Basswood Cemetery
          Eagle Township, Richland County, Wisconsin  USA
                  (Last Updated January 16, 2025)

                               Surnames M-R

SURNAME   Given Name  MAIDEN-OTHER          
MAASS, Aaron Mikel                      1991 1991 11-30-1991 11-30-1991
     Son of Kevin & Stephanie (Estep) Maass.
MAASS, Harold Jack                      1940 1995 06-15-1940 01-05-1995
     Married Leatrice Strine on June 15, 1976.
     Son of Harold & Harriet (Kinley) Maass.
MAHAN, James T.                         1860 1860 01-14-1860 02-15-1860
          "Son of D. & C. Mahan"  Aged 1Ms 1Ds
     Son of Daniel & Catherine (Miller) Mahan.

          Note: His parents are buried in Mountain View Cemetery, Longmont, CO.
MAHAN, John C.                          1858 1860 08-19-1858 09-01-1860

     "Son of D. & C. Mahan"  Aged 2Ys 13Ds
     Son of Daniel & Catherine (Miller) Mahan.

          Note: His parents are buried in Mountain View Cemetery, Longmont, CO.
MAHAN, Lincoln                          1865 1873 04-01-1865 06-07-1873
          "Son of D. & C. Mahan" "Little Lincoln" Aged 8Ys 2Ms 6Ds
     Son of Daniel & Catherine (Miller) Mahan.

          Note: His parents are buried in Mountain View Cemetery, Longmont, CO.
MALY, Alice M. BREWER                   1911 1957 06-22-1911 07-17-1957
     MS with George. Married George E. Maly in 1930.
     Daughter of William Seth & Lillie B. (Conkle) Brewer.
MALY, Alvina Pearl STEVENS              1928 1987 11-03-1928 09-04-1987
     MS with Charles. Married Charles Joseph "Chub" Maly on May 24, 1947.
     Daughter of Benjamin Edward "Ben" & Veda Estella (Babb) Stevens.
MALY, Carl Walter "Todd"                1929 2016 09-05-1929 08-11-2016
     LS with his wife Donna and his parents.
Married Donna Jean Carley on October 27, 1947.
     Son of Stewart Joel & Wilma G. (Cockroft) Maly.
MALY, Charles Joseph "Chub"             1925 2009 05-04-1925 02-20-2009
     Married Helen Schmuelenberger on January 23, 1942.
     MS with Alvina. Married Alvina Pearl Stevens on May 24, 1947.
     Married Naomi Nockerts on April 29, 1989.
     Son of Stewary Joel & Wilma G. (Cockroft) Maly.
MALY, Donna Jean CARLEY                 1930 2021 06-28-1930 09-10-2021 
     LS with her husband Todd and Todd's parents Stewart & Wilma.
Married Carl Walter "Todd" Maly on October 27, 1947.
          Daughter of Ernest & Flossie Jeanette (Holsted) Carley.
MALY, George E.                         1912 1968 01-21-1912 05-24-1968
     MS with Alice. Married Alice M. Brewer in 1930.
     Married Dorothy M. Hewuse-Marshall.
     Son of Glen Edward & Jessie Gertrude (Knaus) Maly.
     [See Dorothy
M. Hewuse-Maly-MARSHALL in Loyd Cemetery]
MALY, Gerald Edward                     1931 1983 07-28-1931 04-30-1983
     Married Lillian Rachel Storms on February 25, 1950.
     Son of George E. & Alice M. (Brewer) Maly.
MALY, Lillian Rachel STORMS             1933      04-30-1933
     MS with Gerald. Married Gerald Edward Sr. Maly on February 25, 1950.
     Daughter of victor N. & Alma Forest (Adams) Storms.
     Death date pending.
MALY, Stewart Joel                      1902 1982 02-17-1903 12-17-1982

     LS with his wife Wilma, their son Todd and Todd's wife Donna.
     Married Wilma G. Cockroft on February 17, 1924.

     Son of John Theron & Ada Adelia (Sugden) Maly.
MALY, Carl Walter "Todd"                1929 2016 09-05-1929 08-11-2016
     LS with his wife Donna and his parents.
Married Donna Jean Carley on October 27, 1947.
     Son of Stewart Joel & Wilma G. (Cockroft) Maly.
MALY, Wilma G. COCKROFT                 1908 1997 03-26-1908 08-03-1997
     LS with her husband Stewart, their son Todd and Todd's wife Donna.
Married Stewart Joel Maly on February 17, 1924.
     Daughter of William John & Mary Emma (Beran) Cockroft.
MANCHESTER, G.D.                        1844 1876 07-10-1844 03-21-1876
     Aged 31Ys 8Ms 11Ds
MANNING, Elizabeth SHAUGER              1832 1917 03-12-1832 04-16-1917
     MS with Erasmus. Married Erasmus Darwin Manning on November 20, 1854.
     Daughter of William & Sarah (Lyons) Shauger.

          "At Rest"
MANNING, Erasmus Darwin                 1827 1897 10-12-1827 05-14-1897

    MS with Elizabeth. Married Elizabeth Shauger on November 20, 1854.
    Note: Some record show as Edward. Marker engraved
        "At Rest" Aged 69Ys 7Ms 2Ds
MARKIN, Ilif M.                         1925 1982 07-12-1925 12-10-1982
Note: Added from Burial Permit. Died in Boscobel, WI.
MARKIN, Martha Mary Emily GLANDON       1840 1905 12-00-1840 06-12-1905

     Married John Wesley Markin. Aged 64Ys 6Ms
     Daughter of John & Theodoria Glandon.
MARKIN, Robert Lee                           1955            12-04-1955
     Note: Added from Burial Permit. Disinterment from Foral Lawn Cemetery
           in South Beloit, IL to Basswood Cemetery on December 13, 1982.

MARKIN, Ronald                          1954 1983 06-08-1954 11-09-1983
Note: Added from Burial Permit. Died in Monroe Co., WI.
MARKLEY, Beulah Julia HENRY             1894 1956 06-10-1894 05-20-1956
     MS with Dennis. Married Dennis Rudolph Markley in 1913.
          Daughter of Robert James & Sarah Matilda (Sparling) Henry.
Rudolph                 1891 1973 04-04-1891 01-05-1973
     MS with Beulah. Married Beulah Julia Henry in 1913.
     Son of Adam Wesley Rudolph & Lilly (Colvin) Markley.
MAROSE, Gertrude Irma STORMS-KLEKOSKI   1916 2013 09-16-1916 04-17-2013
     Married Frank Klekoski.
     MS with James. Married James E. Marose on August 31, 1956.
     Daughter of Allen Theodore & Lillie E. (Augustson) Storms.
MAROSE, James E.                        1926 1984 10-28-1926 10-07-1984

     MS with Gertrude. Married Gertrude Irma Storms on August 31, 1956.
     Son of Emil & Rose (Burrie) Marose.
MARSHALL, Earl Irvin                    1913 2009 10-08-1913 02-04-2009
      US Army - World War II
      Married Dorothy Amelia Allen on May 24, 1945 in England.
      MS with Lura. Married Lura Luella Glass-Manning in 1981.
      Son of Charles Lee & Albena (Stanek) Marshall.
MARSHALL, Lura Luella GLASS-MANNING     1917 2010 04-08-1917 01-09-2010
      Married Carl A. Manning in 1934.
      MS with Earl. Married Earl Irvin Marshall in 1981.
      Daughter of George E. & Lena Bell (Stetler) Glass.

Carl A. Manning 1910-1971 is buried in the Muscoda Cemetery, WI]
MARTIN, Donna Rae                       1947 1947 02-26-1947 03-02-1947
     Daughter of Paul Warren & Vera Vanda (Dvorak) Martin.
MARTIN, Merle Irene ERICKSON            1920 2009 01-12-1920 10-25-2009
     MS with Merlin. Married
Merlin A. "Speed" Martin on June 25, 1941.
     Daughter of Charles & Kathryn (Weber) Erickson.
MARTIN, Merlin A. "Speed"              1915 2006 05-29-1915 10-08-2006
     MS with Merle. Married Merle Irene Erickson on June 25, 1941.
     Son of Sherman & Theodora (Copus) Martin.
MARTIN, Richard Allen "Dick"            1942 2025 05-14-1942 01-07-2025
     Married Jan Alene Nowlen. [See Jan NOWLEN wife uses maiden name.}
     Son of Melvin A. "Speed" & Merle Irene (Erickson) Martin.
MARTIN, Rodney Stuart                   1942 2020 04-15-1942 04-22-2020
     Married Joann Theresa "Joanie" Kratochwill on October 16, 1965.
     Special friend Debra Jean "Deb" Lewis-Walsh.
     Son of Gomer Lavern & Rosa May (Johnston) Martin.
MASSONET, George Michael                1879 1953 01-24-1879 04-12-1953

     Son of Peter & Katy (Tock) Massonet.
     Note: Added from death record and obituaries.
           Surname varies:
MATHEWS, Arthur Calvin, Sr.             1890 1958 05-13-1890 12-17-1958
     MS with Florence. Married Florence M. Recob on November 22, 1911.
     Son of Thomas Clark & Martha Rebecca (Hardy) Mathews.

MATHEWS, Arthur Calvin, Jr.             1912 1983 10-16-1912 11-01-1983
     Son of Arthur Calvin, Sr. & Florence M. (Recob) Mathews.
MATHEWS, Camilla Idell RINEHART         1913 2000 12-28-1913 08-07-2000
     MS with Theon. Married Theon L. Mathews on March 17, 1938.
     Daughter of Percy Samuel & Bessie (Hardy) Rinehart.
         "Daughters  Sandra and Cheryle"
MATHEWS, Florence M. RECOB              1893 1980 09-20-1893 04-15-1980

     MS with Arthur. Married Arthur Calvin Mathews on November 22, 1911.
     Daughter of Lycurgus & Caroline "Carrie" (Ward) Recob.
MATHEWS, Irena K. BRIGGS                1854 1910 01-10-1854 08-14-1910
     MS with John. Married John Mathews on October 4, 1874.
     Daughter of William T. & Mary Jane (Burrington) Briggs.
MATHEWS, Jennie May                     1886 1894 01-12-1886 05-09-1894
     Daughter of John & Irena K. (Briggs) Mathews.
MATHEWS, John                           1848 1935 12-29-1848 10-27-1935
     Veteran - Civil War {Maybe Pvt John M. Wis 12th Batt. Light Art.}
     MS with Irena. Married Irena K. Briggs on October 4, 1874.

     Son of Hubert & Mary Eliza (Durrstein) Mathieu.
          Note: Parents used MATHIEU spelling, they are buried in Muscoda Cemetery.
Rebecca HARDY           1866 1944 02-10-1866 02-11-1944
     MS with Thomas. Married Thomas Clark Mathews on April 20, 1884.
     Daughter of Thomas & Sarah E. (Carson) Hardy.
MATHEWS, Myra PARISH                    1903 1988 01-08-1903 02-19-1988
     MS with Myron. Married Myron J. Mathews on September 27, 1927.
     Daughter of Darwin B. & Millie M. (Hillberry) Parish.
MATHEWS, Myron J.                       1904 1975 06-06-1904 04-15-1975
     MS with Myra. Married Myra Parish on September 27, 1927.
     Son of Thomas Clark & Martha Rebecca (Hardy) Mathews.
MATHEWS, Theon L.                       1913 1997 04-15-1913 10-23-1997
     MS with Camilla. Married Camilla Idell Rinehart on March 17, 1938.
     Son of Vern Laeman & Alice Maude (Conkle) Mathews.
          "Daughters  Sandra and Cheryle"
MATHEWS, Thomas Clark                   1861 1936 09-03-1861 07-23-1936
     MS with Martha. Married Martha Rebecca Hardy on April 20, 1884.
         Son of Hubert & Mary Eliza (Durrstein) Mathieu.
          Note: Parents used MATHIEU spelling, they are buried in Muscoda Cemetery. 
MCCAULEY, Dennis Kilian                 1949 2000 01-09-1949 03-07-2000
     SP4 US Army - Vietnam Era -  Served in Korea.
     Married Kathleen Y. "Kathy" Dieter on February 14, 1970.
     Son of Donald Elbert & Wilma Juanita (Goad) McCauley.
     Married Dennis Kilian McCauley on February 14, 1970.
     Married Donald Eugene Fitzgibbons Jr.
     Daughter of Everett Charles & Carol Maxine (Hardy) Dieter.
     Owner - All dates pending.
MCCLARY, Bernice RUX                    1914 2015 11-26-1914 01-27-2015
     Married Harold Mack McCary on February 25, 1947.
     Daughter of Frederick & Lena Rux.
MCCLARY, Elvina Julia SLATER            1855 1929 08-21-1855 05-17-1929

     MS with Taylor. Married Taylor McClary on August 29, 1872. 
     Daughter of George W. & Rebecca (Beard) Slater.
MCCLARY, Harold Mack                    1923 1999 06-30-1923 09-15-1999
     Married Bernice Rux on February 25, 1947.
     Son of Mack Harold & Violet Mae (Weldy) McClary.
          [See Violet Mae Weldy-McClary-McMILLIN in Richland Center Cemetery]
MCCLARY, Jennie MCCARTNEY               1877 1968 12-07-1877 01-05-1968
     Married Wilbert McClary on December 24, 1902.
     Daughter of James Newton & Margaret Jane (Mattews) McCartney.
MCCLARY, John                           1854 1861 01-20-1854 10-11-1861
     Son of Thomas Clark & Susan (Kite) McClary. Aged 7Ys 8Ms 21Ds
MCCLARY, Leora Mary MCKY                1876 1952 06-21-1876 06-22-1952
     Married Thomas Albert McClary on June 22, 1904.
     Daughter of John Marion & Almira (Ewers) McKy.
MCCLARY, Mack Harold                    1904 1946 1904/10/14 06-16-1946
     Married Violet Mae Weldy on November 22, 1922.
     Married Carolyn Inga Hagenstone on November 8, 1925.
     Son of Wilbert & Jennie (McCartney) McClary.
Violet Mae Weldy-McClary-McMILLIN in Richland Center Cemetery]
Carolyn Inga Hagenstone-McClary-NELSON in Five Points Cemetery]
MCCLARY, Marjorie Jean SEELEY-ROGNESS   1933 2004 01-16-1933 11-30-2004
     Married Julian Ray Rogness on July 29, 1950.
     Married Charles McClary on November 14, 1969.
     Daughter of Cloyd LeRoy & Florence Myrtle (Rood) Seeley.
MCCLARY, Richard William                1927 1970 10-16-1927 02-04-1970
     Wisconsin A2C U.S. Air Force - World War II & Korea
     Married Mary Louise Byrne on November 29, 1952.
     Son of Mack Harold & Carolyn Inga (Hagenstone) McClary.
Carolyn Inga Hagenstone-McClary-NELSON in Five Points Cemetery]
MCCLARY, Susan KITE                     1820 1887 11-04-1820 02-26-1887
     Married Thomas Clark McClary.
     Daughter of Michael & Catherine (Tofflemeier) Kite.
MCCLARY, Taylor                         1853 1935 04-07-1853 07-24-1935
     MS with Elvira. Married Elvira Julia Slater on August 29, 1872.
     Son of Thomas Clark & Susan (Kite) McClary.
MCCLARY, Thomas Albert                  1875 1953 04-12-1875 03-23-1953
     Married Leora Mary McKy on June 22, 1904.
     Son of Taylor & Elvira Julia (Slater) McClary.
MCCLARY, Thomas Clark                   1816 1889 01-29-1816 09-07-1889
     Married Susan Kite. Aged 73 years.
     Son of John McClary.
MCCLARY, Wilbert                        1879 1957 12-16-1879 10-28-1957
     Married Jennie McCartney on December 24, 1902.
     Son of Taylor & Elvira Julia (Slater) McClary.
MCDONNELL, Mabel Florence POWERS-EWERS  1906 1987 02-24-1906 08-07-1987
     Married Earl Ewers in 1921.
     Married _____ McDonnell.
     Daughter of Laurence Leonard & Susan Lillian "Susie" (Flynn) Powers.
     [See Susan Lillian "Susie" Flynn-Powers-HARDY]
MCENTEE, Sequoia Rose                   1993 2001 05-09-1993 07-24-2001

     Son of Daniel & Heidi (Ylvisaker) McEntee.
     "Our Family, Friend, Angel & Artist"

MCGOUGH, David Harold                   1935 2000 02-04-1935 01-31-2000
     Veteran - US Army
     MS with Ruth. Married Ruth Eileen Hardy on August 26, 1972 in Rockford, IL.
     Son of Thomas & Leona (Jenkins) McGough.
MCGOUGH, Ruth Eileen HARDY              1939 2016 04-07-1939  08-16-2016
     MS with David. Married David Harold McGough
on August 26, 1972 in Rockford, IL.
     Daughter of James Franklin & Florence Irene (Privett) Hardy.
MCILHATTAN, Belle Mary MANNING          1859 1939 04-17-1859 05-09-1939
     Married Thomas Christwell McIlhattan on January 3, 1883.
     Daughter of Erasmus Darwin & Elizabeth (Shauger) Manning.
          Note: Some listed as Mary Belle.
MCILHATTAN, Emma Jane HESSLER           1855 1941 04-05-1855 03-02-1941

     Married John B. McIlhattan on October 12, 1873.
     Daughter of Thomas E. & Delilah (Alling) Hessler.
MCILHATTAN, Emory                       1911 1915 03-22-1911 12-23-1915
     Son of Harry Leon & Pet Agnes (Langdon) McIlhattan.
MCILHATTAN, Esther E. JOHNSON           1891 1972 01-01-1891 06-17-1972
     MS with William. Married William R. McIlhattan.
     Daughter of William & Anna M. (Peterson) Johnson.
          Note: Many records show birth year as 1890 but marker engraved 1891.
MCILHATTAN, Harry Leon                  1883 1947 10-18-1883 09-20-1947

     Married Pet Agnes Langdon on October 18, 1906.
     Son of Thomas Christwell & Belle Mary (Manning) McIlhattan.
     Note: Agnes 16-Mar-1886 9-Apr-1982 died & buried in Oregon.

MCILHATTAN, John B.                     1850 1925 10-25-1850 02-02-1925
     Married Emma Jane Hessler on October 12, 1873. Aged 74Ys 3Ms 8Ds
     Son of James & Catherine (Bobb) McIlhattan.
MCILHATTAN, Richard Kenneth             1916 1916 02-02-1916 10-01-1916
     Son of William R. & Alma E. (Moran) McIlhattan.
     [See Alma E. Moran-McIlhatten-BROWN in Sand Prairie Cemetery]

MCILHATTAN, Thomas Christwell           1855 1918
     Married Belle Mary Manning on January 3, 1883.
     Son of James & Catherine (Bobb) McIlhattan.
MCILHATTAN, Verna Mae                   1885 1936 08-22-1885 07-22-1936
     Daughter of Thomas Christwell & Belle Mary (Manning) McIlhattan.
MCILHATTAN, William R.                  1894 1968 12-31-1894 06-30-1968
     Married Alma E. Moran on Nov. 1, 1913 in North McGregor, Iowa.
     MS with Esther. Married Esther E. Johnson.
     Son of Thomas Christwell & Belle Mary (Manning) McIlhattan.
     [See Alma E. Moran-
McIlhattan-BROWN in Sand Prairie Cemetery]
MCINTYRE, Keefer                        1905 1984 12-02-1905 08-03-1984
     Married Mildred Dorthea Larson on September 29, 1928.
     Son of Allen & Minnie Belle (Keefer) McIntyre.
MCINTYRE, Mildred Dorthea LARSON        1914 1985 05-23-1914 02-22-1985
     Married Keefer McIntyre on September 29, 1928.
     Daughter of Albert & Hattie (Armstrong) Larson.
MCKINNEY, Albert A. "Bert"              1875 1946 01-01-1875 09-09-1946
          Married Harriett Isabel  _____.  "Father"
     Son of Thomas & Frances (Thompson) McKinney.

MCKINNEY, Arthur A.                     1920 1972            09-18-1972
     Son of Albert A. "Bert" &
Harriett Isabel McKinney.
MCKINNEY, Frances THOMPSON              1844 1921 03-17-1844 06-26-1921
     Married Thomas J. McKinney. "Grandmother"
     Daughter of Johnathan & Corisanda A. Thompson.
MCKINNEY, Harriett Isabel               1890 1976 03-25-1890 01-09-1976
     Married Albert A. "Bert" McKinney. "Mother"
MCKINNEY, Mabel F.                      1917 1919

          "Our Darling Mabel F. McKinney  Dau. of Albert & Harriett McKinney.
     Daughter of Albert A. "Bert" &
Harriett Isabel McKinney.
MCKY, Almira EWERS                      1848 1928 08-02-1848 01-23-1928
     MS with John. Married John Marion McKy on May 18, 1873.
     Daughter of John & Mary Ann (Thomas) Ewers.
MCKY, Ida May KINDER                    1874 1938 06-12-1874 05-31-1938
     Married Insco John McKy on December 25, 1897.
     Daughter of Solomon & Mary E. (Elder) Kinder.
MCKY, Insco John                        1874 1952 08-26-1874 05-19-1952
     Married Ida May Kinder on December 25, 1897.
     Son of John Marion & Almira (Ewers) McKy.
MCKY, John                              1818 1891 07-18-1818 09-01-1891
     Private Co A & Co B 25th Wis Inf - Civil War
MS with Sarah. Married Sarah Jackson. Aged 73Ys 1Ms 14Ds
     Son of John Sr. & Catherine McKy.
MCKY, John Marion                       1844 1914 09-21-1844 11-18-1914
     Private Co D 11th Wis Inf - Civil War   F=Civil War
     MS with Almira. Married Almira Ewers on May 18, 1873.
     Son of John & Sarah (Jackson) McKy.
MCKY, John S.                           1901 1975 12-28-1901 11-14-1975
     1st wife Mae Karrigan.
     Married Lucille R. Bratkowski in 1937.
     Son of Insco John & Ida May (Kinder) McKy.
MCKY, Katherine M. SCHWINGEL            1909 2007 06-10-1909 06-28-2007
     MS with Keith. Married Keith Berl McKy on August 31, 1935.
     Daughter of Adam & Carrie (Schmitt) Schwingel.
MCKY, Keith Berl                        1909 1982 07-02-1909 11-18-1982
     MS with Katherine. Married Katherine M. Schwingel on August 31, 1935.
     Son of Insco John & Ida May (Kinder) McKy.
MCKY, Lucille R. BRATOWSKI              1911 1995 03-01-1911 04-01-1995
     Married John S. McKy in 1937.
     Daughter of John & Frances (Mezdlo) Bratkowski.
MCKY, Sarah JACKSON                     1824 1899 02-10-1824 04-07-1899
     MS with John. Married John McKy. Aged 75Ys 1Ms 28Ds
     Daughter of Andrew & Delila Jackson.
MCVAY, Geneva                           1860 1860
     Daughter of F. & E. McVay.
MELAHN, Wilfred Melvin "Will"           1940 1980 04-29-1940 07-15-1980
     Married Judy L. Maly on February 25, 1978 in Waukesha, WI.
     Note: Added from Burial Permit.
MELBY, Michael John                     1974 1977 01-30-1974 10-11-1977
     Son of John C. & Edwina (Arneson) Melby.
MERWIN, Robert William                  1900 1991 09-05-1900 10-21-1991
PFC US Army - World War II   F=WWII
Son of William Asher "Will" & Mary Isabelle "Belle" (Sabins) Merwin.
MERWIN, Roy                             1906 1943 11-29-1906 05-01-1943
     Married Beulah C. Koller on October 6, 1925 in Elkader, Iowa.
Son of William Asher "Will" & Mary Isabelle "Belle" (Sabins) Merwin.
MEYER, Agnes I. DAVID-DALY-MEYER        1911 1977 09-06-1911 08-27-1977
          LS with her children Mary Lou LOWE, Don M. DALY and James J. DALY.
     Married James J. Daly. 

          Married _____ Meyer.
     Daughter of
Donald McClure "Don" & Luella "Ella" David.
MEYER, Bessie J. DALBERG-MACHOTKA       1920 2001 06-24-1920 06-09-2001
     Married _____ Machotka.
     Married _____ Meyer.
     Daughter of Oscar Francis & Bertha Luella (Cunningham) Dalberg.
     "Mother of Phillip  Ronald  Ruth"
MEYERS, Mary Sue LYMAN-RIDEOUT           1935 1997            08-12-1997
     Married _____ Rideout.
     Married Thomas St.Jude Meyers in June of 1980.
MEYERS, Thomas St.Jude                   1937 2007 11-03-1937 04-17-2007                      

     Married Mary Sue Lyman-Rideout in June of 1980.
     Son of Philip & Agnes (Sheehan) Meyers.

MIATECH, Goldie Marie POOLE-PRITZLAFF    1959 2019 12-04-1959 06-28-2019
     Married Ronald "Ronnie" Pritzlaff.
     Married Donald Charles Miatech on August 25, 1990 in Milwaukee Co., WI.
     Daughter of Fame Forrest & Bedell Ardilla (Hendricks) Poole.
MILLER, Agnes P. HARDY                  1909 1995 08-04-1909 06-28-1995

          MS with Louis. Married Louis E. Miller on November 30, 1927.
     Daughter of Oscar Verlin & Lora Odessa (Kite) Hardy.
          "In God's Care"
MILLER, Calvin Loys                     1925 2006 05-15-1925 12-25-2006

     US Army - World War II
     MS with Ruth. Married Ruth M. Tracy on May 28, 1949.

     Married Eloise "Skip" Laue-Groh on February 21, 1981.
     Son of Carl Eugene & Victoria (Casey) Miller.
[See Eloise "Skip" Laue-Groh-MILLER 1930-2024 Richland Center Cemetery]
MILLER, Camilla Oneida ANDERSON        1915 2004 02-22-1915 12-29-2004
     MS with Delbert. Married Delbert J. Miller on July 22, 1946.
     Daughter of Edwin T. & Effie Eva (Dieter) Anderson.
MILLER, Carl Eugene                     1883 1968 02-04-1883 02-06-1968
     MS with Victoria. Married Victoria Casey on November 4, 1906.
     Son of James L. & Izora Y. (Wilson) Miller.
MILLER, Carl Robert                     1936 2020 06-28-1936 10-24-2020
     Married Shirley Ann Storms on September 10, 1955.
     Son of Emery L. & Myrtle E. (Dingman) Miller.
MILLER, Catherine Ellen FINK            1933 1988 04-25-1933 02-18-1988

     MS with Ralph. Married Ralph Emery Miller on January 9, 1954.
     Daughter of Jack & Leona (Doyle) Fink.
MILLER, Cheryl "Cheri" HOTMAR
     Married Vern J. Miller on September 2, 1978.
     Daughter of Maurice Cadwell "Morey" & Lenore E. (Hardyman) Hotmar.
     Note: Added from husband obituary. Owner -  dates pending.
MILLER, Clarence John                   1882 1942 05-31-1882 02-26-1942
     MS with Effie. Married Effie Lena Turk on May 25, 1902.
     Son of James Madison & Mary Christina (Persinger) Miller.
MILLER, Cleone Margaret CONKLE          1911 1937 08-15-1911 04-03-1937
     MS with Clyde. Married Clyde Leo Miller on August 20, 1930. "Wife" 
     Daughter of Walter Jerome & Ella H. (Cornwall) Conkle.
MILLER, Clyde Leo                       1910 1997 04-29-1910 11-27-1997
     Married Cleone Margaret Conkle on August 20, 1930.
     Married Irene L. Armstrong October 3, 1938.
     Son of Neil Jesse & Ella B. (Jones) Miller.
          "Husband"  Death year note engraved 19__.
     Note: Headstone also at Pine River Cemetery.

MILLER, Delbert J.                      1912 1988 04-11-1912 12-09-1988
     US Army - World War II   F=WWII
MS with Camilla. Married Camilla Oneida Anderson on July 22, 1946.
     Son of Harry Alva & Florence (Casey) Miller.
MILLER, Donald Andrew "Doc"             1951 2017 08-27-1951 04-13-2017
     Married Sandra L. Olson on June 28, 1980.
     Son of Marion Francis & Eunice Myrtle (Crawford) Miller.
MILLER, Donald E.                       1933      09-28-1933
     US Army - Korea
     LS with his wifes Dorrine and Irma.
     Married Dorrine Dawn Dyer on February 20, 1954.
     Married Irma M. Hansen.
     Son of Louis E. & Agnes P. (Hardy) Miller.
     "Parents of Tim, Mark & Dan"
     Death date pending.
MILLER, Dorrine Dawn DYER               1935 1960 12-30-1935 01-14-1960

          LS with her husband Donald and Donald's 2nd wife Irma.
     Married Donald E. Miller on February 20, 1954.

     Daughter of Ray N. & Cora E. (Dalton) Dyer.
           "Mother of: Doug"
MILLER, Earl James                      1909 1988 08-25-1909 10-27-1988

     MS with Florence. Married Florence B. Schricker on January 16, 1934.
     Son of Clarence John & Effie Lena (Turk) Miller. "Father"
MILLER, Effie Lena TURK                 1884 1931 10-27-1884 11-12-1931
     MS with Clarence. Married Clarence John Miller on May 25, 1902.
     Daughter of Butler L. & Anne (Moore) Turk.
          "His Wife"
MILLER, Elizabeth D.                    1858 1931            12-15-1931
     Note: Dates are below gound level.
     Note: Burial Permit died in Milwaukee, WI.

MILLER, Ella Ilene MOORE                1923 2009 08-08-1923 06-18-2009
     MS with Ellis. Married Ellis Crawford Miller
on April 8, 1942.
     Daughter of
James Francis "Frank" & Ella M. (Hatch) Moore.
MILLER, Ellis Crawford                  1917 2008 06-05-1917 03-13-2008
     MS with Ella. Married Ella Ilene Moore on April 8, 1942.
     Son of Clarence John & Effie Lena (Turk) Miller.
MILLER, Emma Alida SHEAFOR              1869 1904 07-17-1869 02-11-1904

          LS with her parents Squire & Barbara and her sister Minnie Rose SHEAFOR.
     Married A.G. Miller.

     Daughter of Squire & Barbara (Nehr) Sheafor.
MILLER, Florence CASEY                  1887 1964 02-07-1887 11-08-1964
     MS with Harry. Married Harry Alva Miller on November 4, 1906.
     Daughter of George B. & Sonora Lincoln (Sharp) Casey. 
MILLER, Florence B. SCHRICKER           1911 1992 05-29-1911 04-25-1992
     MS with Earl. Married Earl James Miller on January 16, 1934. "Mother"
     Daughter of John & Mathilda (Eichorst) Schricker.
MILLER, Gloria J. "Glo" HYING           1946      07-29-1946
     MS with Karl. Married Karl E. Miller on October 26, 1968.
     Daughter of Elmer E. & Coletta Clara Lucy (Lins) Hying.
     Death date pending.
MILLER, Harry Alva                      1881 1956 03-20-1881 01-01-1956

     MS with Florence. Married Florence Casey on November 4, 1906.
     Son of James Lemuel & Izora Zalalla (Wilson) Miller.
MILLER, Heather Marie                   1986 2005 04-17-1986 11-27-2005
     Daughter of Kenneth & Starlyn (Kitsembel) Miller.
MILLER, Irma M. HANSEN                  1934      10-11-1934
     LS with her husband Donald and Donald's 1st wife Dorraine.
     Married Donald E. Miller.
     Daughter of George & Julia Louise (Eisbroden) Hansen.
     "Parents of Tim, Mark & Dan" 
     Death date pending.
MILLER, John E.                         1938 1998 12-29-1938 12-01-1998

     Son of Earl James & Florence B. (Schricker) Miller.
MILLER, Karl E.                         1939 2014 06-06-1939 01-10-2014
     US Army - VietNam Era    
     MS with Gloria. Married Gloria J. "Glo" Hying on October 26, 1968.
     Son of Merle Wesley & Gertrude H. (Stafford) Miller.
MILLER, Lemuel Bradford, Sr.            1911 1985 06-14-1911 05-11-1985

     Married Merle Faye Williamson on June 8, 1933.
     Son of Carl Eugene & Victoria (Casey) Miller.
MILLER, Louis E.                        1905 1995 11-27-1905 08-14-1995
     MS with Agnes. Married Agnes P. Hardy on November 30, 1927.
     Son of August & Rachael (Arneson) Miller.
          "In God's Care"
MILLER, Merle Faye WILLIAMSON           1916 2016 01-06-1916 03-17-2016
     Married Lemuel Bradford Sr., Sr.  Miller on June 8, 1933.
     Daughter of Lemuel E. & Esther F. (Meyer) Williamson.
MILLER, Ralph Emery                     1934      05-11-1934
     MS with Catherine. Married Catherine Ellen Fink on January 9, 1954.
     Son of Emery L. & Myrtle E. (Dingman) Miller.
     Death date
MILLER, Ralph R. "Randy"               1954 2007 11-17-1954 09-15-2007
     Married Theresa Jo _____.
     Son of
Ralph Emery & Catherine Ellen (Fink) Miller.
     "Father of Karen, Laurie, Timothy
     "Grandfather of Derek, Draven, McKenzie, Kyra, Madison, Zayden, Kennedy"
MILLER, Ruth BLAESING                  1916 2009 11-08-1916 07-10-2009
     Married William Miller on May 9, 1936.
     Daughter William & Rena (Miller) Blaesing.
MILLER, Ruth M. TRACY                  1924 1977 12-27-1924 06-28-1977
     MS with Calvin. Married Calvin Loys Miller on May 28, 1949.
     Daughter of William McKinley & Emma Ellen (Bolint) Tracy.
MILLER, Ruth Marie STARKEY              1933 1973 11-10-1933 04-30-1973
     Married William Vernon Miller on November 15, 1952.
     Daughter of Russell Francis & Garnet Alene (Randall) Starkey.
MILLER, Samantha Jo                     1982 1982  05-24-1982 05-24-1982
     LS with her grandparents Donald and Pauline OLSON.
     Daughter of Donald Andrew "Doc" & Sandra L. (Olson) Miller.

MILLER, Samuel W.                       1853 1940 09-04-1853 04-17-1940

     Married Rachel L. Denman on November 4, 1882. Aged 86Ys 7Ms 13Ds
     Married Nettie Harrington-Bellows on May 5, 1901.
     Son of George & Julia Ann "Julian" Joleann" (Weidner) Miller.
     Note: Added from death record.
     Married Donald Andrew "Doc" Miller on June 28, 1980.
     Daughter of Donald Emery & Pauline L. (Montgomery) Olson.
     Owner - all dates pending.
     Married Carl Robert Miller on September 10, 1955.
     Daughter Mac R. & Vera Marcella (Troxel) Storms.
     Owner - all dates pending.
MILLER, Twin Daughters                  1929 1929
     "Twin Dau's of Louis & Agnes Miller  1929"
     Twin daughters of Louis E. & Agnes P. (Hardy) Miller.
MILLER, Vern J.                         1941 2024 03-06-1941 05-06-2024
     US Army Medic - 1960-1963 Peace Time
     Married Cheryl "Cheri" Hotmar on September 2, 1978.
     Son of Earl James & Florence B. (Schricker) Miller.
     Added from obituary. Cemetery not listed. Used parents cemetery Basswood.  
MILLER, Victoria CASEY                  1889 1959 06-26-1889 02-07-1959

     MS with Carl. Married Carl Eugene Miller on November 4, 1906.
     Daughter of George B. & Sonora Lincoln (Sharp) Casey.
MINETT, Fern B. WILSON                  1909 1965            11-25-1965
Lyle Louis Minett on December 22, 1926.
     Daughter of Thomas Smith & Margaret Elvira (Williams) Wilson.
     Note: Burial Permit shows died in Winnebgo Co., WI.

MINETT, Lyle Louis                      1899 1985 03-18-1899 11-21-1985
     Married Fern B. Wilson on December 22, 1926.
     Son of Erve Louis & Celia S. (Romack) Minett.
Note: Added from Burial Permit. Died in Rockford, IL.
MITCHELL, Edna Mae TURGESON             1888 1951 02-00-1888 07-28-1951
     MS with H.Ernest. Married Herman Ernest Mitchell.
     Daughter of John & Armina (Dixon) Turgeson.
MITCHELL, Herman Ernest                 1888 1962 07-26-1888 03-26-1962
     MS with Edna. Married Edna Mae Turgeson.
     Adopted son of James T. & Mary E. Mitchell.
MITCHELL, Keith E.                      1921 1985 10-24-1921 05-16-1985
     SSgt US Amry - World War II   F=AmLegion
     Son of Herman Ernest & Edna Mae (Turgeson) Mitchell.
MONTGOMERY, (Baby)                      1956 1956 07-02-1956 07-05-1956

     Son of Kenneth E. "Monty" & Joyce Joan (Glass) Montgomery.
     Note: Added from death record.
MONTGOMERY, (Baby)                      1957 1957 03-27-1957 03-27-1957
     Son of Kenneth E. "Monty" & Joyce Joan (Glass) Montgomery.
     Note: Added from death record.
MONTGOMERY, Blanche Ida HENRY           1889 1943 06-16-1889 06-08-1943
     MS with Freeman. Married Freeman Monroe Montgomery on December 2, 1909.
     Daughter of Robert James & Sarah Matilda (Sparling) Henry.
MONTGOMERY, Clifford L.                 1898 1971 12-22-1898 06-30-1971
     Married Ingabelle "Belle" Hansen on February 25, 1920.
     Son of Henry & Irene Amaretta (Glass) Montgomery.
MONTGOMERY, Daisy                       1900 1902 05-07-1900 01-15-1902
     Daughter of Henry & Irene Amaretta (Glass) Montgomery.
     Note: Added from death record.
MONTGOMERY, Elizabeth MCGANN            1820 1901 08-00-1820 02-01-1901
     Married William Henry Montgomery.
     Daughter of Henry McGann.
     Note: Added from death record.
MONTGOMERY, Freeman Monroe              1885 1968 09-20-1885 01-11-1968
     MS with Blanche. Married Blanche Ida Henry on December 2, 1909.
     Son of Silas Freeman & Thursy Anna (Cook) Montgomery.
MONTGOMERY, Henry                       1891 1893 01-24-1891 12-24-1893
     Son of Silas Freeman & Thursy Anna (Cook) Montgomery.
MONTGOMERY, Henry                       1857 1921 05-02-1857 09-24-1921
     MS with Irene. Married Irene Amaretta Glass on January 1, 1890.
     Son of William Henry & Elizabeth (McGann) Montgomery.
MONTGOMERY, Infant Son                  1917 1917 09-14-1917 09-14-1917
          MS with Conrad Aubrey SOPHER.
     Son of James Grover & Iva (Stetler) Montgomery.

MONTGOMERY, Ingabelle "Belle" HANSEN    1895 1978 08-02-1895 04-08-1978
     Married Clifford L. Montgomery on February 25, 1920.
     Daughter of Otto & Ada M. (Henry) Hansen.
MONTGOMERY, Irene Amaretta GLASS        1862 1935 10-19-1862 02-27-1935
     MS with Henry. Married Henry Montgomery on January 1, 1890.
     Daughter of James & Sarah Amanda (Holmes) Glass.
MONTGOMERY, Iva STETLER                 1890 1967 10-28-1890 12-13-1967
     MS with James. Married James Grover Montgomery on October 5, 1914. 
     Daughter of Franklin Pierce "Frank" & Susann Margaret (Hinkle) Stetler.
MONTGOMERY, James Grover                1892 1949 08-27-1892 03-25-1949
     MS with Iva. Married Iva Stetler on October 5, 1914.
     Son of Henry & Irene Amaretta (Glass) Montgomery.
MONTGOMERY, Junior Monroe               1933 1984 07-31-1933 08-08-1984
     Marrie Beverly Jean Goodyear.
     Married Cheryl _____.
Son of Freeman Monroe & Blanche Ida (Henry) Montgomery.
     [See Beverly Jean Goodyear-Montgomery-McBAIN in the Loyd Cemetery]
Note: Added from Burial Permit. Died in Palos Heights, CA.
MONTGOMERY, Mable L.                    1888 1891 02-07-1888 02-13-1891
     Daughter of Silas Freeman & Thursy Anna (Cook) Montgomery.
MONTGOMERY, Roy Carl                    1918 1944 07-16-1918 11-18-1944
     Wisconsin Pvt 323 Inf 81 Inf Div - World War II
     Married Mary M. Butler on December 11, 1942.
     Son of Freeman Monroe & Blanche Ida (Henry) Montgomery.
MONTGOMERY, William Henry               1820 1901 08-00-1820 02-01-1901
     Married Elizabeth McGann.
     Note: Some family information state that he is buried in Michigan.
     Note: Added to Basswood Cemtery based on FAMILY SEARCH website.
MOON, Philip Daniel D.                   1861 1865 10-23-1861 03-20-1865
     Son of Jonathan & Elizabeth Ann (Davis) Moon. Aged 3Ys 4Ms 25Ds
MOORE, Emma Susan MUDICA                 1915 1988 04-01-1915 03-13-1988
     Married Roy B. Moore.
     Daughter of Victor Hugo & Leona Elsie (Powers) Mudica.
MORRISON, Ida Lenora "Nora" WHEATON     1869 1896 11-18-1869 09-12-1896
     Married John D. Morrison on January 13, 1889. Aged 26Ys 9Ms 25Ds
     Daughter of Theodore & Abigail (Crandall) Wheaton.
MORTON, Lucey                           1883 1885 10-15-1883 11-05-1885
     Aged 2Ys 21Ds
MURRAY, Byron W.                        1895 1977 02-16-1895 05-08-1977
     Aviation Corps - World War I
Married Nellie M. Collins on June 6, 1923.
     Son of John Nathaniel & Olive W. (Woodman) Murray.
MURRAY, John William                    1925 1953 07-11-1925 08-09-1953
     Indiana Pvt Co I 330 Inf 83 Inf Div - World War II BSM PH
          Son of Byron W. & Nellie M. (Collins) Murray.
MURRAY, Nellie M. COLLINS               1899 1977 01-03-1899 04-19-1977
     Married Byron W. Murray on June 6, 1923.
     Daughter of Jessup Ellis & Cordelia "Delia" (Oens) Collins.
MYERS, Linda Marie BODEN-BOGUS          1956 2019 02-20-1956 10-19-2019
     Married ____ Bogus.
     Married Terry J. Myers on February 20, 2003.
     Daughter of Robert & Marlene (Olstad) Boden.
NETZ, Blanche Ada COLLINS               1891 1981 10-16-1891 09-28-1981

     MS with H.Eldon. Married Harry Eldon Netz on December 25, 1916. "Mother"
     Daughter of Jessup Ellis & Cordelia "Delia" (Oens) Collins.
NETZ, Harry Eldon, Sr.                  1894 1978 06-28-1894 12-17-1978
     MS with Blanche. Married Blanche Ada Collins on December 25, 1916. "Father" 
          Son of Frank & Nellie (VanSant) Netz.
NEVEL, Leo Bernard  AKA RANDALL         1924 1927 12-11-1924 03-15-1927

     "Leo Bernard Nevel  Son of Mrs. Elma Randall"
     Son of Elma E. Persinger and _____ Nevel.
Elma E. Persinger-RANDALL at the West Fork Cemetery]
     Note: Leo's death record list him as Leo Nevel RANDALL and his
           parents as Glen
Randall and Elma Persinger. Glen would be
           either Leo's adopted or step-father.

NEWMAN, Cecil Melwin                    1900 1984 01-18-1900 10-02-1984
Son of Frank R. & Emma Jane (Standish) Newman.
     "Love Is Our Cherished Gift"

NEWMAN, Emma Jane STANDISH              1873 1955 06-04-1873 05-17-1955
     Married Frank R. Newman on April 27, 1893 in Grant Co., WI.
     Daughter of William R. & Clara J. (Harsha) Standish.
     "Love Is Our Cherished Gift"

NEWMAN, Frank R.                        1870 1956 10-00-1870 02-22-1956
     Married Emma Jane Standish on April 27, 1893 in Grant Co., WI.
     Son of Nelson & Alice Newman.
     "Love Is Our Cherished Gift"

NEWMAN, Hobart D.                       1898 1973 04-24-1898 09-07-1973
     Son of Frank R. & Emma Jane (Standish) Newman.
     "Love Is Our Cherished Gift"

NILES, Juliatt ARMSTRONG                1832 1902 07-31-1832 02-16-1902
     Married Philetus Norman Niles on February 15, 1848.
     Daughter of Nathan Martin & Ruth (Sandy) Armstrong.
NILES, Philetus Norman                  1827 1884 01-05-1827 03-07-1884
     Married Juliatt Armstrong on February 15, 1848. Aged 56 years.
     Son of Jonathan & Betsey Niles.
NONDORF, Candace Sue "Candy" CARTER     1952 1993 08-21-1952 07-04-1993
     Married Robert Bernard Nondorf on November 24, 1973.
     Daughter of Earl & Margie Elizabeth (Haskins) Carter.

NOWLEN, Jan Alene NOWLEN-MARTIN         1947      03-12-1947
     Married Richard Allen "Dick" Martin.
     Daughter of Charles & June Nolen.
     Owner - All dates pending. {See Jan NOWLEN uses maiden name.}
O'MEALY, Emma Serilda CORNWALL-GLASS    1871 1902 07-31-1871 05-13-1902

     Married Edwin Glass on January 5, 1891.
     Married Clark O'Mealy on November 14, 1896.
     Daughter of Thomes & Jeanette (Ripley) Cornwall.
     Note: Added from death record.
O'MEALY, Harry                          1884 1893            12-05-1893
     Son of Clark & Martha (Burrington) O'Mealy. Aged 9 years.
     Note: Added from death record.
O'MEALY, Martha BURRINGTON              1864 1893 12-01-1864 11-24-1893
     Married Clark O'Mealy on August 8, 1880.
     Daughter of Calvin H. & Rosetta M. (Johnson) Burrington.
     Note: Added from death record.
O'REILLY, Gladys BAILEY                 1910 1977 05-05-1910 11-20-1977
     Married Edwin O'Reilly.
     Daughter of Howard & Grace E. (Carley) Bailey.
     [See Grace
E. Carley-Bailey-REINHART]
OLESON, Adolph O.                       1870 1959 04-28-1870 07-20-1959
     Married Lillian May White about 1892.
     Married Neva Aletha Tuttle on August 21, 1917.

     Son of Ole E. & Georgeana F. (Nelson) & Olsen.
     Grandson of Even & Isabella Olesen.
Note: Surname varies: Olesen/Oleson/Olsen/Olson.
Note: Parents at Immanuel Cemetery and their headstone engraved OLSEN.
          Note: NOT BURIED HERE! Buried in Oakland, Calif with second wife Neva.
OLESON, Lillian May WHITE-MILLER        1875 1933 03-04-1875 07-07-1933
     Married Adolph O. Oleson about 1892.
     Married George W. Miller after 1926.
     Daughter of Lott & Mary E. (Yeager) White.
OLESON, Tryxa Elva ESSEX                1895 1980 11-19-1895 08-31-1980
     MS with Willie. Married William Jason "Willie" Oleson on December 20, 1916.
     Daughter of Edward Edgar "Ed" & Mary Ann (Myers) Essex. "Mom"
OLESON, William Jason "Willie"          1893 1942 01-14-1893 04-15-1942
     MS with Tryxa. Married Tryxa Elva Essex on December 20, 1916. "Dad"
     Son of Adolph O. & Lillian May (White) Oleson.
OLESTEAD, Julia Ganheid SELING          1837 1908 08-17-1837 08-28-1908
     MS with Ole. Married Ole Olestead. "His Wife"
     Daughter of Ole & Carrie (Olson) Seling.
OLESTEAD, Ole                           1838 1904 08-28-1838 01-08-1904
     MS with Julia. Married Julia Ganhied Seling.
     Note: Death date not engraved. Used death record for death date.
OLSON, Donald Emery                     1921 2003 10-20-1921 03-06-2003

     Veteran - World War II
LS with his wife Pauline and their granddaughter Samantha Jo MILLER.
Married Pauline L. Montgomery on July 10, 1946 in Iowa.
     Son of Floyd Emery & Ethel E. (Turgasen) Olson.
OLSON, Ethel E. TURGESON                1895 1979 06-03-1895 11-10-1979

     Married Floyd Emery Olson on November 19, 1914.
     Daughter of Andrew & Ida Irene (Lyman) Turgeson.
OLSON, Floyd Emery                      1895 1973 07-06-1895 07-30-1973
     Married Ethel E. Turgason on November 19, 1914.
     Son of Adolph O. & Lillian May (White) Oleson.
          Note: Uses the OLSON spelling where his parents used Oleson.
OLSON, Iva M.                           1931 2000 11-14-1931 06-28-2000
Note: Added from Burial Permit. Died in Rockford, IL.
OLSON, Lavina Christina                1907 1909 11-23-1907 04-06-1909
          "Dau. of A.O. & Lillie Olson"
     Daughter of Adolph O. & Lillian May (White) Oleson.

          Note: Surname engraved OLSON where parents used the OLESON spelling.
OLSON, Pauline L. MONTGOMERY       1921 2013 05-25-1921 11-05-2013
     LS with her husband Doand and their granddaughter Samantha Jo MILLER.
     Married Donald Emery Olson on July 10, 1946 in Iowa.
     Daughter of Clifford L. & Ingabelle "Belle" (Hansen) Montgomery.
OLSON, Theron Bradley              1915 1940 10-19-1915 12-19-1940
     Married Alvira Anderson on September 14, 1935.

     Son of Floyd Emery & Ethel E. (Turgasen) Olson.

     "Son of Floyd & Ethel"
OOMENS, Helen Marie TANNER              1912 2000 09-14-1912 09-28-2000
     Married Anton L. Oomens on June 8, 1935.
     Daughter of James McCellan & Grace (Lewis) Tanner.
          "Niece of Hettie Turnipseed"
ORSBURN, (Baby)                         1949 1949 04-13-1949 04-13-1949

     LS with her parents Cleo and Margie.
     Daughter of Cleo Avery & Margie Ellen (Keehn) Orsburn.

ORSBURN, Cleo Avery                     1918 1988 10-06-1918 12-08-1988
     US Army - World War II
     LS with his wife Margie and their baby daughter.
     Married Margie Ellen Keehn on October 16, 1948.

     Son of Abram A. & Mildred E. (Dary) Orsburn.
ORSBURN, Florence                       1891
     Death date not listed!
ORSBURN, George W.                      1861 1873
ORSBURN, Margie Ellen KEEHN-TANNER      1929 2023 09-04-1929 08-05-2023
     LS with Cleo & dau. Married Cleo Avery Orsburn on October 16, 1948.
     Married Married Cecil L. Tanner [1916-1991 buried Highland, WI]
     Companion of Buren Hoffman [1919-2007 buried Richland Cemetery, WI]
     Daughter of Everett Emerson & Dorothy A. "Dottie" (Toney) Keehn.
OSTRANDER, Della F. HINKEL              1901 1980 06-08-1901 03-25-1980
     MS with Raymond. Married Raymond Wilson Ostrander on August 1, 1923.
     Daughter of Elias & Mercey Parlee "Minnie" (Warren) Hinkel.
     "Amazing Grace" "Mom"
OSTRANDER, Evelyn Lorraine LEWIS-SCHROEDER 1928 2021 11-20-1928 09-05-2021
     Married Paul Frederick Schroeder on November 8, 1947.
     MS with Lyle. Married Eyle Edward Ostrander.
     Daughter of Archie & June E. (Dyer) Lewis.
OSTRANDER, Juley Ann PARISH             1962 2013 03-09-1962 10-30-2013
     Married John Ostrander on June 21, 1980 in Boscobel, WI.
     Daughter of Buddy Joe & Marlene Myra (Sneath) Parish.
OSTRANDER, Lyle Edward                  1920 2000 01-25-1920 09-04-2000

     MS with Evelyn. Married Evelyn Lorriane Lewis-Schroeder.
     Son of Jacob "Jake" & Amelia Elizabeth (Bolchen) Ostrander.
OSTRANDER, Raymond Wilson               1900 1966 06-20-1900 06-28-1966
     MS with Della. Married Della F. Hinkel on August 1, 1923. 
     Son of William Robert & Elinora "Ella" Jane (Ricks) Ostrander.
     "Amazing Grace" "Dad"

PALMER, Harriet A.                      1818 1885 03-09-1818 03-25-1885 0-033
     MS with Orange. Married Orange W. Palmer. Aged 77Ys 16Ds
     Note: Census show born 1818, but aged engraved 77 years, believe this
           to be an ERROR and should be aged67 years or death year wrong!
PALMER, Orange W.                       1825 1891 11-11-1825 05-30-1891 0-033
     MS with Harriet. Married Harriet A. _____. Aged 65Ys 6Ms 19Ds
     Son of Joseph B. & Lydia (Gardner) Palmer.
PARDUHN, Leandra Sue BARBER             1944 2008 09-23-1944 08-28-2008
     Married Henry A. "Hank" Parduhn
on August 5, 1961 in Houston, MN.
     Daughter of Marvin Eugene & Florence Caroline (Dvorak) Barber.
PARFREY, Ida "Ella" CONKLE              1873 1918 07-00-1873 07-05-1918

     Married Joseph E. Parfrey on August 24, 1890.
     Daughter of Michael & Srepta (Shively) Conkle.
     Note: Birth date nor aged listed listed on marker!
         [See Joseph E. Parfrey [1871-1934] in the Richland Center Cemetery]
PARISH, Alan L.                         1940 1940
     Son of Delbert V. & Elsie Arzell (Shepherd) Parish.
PARISH, Betty Joan BANKER               1934 2022 02-04-1934 11-17-2022
     Married Cecil Parish on August 8, 1952.
     Daughter of Chloran Donald & Laura I. (Mathews) Banker.
PARISH, Buddy Joe                       1935 2011 08-14-1935 02-09-2011
     MS with Marlene Myra Sneath on March 10, 1954.
     Son of Delbert V. & Eslie Arzella (Shepherd) Parish.
     Married Betty Joan Banker on August 8, 1952.
     Son of Delbert V. & Eslie Arzella (Shepherd) Parish.
     Owner - all dates pending.
PARISH, Cornelia Victoria SHAUGER       1857 1930 10-18-1857 06-23-1930

     LS with her husband Martin and their son Jessie.
     Married Martin J. Parish on July 27, 1873.

     Daughter of Stephen & Sarah Shauger.
PARISH, Darwin B.                       1878 1958 12-25-1878 10-19-1958
     MS with Millie. Married Millie M. Hillberry on September 20, 1899.
     Son of Martin J. & Cornelia Victoria (Shauger) Parish.
PARISH, Delbert V.                      1899 1959 07-25-1899 11-29-1959
     MS with Elsie. Married Elsie Arzella Shepherd on February 7, 1916.
     Son of Martin J. & Cornelia Victoria (Shauger) Parish.
PARISH, Earnie Dean                    1949 1987 02-01-1949 12-20-1987
     SN US Navy - VietNam
     Son of Earnie Warren & Mary Irene (Treakle) Parish.
          "In God's Care"  "Beloved Son"
PARISH, Earnie Warren                   1925 2006 10-11-1925 11-19-2006

     MS with Mary. Married Mary Irene Treakle on August 19, 1942.
     Son of Delbert V. & Elsie Azella (Shepherd) Parish.
"In Gods Care"
PARISH, Elsie Arzell SHEPHERD           1900 1993 12-22-1900 02-04-1993

     MS with Delbert. Married Delbert V. Parish on February 7, 1916.
     Daughter of John Howard & Nettie Caroline (Fry) Shepherd.
PARISH, Hazel V. MILLER                 1906 1995 07-11-1906 10-14-1995
     MS with Melvin. Married Melvin Parish on October 19, 1927.
     Daughter of Neil Jesse & Ella Bertha (Jones) Miller.
PARISH, Jessie                          1875 1895            08-12-1895
     LS with his parents Martin and Cornelia.
     Son of Martin J. & Cornelia
Victoria (Shauger) Parish.
PARISH, Kittie F. STANDISH              1886 1970 10-09-1886 05-23-1970
     MS with Roy. Married Roy Jay Parish on March 13, 1907.
     Daughter of William Rudolph & Elizabeth Jane (Harsha) Standish.
PARISH, Levi Joseph D.                   1816 1873           12-31-1873
     2nd Lieutenant Co H 44th Wis Inf - Civil War   F=CivilWar
     Married Magdeline Veeder [1826-1898 buried Avoca Cemetery, Avoca, WI].
     Married Anna McClelland [1832-1929 buried Ottumwa, Iowa].
     Son of Levi & Ruthe (Elloitt) Parish.

PARISH, Marlene Myra SNEATH             1939 2004 01-11-1939 08-30-2004
     MS with Buddy. Married Buddy Joe Parish on March 10, 1954.
     Daughter of Lawrence & Hazel (Dray) Sneath.
PARISH, Martin J.                       1854 1906 03-02-1854 12-20-1906
     LS with his wife Cornelia and their son Jessie.
Married Cornelia Victoria Shauger on July 27, 1873.
     Son of George & Cordelia Parish.
PARISH, Martin Leo                      1930 2004 10-27-1930 04-21-2004
     US Air Force - Peace Time
     MS with Reola. Married Reola Ann Hole on February 4, 1951.
     Son of Delbert V. & Elsie Arzell (Shepherd) Parish.
PARISH, Mary A.                         1937 1937
     Daughter of Delbert V. & Elsie Arzell (Shepherd) Parish.
PARISH, Mary Irene TREAKLE              1924 1990 03-13-1924 04-09-1990
     MS with Earnie. Married Earnie Warren Parish on August 19, 1942.
     Daughter of Benjamin E. & Mary Alfretta (Vest) Treakle.
          "In Gods Care"
PARISH, Melvin                          1900 1978 04-07-1900 01-01-1978

     MS with Hazel. Married Hazel V. Miller on October 19, 1927.
     Son of Darwin B. & Millie M. (Hillberry) Parish.
PARISH, Millie M. HILLBERRY             1876 1967 08-08-1876 01-18-1967
     MS with Darwin. Married Darwin B. Parish on September 20, 1899.
     Daughter of Alfred & Ellah V. (Randall) Hillberry.
PARISH, Raymond James                   1917 1984 12-26-1917 03-12-1984
     Pvt. US Army - World War II
MS with Ruby. Married Ruby Fae Rittenhouse on May 10, 1948.
     Son of Delbert V. & Elsie Arzell (Shepherd) Parish.
PARISH, Reola Ann HOLE                  1933      11-05-1933
     MS with Martin. Married
Martin Leo Parish on February 4, 1951.
     Death date pending.
PARISH, Rosey F. PARISH                 1967 2016 10-01-1967 11-16-2016
     Daughter of Buddy Joe & Marlene Myra (Sneath) Parish.
PARISH, Roy Jay                         1882 1961 10-10-1882 03-14-1961

     MS with Kittie. Married Kittie F. Standish on March 13, 1907.
     Son of Martin J. & Cornelia Victoria (Shauger) Parish.
     MS with Raymond. Married Raymond James Parish on May 10, 1948.
     Married Eugene Kelly Brewer on December 7, 1993.
     Daughter of Everett and Blanche S. (Miller) Rittenhouse.
     "Together Forever" 
     Death date pending.
PARSELL, Eliza A. KESLER                1826 1896 04-20-1826 06-22-1896

     MS with Richard. Married Richard G. Parsell. 
         "Born .. Preble Co., Ohio .. Died Boaz, Wis. Age 70Years 2Mos 2Day".
PARSELL, Richard G.                     1813 1901 01-08-1813 07-13-1901
     MS with Eliza. Married Eliza A. Kesler. 
          "Born .. Dayton, Ohio .. Died Boaz, Wis. Age 88Years 6Mos 5Days"
PAULS, Elmer Leslie                     1902 1959 10-27-1902 07-30-1959
     Married Clair H. Parduhn in 1924.
     Son of Henry F. & Matilda M. (Emshoff) Pauls.
PECK, Francis LaVern                    1935 2002 05-01-1935 08-28-2002
     US Army - Peace Time
Married Leona Allbaugh on May 14, 1960.
     Son of Merritt Walker & Juanita Violet (Haskins) Peck.
PECK, Juanita Violet HASKINS            1914 1988 08-14-1914 10-31-1988
     MS with Merritt. Married Merritt Walker Peck on August 8, 1934.
     Daughter of Charles F. & Aleta Nora (Powers) Haskins.
PECK, Merritt Walker                    1912 1999 12-13-1912 02-06-1999
     MS with Juanita.
Married Juanita Violet Haskins on August 8, 1934.
PEDLER, Ruth Marie ENDICOTT             1901 1995 09-29-1901 09-22-1995
     Married Sidney D. Pedler on November 29, 1936.
     Daughter of George W. & Clara Belle (Glass) Endicott.
PEDLER, Sidney D.                       1901 1974 01-01-1901 09-26-1974
     Married Ruth Marie Endicott on November 29, 1936.
     Son of Edwin Pedler.
PENNEL, Jessie Mae                      1925 1954 10-26-1925
     Son of Raymond Eldred "Hap" & Clara Alma (Wallace) Pennel.
PENNEL, Raymond Eldred "Hap"            1902 1989 11-12-1902 12-27-1989
     Married Clara Alma Wallace on February 24, 1924.
     Married Mabel Irene Nevel on December 28, 1946.
     Married Rozella Irene Slane on August 23, 1969.
     Son of Fredrick "Fred" Speidel & Jessie M. (Eldred) Pennel.
PENNEL, Rozella Irene SLANE-BOAK        1912 1993 09-20-1912 12-01-1993
     Married Harold William Boak on June 27, 1932.
     Married Raymond Eldred "Hap" Pennel on August 23, 1969.
     Daughter of Earl D. & Allie V. (Storms) Slane.
PERSINGER, Barbara J. "Barb" DRONE-STRINE 1952 2019 06-19-1952 08-10-2019
     Married Mikle David Strine on August 8, 1970.
     Married Robert E. "Bob" Persinger on April 13, 1980.
     Daughter of William O. & Bonita A. (Herrick) Drone.
     Note: Added from obituary. Cemetery not listed!
PERSINGER, Beatrice Anita               1935 1937 01-26-1935 06-28-1937

     Daughter of Everett William & Myra Lucile (Morgan) Persinger.
PERSINGER, Beverly Louise HUSOM         1937 1994 11-24-1937 03-11-1994
     MS with Ralph. Married Ralph Eugene Persinger on May 11, 1957.
     Daughter of Oscar A. & Theo Idell (Burkhamer) Husom.
          "In Gods Care"
PERSINGER, Clifford William              1929 1929            04-13-1929

        Son of Everett William & Myra Lucile (Morgan) Persinger.
PERSINGER, Cora B. COLLINS               1873 1921 11-09-1873 03-25-1921
     Married Edward Z. Persinger on December 25, 1902.  "Mother"
     Daughter of Cassius M. & Sarah E. (Roth) Collins.
PERSINGER, Daniel Dean                  1971 1971 11-24-1971 11-24-1971

     Son of Ralph Eugene & Beverly Louise (Husom) Persinger.
PERSINGER, Edward Z.                    1874 1962 12-07-1874 11-26-1962
     Married Cora B. Collins on December 25, 1902.
     Married Rose Josephine Harris-Burke on April 18, 1923.
     Son of Zackary & Elizabeth (Oliver) Persinger.
     [See Rose
Harris-Persinger-BURKE in Richland Center Saint Marys Cemetery]
PERSINGER, Everett Edward Jr.           1933 1935 04-28-1933 02-26-1935
     Son of Everett William & Myra Lucile (Morgan) Persinger.
PERSINGER, Everett W.                   1903 1977 07-14-1903 09-13-1977
     MS with Myra. Married Myra Lucile Morgan on August 28, 1926.
     Son of Oscar H. & Lena (Hardy) Persinger.
PERSINGER, Geraldine M. ANDERSON        1915 1981 12-27-1915 09-30-1981
     MS with Guy. Married Guy Collin Persinger on May 17, 1933.
     Daughter of Arthur H. & Bernice H. (Henry) Anderson.
PERSINGER, Guy Collin                   1909 1989 04-16-1909 07-19-1989
     MS with Geraldine. Married Geraldine M. Anderson on May 17, 1933.
     Son of Edward Z. & Cora B. (Collins) Persinger.
PERSINGER, Gyneth J.                    1934 1934 01-16-1934 02-03-1934
     Daughter of Cassius & Margaret M. (Lee) Persinger.
     Note: Added from death record and obituaries.
     Note: Death record listed as Aynth Joann and three different obits
     as Gyneth Joanne, Gyneth Jean & Gyneth Joan. One obit 4th for death day.
PERSINGER, Lena HARDY-STETLER           1880 1969 10-29-1880 08-03-1969

     MS with Oscar. Married Oscar H. Persinger on December 19, 1897.
     Married Wilbert Stetler on December 9, 1930.
     Daughter of Jesse Thomas & Nancy (Troxel) Hardy.
PERSINGER, Mark A.                      1962 2005 03-30-1962 11-29-2005
     Son of Ralph Eugene & Beverly Louise (Husom) Persinger.
PERSINGER, Myra Lucile MORGAN           1909 1997 07-29-1909 04-18-1997
     MS with Everett. Married Everett William Persinger on August 28, 1926.
     Daughter of George W. & Lidia Viola (Flynn) Morgan.
PERSINGER, Oscar H.                     1875 1926 01-10-1875 04-26-1926
     MS with Lena. Married Lena Hardy on December 19, 1897.
     Son of William H. & Mariah H. (Beebe-Wallace) Persinger.
PERSINGER, Ralph Eugene                 1935 2003 07-12-1935 09-04-2003
     MS with Beverly. Married Beverly Louise Husom on May 11, 1957.
     Son of Guy Collin & Geraldine M. (Anderson) Persinger.
          "In Gods Care"
PERSINGER, Robert E. "Bob"
     Married Barbara J. "Barb" Drone-Strine on April 13, 1980.
     Son of Everett
William & Myra Lucile (Morgan) Persinger.
     Owner - All dates pending.
PETERS, Hattie A. EVANS                 1858 1907 01-01-1858 12-07-1907

     MS with Robert. Married Robert Wiley Peters on September 28, 1875.
     Daughter of David Denman & Sarah Curtner (Shannon) Evans.
          "Wife of R.W. Peters"
PETERS, Holida                          1830 1894 11-08-1830 07-28-1894

     Married Eliza Jane Thompson on November 27, 1851 in Tippecanoe Co., IN. 
     Married Nancy Ellen Coutney on February 27, 1870 in Richland Co., WI.
     Son of John J. & Sarah (Wiley) Peters.
          Aged 63Ys 8Ms 20Ds
     Note: Also listed as: Holiday, Holladay, Hollida
PETERS, Infant Son                      1898 1899 11-28-1898 01-13-1899
          "Infant  1898 - 1899  Son"
     Son of Joseph Stanton & Sarah "Tissie" (Kinder) Peters.

PETERS, Joanna Iowa CONKLE              1866 1936 01-08-1866 06-08-1936
     Married John Morton Peters on March 11, 1888.
     Daughter of John Johnson & Mary Jane (McKy) Conkle.
PETERS, John Morton                     1866 1946 07-21-1866 10-20-1946
     Married Joanna Iowa Conkle on March 11, 1888.
     Son of Robert Wiley & Keziah (Blickenstaff) Peters.
PETERS, Joseph Stanton                  1863 1943 01-09-1863 01-29-1943
          "J. Stanton Peters  1863 - 1943  Father"
Sarah "Tissie" Kinder on October 10, 1886.
of Robert Wiley & Keziah (Blickenstaff) Peters.
PETERS, Keziah BLICKENSTAFF             1851 1875 08-05-1851 03-17-1875
          MS with her son Robert E. Peters.  Aged 23Ys 7Ms 12Ds
     Married Robert Wiley Peters on September 1, 1861 in Tippecanoe, IN.
          Daughter of Joseph & Kaziah (Jones) Blickenstaff.
PETERS, L.G.                            1889 1889 02-07-1889 02-18-1889

     Son of John Morton & Joanna Iowa (Conkle) Peters.
          "L.G. .. Infant of .. Budded on earth to bloom in Heaven"
PETERS, Lillie                          1889 1889 02-07-1889 10-00-1889 0-020
     Daugther of John Morton & Joanna Iowa (Conkle) Peters.
     Note: Added from obituary. Parents, birth date, cemetery not listed.
           No marker found.
PETERS, Mary Ermine "Marie" MATHEWS    1892 1968 11-25-1892 10-21-1968

     Married Walter John Peters on Auhust 25, 1915.
     Daughter of Thomas Clark & Martha Rebecca (Hardy) Mathews.
PETERS, Nancy Ellen COUTNEY             1846 1936 08-19-1846 12-16-1936
     Married Holida Peters on February 27, 1870.
     Daughter of John & Rachel Jane (Roark) Coutney.
          Note: Maiden name vary: Coatney, Coutley, Coutney
PETERS, Neva                            1894 1916 10-21-1894 05-06-1916

     Daughter of John Morton & Joanna Iowa (Conkle) Peters.
PETERS, Robert E.                       1874 1874            11-01-1874
          MS with his mother Keziah. Aged 7Ms
     Son of Robert
Wiley & Keziah (Blickenstaff) Peters.
PETERS, Robert Wiley                    1840 1924 03-26-1840 12-19-1924
     Married Kaziah Blickenstaff on September 1, 1861 in Tippecanoe, IN.
     MS with Hattie. Married Hattie A. Evans on September 28, 1875.
     Son of John J. & Sarah (Wiley) Peters.
PETERS, Sarah "Tissie" KINDER           1866 1932 02-01-1866 12-18-1932
     "Tissie  1866 - 1932  Mother"
     Married Joseph Stanton Peters
on October 10, 1886.
     Daughter of Solomon & Mary E. (Elder) Kinder.
          Note: Used given name Sarah from birth to the 1900 census, after which
           time she used Tissie, however on her childrens birth/death records
           Sarah Kinder used still used from time to time.
           Burial Permit "Died in Blue River, WI.
PETERS, Walter John                     1892 1960 09-15-1892 02-08-1960

     Married Mary Ermine "Marie" Mathews on Auhust 25, 1915.
     Son of John Morton & Joanna Iowa (Conkle) Peters.
PETERSON, Frank E.                      1903 1975 02-28-1903 09-07-1975
     Married Zereta Perl Bailey.
     Son of Paul Otto & Jennie Belle (Morse) Peterson.
PETERSON, Jennie Belle MORSE            1882 1958 04-05-1882 06-09-1958
     Married Paul Otto Peterson on June 18, 1902. "Mother" 
     Daughter of Moses Hazen & Susan Caroline (Morton) Morse.
PETERSON, Marie Nearie                  1947 1947 12-17-1947 12-17-1947
PETERSON, Paul Otto                     1878 1939 04-09-1878 02-15-1939
     Married Jennie Belle Morse on June 18, 1902. "Father" 
         Son of John & Eugra (Hohnson) Peterson.
PETERSON, Zereta Perl BAILEY            1907 1998 06-28-1907 11-20-1998

     Married Frank E. Peterson.
     Daughter of Howard & Grace E. (Carley) Bailey.
     Note: All records show birth year 1907, engraved 1906.
     [See Grace
E. Carley-Bailey-REINHART] 
PHILPITT, Elma Iona BREWER              1906 1988 10-07-1906 12-13-1988
     MS with William. Married William S. Philpitt. "Mother" 
     Daughter of William Seth & Lillie B. (Conkle) Brewer.
PHILPITT, Leland William                1944 1988 09-24-1944 10-07-1988
     MS with Linda. Married Linda Sue DeMerchant on March 4, 1967. "Dad"
     Son of William S. & Elma Iona (Brewer) Philpitt.
PHILPITT, Linda Sue DeMERCHANT          1946 2021 09-01-1946 07-25-2021
     MS with Leland. Married Leland William Philpitt on March 4, 1967. "Mom"
     Daughter of Ivan Russell & Thelma (Roberts) DeMerchant
PHILPITT, William S.                    1901 1968 05-10-1901 07-28-1968
     MS with Elma. Married Elma Iona Brewer. "Father"
          Son of Daniel H. & Mary Augusta "Gussie" (Niemeyer) Philpitt.
PONTBRIANT, Albert Arthur Jr.           1943 2000 02-13-1943 06-18-2000

     MSgt US Air Force - Vietnam
     Married Sharon Rae Miller
     Son of Albert Arthur Sr. & Gertrude (Dauphanais) Pontbraint.
PONTBRIANT, Joseph A.                   1966 1966            10-19-1966
     Son of Albert Arthur Jr. & Sharon Rae (Miller) Pontbriant. Aged 4 1/2 months.
POOLE, Bedell Ardilla HENDRICKS-CLARY- MEZERA 1924 2017 05-18-1924 07-26-2017
     Married Ira Theron Clary in 1942 in Richland County, WI.  "Mom"
     MS with Fame. Married Fame Forrest Poole on January 26, 1946.
     Married Russell Leon Mezera on July 14, 1982 in Crawford Co., WI.
     Daugther of Miller Averill & Pearl Minnie (Taylor) Hendricks.
POOLE, Fame Forrest                     1918 1980 07-01-1918 12-13-1980
     MS with Bedell. Married Bedell Ardilla Hendricks-Clary on January 26, 1946. "Dad"
     Son of George Washington & Minnie Frances (Shore) Poole.
POOLE, Fame Forrest Jr. "Jake"          1947 2014 08-20-1947 05-29-2014
     US Marine Corps - Viet Nam
     Married Paula Jane Nance on January 26, 1984 in Milwaukee, WI.
     Son of Fame Forrest & Bedell Ardilla (Hendricks) Poole.
POOLE, George M. "Ted"                  1902 1975 04-12-1902 01-09-1975

     Married Nancy Catherine Hardy on September 19, 1930. 
     Son of George Washington & Minnie Frances (Shore) Poole.
          [See Nancy Catherine Hardy-Poole-PRIVETT]
POOLE, George Washington                1866 1948
     Married Minnie Frances Shore on September 15, 1895.
     Son of William & Margaret (O'Haver) Poole.
POOLE, Guy                              1906 1906 11-09-1906 12-27-1906
     Son of George Washington & Minnie Frances (Shore) Poole.
     Note: Added from death record.
POOLE, Minnie Frances SHORE             1877 1972 10-19-1877 08-14-1972
     Married George Washington Poole on September 15, 1895.
     Daughter of Solomon A. & Hannah Ellene (Garner) Shore.
POOLE, Richard James "Rick"             1953 2012 09-28-1953 09-17-2012
     Veteran - US Marine Corps
     Married Carol Diane Frayser on February 18, 1974.
     Son of Fame
Forrest & Bedell Ardilla (Hendricks) Poole.
POOLE, Robert                           1933 1933
     FM with his father William. "Infant Robert"
     Son of William Solomon & Mayme L. (Skinner) Poole.
POOLE, Robert Mark "Bob"                1957 2017 12-01-1957 11-18-2017
     Veteran - US Marine Corps
     Married Antonia Marie Vinci on September 10, 1981.
     Partner of Denise Brown.
     Son of Fame Forrest & Bedell Ardilla (Hendricks) Poole.
POOLE, William Solomon                  1896 1937 09-20-1896 10-15-1937
     FM with his infant son Robert.
     Married Mayme L. Skinner in 1925.
     Son of George Washington & Minnie Frances (Shore) Poole.
     Note: Mayme born WI about 1908, her death and burial place is not known
     but her parents Caroline (Marlow) Skinner are buried at Eagle River, WI.
POWELL, Harold III                      1977 1977 09-03-1977 09-03-1977

     Son of Harold Junior & Linda (Anderson) Powell.
     Note: Added from death record.
POWERS, Labaune G. "Bonnie" STANDISH    1909 1988 09-14-1909 08-18-1988
     MS with Ralph. Married Ralph D. Powers on September 26, 1928.
     Daughter of Bert Francis & Delilah (Hardy) Standish.
POWERS, Ralph D.                        1911 1995 05-17-1911 07-29-1995
     MS with Labaune. Married Labaune G. "Bonnie" Standish on Sept. 26, 1928.
          Son of Irwin Eugene "Dean" & Emma Diantha (Steele) Powers.
PRICE, Thomas John Jr.                  1940 1940 08-31-1940 08-31-1940

     Son of John & Ethel (Anthony) Price.
     Note: Added from death record.
PRIVETT, Archie Birdine                 1904 1989 08-06-1904 04-13-1989
     Married Nancy Catherine Hardy-Poole on September 12, 1938.
     Son of William Sherman & Mary Evaline Isabelle (Breneman) Privett.
PRIVETT, Donald Duane                   1939 2011 01-11-1939 05-22-2011
     Married Shirley Jean Sommers on September 12, 1961.
     Son of Archie Birdine & Nancy Catherine (Hardy) Privett.
Note: Added from obit. Cemetery not listed but parents & daughter here!
PRIVETT, Brenda Jean                    1963 1963            04-17-1963
     Daughter of Donald Duane & Shirley Jean (Sommers) Privett. Aged 3 months.
     Granddaughter of
Archie Birdine & Nancy Catherine (Hardy) Privett.
Note: Added from Burial Permit. Died in Avoca, WI.
PRIVETT, Nancy Catherine HARDY-POOLE    1914 2002 02-12-1914 05-06-2002
     Married George M. "Ted" Poole on September 19, 1930.
     Married Archie Birdine Privett on September 12, 1938.
     Daughter of Joseph Franklin "Frank" & Susan Lillian "Susie" (Flynn) Hardy.
PRIVETT, Shirley Jean SOMMERS      1944 2013 02-12-1944 01-23-2013
     Married Donald Duane Privett on September 12, 1961.
     Daughter of David & Alice (Hach) Sommers.
     Note: Added from obit. Cemetery not listed but daughter is buried here!
PROPP, Esther A. LUTTIG                 1919 1971 06-11-1919 08-09-1971
     Married Robert L. Propp on March 12, 1947.
     Daughter of Henry Theodore & Anna Barbara (Bruckner) Luttig.
PROPP, Robert L.                        1910 1992 03-11-1910 05-23-1992
     Married Esther A. Luttig on March 12, 1947.
     Son of Joseph & Emma (Puttkammer) Propp.
     Married John Purcil.
     Note: No dates listed!
RANDALL, Lena M. MCKINNEY               1908 1982 06-07-1908 12-06-1982
     MS with Miles. Married Miles P. Randall on April 19, 1929.
     Daughter of Charles M. & Luella Bertha (Garner) McKinney.
RANDALL, Miles P.                       1903 1984 10-30-1903 03-25-1984
     MS with Lena. Married Lena M. McKinney on April 19, 1929.
     Son of Lee & Frank (Perkins) Randall.
RECOB, Cora F.                          1893 1987 06-26-1893 11-09-1987
MS with William. Married William Frank Recob on April 4, 1912.
     Daughter of Ole & Agnes (Bakken) Anderson.

RECOB, William Frank                    1887 1944 03-17-1887 02-24-1944
     MS with Cora. Married Cora F. Anderson on April 4, 1912.
     Son of Lycurgus & Caroline "Carrie" (Ward) Recob.
          Note: Most records show birth year as 1886, marker engraved 1887.
REDFIELD, (Baby)                        1924 1924 04-16-1924 04-17-1924

     Son of Oscar Alvin & Threasa Irene "Rene" (Taylor) Redfield.
     Note: Added from death record.
          Note: Threasa Irene "Rene" Taylor-Redfield-WEHRS [1905-1987] is buried
     in Hamilton Cemetery, West Salem, WI with her 2nd husband LLoyd WEHRS.
REDFIELD, Hamlin Lee                    1892 1919 02-01-1892 06-16-1919
     Son of Henry Jefferson & Mary Josephine (Turgeson) Redfield.
          "Lee  1892 - 1919    He Was Too Good, Too Gentle & Fair,
                         To Dwell In This, Cold World Of Care"
REDFIELD, Henry Jefferson               1864 1949 12-31-1864 02-19-1949

     Married Mary Josephine Turgeson on April 11, 1891. "Father"
     Son of George Powers Washington & Mary Margaret (Fosnot) Redfield.
REDFIELD, Mary Josephine TURGESON       1866 1947 02-15-1866 01-10-1947
         "Mother   Josiephine   1866 - - 1947"
     Married Henry Jefferson Redfield on April 11, 1891.

     Daughter of Hans & Isabel (Johnson) Turgeson.
REDFIELD, Oscar Alvin                   1900 1955 06-05-1900 03-28-1955
     Married Threasa Irene "Rene" Taylor on January 7, 1924.
     Son of Henry Jefferson & Mary Josephine (Turgeson) Redfield.
          Note: Threasa Irene "Rene" Taylor-Redfield-WEHRS [1905-1987] is buried
     in Hamilton Cemetery, West Salem, WI with her 2nd husband LLoyd WEHRS.
REETZ, Adolph Herman                    1888 1965 03-15-1888 04-21-1965
     Married Bessie Severson.
     Son of Ferdinand & Wilamena (Luther) Reetz.
REETZ, Bessie SEVERSON                  1888 1970            06-05-1970
     Married Adolph Herman Reetz.
REETZ, Lucy Fae RICHARDSON              1915 2006 03-26-1915 07-26-2006
Nordehl "Nordy" Bertice Reetz on March 15, 1936.
     Daughter of Archie C. & Pearl Alliene (Barrett) Richardson.

REETZ, Nordehl "Nordy" Bertice          1913 1994 07-29-1913 09-09-1994
     Married Lucy Fae Richardson on March 15, 1936.
     Son of Adolph Herman & Bessie (Severson) Reetz.
REETZ, Ronald Nordehl "Reetzy"          1950 2007 02-17-1950 06-25-2007

     Son of Nordehl "Nordy" Bertice & Lucy Fae (Richardson) Reetz.
REINHART, Grace E. CARLEY-BAILEY        1888 1976 04-02-1888 11-09-1976
     Married Howard Bailey on August 26, 1906.
     Married Peter E. Reinhart on August 30, 1941.
     Daughter of Loren C. & Edith G. (Hughbanks) Carley.
REYNOLDS, Barbara A.                    1950 1964 11-12-1950 06-01-1964
     Daughter of Homer F. & Luella M. (Standish) Reynolds.
REYNOLDS, Homer F.                      1908 1954 07-13-1908 08-06-1954
     Married Luella M. Standish in 1940.
     Son of Orrin G. & Fern (Smith) Reynolds.
          Note: Obituary shows birth day as 13th. SSindex birth day as 19th.
REYNOLDS, Luella M. STANDISH            1909 1987 11-28-1909 08-15-1987

     Married Homer F. Reynolds in 1940.
     Daughter of Roy Clyde & Leona M. (Richardson) Standish.
REYZEK, Hinsley Mae                     2020 2020 05-28-2020 09-24-2020
     Daughter of Dylan David Reyzek and Emily Rose Headings.
RICHARDSON, Archie C.                   1880 1960 01-05-1880 11-24-1960

     MS with Pearl. Married Pearl Alliene Barrett on January 27, 1906.
     Son of John Wellington & Ella Nona (Elder) Richardson.
RICHARDSON, Ella Nona ELDER             1856 1944 02-10-1856 05-19-1944
     Married John Wellington Richardson on March 21, 1875.
     Daughter of Andrew & Julia (Andrews) Elder.
     Note: Added from death record.
RICHARDSON, Harold A. "Pip"            1910 1966             05-24-1966
     Married Ellen L. Waggoner on April 16, 1934. "Dad" 
     Son of Archie C. & Pearl Alliene (Barrett) Richardson.
          Note: Ellen L. Waggoner-Richardson [1918-1985] buried in Blooming
           Grove cemetery
, Monona, WI.
RICHARDSON, John Wellington             1850 1916 03-07-1850 01-09-1916

     Married Ella Nona Elder on March 21, 1875.
     Son of John Richardson.
          Note: Ellen L. Waggoner-Richardson [1918-1985] buried in Blooming
           Grove cemetery
, Monona, WI. 
     Note: Added from death record.

RICHARDSON, Kay Rochelle                1942 1942 05-21-1942 06-16-1942
     Daughter of Harold A. & Ellen L. (Waggoner) Richardson.
     Note: Added from death record.
RICHARDSON, Larry William               1943 2021 03-24-1943 07-01-2021
     US Army - 1962-1963 - Peace Time
     Married Mary Anne Markin-Cruger on August 18, 1979 in Rock Co., WI
     Son of Ralph A. & Melba I. (Chesebro) Richardson.
RICHARDSON, Melba I. CHESEBRO           1912 1986 09-20-1912 04-30-1986

     Married Ralph A. Richardson on March 3, 1933.
     Daughter of William Marhews & Susan D. "Sue" (Jones) Chesebro.
RICHARDSON, Mertie                      1878 1956 10-23-1878 10-28-1956
     Daughter of John Wellington & Ella Nona (Elder) Richardson.
     Note: Added from death record.
RICHARDSON, Pearl Alliene BARRETT       1884 1979 05-07-1884 11-27-1979
     MS with Archie. Married Archie C. Richardson on January 27, 1906.
     Daughter of Niram Alanson Lant & Lucy Mariah (McKy) Barrett.
RICHARDSON, Ralph A.                    1908 1969 03-08-1908 02-15-1969
     Married Melba I. Chesebro on March 3, 1933.
     Son of Archie C. & Pearl Alliene (Barrett) Richardson.
RINDFLISCH, Kathryn M. DVORAK           1914 1999 06-19-1914 12-22-1999
     MS with her son Robert. "Mother"
     Married Otto
A. Rindlisch.
     Daughter of Joseph & Josephine (Linscheid) Dvorak.
Note: Otto 23-Dec-1906 Nov-1970 buried Roselawn Cemetery, Monona, WI
RINDFLISCH, Robert D.                   1946 2024 08-08-1946 02-12-2024
     US Air Force - Vietnam
     MS with his mother.  "Son"
     Son of Otto A. & Kathryn M. (Dvorak) Rindflisch.
     Note: Otto 23-Dec-1906 Nov-1970 buried Roselawn Cemetery, Monona, WI
RINEHART, Bessie HARDY                  1894 1975 03-18-1894 02-13-1975
     Married Percy Samuel Rinehart.
     Daughter of Albert Jackson & Melissa (Carley) Hardy.
RINEHART, Percy Samuel                  1886 1969 10-28-1886 11-08-1969
     Married Bessie Hardy.
          Son of Andrew Jackson & Lucy Catherine (Cannon) Rinehart.
ROBINSON, (Baby)                        1922 1922 08-01-1922 08-01-1922

     Daughter of James "Elmer" & Rena E. (Davis) Robinson.
     [See Rena
E. Davis-Robinson-JONES]
     Note: Added from death record.
ROBINSON, Alfred Milton                 1866 1931 04-28-1866 12-10-1931
          LS with his wife Mary and their sons Gerald & Infant Son.
     Married Sarah E. "Sadie" Evans on December 22, 1889.
     Married Mary Elizabeth "Lizzie" Rice on November 21, 1895.
     Son of William F. & Eliza J. (Robinson) Robinson.
ROBINSON, Elbert E.                     1914 1989 08-17-1914 12-03-1989
     MS with Elva. Married Elva E. Miller in 1939.
     Son of Ellis N. & Myra M. (Webley) Robinson.
ROBINSON, Elva E. MILLER                1915 1989 02-08-1915 01-24-1989
     MS with Elbert. Married Elbert E. Robinson in 1939.
     Daughter of Clarence J. & Effie Lena (Turk) Miller.
ROBINSON, Gerald                        1902 1903            05-01-1903
     LS with his parents Alfred & Mary and his brother Infant Son.
     Son of Alfred Milton & Mary Elizabeth
"Lizzie" (Rice) Robinson.
     Note: Death record listed as aged 3 months. Marker engraved 1902-1903.
ROBINSON, Infant Son                    1898 1898
     LS with his parents Alfred & Mary and his brother Gerald.
     Son of Alfred Milton &
Mary Elizabeth "Lizzie" (Rice) Robinson.
ROBINSON, James "Elmer"                 1863 1923 06-03-1863 04-05-1923
     MS with Kate. Married Mary Catherine "Kate" Conkle on November 14, 1889.
     Married Rena E. Davis on December 24, 1918.
     Son of William F. & Eliza J. (Robinson) Robinson.
          [See Rena E. Davis-Robinson-JONES]
ROBINSON, John                          1919 1919 12-18-1919 12-18-1919
     Son of James "Elmer" & Rena E. (Davis) Robinson.
     Note: Added from death record.
ROBINSON, Mary Catherine "Kate" CONKLE  1864 1913 06-14-1864 05-30-1913
     MS with Elmer. Married James "Elmer" Robinson on November 14, 1889.
     Daughter of John Johnson & Mary Jane (McKy) Conkle.
ROBINSON, Mary Elizabeth "Lizzie" RICE  1871 1922 01-06-1871 05-12-1922
          LS with her husband Alfred and their sons Gerald & Infant Son.
     Married Alfred Milton Robinson on November 21, 1895.
     Daughter of George & Lavina (Mercer) Rice.
ROBINSON, Sarah E. "Sadie" EVANS        1867 1890 09-13-1867 08-09-1890
     Married Alfred Milton Robinson on December 22, 1889.
     Daughter of David Denman & Sarah Curtner (Shannon) Evans.
     Aged 22Ys 10Ms 27Ds
RODSER, Andrew                          1828 1905 04-14-1828 12-23-1905
          MS with Eliza. Married Eliza _____.
     Note: 1875 Norway census listed as Anders Roder.
RODSER, Eliza                           1826 1907 07-24-1826 04-15-1907

     MS with Andrew. Married Andrew Rodser.
          Note: 1875 Norway census listed as Elise Roder.
ROHOVETZ, Bette M. SCHOTTEN             1920 2005 03-18-1920 09-02-2005
     Married Clarence Joseph Rohovetz in 1956. "Wife & Mother"
     Daughter of Henry & Mary (Waters) Schotten
ROHOVETZ, Clarence Joseph               1912 1989 09-22-1912 01-04-1989
     MS with Cleo. Married Cleo E. Lewis on July 7, 1934.
     Married Bette M. Schotten in 1956.
     Son of Joseph & Olive (Kolman) Rohovetz.

ROHOVETZ, Cleo E. LEWIS                 1914 1953            06-05-1953
     MS with Clarnce. Married Clarence Joseph Rohovetz on July 7, 1934.
     Daughter of Earl E. & Margaret Lillian (Bloyer) Lewis.
ROLLING, Becky Lynn                     1971
     MS with Scott. Married Scott D. Rolling on October 4, 1997.
     Death date
ROLLING, Scott D.                       1962
     MS with Becky. Married
Becky Lynn _____ on October 4, 1997.
     Death date
ROSE, Dorothy Madelyn STANDISH          1907 1976 03-14-1907 09-13-1976
     Married Orval D. Rose on November 26, 1935. "Mother" 
     Daughter of Roy Clyde & Leona M. (Richardson) Standish.
ROSE, Kent                              1945 1945 12-26-1945 12-28-1945
          "Kent Rose   1945"
     Son of Orval D. & Dorothy Madelyn (Standish) Rose.
ROSE, Orval D.                          1896 1962 07-28-1896 01-22-1962
     Married Dorothy Madelyn Standish on November 26, 1935. "Father" 
     Son of Orson D. & Martha Elizabeth (Johnson) Rose.
ROTH, Barbara LEFFLER                   1823 1892 07-29-1823 02-04-1892
     MS with George. Married George F. Roth on March 12, 1846.
     Daughter of George & Elizabeth (Foy) Leffler.
ROTH, Clyde Harry                       1884 1943 02-12-1884 10-24-1943
     Married _____ ______.
     Son of Daniel A. & Rocelia (Richardson) Roth.
Note: Added from Burial Permit. Died at Co. Farm in Grant Co., WI.
ROTH, Daniel A.                         1858 1929 11-22-1858 11-29-1929
     Married Rocelia Richardson on October 28, 1883.
     Son of George F. & Barbara (Leffler) Roth.
ROTH, Effie M.                          1882 1883
     Daughter of Milton H. & Armeda "Meda" (Townsend) Roth.
ROTH, George F.                         1818 1862 11-22-1818 03-26-1862
     Private Co I 19th Wis Inf - Civil War   F=Civil War
     MS with Barbara. Married Barbara Leffler March 12, 1846.
     Note: Died during service at Racine, WI.

ROTH, Julia Jean ROSENWING-O'DANIEL     1943 2000 07-05-1943 05-21-2000
     Married _____ O'Daniel.
     Married Ken Roth Sr. on February 14, 1991.
     Daughter of Bud & Beverly (Schuster) Rosenwing.
ROTH, Rocelia RICHARDSON                1857 1934 11-11-1857 06-27-1934
     Married Daniel A. Roth on October 28, 1883.
     Daughter of John & Lucinda (Roundy) Richardson.
RUE, James Henry "Hank"                 1906 1995 11-04-1906 01-29-1995
     MS with Sereda. Married Sereda Fay Troxel on June 19, 1936.
     Son of John Alonzo & Lillie M. (Thayer) Rue.
RUE, James L.                           1944      08-05-1944
     US Army - VietNam     F=VietNam
     Son of James Henry "Hank" & Sereda Fay (Troxel) Rue.
     "U.S. Army"
     Death date pending.
RUE, Sereda Fay TROXEL                  1919 2000 02-07-1919 08-05-2000

     MS with James. Married James Henry "Hank" Rue on June 19, 1936.
     Daughter of Leaman & Kathrin (Hulbert) Troxel.
RUMMERY, Charles                        1885 1965 03-23-1885 05-22-1965
          Married Valentine Chenevard on May 19, 1918 in Chicago, IL.
     Son of Thomas J. & Mary E. (Mathews) Rummery.
RUMMERY, Emma                           1872 1873 09-04-1872 08-30-1873
     "Sacred to the Memory of Emma  Dau. of T.J. & L.M. Rummery Aged 11Ms 26Ds"
     Daughter of Thomas J. & Rosaline M. "Lina" (Johnson) Rummery.

          "Gone Home"
RUMMERY, Martha Gertrude                1880 1953 02-00-1880 05-10-1953

     "Gertrude Rummery   Feb. 1880   May 1953"
     Daughter of Thomas J. & Mary E.(Mathews) Rummery.

RUMMERY, Mary E. MATHEWS                1855 1936 11-11-1855 02-12-1936

         "Mary E. Rummery   Nov. 1855  Feb.1936"
     Married Thomas J. Rummery in 1878.

          Daughter of Hubert & Mary Eliza (Durrstein) Mathews.
RUMMERY, Rosaline M.
"Lina"  JOHNSON    1845 1873 09-30-1845 06-09-1873"
     "Sacred to the Memory of Lina M.  Wife of T.J. Rummery Aged 27Ys 8Ms 10Ds"
     Married Thomas J. Rummery on December 18, 1870.

     Daughter of Charles B. & Cynthia E. (Perrington) Johnson.
          "Gone Home"
RUMMERY, Thomas J.                      1837 1916  12-00-1837  11-00-1916

          "Thomas J. Rummery    Dec. 1837  Nov. 1916"
     Married Rosaline M.
"Lina" Johnson on December 18, 1870.
     Married Mary E. Mathews in 1878.
     Son of Charles & Martha S. (Morris) Rummery.
RUMMERY, Valentine CHENEVARD            1881 1970 07-28-1881 11-22-1970
          Married Charles Rummary on May 19, 1918 in Chicago, IL.
     Daughter of _________ Chenevard.
RUSSELL, Allie J.                       1878 1879 06-02-1878 03-05-1879
     "Dau. of G.E. & M.E. Russell"  Aged 8 months.
      Daughter of George Ezra & Mary Eliza (Booker) Russell.
RUSSELL, Dorothy L. OTT                 1899 1962 06-00-1899 06-17-1962
     Married John Wesley Russell.
     Daughter of Eli I. & Mary W. (Arnold) Ott.
     Note: Added from obituary. No marker found!
RUSSELL, John Wesley                    1902 1975 03-31-1902 04-18-1975

     US Navy - World War II
     Married Dorothy L. Ott.
     Son of ________ & Emma (Rorabaugh) Russell.

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