-22-1925 12-01-2013 
     MS with Kenneth. Married Kenneth Willis "Ken" Briggs on May 27, 1943.
         Daughter of William Ira & Verda Elizabeth "Betty" (Adams) West.
BRIGGS, Gladys Hazel MAYBEE-ADAMS       1901 2003 12-20-1901 09-19-2003

     Married Ray Adams on May 7, 1921.
     MS with Beauford. Married Beauford Briggs on January 28, 1931.
     Daughter of John Nicholas & Ida Mae (Noggle) Maybee.
BRIGGS, Kasiah RICHARDSON               1793 1870 03-16-1793 06-27-1870
     Married William Briggs. Aged 77Ys 3Ms 11Ds
BRIGGS, Kenneth Willis "Ken"            1919 2005 01-01-1919 08-06-2005
     MS with Elizabeth. Married Elizabeth Elaine "Betty" West on May 27, 1943.
     Son of Donald & Beulah Leora (Culver) Briggs.
BRIGGS, Mary Jane BURRINGTON            1824 1912 09-15-1824 05-17-1912
     MS with William. Married William T. Briggs in 1844.
     Daughter of Jonathan "John" & Irene (Fairbanks) Burrington.
          "At Rest"
BRIGGS, Mary Jane ANDREWS               1842 1916 03-21-1842 06-02-1916

     MS with Daniel. Married Daniel E. Briggs on October 12, 1862. 
     Daughter of Robert & Rebecca (Starks) Andrews.
          Aged 74Ys 2Ms 12Ds
BRIGGS, Mary Jane HARDY                 1859 1921 04-19-1859 05-26-1921
     Married Willis T. Briggs on September 23, 1880. "Mother" 
     Daughter of Thomas & Sarah E. (Carson) Hardy.
BRIGGS, Roy                             1891 1955 12-25-1891 02-04-1955
     MS with Agnes. Married Agnes Mary Oleson on November 3, 1913 in Iowa.
     Son of Willis T. & Mary Jane (Hardy) Briggs.
BRIGGS, Vernal                          1892 1966 07-30-1892 06-26-1966
     Married Clara Ewers.
     Son of Willis T. & Mary Jane (Hardy) Briggs.
BRIGGS, William                         1790 1879 01-28-1790 09-16-1879
     Pvt in Capt. Jehiel Saxton's Vermont Militia Company - War of 1812
Married Kasiah Richardson. Aged 89Ys 7Ms 19Ds
     Son of Owen & Margery (Brown) Briggs.
BRIGGS, William T.                      1823 1901 04-24-1823 04-01-1901
     MS with Mary. Married Mary Jane Burrington in 1844.
     Son of William & Kasiah (Richardson) Briggs.
           "At Rest"
BRIGGS, Willis T.                       1860 1946 06-04-1860 11-11-1946

     Married Mary Jane Hardy on September 23, 1880. "Father" 
     Son of William T. & Mary Jane (Burrington) Briggs.
BROCK, (Baby)                           1933 1933 02-17-1933 02-17-1933
     Daughter of Paul John & Leslie Elizabeth (Robinson) Brock.
     Note: Added from death record. Shows Richland Center Cemetery!
BROCK, Agnes Ruth ROBINSON              1914 1981 01-09-1914 10-20-1981
          LS with her husband Paul and Pauls 1st wife Leslie.
     Married Paul John Brock on October 16, 1934.

     Daughter of Alfred Milton & Mary Elizabeth "Lizzie" (Rice) Robinson.
BROCK, Leslie Elizabeth ROBINSON        1897 1933 11-22-1897 02-20-1933
          LS with her husband Paul and Pauls 2nd wife Agnes.
     Married Paul John Brock on August 14, 1919.
     Daughter of James Elmer & Mary Catheine "Kate" (Conkle) Robinson.
BROCK, Paul John                        1895 1969 09-05-1895 06-17-1969
     Wisconsin PFC 241 Co MPC - World War I
     LS with his wifes Leslie and Agnes.
     Married Leslie Elizabeth Robinson on August 14, 1919.
     Married Agnes Ruth Robinson on October 16, 1934.
     Son of Frank Lodell & Almeda Elizabeth (Rush) Brock.
BROWN, Clifford Gilmore                 1906 1982 07-26-1906 04-21-1982
     MS with Joyce. Married Joyce Coreen Dieter-LeMoine.

          Son of Charles E. & Harriet Jean (Dougherty) Brown.
BROWN, Joyce Coreen DIETER-LEMOINE      1906 1970 09-07-1906 03-01-1970

     Married William Monroe LeMoine on January 16, 1926.
     MS with Clifford. Married Clifford Gilmore Brown.
     Daughter of Theodore & Cora Glennie (Hughbanks) Dieter.
BRUCKNER, Karla Ann                     1964 1965 08-16-1964 01-09-1965
     Daughter of Carl & Virginia (Shannon) Bruckner.
BURGUS, Anita Joy BURKE                1937 2006 11-11-1937 04-19-2006
     Married _____ Burgus.
     Daughter of Mathew B. & Madelene C. (Anderson) Burke.
BURKE, Clara Belle HARDY-GRIM          1932 2012 10-12-1932 06-30-2012
     Married Robert M. Burke on September 26, 1951.
     Married Fay Grim on April 20, 1996.
     Daughter of Oscar Verlin & Lora Odessa (Kite) Hardy.

BURKE, Lela Leora ANDERSON              1910 1968 03-24-1910 12-24-1968
     Married Rolland Francis Burke on May 21, 1925.
     Daughter of Alfred M. & Jennie Amanda (Fry) Anderson.
BURKE, Madelene C. ANDERSON             1912 1994 04-10-1912 09-02-1994
     Married Mathew B. Burke on October 11, 1930.
     Daughter of Arthur H. & Bernice H. (Henry) Anderson.
BURKE, Marjoria Rose                    1927 1928            01-20-1928
     Daughter of Rolland Francis & Lela Leora (Anderson) Burke. Aged 11 months.
     Note: Added from death record.
BURKE, Mary Alice NEEFE                 1934 1990 08-25-1934 05-13-1990
     Married Robert Rolland Burke on August 13, 1955.
     Daughter of Gerald Arthur & Olive Mildred (Bailey) Neefe.
BURKE, Mathew B.                        1906 1987 09-20-1906 12-01-1987
     Married Madelene C. Anderson on October 11, 1930.
     Son of Patrick & Elizabeth (Burton) Burke.
BURKE, Robert M.                        1932 1962            02-04-1962
     Married Clara Belle Hardy on September 26, 1951.
     Son of Mathew B. & Madelene C. (Anderson) Burke.
BURKE, Robert Rolland                   1928 1971 08-24-1928 10-03-1971
     Wisconsin PFC U.S. Army - World War II
     Married Emily-Ferguson-Dillon on November 25, 1946.
     Married Mary Alice Neefe on August 13, 1955.
     Son of Rolland Francis & Lela Leora (Anderson) Burke.
BURKE, Rolland Francis                  1907 1971 01-22-1907 09-08-1971
     Married Lela Leora Anderson on May 21, 1925.
     Married Mary Ellen Rice-Cavanaugh.
     Son of Michael Francis & Rose Josephine (Harris) Burke.
          Note: Mary Ellen Rice-Cavanaugh-BURKE buried in Richland Center Cemetery.
BURKHAMER, Barbara J. ANDERSON-BLOSE    1924 1990 11-20-1924 04-05-1990
     Married Mayland Blase/Bless/Blose.
     MS with Frank. Married Frank Iceland "Jake" Burkhamer on June 15, 1959 in Rockton, IL.
     Adopted daughter of Floyd & Nora (Vanderwalker) Anderson.
Note: Born Charlotte Corkhill. Biological parents were Charles Edward
           and Helen Elizbeth (Shumacher) Corkhill.
BURKHAMER, Frank Iceland                1874 1962 08-21-1874 02-27-1962

     Married Martha Frances Hardy on October 10, 1897.
     Son of William J. & Catherine Sadie (Schoonover) Burkheimer.
     Note: Surname spelling change!
BURKHAMER, Frank Iceland "Jake"         1919 2012 08-04-1919 09-30-2012
     Married Elsie LaVerna Minett on April 20, 1940.
     MS with Barbara. Married Barbara J. Anderson-Blase/Blose on June 15, 1959 in Rockton, IL.
     Son of Frank Iceland & Martha Frances (Hardy) Burkhamer.

     [See Elsie LaVerna Minett-Burkhamer-ANDERSON]

BURKHAMER, Freda Mae MILLER             1904 1977 12-18-1904 09-14-1977
     Married Leonard Lester Burkhamer on March 7, 1922.
     Daughter of Neil Jesse & Ella Bertha (Jones-Jewett) Miller.
BURKHAMER, Hardin Marion                1907 1953 02-24-1907 01-29-1953
     Son of Frank Iceland & Martha Frances (Hardy) Burkhamer.
BURKHAMER, Kenneth Duane                1936 2005 08-05-1936 05-24-2005
     MS with Patricia. Married Patricia Mae Shannon on February 18, 1956.
     "At The Going Down Of The Sun, And In The Morning We Will Remember Them"
BURKHAMER, LaVerne L. "Buster"          1931 2018 10-13-1931 01-04-2018
     US Army - Korea
     Married Lucille Williams on June 7, 1952 in Colorado.
     Son of Leonard Lester & Freda Mae (Miller) Burhamer.
BURKHAMER, Leonard Lester               1900 1968 07-27-1900 06-13-1968

     Married Freda Mae Miller on March 7, 1922.
     Son of Frank Iceland & Martha Frances (Hardy) Burkhamer.
     Married LaVerne L. "Buster" Burkhamer on June 7, 1952 in Colorado.
     Owner - all dates pending.
BURKHAMER, Martha Frances HARDY         1879 1967 09-15-1879 04-03-1967

     Married Frank Iceland Burkhamer on October 10, 1897.
     Daughter of Hardin Marion & Irena Diantha (Cornwall) Hardy.
BURKHAMER, Patricia Mae SHANNON         1933      12-12-1933
     MS with Kenneth. Married
Kenneth Duane Burkhamer on February 18, 1956.
     Daughter of Milford LeRoy "Roy" & Dorothy (Farley) Shannon.

     "At The Going Down Of The Sun, And In The Morning We Will Remember Them"
     Death date
BURKHAMER, Willard L. "Bill"            1933 2020 09-03-1933 06-09-2020
     Son of Leonard Lester & Freda Mae (Miller) Burhamer.
     Married Ronald LeRoy "Ron" on November 18, 1960 in Richland Center, WI.
     Daughter of Ernest B. & Cleo E. (Banker) Jones.
     Owner - All dates pending.
BURNS, Ronald LeRoy "Ron"               1943 2022 09-10-1943 09-01-2022
     Married Mardis Jones on November 18, 1960 in Richland Center, WI.
     Son of  Cleon M. & Marie Gertrude (Stearns) Burns.
BURRINGTON, Delia                      1861 1881

          MS with her mother Rosetta. "Daughter"
     Daughter of Calvin H. & Rosetta M. (Johnson) Burrington.

BURRINGTON, Esther Rose                 1925 1930 05-17-1925 09-06-1930
     Daughter of Delbert C. & Alma Freda (Hardy) Burrington.
BURRINGTON, Rosetta M. JOHNSON          1844 1926 09-20-1844 03-16-1926
          MS with her daughter Delia.
     Married Calvin H. Burrington.

     Daughter of Charles B. & Cynthia E. (Perrington) Johnson.
BURRIS, Hazelwood Asbury                1839 1887 10-03-1839 02-04-1887
     Corporal Co H & Co M 3rd Wis Cavalry - Civil War. Aged 47Ys 4Ms 1Ds
     Married Laura H. Dunston.
     Son of John H. & Sarah Ann (Eastman) Burris.

          Note: Laura H. Dunston-BURRIS 1849-1918 burial place unknown.
BURRIS, John Henry                      1874 1931 08-22-1874 12-26-1931
     Son of Hazelwood Asbury & Laura H. (Dunston) Burris.
     Note: Added from obituary and Burial Permit. No marker found!
           Killed on a farm near Steuben, WI by an enraged bull.

BURTON, Beverly Leona                   1929 1972 04-10-1929 06-17-1972

     Daughter of Clarence Ulysses & Leona Elsie (Powers) Burton.
BURTON, Clarence Delos                  1927 2005 03-13-1927 10-24-2005
     US Army - World War II
     MS with Shirley. Married Shirley A. Butterfield on July 11, 1947.
     Son of Clarence Ulysses & Leona Elsie (Powers) Burton.
BURTON, Clifford                        1899 1981 03-12-1899 02-22-1981
     MS with Grace. Married Grace Anderson on September 10, 1925.
     Son of Ulysses S. Grant & Lydia Forrest (Miller-Fazel) Burton.
BURTON, Donald LaVern                   1931 2016 04-23-1931 09-08-2016
     Son of Clarence Ulysses & Leona Elsie (Powers) Burton.
BURTON, Grace ANDERSON                  1902 2001 07-18-1902 02-17-2001

     MS with Clifford. Married Clifford Burton on September 10, 1925.
     Daughter of Samuel D. & Annetta "Netta" (Haugen) Anderson.
BURTON, Lydia Forrest MILLER-FAZEL      1858 1936 09-17-1858 07-29-1936
     Married Peter Fazel on May 2, 1875. "Mother"
     Married Ulysses S. Grant Burton on November 9, 1898.
     Daughter of George & Julianne (Weider) Miller.
BURTON, Nora SLANE-OSTRANDER            1876 1966 02-22-1876 05-21-1966
     Married Henry Ostrander in August of 1919.
     Married Ulysses S. Grant Burton on October 9, 1937.
     Daughter of James & Mary (Dilley) Slane.
BURTON, Shirley A. BUTTERFIELD          1930 2009 01-11-1930 08-11-2009
     MS with Clarence. Married Clarence Delos Burton on July 11, 1947.
     Daughter of Edward & Florence Madeline (Jones) Butterfield.
BURTON, Stephen Paul                    1949 1996 08-27-1949 11-26-1996
     Married Joyce Wagner on October 21, 1969.
     Son of Clarence Delos & Shirley A. (Butterfield) Burton.
     "In Loving Memory"

BURTON, Ulysses S. Grant                1869 1954 10-28-1869 01-01-1954
     Married Lydia Forrest Miller-Fazel on November 9, 1898. "Father"
     Married Nora Slane-Ostrander on October 9, 1937.
     Son of James Riley & Sarah Elizabeth (Garner) Burton.
Sarah Elizabeth Garner-Burton-HULBERT in Greenwood Cemetery]
          Note: Marker engraved "Ule. Grant Burton". Death record shows his
           full name as Ulysses S. Grant Burton.

CALDWELL, Francis Henry                 1903 1969 10-03-1903 11-18-1969

     Wisconsin Pvt 414 Inf - World War II
     Married Bessie Leona Winchell on October 20, 1925.
     Married Mattie Stockmen.

     Son of Lewis Elwood & Lula Estella (Henry) Caldwell.
CARLEY, Julia PECK                      1813 1901            11-26-1901
     Married Gilbert Carley on June 11, 1846 in Grant Co., WI.
     Note: Added from death record.
CARLIN, Debra L. "Debbie"               1961       01-30-1961
     Daughter of Roger K. & Linda Karen (Gilbertson) Carlin.
     Linda Karen Gilbertson-Carlin-WAGNER 1941-1992 buried Livingston,WI.
Death date pending.
CARLIN, Gladys May HARDY                1916 2007 05-25-1916 06-02-2007
     MS with Joseph. Married Joseph Robert Carlin on October 21, 1937.
     Daughter of Oscar Verlin & Lora Odessa (Kite) Hardy.
     Parents of Roger Carlin and Maxine Carlin Shields.
CARLIN, Joseph Robert                    1913 1977 12-24-1913 06-08-1977
     MS with Gladys. Married Gladys May Hardy on October 21, 1937.
     Son of John & Nellie (Egelston) Carlin.
     Parents of Roger Carlin and Maxine Carlin Shields.
CARLSON, Alfred Beauford                 1895 1974 12-10-1895 06-24-1974
          LS with his wife Loretta and his brother Victor.
     Married Loretta Poole on October 1, 1924.

     Son of John & Matilda J. (Moreen) Carlson.
CARLSON, Alvin T.                       1886 1986 05-28-1886 05-12-1986
     Married Merle Claire Shannon on October 16, 1919.
     Son of John & Matilda J. (Moreen) Carlson.
CARLSON, Loretta POOLE                  1904 1997 12-22-1904 10-18-1997
          LS with her husband Alfred and Alfred's brother Victor.
     Married Alfred
Beauford Carlson on October 1, 1924.
     Daughter of George Washington & Minnie Francis (Shore) Poole.
CARLSON, Merle Claire                   1899 1995 11-07-1899 07-04-1995
     Married Alvin T. Carlson on October 16, 1919.
     Daughter of William Alexander & Alice G. (Markley) Shannon.
CARLSON, Victor C.                      1892 1969 04-09-1892 09-07-1969
           LS with his brother Alfred and Alfred's wife Loretta.
     Son of John & Matilda J. (Moreen) Carlson.

CARR, Gusta Garvin Sr.                  1910 1978            02-12-1978
     Aged 67 years.
Note: Added from Burial Permit. Died in Shorewood Hills, WI.
CARTER, Bessie Mae SHARP                1932 1986 05-11-1932 12-31-1986
    MS with Clifford. Married Clifford Carter on February 4, 1953.
    Daughter of James Herbert "Herb" & Verda Ida (Faith-Adsit) Sharp.
CARTER, Catherine Jane VINE             1849 1918 05-14-1849 07-24-1918
     LS with her husband Thomas and their children Oliver & Dora.
     Married Thomas C. Carter on January 16, 1868 in Grant Co., WI.

     Daughter of Henry & Elizabeth Vine.
CARTER, Clifford                        1925 1996 09-06-1925 08-28-1996
     Veteran - World War II
Married Ethel Arlene Thingvold on November 1, 1947.
     MS with Bessie. Married Bessie Mae Sharp on February 4, 1953.
     Married Iva Elnora Nevel-Craig on September 19, 1988 in Racine County, WI.
     Son of Irvin Thomas & Lena (Koch) Carter.

     [See Ethel Arlene Thingvold-Carter-KLOUSIE at Richland Center Cemetery] 

          Note: Iva Elnora Nevel-Carter-CRAIG 1924-2011 buried Union Grove, Racine Co., WI.
CARTER, Dora B.                         1875 1875 02-23-1875 09-17-1875
     LS with her parents Thomas & Catherine and her brother Oliver. Aged 6Ms 25Ds
     Daughter of Thomas C. & Catherine Jane (Vine) Carter.
CARTER, Earl                            1922 1976 04-11-1922 08-02-1976
     Cpl US Army - World War II     F=VFW
Married Margie Elizabeth Haskins on January 15, 1946.
     Son of Irvin Thomas & Lena (Koch) Carter.
CARTER, Irvin Thomas                    1879 1956 10-08-1879 03-10-1956
     MS with Lena. Married Lena Koch on March 5, 1913.
     Son of Thomas & Catherine Jane (Vine) Carter.
CARTER, Jeffrey William                 1998 1998 05-19-1998 05-19-1998
     "Infant Son of Terry & Jackie"    
     Son of Terry & Jackie Carter.
     Grandson of William E. "Bill" & Norma Jean (Crary) Carter.
CARTER, Keven G.                       1948 1980 08-24-1948 06-10-1980
     Married Pauline Sprague on June 7, 1980.
     Son of Earl & Margie Elizabeth (Haskins) Carter.
          "In Loving Memory"
CARTER, Lena KOCH                       1893 1974 03-08-1893 02-23-1974

     MS with Irvin. Married Irvin Thomas Carter on March 5, 1913.
     Daughter of John & Amollia "Molly" (Groh) Koch.
CARTER, Margie Elizabeth HASKINS        1922 2008 01-27-1922 03-28-2008 
Married Earl Carter on January 15, 1946.
     Daughter of Willie Albert & Sarah "Theo" (Purscell) Haskins.
CARTER, Norma Jean CRARY                1947      01-27-1947             
     MS with Norma. Married William E. "Bill" on December 18, 1965.
     Death date pending.
CARTER, Oliver T.                       1873 1874 03-02-1873 09-16-1874
     LS with his parents Thomas & Catherine  and his sister Dora. Aged 1Ys 6Ms 14Ds
     Son of Thomas C. & Catherine Jane (Vine) Carter. 
          Note: Also on an old marker as Olmer T. Carter with same aged BUT with
           a 16-Sept-1875 death date, a year later then on the Bronze marker.
CARTER, Sheryl Lynn                     1956 1957 08-01-1956 01-15-1957

     Daughter of Clifford & Bessie Mae (Sharp) Carter.
CARTER, Thomas C.                       1845 1885 01-01-1845 12-08-1885
     Corporal Co E 35th Wis Inf - Civil War    F=Civil War
     Private Co I 10th Inf - Civil War

     LS with his wife Catherine and their children Oliver & Dora.
Married Catherine Jane Vine on January 16, 1868 in Grant Co., WI.
CARTER, William E. "Bill"                1947 2009 01-31-1947 05-03-2009
     MS with Norma. Married Norma Jean Crary on December 18, 1965.
     Son of Earl & Margie Elizabeth (Haskins) Carter.
CHENOWETH, Annie WILEY-WARREN            1802 1877            08-26-1877
          LS with her son William and his wife Susannah WARREN, granddaughters
        Lucinda BAXTER & Truvinia HINKEL, Etta BAXTER and Samuel A. WARLEY.

        Age 75 years.
     Married Harrison Greenbury Warren [1804-   ] on February 8, 1820 in Ohio.
     Married Arthur Chenoweth [1781-1959] on October 20, 1837 in Indiana.   
     Daughter of Robert & Hannah (Holladay) Wiley.
     Note: Unsure of Etta BAXTER and Samuel WARLEY relationship to this family.
CHITWOOD, Alexander C. "Alex"            1863 1946 11-23-1863 01-15-1946
     Married Mary Letitia Crye on August 14, 1887. Aged 82 years.
     Son of John Castle & Naomi C. (Dobbs) Chitwood. 
Note: Added from obituary. Died in Eagle Township, Richland Co, WI.
CHITWOOD, Allen Lynn                         1940            07-12-1940
Note: Added from Burial Permit.
CHITWOOD, Ann M. SCOTT                  1949      10-08-1949
     MS with Ronald. Married Ronald J. "Ronnie" Chitwood on August 10. 1968.
     Daughter of Leo A. & Ruth M. (Wellner) Scott.
     Death date pending
CHITWOOD, Curtis F.                     1903 1979 07-20-1903 02-04-1979
     MS with Esther. Married Esther Gertrude Finstad.
     Son of Herman George & Myrtle R. (Dobbs) Chitwood.
CHITWOOD, Dorothy Zalella MILLER        1914 1986 01-27-1914 09-13-1986
     MS with Leland. Married Leland Paul Chitwood on August 25, 1934.
     Daughter of Harry A. & Florence (Casey) Miller.
CHITWOOD, Esther Gertrude FINSTAD       1904 1982 03-28-1904 08-27-1982
     MS with Curtis. Married Curtis F. Chitwood.
     Daughter of Lawrence A. & Anna C. (Larson) Finstad.
CHITWOOD, Herman George                 1879 1954 04-22-1879 07-08-1954

     MS with Myrtle. Married Myrtle R. Dobbs on April 13, 1901.
     Son of Andrew J. & Annie A. (Hoffman) Chitwood.
CHITWOOD, Leland Paul                   1913 1972 01-31-1913 03-19-1972
     MS with Dorothy. Married Dorothy Zalella Miller on August 25, 1934.
     Son of Herman George & Myrtle R. (Dobbs) Chitwood.
CHITWOOD, Mary Ann                      1937 1937 06-13-1937 07-13-1937
     Daughter of Leland Paul & Dorothy Zalella (Miller) Chitwood.
     Note: Added from death record.
CHITWOOD, Mary Letitia CRYE             1865 1935 06-23-1865 11-22-1935
     Married Alexander C. "Alex" Chitwood on August 14, 1887.
     Daughter of Joseph Washington & Amanda (Mickols) Crye.
     Note: Middle name vary: Latisha/Letitia/Luticia

     Note: Added from death record and obituary.
CHITWOOD, Myrtle R. DOBBS               1883 1963 07-16-1883 05-14-1963
     MS with Herman. Married Herman George Chitwood on April 13, 1901.
     Daughter of Alexender & Mercy Emeline (Sprague) Dobbs.
CHITWOOD, Ronald J. "Ronnie"            1946 2015 10-22-1946 09-15-2015
     MS with Ann. Married Ann M. Scott on August 10, 1968.
     Son of Marion Fay "Jim" & Molly M. (Hardy) Chitwood.
CHITWOOD, Theron Eugene                 1943 1949 04-14-1943 02-07-1949

          Son of Charles & Marcella Mary (Storms) Chitwood.
     "An Angel On Earth" "An Angel In Heaven"
Marcella Mary Storms-Chitwood-Reynolds-WIEDENBECK]
COAT, Samuel W.                         1859 1882 05-19-1859 06-17-1882

     Married Mahala Rebecca Miller on September 8, 1881. Aged 23Ys 29Ds
     Son of Levi & Lucy Coat.
     Note: Mahala married Henry Feltman after his death.

COLLINS, Cassius M.                     1848 1925 10-29-1848 09-02-1925
     Private Co A 37th Wis Inf - Civil War   F=Civil War
     Married Sarah E. Roth on December 31, 1871.
     Married Julia Etta McKy-Ewers on January 12, 1921.
     Son of John & Rosanna (Jordon) Collins.
          [See Julia McKy-Collins-EWERS]
COLLINS, Cordelia "Delia" OENS          1866 1949 10-02-1866 03-16-1949
     Married Jessup Ellis Collins on October 6, 1887.
     Daughter of Edwin White & Catherine "Kate"(Shanklin) Oens.
         Note: Her parents are buried Yolo Cemetery, Chili, Clark Co., WI.
COLLINS, Francis E.                     1870 1873 05-27-1870 11-28-1873
     Son of George V. & Julia A. (Peck) Collins. Aged 3Ys 6Ms 1Ds
COLLINS, George V.                      1851 1876 01-11-1851 05-03-1876
     Married Julia A. Peck on May 2, 1869.
     Son of John & Rosanna (Jordon) Collins.
     Note: HERE THEY SLEEP listed as Co I 21st Wis Inf - that person was
           George W., drafted and a res. of Kickapoo and this George Collins
           was too young for the draft - removed his veteran status.

COLLINS, Jessup Ellis                   1856 1936 04-06-1856 10-18-1936
     Married Cordelia "Delia" Oens on October 6, 1887. 
     Son of George W. & Mahala (Crease) Collins.
COLLINS, Julia A. PECK-ALLAMANG         1852 1893 04-11-1852 06-19-1893
     Married George V. Collins on May 2, 1869.
     Married Washington W. Allamang on September 9, 1879.
     Daughter of David & Lucinda Peck.
COLLINS, Rosanna JORDON                 1813 1898 03-15-1813 08-14-1898
     Married John Collins in 1826. [He died 1862 in Pennsylvania]
     Daughter of James & Mercy (Emery) Jordon.
     Note: John Collins [1808-1862] Missouri 11th L.A. Civil War.
     Buried August 7, 1862 in Spring Grove Cemetery, Cincinnati, Ohio.

COLLINS, Sarah E. ROTH                  1848 1919 05-10-1848 04-27-1919
     Married Cassius M. Collins on December 31, 1871.
     Daughter of George F. & Barbara (Leffler) Roth.
COLLINS, Scott M.                       1969 1973 08-30-1969 12-16-1973
     Son of Thomas M. & Stephanie (Elliott) Collins.
CONKLE, Ella H. CORNWALL                1867 1951 07-19-1867 02-28-1951
     Married Walter Jerome Conkle on November 13, 1887.
     Daughter of Horatio & Lydia Sophronia (Johnson) Cornwall.
CONKLE, John J.                         1901 1911 12-12-1901 08-30-1911
     Son of Walter Jerome & Ella H. (Cornwall) Conkle.
CONKLE, John Johnson                    1840 1911 10-31-1840 09-11-1911
     Private Co D 11th Wis Inf - Civil War
          MS with Mary. Married Mary Jane McKy in 1859.
     Son of Joseph & Elizabeth Ann (Johnson) Conkle.
CONKLE, Mary Alverda "Verda"            1896 1908 08-06-1896 07-02-1908
          MS with her father Walter. "At Rest"
     Daughter of Walter Jerome & Ella H. (Cornwall) Conkle.
          Small Marker="M. Alverda"
CONKLE, Mary Jane MCKY                  1843 1920 02-21-1843 12-21-1920

     MS with John. Married John Johnson Conkle in 1859.  "His wife"
     Daughter of John & Sarah (Jackson) McKy.
CONKLE, Michael                         1844 1909            12-25-1909
     Married Srepta Shively. Age 65 years.
     Son of Michael & Mary Ann (McCaskey) Conkle.
     Note: Added from death record.
CONKLE, Myrte                           1870 1892 07-05-1870 05-16-1892
     Daughter of Michael & Srepta (Shively) Conkle.
     Note: Added from death record.
CONKLE, Srepta SHIVELY                  1845 1914 09-16-1845 05-02-1914
     Married Michael Conkle.
     Daughter of Joseph & Elizabeth (Chamberlain) Shively.
     Note: Added from death record.
CONKLE, Walter Jerome                   1860 1935 12-10-1860 03-20-1935
          MS with his daughter Mary Alverda Conkle. "At Rest"
     Married Ella H. Cornwall on November 13, 1887.
     Son of John Johnson & Mary Jane (McKy) Conkle.
CONNOR, Jason John                      1977 2014 08-02-1977 05-17-2014
     Married Cindy Ramsden on September 15, 2001 in Boscobel, WI.
     Son of David F. & Arleen R. (Duhr) Connor.
COOK, Arthur C.                         1885 1890 07-12-1885 12-14-1890

     Son of J. Thomas & Nancy (Conkle) Cook.
COOK, Eli                               1889 1910 05-10-1889 09-28-1910
     Son of J. Thomas & Nancy (Conkle) Cook.
COOK, J. Thomas                         1854 1937 05-28-1854 01-27-1937
     Married Nancy Conkle on February 28, 1880.
     Son of Arthur & Elizabeth Ann (Thomas) Cook.
COOK, Lena L.                           1881 1890 03-03-1881 12-09-1890
     Daughter of J. Thomas & Nancy (Conkle) Cook.
COOK, Martha E.                         1891 1954 05-03-1891 07-03-1954
     Daughter of J. Thomas & Nancy (Conkle) Cook.
COOK, Nancy CONKLE                      1852 1932 11-18-1852 03-18-1932
     Married J. Thomas Cook on February 28, 1880.
     Daughter of Michael & Mary Ann (McCaskey) Conkle.
COOPER, Ada M. OLESON                   1900 1969 05-22-1900 01-17-1969
     MS with Levon. Married Levon Cooper on February 24, 1921.
     Daughter of Adolph O. & Lillian May (White) Oleson.
COOPER, Clara JONES                     1868 1957 01-12-1957
     Married Thomas W. Cooper on August 21, 1890, Aged 90 years.
     Daughter of James W. & Julian A. (Kinder) Jones.
Note: Added from Burial Permit. Died in Boscobel, WI.
COOPER, Edna F. ADAMS                   1887 1966 07-18-1887 10-16-1966
     Married William Ray Cooper on January 1, 1911.
     Daughter of Allen Tarlton & Ida Viola (Peters) Adams.
COOPER, Florence Esther SPARLING        1892 1980 08-01-1892 07-21-1980
     Married George W. Cooper  on April 3, 1910.
     Daughter of Ira & Anona E. (Dobbs) Sparling.
COOPER, George W.                       1861 1943 09-24-1861 08-11-1943
     Married Eliza A. "Liza" Purcell on September 28, 1879.
     Married Florence Esther Sparling on April 3, 1910.
     Son of Richard & Elizabeth (Lawton) Cooper.
COOPER, Kenneth Orwin                   1913 1991 02-26-1913 03-23-1991
     US Army - World War II
Married Lucille Irene "Toots" Christianson-Williams on February 19, 1955.
     Son of Walter & Emma W. (Dieter) Cooper.
    [See Emma W. Dieter-Cooper-LEWIS]

COOPER, Levon                           1898 1973 11-03-1898 12-29-1973
     MS with Ada. Married Ada M. Oleson on February 24, 1921.
     Son of Thomas W. & Clara (Jones) Cooper.
COOPER, Lucille Irene "Toots" CHRISTIANSON-WILLIAMS 1922 2015 11-15-1922 09-25-2015
     Married Vernon Edwin Williams in 1940.
     Married Kenneth Orwin Cooper on February 19, 1955.
     Daughter of Carl G. & Bella (Ramsett) Christianson.
Vernon Edwin Williams 1923-2009 buried in WisconsRapids,WI
COOPER, Malinda Jane WRIGHT-AUSTIN      1848 1893 04-12-1848 12-01-1893
     Married James W. Austin on March 22, 1866. Aged 45Ys 7Ms 19Ds
     Married George W. Cooper on January 23, 1873.
     Daughter of Isaac J. & Rhoda (Toney) Wright.
COOPER, Thomas W.                       1862 1914 08-18-1862 03-22-1914
     Married Clara Jones on August 21, 1890. Aged 51Ys 7Ms 4Ds
     Son of William H. & Amy (Elliott) Cooper.
COOPER, Wencil W.                       1911 1988 08-03-1911 04-21-1988
     Son of Walter & Emma (Dieter) Cooper.
COOPER, William Ray                    1888 1956 05-23-1888 03-15-1956
     Married Edna F. Adams on January 1, 1911.
     Son of William Andrew & Lucy Cooper.
COPENHEFER, Harold                      1935 1966 04-11-1935 05-03-1966
          Son of Virgil Ora & Dora B. Copenhefer.
CORE, Ellen MILLER                      1839 1896 03-18-1839 08-15-1896

     MS with John. Married John M. Core. Aged 57Ys 4Ms 28Ds
CORE, John M.                           1835 1903 06-30-1835 10-22-1903 
     Private Co I Wis 12th Inf & Co B 25th Wis Inf - Civil War
     MS with Ellen. Married Ellen Miller.
     Son of William & Charity (Fox) Core.
CORNWALL, (Baby)                        1883 1883 03-08-1883 03-09-1883
     Daughter of Horace J. & Virginia "Catharine" (Underhill) Cornwall.
     Note: Added from death record.
CORNWALL, (Baby)                        1889 1889 06-15-1889 08-31-1889
     Daughter of Horace J. & Virginia "Catharine" (Underhill) Cornwall.
     Note: Added from death record.
CORNWALL, Addie F.                      1879            09-21-1879
     "Dau. of H. & S. Cornwall  Died Sept. 21, 1879 Aged ~Ys ~Ms ~Ds"
     LS with her parents Horatio & Sophronia and her brother Enos.
     Daughter of Horatio & Lydia Sophronia (Johnson) Cornwall.
      Note: Marker is very hard to read – given name (appeared to Addie or
            Annie but the n’s were wrong style used on marker to be n’s
            so used Addie) & middle inital best guess.
CORNWALL, Albert                        1852 1932 11-28-1852 06-22-1932

     MS with Inez. Married Inez Cornwall on September 22, 1877.
     Son of Horace Sr. & Diantha (Burrington) Cornwall.
CORNWALL, Arthur B.                     1879 1887 09-22-1879 10-28-1887
     Son of David William & Mary Josephine (Cornwall) Cornwall.
     Aged 8Ys 1Ms 23Ds
CORNWALL, Virginia "Catharine" UNDERHILL-BERRY 1850 1932 07-13-1850 03-31-1932
     MS with Horace. Married Horace J. Cornwall on August 2, 1868.
Married Andrew Houseman  Berry in September of 1918.
     Daughter of William & Catherine "Sally" (Mahan) Underhill.

CORNWALL, Charles B.                    1863 1933 11-15-1863 10-06-1933
     Married Elizabeth Jane "Eliza" Evans in 1887.
     Married Leo Elsie Eaton on June 25, 1899. 
     Son of Horatio & Lydia Sophronia (Johnson) Cornwall.
     Note: Added Burial Permit and obituary. Died in Barron Co., WI
CORNWALL, David William                 1848 1923            11-05-1923

     Married Mary Josephine Cornwall on September 22, 1877.
     Son of Mason Alson & Barbara (Wise) Cornwall.
          [See Barbara Wise-Cornwall-BARNES in Indian Creek Cemetery]
CORNWALL, Diantha BURRINGTON            1818 1895 04-21-1818 01-08-1895
     MS with Horace. Married Horace Sr. Cornwall in 1836 in New York. Aged 76Ys 8Ms 18Ds
     Daughter of Jonathan "John" & Irene (Fairbanks) Burrington.
CORNWALL, Elizabeth Jane "Eliza" EVANS   1869 1889 11-06-1869 10-14-1889
     Married Charles B. Cornwall in 1887. Aged 19Ys 10Ms 10Ds
     Daughter of David Denman & Sarah Curtner (Shannon) Evans.
CORNWALL, Elizabeth Zerelda HOWARD      1891 1959 06-30-1891 04-03-1959
     MS with Leon. Married Leon A. Cornwall on March 10, 1912.
     Daughter of Samuel Peter & Elizabeth Ann (Mark) Howard.
CORNWALL, Enos                          1865 1866 12-07-1865 08-10-1866

     "Son of H. & Sophronia Cornwell  Aged 10Ms 3Ds"
LS with his parents Horatio & Sophronia and his sister Addie.
Son of Horatio & Lydia Sophronia (Johnson) Cornwall.
     Note: His surname is engraved Cornwall on the large marker with his
           parents, but his small marker surname is engraved Cornwell.

CORNWALL, Evelyn A. MEADE               1919 
     MS with Howard. Married Howard L. Cornwall on April 6, 1940.
     Note: MARKER ONLY - See Evelyn A.A. Meade-Cornwall-GLASS at the
           Greenwood Cemetery for her complete record.
CORNWALL, Frances                      1873 1875 11-13-1873 10-13-1875
     Daughter of Horace J. &
Virginia "Catharine" (Underhill) Cornwall.
     "Francis  Dau. of Horace & Catherine CORNWELL
           Died Oct. 13, 1875 aged 1 Yr 11Ms"
     Note: Death record listed as 28-Nov-1874 19-Oct-1875 and name as
           Frances Cornwall. Parents markers engraved CORNWALL.
     Note: Birth date is calculated based on death date and aged, due to
           Days not being listed, birth date most likely not accurate!
CORNWALL, Horace Sr.                    1813 1883 04-21-1813 12-06-1883
     MS with Diantha. Married Diantha Burrington in 1836 in New York. Aged 70Ys 7Ms 15Ds
     "At Rest" 

CORNWALL, Horace J.                     1848 1915 06-26-1848 05-26-1915
     MS with Catharine. Married Virginia "Catharine" Underhill on August 2, 1868. 
     Son of Horace Sr. & Diantha (Burrington) Cornwall.
CORNWALL, Horatio                       1838 1891 03-06-1838 10-27-1891
     Private Co H 44th Wis Inf - Civil War   Aged 53Ys 7Ms 21Ds
          LS with his wife Sophronia and their children Enos and Addie.
     Married Lydia Sophronia Johnson on January 18, 1863 in Dane Co., WI.
     Son of Horace Sr. & Diantha (Burrington) Cornwall.
CORNWALL, Howard L.                     1913 1969 12-19-1913 09-01-1969
     MS with Evelyn. Married Evelyn A. Meade on April 6, 1940.
     Son of Leon A. & Elizabeth Zerelda (Howard) Cornwall.
Evelyn A.A. Meade-Cornwall-GLASS at Greenwood Cemetery]
CORNWALL, Inez CORNWALL                 1856 1912 11-29-1856 08-10-1912
     MS with Albert. Married Albert Cornwall on September 22, 1877.
     Daughter of Mason Alson & Barbara (Wise) Cornwall.
          [See Barbara Wise-Cornwall-BARNES in Indian Creek Cemetery]
CORNWALL, John B.                       1860 1935 12-05-1860 08-15-1935
     Married Nancy Ann Hughbanks on June 5, 1892.
     Son of Horace Sr. & Diantha (Burrington) Cornwall.
     [See Nancy Ann Hughbanks-CORNWALL in Sand Prairie Cemetery]
     Note: Added from Burial Permit and obituary. No marker found!
CORNWALL, Laura Kathryn MORGAN          1880 1940 09-06-1880 10-24-1940

     Married Orta Cornwall on March 6, 1901.
     Daughter of Alexander "Alex" & Melissa (Hillberry) Morgan.
CORNWALL, Leon A.                       1886 1967 03-02-1886 09-18-1967
     MS with Elizabeth. Married Elizabeth Zerelda Howard on March 10, 1912.
     Son of Horace & Catherine (Mahan) Cornwall.
CORNWALL, Lydia Sophronia JOHNSON       1847 1935 09-05-1847 02-11-1935

          "Sophronia   His Wife   1847-1935"
     LS with her husband Horatio and their children Enos and Addie.
     Married Horatio Cornwall on January 18, 1863 in Dane Co., WI.
     Daughter of Charles B. & Cynthia E. (Perrington) Johnson.
CORNWALL, M.H.                          1877 1878 12-02-1877 01-02-1878
     Son of Horace J. & Virginia "Catharine" (Underhill) Cornwall.
     Note: Added from death record.
CORNWALL, Mary Josephine CORNWALL       1855 1936 03-01-1855 03-25-1936
     Married David William Cornwall on September 22, 1877.
     Daughter of Horace Sr. & Diantha (Burrington) Cornwall.
CORNWALL, Orma Velma                    1916 1921 02-23-1916 07-03-1921
     Daughter of Orta & Laura Kathryn (Morgan) Cornwall. 
CORNWALL, Orta                          1881 1958 11-17-1881 06-10-1958
     Married Laura Kathryn Morgan on March 6, 1901.
     Son of Horace & Catherine (Morgan) Cornwall.
CORNWALL, Twin1                         1909 1909 07-14-1909 07-14-1909
     Son of Orta & Laura Kathryn (Morgan) Cornwall.
     Note: Added from death record.
CORNWALL, Twin2                         1909 1909 07-14-1909 07-14-1909
     Daughter of Orta & Laura Kathryn (Morgan) Cornwall.
     Note: Added from death record.
CORNWALL, Vera Mae                      1918 1958 05-05-1918 03-15-1958
     Daughter of Orta & Laura Kathryn (Morgan) Cornwall.
CORNWALL, William C. "Willie"           1869 1870 04-23-1869 07-26-1870
     Son of Horace J. & Virginia "Catharine" (Underhill) Cornwall.
CORPORA, Santo "Sam"                    1913 1985 01-31-1913 10-18-1985
     Merchant Marines - World War II
MS with Thelma. Married Thelma Lucille Strine-Dobbs on September 2, 1948.
     Son of Joseph & Lillian (Ingressia) Corpora.
CORPORA, Thelma Lucille STRINE-DOBBS-PAULSON  1921 2001 09-02-1921 09-18-2001
     Married Leon Mervin Dobbs on October 9, 1937.
     MS with Santo. Married Santo "Sam" Corpora on September 2, 1948.
     Married Donald Paulson.
     Daughter of Neal Harold & Irene (Powers) Strine.
COUEY, Byron Nolan                      1933 2001 06-10-1933 12-24-2001
     Married Shirley Louise McClary on January 21, 1956.
     Married Jennifer Lee "Jennie" Bunts-Dilley on June 9, 1990.
     Son of Donald Edmond "Don" & Minnie Minerva (Toney) Couey.
COUEY, Shirley Louise MCCLARY           1935 2020 07-06-1935 01-28-2020
     Married Byron Nolan Couey on January 21, 1956.
     Daughter of Mack Harold & Carolyn Inga (Hagenstone) McClary.
     [See Carolyn Inga Hagenstone-McClary-NELSON in Five Points Cemetery]
COX, Cathy Jean COUEY                   1957 2024 09-24-1957 11-30-2024
     Married James Norman "Jim" Cox on September 29, 2001.
     Daughter of Byron Nolan & Shirley Louise (McClary) Couey.
COX, James Norman "Jim"                 1953 2013 02-18-1953 08-15-2013
     Married Cathy Jean Couey on September 29, 2001.
     Son of Donald N. & Phyllis F. (Schlung) Cox.
COX, Merlin G.                          1948
     MS with his mother Elma E. Storms-Cox-HONER.
     Son of Ernest J. & Elma E. (Storms) Cox.
[See Ernest J. Cox 1915-1900 in Greenwood Cemetery]
     Death date pending.
CRARY, Marlene Elaine WIRTZ
     Married Myron Francis Crary on April 25, 1992 in Iowa Co., WI.
     Daughter of Fred Swisher & Bessie Fern (Mahara) Wirtz.
     Owner - All dates pending.
CRARY, Myron Francis                    1949 2014 07-05-1949 04-28-2014
     US Army - Veteran
     Married Marlene Elaine Wirtz on April 25, 1992 in Iowa Co., WI.
     Son of Francis D. & Bessie (Olson) Crary.
CRIST, Deena Lea PARISH                 1954 2022 04-20-1954 12-31-2022
     Married Robert Duane "Bob" Crist.
     Daughter of Earnie Warren & Mary Irene (Treakle) Parish.
     Note: Robert Duane "Bob" Crist 1951-2018 buried Rock Island, Illinois.
CROUCH, Ayliffe P. DALY                 1902 1957            01-20-1957

          Married Harry S. Crouch.
     Daughter of Pirl & Etta Luella (Stettler) Daly.
     [See Etta Luella STETTLER, her mother buried under her maiden name]
CRYE, Aaron Washington                  1878 1948 05-31-1878 09-05-1948

     MS with Ida. Married Ida Belle Short on March 26, 1903.
     Son of Joseph Washington & Amanda (Mickols) Crye.
CRYE, David M.                          1857 1924 09-04-1857 05-01-1924
     Son of Joseph Washington & Amanda (Mickols) Crye.
CRYE, Edd Joseph                        1883 1962 01-23-1883 01-27-1962
     Son of Joseph Washington & Amanda (Mickols) Crye.
          Note: Death record and obit lists death day as 26th, engraved 27th.
CRYE, Ida Belle SHORT                   1880 1959 02-18-1880 05-25-1959

     MS with Aaron. Married Aaron Washington Crye on March 26, 1903.
     Daughter of James & Martha (Schoops) Short.
CURLESS, (Baby)                         1916 1916 10-03-1916 10-03-1916
     Son of Clarence & Flossie Leora (Dieter) Curless.
     Note: Added from death record.
DALBERG, Cleo Mabel DIETER              1912 2010 10-05-1912 10-26-2010
     MS with William. Married William August "Bill" Dalberg on October 20, 1932.
     Daughter of Theodore & Cora Glennie (Hughbanks) Dieter.
DALBERG, Diane Lynette WANLESS          1951 2023 10-04-1951 11-02-2023
     Married Vernon Edwin "Vern" Dalberg on January 22, 1972.
     Daughter of Vernon "Mills" & Veletta Mae (Statzer) Wanless.
DALBERG, Francis Harper                 1912 1993 09-20-1912 01-28-1993

     Married Vera Marquerite Anderson on February 23, 1935.
     Married Mabel Jean Peckham-Huffman on May 23, 1990.
     Son of Oscar Francis & Bertha Luella (Cunningham) Dalberg.
Mabel Jean Peckham-Dalberg-HUFFMAN in Woodstock Cemetery]
DALBERG, Francis Eugene "Gene"          1947 1979 06-08-1947 08-24-1979
      US Army - Viet Nam
      MS with V. Married V Andrea Barry on April 30, 1969 in Richland Center, WI.
of Francis Harper & Vera Marquerite (Anderson) Dalberg.
DALBERG, Judith Lynn                    1944 1996 03-21-1944 07-16-1996

     Daughter of Francis Harper & Vera Marquerite (Anderson) Dalberg.
DALBERG, V Andrea BARRY                 1947 2016 06-05-1947 06-05-2016
     MS with her husband Francis.
     Married Franis Eugene "Gene" Dalberg
Barry on April 30, 1969 in Richland Center, WI.
     Married Carroll Ray Wheeler on July 23, 1994 in Pasco, Florida.
     Daughter of Charles McKinney & Marie Artis (Olson) Barry.
DALBERG, Vera Marquerite ANDERSON       1917 1988 09-30-1917 12-29-1988
     Married Francis Harper Dalberg on February 23, 1935.
     Daughter of Edwin T. & Effie E. (Dieter) Anderson.
DALBERG, Verna Lou                      1949 1962 06-22-1949 01-16-1962
     Daughter of Francis Harper & Verna Marquerite (Anderson) Dalberg.
DALBERG, Vernon Edwin "Vern"            1949      06-22-1949
     Veteran - Vietnam
     Married Diane Lynette Wanless on January 22, 1972.
     Son of Francis Harper & Vera Marquerite (Anderson) Dalberg.
     Death date pending!
DALBERG, William August "Bill"          1910 1976 08-22-1910 12-15-1976

     MS with Cleo. Married Cleo Mabel Dieter on October 20, 1932.
     Son of Oscar Francis & Bertha Luella (Cunningham) Dalberg.
DALTON, Boyd Arthur                     1927 1966 05-23-1927 05-02-1966
     Veteran - World War II  Korea
     Son of Henry Clay & Kathleen Winifred (Sale) Dalton.
Note: Added from Burial Permit. Died at VA Hospital in LA Co., CA.
DALTON, Henry Clay                      1893 1967 02-17-1893 11-13-1967
LS with his wife Kathleen and their son Malcolm.
     Married Kathleen Winifred Sale.
     Son of William Henry & Laura Ellen (Wamsley) Dalton.
     Note: Marker engraved "Clay 1893-19__" without death year engraved.
DALTON, Infant Son                      1930 1930 03-27-1930 03-27-1930

          "Infant son of H.C. & K.W. Dalton   Mar. 27, 1930"
     Son of Henry Clay & Kathleen Winifred (Sale) Dalton.
DALTON, Kathleen Winifred SALE          1898 1944 02-02-1898 07-03-1944
     LS with her husband Clay and their son Malcolm.
     Married Henry Clay Dalton.
     Daughter of John Franklin & Julia Ann (Henry) Sale. 
DALTON, Malcolm Clay                    1922 1943 03-18-1922 08-01-1943
     S/Sgt US Army Air Corps 389th Bomber Group 564th Sq. - World War II
     LS with his parents Clay & Kathleen. “IN MEMORY”
     Son of Henry Clay & Kathleen Winifred (Sale) Dalton.
     Note: Malcolm was killed in Romania during World War II and he is
           buried at Fort McPherson National Cemetery, Maxwell, Nebraska.
DALTON, Phillip                         1931 1931 03-21-1931 03-21-1931

     Son of Henry Clay & Kathleen Winifred (Sale) Dalton.
     Note: Added from death record.
DALY, Donald M. "Don"                   1930 1974 04-04-1930 12-28-1974
         LS with his mother Agnes MEYER, siblings Mary Lou LOWE and James J. DALY.
         Son of James J., Sr. & Agnes I. (David) Daly.
     [See Agnes I. David-Daly-MEYER]
DALY, James J.                          1904 1946            10-31-1946
     Married Agnes I. David.

     Son of Pirl & Etta Luella (Stettler) Daly.
     [See Etta Luella STETTLER, his mother buried under her maiden name]

          [See Agnes I. David-Daly-MEYER]
DALY, James J.                          1934 1982 09-21-1934 09-22-1982
          LS with his mother Agnes MEYER, siblings Mary Lou LOWE and Don M. DALY.
     Son of James J., Sr. & Agnes I. (David) Daly.
          [See Agnes I. David-Daly-MEYER]
DAUGHENBAUGH, Absalom James             1841 1916 05-06-1841 02-28-1916
     Private Co B 18th Wis Inf - Civil War
     Married Louisa Elizabeth Hess in 1873.
     Son of Peter & Mary Magdalena (Bauer) Daughenbaugh.
     Note: Given name varies: Absalom, Absalon, Absolom.

DAUGHENBAUGH, Edward Elmer              1906 1964 11-17-1906 06-14-1964
     Son of Joseph James & Josephine Helen (Ward) Daughenbaugh.
          [See Josephine Helen Ward-Daughenbaugh-PEAVY in Richland Center Cemetery]
DAUGHENBAUGH, James Walter              1884 1948 01-13-1884 10-18-1948
     Son of Absalom James & Louise Elizabeth (Hess) Daughenbaugh.
     Note: Added from death record.
DAUGHENBAUGH, Joseph Earl               1911 1988 04-13-1911 08-05-1988
Married Evelyn Marie Corpain on January 3, 1934.
     Son of Joseph J. & Josephine (Ward) Daughenbaugh.

     [See Evelyn Marie Corpain-Daughenbaugh-Collins-KELLER in Tavera Cemetery]
[See Josephine Helen Ward-Daughenbaugh-PEAVY in Richland Center Cemetery]
     Note: Added from Burial Permit. Died in Beloit, WI.
DAUGHENBAUGH, Joseph James              1874 1965            06-20-1965
     Married Josephine Helen Ward on March 20, 1900.
     Married Minnie Helen Fisher-Clason on July 3, 1919. 
     Son of Absalom James & Louise Elizabeth (Hess) Daughenbaugh.
Josephine Helen Ward-Daughenbaugh-PEAVY in Richland Center Cemetery]
Minnie Helen Fisher-Clason-Daughenbaugh-TURNER in Bowen Cemetery]
DAUGHENBAUGH, Junior Lee                      1938            06-13-1938
     Note: Added from Burial Permit. Died in Boscobel, WI.
DAUGHENBAUGH, Louisa Elizabeth HESS     1854 1933 03-21-1854 04-14-1933
     Married Absalom James Daughenbaugh in 1873.
     Daughter of Charles Hess.
DAUGHHETEE, Thomas H.                   1803 1887 01-09-1803 10-09-1887
     Veteran - Civil War
     Married Catherine Wayne [1801-1871] about 1823.
     Son of John & Susanne (Parker) Daughhette.
     Note: Death date blank. Used obit for death death.
     Note: Wife Catherine beleived buried at Basswood Cemetery!
     Note: HERE THEY SLEEP listed as Civil War veteran - can not verify.
DAVID, Donald Malcolm "Don"             1886 1953 06-17-1886 04-06-1953
     Married Florence Luella "Ella" Lindstrom.
     Son of Orlando Eugene & Elizabeth (Showalter) David.
DAVID, Forence Luella "Ella" LINDSTROM  1893 1963 02-00-1893 05-14-1963
     Married Donald Malcolm "Don" David.
          Daughter of Andrew & Minnie (Anderson) Lindstrom.
DAVIS, Bessie L. STETLER                1894 1947 06-11-1894 07-25-1947

     Married Marion Lovere Davis.
     Daughter of Franklin Pierce "Frank" & Susann Margaret (Hinkle) Stetler.
DAVIS, Henrietta M. BETHKE             1918 1987 08-25-1918 05-04-1987
     Married Melvin H. Davis on August 24, 1940.
     Daughter of Henry George & Selma (Bloedow) Bethke.
DAVIS, Marion Lovere                   1892 1966 03-17-1892 06-22-1966
     Married Bessie L. Stetler.
     Son of George Washington & Sarah Matilda (Turk) Davis.
DAVIS, Melvin H.                        1912 1980 09-17-1912 09-15-1980
     Married Henrietta M. Bethke on August 24, 1940.
     Son of Marion Lovere & Bessie L. (Stetler) Davis.
DAVIS, Nancy Ann MCCLARY                1849 1870 01-02-1849 07-16-1870
     Married Charles William Davis on April 2, 1868.
     Daughter of Thomas Clark & Susan (Kite) McClary.
     Note: HERE THEY SLEEP listed under McClary and birth year as 1819.
     Note: Charles Davis 1844-1913 died in South Dakota.
DAWES, Dwight H.                        1919 2012 04-12-1919 01-26-2012
     Lt. Commander US Navy Destroyer Escort USS Pillsbury - World War II
     MS with Eleanor. Married Eleanor Elaine Studebaker.
     Married Cris Powell.
     Son of Frank E. & Hazel R. Dawes.
DAWES, Eleanor Elaine STUDEBAKER        1921 1986 02-24-1921 11-06-1986
     MS with Dwight. Married Dwight H. Dawes.
     Daughter of Bert Edward & Isolene Cloe (Ewing) Studebaker.
DELLINGER, Raymond                      1906 1956 08-15-1906 05-27-1956

     Son of Charles Dillinger.
     Note: Added from death record.
DELLINGER, Samuel Henry                 1876 1952 10-11-1876 12-02-1952
     Veteran - Spanish American War
     Married Merle Pierce on July 8, 1900. [She died Nov. 8, 1941]
     Married Victoria Julia Honer-Kinyon on Nov. 8, 1944.

     Son of Edward & Samantha (Deweses) Dillinger.
         [See Victoria Julia Honer-Dellinger-KINYON]
     Note: Added from death record.
DEWEY, Martha Jane SULLIVAN-ELLIOTT-POWELL 1842 1915 02-08-1842 03-16-1915
     Married Abram Elliott on October 6, 1858.
     Married Joseph Powell on November 15, 1883.
     Married David Dewey on December 27, 1905.
     Daughter of William & Marion (Miller) Sullivan.
DIEHL, Lois L. "Andy" ANDERSON          1935 2014 02-09-1935 03-12-2014
     Married Max E. Diehl on March 27, 1955.
     Daughter of Lee E. "Pat" & Dorothy Lucille (Standish) Anderson.
     Note: Max E. Diehl 1924-1996 is buried in East Lawn Cemetery Beloit, WI.
DIETER, Carol Maxine HARDY              1929 2016 07-31-1929 02-12-2016
     Married Everett Charles Dieter on December 18, 1946.
     Daughter of Oscar Verlin & Lora Odessa (Kite) Hardy.
DIETER, Cora Glennie HUGHBANKS          1877 1956 01-05-1877 12-31-1956

     MS with Theodore. Married Theodore Dieter on July 24, 1895.
     Daughter of Milton & Harriet (Elder) Hughbanks.
          "In Loving Memory"
     Note: Birth year engraved as 1887 in ERROR, should be 1877.
DIETER, David Charles                   1951 1951 10-20-1951 10-28-1951

     Son of Everett Charles & Carol Maxine (Hardy) Dieter.
DIETER, Everett Charles                 1921 2007 05-19-1921 05-21-2007
     Married Carol Maxine Hardy on December 18, 1946.
     Son of Lewis & Jennie Alvina (Propp) Dieter.
DIETER, Gertrude ELLIOTT                1906 1981 06-01-1906 07-05-1981

     MS with Leonard. Married Leonard Lee Dieter on December 6, 1922.
     Daughter of John & Emma (Redfield) Elliott.
DIETER, Leonard Lee                     1902 1973 02-17-1902 05-19-1973
     MS with Gertrude. Married Gertrude Elliott on December 6, 1922.
     Son of Theodore & Cora Glennie (Hughbanks) Dieter.
DIETER, Theodore                        1873 1957 10-06-1873 12-21-1957
     MS with Cora. Married Cora Glennie Hughbanks on July 24, 1895.
     Son of Charles & Mary Elizabeth (Keehn) Dieter.
          "In Loving Memory.
DILL, Edward Donald                     1919 1921 12-27-1919 01-14-1921

     Son of Joseph Truman & Lelia (Richardson) Dill.
DILL, Joseph Truman                     1897 1937 01-24-1897 05-15-1937
     Michigan Pvt US Army - World War I   F=AmLegion
     Married Lelia Richardson on July 11, 1918.
     Son Edward A. & Cora (McGowan) Dill.
DILL, Lelia RICHARDSON                  1898 1958 08-21-1898 10-26-1958
     Married Joseph Truman Dill on July 11, 1918.
     Daughter of John Wellington & Ella Nona (Elder) Richardson.
          "Mother"  "Love You Ever - Forget You Never"
DILL, Mary Maxine                       1924 1925

     Daughter of Joseph Truman & Lelia (Richardson) Dill.
DILL, Robert                            1929 1940 04-19-1929 01-02-1940
     Son of Joseph Truman & Lelia (Richardson) Dill.
     "Baby Robert"
DILLON, A. Vernon "Verne"               1888 1959 02-28-1888 02-03-1959
     Son of John Jasper & Mary Elizabeth (Standish) Dillon.
DILLON, Clarissa "Clara" MONTGOMERY     1847 1923            02-14-1923
     Married _____ Dillon.
     Daughter of William Henry & Elizabeth (McGann) Montgomery.
     Note: Added from death record and obituary.
DILLON, Estella M.                      1883 1956 10-07-1883 12-09-1956
     Daughter of John Jasper & Mary Elizabeth (Standish) Dillon.
DILLON, John Jasper                     1856 1898 07-03-1856 12-04-1898
     Married Mary Elizabeth Standish on Dec. 31, 1882. Aged 42Ys 5Ms 1Ds
     Son of Abraham & Susan (Samson) Dillon.
DILLON, Mary Elizabeth STANDISH         1861 1938 10-02-1861 08-13-1938
     Married John Jasper Dillon on December 31, 1882. Aged 76Ys 10Ms 11Ds
     Daughter of Ansel Loyel & Lucinda (Wood) Standish.
DIXON, David                            1808 1873            08-03-1873
     LS with his wife Nancy and their son James. Aged 65Ys 5Ms
     Married Nancy Parish. 
          "In God we trust."
DIXON, James                            1836 1919 11-04-1836 03-05-1919

     Private Co G 47th Wis 47th Inf - Civil War   F=Civil War
     LS with his parents.
Son of David & Nancy (Parish) Dixon.
     Note: 1870, 1880 and 1900 census and death all show 1836 birth year.
           Marker engraved birth year of 1831 in ERROR! 

DIXON, Nancy PARISH                     1818 1898 05-15-1818 10-14-1898
     LS with her husband David and their son James. Aged 80Ys 4Ms 29Ds
     Married David Dixon.
Daughter of Joseph Parish.
DOBBS, Arlie Berdette
     Veteran - Korea
     Married Bonnie June Wilson on June 18, 1955.
     Son of Aca James & Leona Elva (Bailey) Dobbs.
     Owner - All dates pending.
DOBBS, Barbara Maxine WILSON            1924 1994 05-24-1924 03-22-1994

     MS with Verlin. Married Verlin Leon Dobbs on December 13, 1943.
     Daughter of William Henry & Stella (Poole) Wilson.
DOBBS, Bonnie June WILSON               1930 2023 11-21-1930 08-05-2023
     Married Arlie
Berdette Dobbs on June 18, 1955.
     Daughter of Willard G. & Florence Ada (Flamme) Wilson.
DOBBS, Charity Anne                     1996 1996 10-16-1996 10-20-1996

     Daughter of Carla R. Dobbs.
DOBBS, Eleanor Izora MILLER-SHAFER      1913 1999 04-25-1913 12-03-1999
     Married David Shafer on April 24, 1934.
     MS with Ernest. Married Ernest Roland Dobbs on March 15, 1952.
     Daughter of Carl Eugene & Victoria (Casey) Miller.

DOBBS, Ernest Roland                    1910 1995 05-30-1910 05-01-1995
     Married Catherine Morgan on October 25, 1930.
     MS with Eleanor. Married Eleanor Izora Miller-Shafer on March 15, 1952.
     Son of Elmer George & Mary Permilia (Weldy) Dobbs.
DOBBS, Norma Jean MANN-BUTTERIS    1946      08-18-1946
     Married Gary M. Butteris.
     MS with Ronald. Married Ronald W. "Willie" on February 14, 1998.
     Daughter of Wallace George Mann.
     Death date pending.
DOBBS, Ronald W. "Willie"               1957 2003 07-08-1957 10-13-2003

     U.S. Marine Corps - Vietnam
     Married Marn Renee Kepler on July 3, 1976.
MS with Norma. Married Norma Jean Mann-Butteris on February 14, 1998.
     Son of Verlin Leon & Barbara Maxine (Wilson) Dobbs.
DOBBS, Verlin Leon                      1927 1991 08-08-1927 08-30-1991
     PVT US Army - World War II
MS with Barbara. Married Barbara Maxine Wilson on December 13, 1943.
     Son of Aca James & Leona Elva (Bailey) Dobbs.
DODSON, Daisy Irene MCKINLEY-ANDERSON   1922 1995 07-31-1922 06-23-1995
     Married Robert Louis Anderson.
     MS with Earl. Married Earl E. Dodson on September 10, 1949 in Gridley, IL.
     Daughter of Tillman & Myrtle (Freed) McKinley.
DODSON, Earl E.                         1922 1997 07-01-1922 08-26-1997
     MS with Daisy. Married
Daisy Irene McKinley-Anderson on Sept. 10, 1949 in Gridley, IL.
     Son of Charles E. & Ivy Gwendolyn (Gregory) Dodson.
DOWELL, Camilla E. STETLER              1901 1990 08-27-1901 01-13-1990
     Married Walter Leroy Dowell on November 21, 1923.
     Daughter of Franklin Pierce "Frank" & Susann Margaret (Hinkle) Stetler.
DOWELL, James E.                        1931 2007 01-12-1931 06-15-2007
     US Army - Korea
     Son of Walter
Leroy & Camilla E. (Stetler) Dowell.
DOWELL, Margaret Ellen                  1926 1933 04-15-1926 07-11-1933
        LS with her brothers Myron and Ralph.
    Daughter of Walter
Leroy & Camilla E. (Stetler) Dowell.
DOWELL, Myron Everett                   1934 1944 03-17-1934 07-31-1944
     LS with his sister Margaret and his brother Ralph.
     Son of Walter Leroy & Camilla E. (Stetler) Dowell.
DOWELL, Ralph                           1924 1943
     Veteran - World War II
      LS with his sister Margaret and his brother Myron.
      Son of Walter Leroy & Camilla E. (Stetler) Dowell.
Note: NOT BURIED HERE - died during World War II and not brought home.
DOWELL, Sharon Dawn JOHNSON-BETHKE      1940 1998 01-03-1940 07-17-1998
     Married Charles Emil Bethke on May 21, 1961.
     Married Delbert L. Dowell on December 19, 1987.
     Daughter of Kenneth & Marion (Chipman) Johnson.
DOWELL, Walter Leroy                    1885 1947 03-09-1885 09-17-1947
     Married Camilla E. Stetler on November 21, 1923. Aged 62 years.
     Son of Peter Ross & Ellen S. (Bishop) Dowell.
     Note: Added from Burial Permit/Obituary. Died in Grant Co., WI.
DRAKE, Thelma Lorraine SHANNON-MELBY    1921 2013 03-12-1921 04-14-2013
     Married Grant W. Melby on February 16, 1938.

     Married Ralph Keene Drake on May 4, 2005.

     Daughter of Clarence Charles & Lula Blanche (Busbey) Shannon.
     Note: Ralph Drake [1924-2006] buried National Cemetery, Quantico, VA.    
DRAVES, Marie Annette BOAK-MARX    1939 1968 03-30-1939 04-27-1968
     Married Robert Junior Draves on July 18, 1959. "Mother"
     Married Vernon Marx.
     Daughter of Harold William & Rozella Irene (Slane) Boak.
     [See Rozella Irene Slane-Boak-PENNEL]
DUHR, Alma A. WENZEL                    1897 1975 09-28-1897 08-18-1975
     Married William A. Duhr on February 12, 1919.
     Daughter of William & Augusta (Salanke) Wenzel.
DUHR, Bea Louise HARDY                  1925 1990 02-15-1925 12-15-1990
     MS with Donald. Married Donald James Duhr on January 9, 1944.
     Daughter of Ray Delos & Theresa M. (Elder) Hardy.
DUHR, Donald James                      1918 1997 05-10-1918 01-21-1997
     U.S. Army - World War II    F=WWII
MS with Bea. Married Bea Louise Hardy on January 9, 1944.
     Son of Herman W. & Alice Margaret (Hankins) Duhr.
DUHR, Robert William                    1920 1997 02-23-1920 12-24-1997
     MS with Vera. Married Vera Ruth Bohn on June 9, 1943.
     Son of William A. & Alma A. (Wenzel) Duhr.
     "Parents of Sharon  Roberta  Betty  Arleen"

DUHR, Vera Ruth BOHN                    1925 2020 07-29-1925 11-07-2020
      MS with Robert. Married Robert William Duhr on June 9, 1943.
      Daughter of Edward & Martha (Sorge) Bohn.

      "Parents of Sharon  Roberta  Betty  Arleen"

DUHR, William A.                        1893 1973 12-20-1893 08-28-1973
     Married Alma A. Wenzel on February 12, 1919.
     Son of Fred & Sophia (Stolte) Duhr.
DVORAK, Paul J.                         1917 1990 07-05-1917 04-20-1990
     Sgt US Army - World War II
MS with Veda. Married Veda E. Wilson on January 6, 1944.
     Son of Joseph & Josephine (Linscheid) Dvorak.
DVORAK, Veda E. WILSON                  1923 2000 10-04-1923 10-20-2000
     MS with Paul. Married Paul J. Dvorak on January 6, 1944.
     Daughter of Arthur & Ellen M. (Poole) Wilson.
DYER, (Baby)                            1936 1936 04-11-1936 04-11-1936
     Son of Ileen Dyer.
     Note: Added from death record.

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