Czech National Cemetery
                                                       AKA Champion Valley Cemetery
                             Bloom Township, Richland County, Wisconsin  USA

                                               Surnames   E - L
  (Updated April 7,  2024)

SURNAME   Given Name  MAIDEN-OTHER                                           Lot
EASTMAN, Sharon HOUSNER                 1945 1976 02-08-1945 09-25-1976       58
     Married Phillip Eastman.
     Daughter of Ernest W. & Alice Marie (Hynek) Housner.
EBEL, Alvin A.                          1926 2008 06-23-1926 08-19-2008
     MS with Lucille. Married Lucille Zoha on June 4, 1949.
     Son of Paul Walter & Amelia L. (Fenske) Ebel.
EBEL, Lucille ZOHA                      1923      09-15-1923
     MS with Alvin. Married Alvin A. Ebel on June 4, 1949.
     Daughter of Vaclav Wencil James Joseph & Tena J. (Janecek) Zoha.
     Death date pending.
ERDMANN, Ethan                                                               272

     Note: Owner Lot 272 A-D
ERDMANN, Janet                                                               272
     Note: Owner Lot 272 A-D
EVANS, Dorothy A. DOLLAR                1929 2019 04-13-1929 11-04-2019
     MS with Ralph. Married Ralph E. Evans on July 7, 1951.
     Daughter of Charley & Maude Ellen (Pettegrew) Dollar.
EVANS, MaryLou Ann STANEK-ZANT          1964      10-00-1964
     Married Dale William Zant on March 30, 1985.
     MS with Terry. Married Terrance Dean "Terry" Evans on August 6, 1990.
     Death date pending.
EVANS, Ralph E.                         1932 2009 06-22-1932 06-06-2009
     MS with Dorothy. Married Dorothy A. Dollar on July 7, 1951.
     Son of Grover Cleveland & Ada Eunice (Tudor) Evans.
EVANS, Terrance Dean "Terry"            1954 2001 04-13-1954 03-13-2001
     Married Debra Kay Machovec on June 15, 1974.
     MS with MaryLou. Married MaryLou Ann Stanek on August 6, 1990.
     Son of Ralph E. & Dorothy A. (Dollar) Evans.
FRANEK, Ana HOLUB                       1860 1892 06-16-1860 07-19-1892
     MS with her son Emil.
     Married Frank Franek [1861-___] on May 2, 1887 in Chicago, IL.
     Daughter of Josef Joseph & Marie Mary (Krejci) Holub.

FRANEK, Emil HOLUB                      1892 1892 04-09-1892 08-03-1892
     MS with his mother Ana.
     Son of Frank & Ana (Holub) Franek.
FRUNDL, Vaclav                          1863 1894            04-26-1894

     Aged 31 years.
FUCHS, Anna Rose "Annie" SINDELAR       1909 1979 02-15-1909 05-04-1979           278
     MS with James. Married James Charles Fuchs.
     Daughter of Vaclac Wencil & Alzbeta Elizabeth(Lancova/Lanch) Sindelar.
FUCHS, James Anton                      1927 1992 03-22-1927 04-15-1992           278
     MS with Pauline. Married Pauline M. Hotek on Sept. 23, 1953 in Hillsboro, WI.
     Son of James Charles & Anna Rose "Annie" (Sindelar) Fuchs.
FUCHS, James Charles                    1899 1976 08-07-1899 11-18-1976           278
     MS with Annie. Married Anna Rose "Annie" Sindelar.
FUCHS, Pauline M. HOTEK                 1934 2018 01-03-1934 10-17-2018           278
     MS with James. Married James Anton Fuchs
on Sept. 23, 1953 in Hillsboro, WI.
     Daughter of John Peter & Mary A. (Skala) Hotek.
GRANT, Shirley Ann GRANT-LOWERY         1942 2016 06-21-1942 07-17-2016
     Married Larry Lowery on June 29, 1963.
     Daughter of Charlie & Bessie (Steinbrink) Grant.
     "Loving Mother"
HACH, Anna STANEK-SIML-KOLASH           1860 1930

          Married Anton Siml.
     2nd wife of Frantisek Frank Kolash. Married January 13, 1891 in Hillsboro, WI.
     2nd wife of Joseph Hach. Married about 1907. [See Joseph HAUGH].

     Daughter of Wencil Stanek. "At Rest"
HACH, Frantisek Frank                   1828 1912
      MS with Marie. Married Marie Mary Isnar/Eisner on Feb. 19, 1849.
      Note: Surname varies: Hach/Haugh.

HACH, Jan John                          1863 1897 08-20-1863 10-19-1897
     Married Marie Mary Kouba [1863-1917] on April 2, 1883.
     Son of Frantisek Frank & Marie Mary (Isnar/Eisner) Hach.
          Note: Surname varies: Hach/Haugh.
     Note: Marie Kouba-Hach married in 1899 to Albert Hausner and she
           died 19-Sept-1917 in Chicago, IL.

HACH, Marie Mary Isnar                  1829 1911 02-16-1829
     MS with Frantisek. Married Frantisek Frank Hach on Feb. 19, 1849.
          Daughter of Jan & Rosalie (Stepanek) Eisner.
     Note: Maiden name varies: Isnar/Eisner.
HAJNERACH, Jan                          1814 1894            12-23-1894

     Married Marie Svoboda. Aged 80 years.
     Note: Surname varies:
Hajnerach/Heidenreich. Marker engraved "HAJNERACH"
HAJNERACH, Marie SVOBODA                1810 1896            05-16-1896
     Married Jan Hajnerach. Aged 86 years.
     Note: Surname varies:
Hajnerach/Heidenreich. Marker engraved "HAJNERACH"
HAJNERACH, Martin                       1847 1878 11-06-1847 01-08-1878
     Married Annie Kaukl about 1869 in New York. [See Annie HEIDENREICH]
     Son of Jan & Marie (Svoboda) Hajnerach.
     Note: Surname varies:
Hajnerach/Heidenreich. Marker engraved "HAJNERACH"
HANSBERY, John N.                       1917 1970 12-05-1917 05-20-1970       30
     MS with Mary. Married Mary Rott on June 22, 1940.
     Son of Ben & Cora (Burchell) Hansbery.
HANSBERY, Mary ROTT                     1922 2016 11-04-1922 02-19-2016       30
     MS with John. Married John N. Hansbery on June 22, 1940.
     Daughter of Martin M. & Christena "Tena" (Novy) Rott.
HANZAL, Anna JANN                       1825 1903 05-30-1825
          Married Josef "Joe" Hanzal.
HANZAL, J.F.                            1882 1897 07-11-1882 01-03-1897

HANZAL, Josef Joseph                    1864 1956 01-12-1864 02-13-1956
     Married Marie Mary Sterba.
     Son of Josef "Joe" & Anna (Jann) Hanzal.
     Note: Added from death record.
HANZAL, Marie Mary STERBA               1870 1915 01-13-1870 03-19-1915
     Married Josef Joseph Hanzal.
     Daughter of Joseph & Mary (Beneda) Sterba.
HANZAL, Marie                           1893 1915 02-03-1893 12-21-1915
     Daughter of Josef Joseph & Marie Mary (Sterba) Hanzal.
HANZEL, Jerry Frank                     1900 1962 05-14-1900 12-06-1962      214
           Married Emma Schultz-Schmoldt.
     Son of Josef Joseph & Marie Mary (Sterba) Hanzal.

          Note: Emma Schultz-Schmoldt-Hanzel [1895-1969] buried Oregon, WI.
HANZEL, Rudolph E.                      1906 1954 09-28-1906 07-03-1954      214
     Veteran - World War II
Son of Josef Joseph & Marie Mary (Sterba) Hanzal.
HATFIELD, Lillian Mae NACHTIGAL                                              282
     Married Virgil L. Hatfield on October 22, 1977.
     Daughter of James Wencil & Mary Jane (Janecek) Nachtigal.
     Owner - all dates pending.
HATFIELD, Virgil L.                     1934 2019 08-09-1934 07-28-2019      282
     Veteran - Reserves
     Married Lillian Mae Nachtigal on October 22, 1977.
     Son of Theron Arthur & Trixie Pauline (Winger) Hatfield.

HAUGH, (Baby)                           1895 1895 07-05-1895 07-05-1895
     Infant of Albert & Mary (Kouka) Haugh.
HAUGH, Agnes KOSA                       1898 1959 01-19-1898 01-11-1959       72
     Married Paul Haugh.
     Daughter of Wencil & Josephine C. (Levy) Kosa.
HAUGH, Anna STANEK                      1891 1942 05-19-1891 06-25-1942      119
     Married Wencil Haugh.
     Daughter of Joseph M. & Mary (Kolash) Stanek.

HAUGH, Arlie Paul                       1920 1944 11-17-1920 12-17-1944       72
     2nd Lt. US Army Air Corps - World War II  F=WWII
Married Mildred Sebranek on February 9, 1944.
     Son of Paul & Agnes (Kosa) Haugh.
          Note: Died from plane crash at LeMoore Air Base, CA.
HAUGH, Barbara KOUBA                    1867 1905            08-22-1905

     LS with her husband and children Frank, Mary, Betty, Clara & Helen.
          Married Joseph Haugh on February 10, 1885.
     Daughter of Vojtech Albert & Josefa Josephine (Vitcenda) Kouba.     
HAUGH, Betty                            1892 1900
     LS with her parents and sisters Mary, Clara, Helen & brother Frank.
Daughter of Joseph & Barbara (Kouba) Haugh.      
HAUGH, Carmen Ruby SEBRANEK-TYDRICH      1926       07-23-1926                 71
     Married Leslie James Haugh on August 14, 1945.
     Married Martin Raymond Tydrich on October 8, 1988.
     Daughter of Wencil John & Tena J. (Kolash) Sebranek.
     Death date pending.

HAUGH, Clara                            1900 1900
     LS with her parents and sisters Mary, Betty, Helen & brother Frank.
Daughter of Joseph & Barbara (Kouba) Haugh.      
HAUGH, Frank                            1886 1886
     LS with his parents and his sisters Mary, Clara, Helen & Betty.
Son of Joseph & Barbara (Kouba) Haugh.      
HAUGH, Helen                            1902 1908
     LS with her parents and sisters Mary, Clara, Betty & brother Frank.
          Daughter of Joseph & Barbara (Kouba) Haugh.     
HAUGH, Joseph                           1858 1944 06-30-1858 06-11-1944
     LS with his wife Barbara and children Frank, Mary, Betty, Clara & Helen.
          Married Barbara Kouba on February 10, 1885.
     Married Anna Stanek-Siml-Kolash about 1907. 
     Son of Frantisek Frank & Marie Mary (Isnar) Hach/Haugh. [See HACH]
     Note: Surname varies Hach/Haugh.

          [See Anna Stanek-Siml-Kolash-HACH]
HAUGH, Lesile James                     1923 1983 01-10-1923 06-19-1983       71

     Married Carmen Ruby Sebranek on August 14, 1945.
     Son of Paul & Agnes (Kosa) Haugh.

HAUGH, Mary                             1887 1890
     LS with her parents and sisters Betty, Clara, Helen & brother Frank.
           Daughter of Joseph & Barbara (Kouba) Haugh.     
HAUGH, Paul                             1896 1966 05-12-1896 04-11-1966       72
     Veteran - World War I
Married Agnes Kosa.
     Son of Joseph & Barbara (Kouba) Haugh.
HAUGH, Roger Arlie                      1946 2024 12-09-1946 03-12-2024
     Son of Lesile James & Carmen Ruby (Sebranek) Haugh.
HAUGH, Wencil                           1890 1973 06-02-1890 01-03-1973      119

     Married Anna Stanek-Siml-.
     Son of Joseph & Barbara (Kouba) Haugh.
HAVEL, Anna MORAVECEK                   1870 1935 01-01-1870 06-20-1935      126
     MS with Vaclav. Married Vaclav Havel.
HAVEL, Vaclav                           1861 1918 04-07-1861 01-30-1918      126
     MS with Anna. Married Anna Moravecek.
HAVLIK, Barbara POLAVK                  1842 1900 10-03-1842 08-26-1900
     Married Matej Michael "Mike" Havlik.
HAVLIK, Elizabeth "Betty"               1936      08-06-1936
     Daughter of Harold Arthur & Margaret Agnes (Slama) Havlik.
     Death date pending.
HAVLIK, Frank A.                        1875 1953 07-25-1875 10-21-1953      130

     MS with Matilda. Married Matilda Liska on January 8, 1900.
     Son of Matej Michael "Mike" & Barbara (Polavk) Havlik.

HAVLIK, Harold Arthur                   1907 1975 03-08-1907 10-21-1975      129
     MS with Margaret. Married Margaret Agnes Slama on June 22, 1932.
     Son of Frank A. & Matilda (Liska) Havlik.

HAVLIK, John                            1866 1908 05-01-1866 06-25-1908
     Married Frances Dank on August 31, 1887.
     Son of Matej Michael "Mike" & Barbara (Polavk) Havlik.

     "Erected By Sister"
HAVLIK, Margaret Agnes SLAMA            1908 1997 03-05-1908 10-16-1997      129
     MS with Harold. Married Harold Arthur Havlik on June 22, 1932.
     Daughter of Wencil James & Agnes Anezka (Kouba) Slama.

HAVLIK, Matilda LISKA                   1882 1940 12-25-1882 01-13-1940      130
     MS with Frank. Married Frank A. Havlik on January 8, 1900.
     Daughter of Anton & Marie Mary (Himmer) Liska.

HAVLIK, Matej Michael "Mike"           1834 1885
     Married Barbara Polavk. Aged 51Ys 3Ms 18Ds
     Date not listed!
HAWKEY, Floyd Martin                    1933 1994 08-04-1933 11-05-1994
           MS with Nellie. Married Nellie Jo Mazanek.
     Son of Olin & Edna (Hasselbrock) Hawkey.
HAWKEY, Nellie Jo MAZANEK               1931
     MS with Floyd. Married Floyd Martin Hawkey.
     Daughter of Joe & Nellie R. (See) Mazanek.
     Death date pending.

HEIDENREICH, Anna KAUKL                 1841 1925 06-10-1841 04-27-1925
     Married Martin M. Heidenreich about 1869 in New York. [See Martin HAJNERRACH]
     Daughter of Matej & Katerina (Vopaova) Koukl/Kaukl.

HEIDENREICH, Christina M."Tena" CHLUP   1913 1975 06-16-1913 02-10-1975      257
     Married Wencle "Jim" Heidenreich on October 4, 1933.
     Daughter of Anton Anthony & Mary (Palat) Chlup.
HEIDENREICH, Frank                      1870 1952 08-01-1870 06-12-1952        7
     Married Rose Sebranek on January 1, 1907.
     Son of Martin M. & Anna (Kaukl) Heidenreich.
HEIDENREICH, Frank Martin                1908 1996 09-21-1908 02-06-1997      187
     Married Mildred Marie Stekel on November 7, 1933.
     Son of Martin M. & Mary (Sebranek) Heidenreich.
HEIDENREICH, Frank Sylvester            1906 2001 02-22-1906 09-24-2001      221
     Married Helen R. Stepka on June 17, 1942.
     Son of Joseph M. & Mary (Levy) Heidenreich.
HEIDENREICH, Helen R. STEPKA            1915 2006 06-21-1915 01-17-2006      221
     Married Frank Sylvester Heidenreich on June 17, 1942.
     Daughter of Wencil F. & Rose Anna (Landsinger) Stepka.
HEIDENREICH, Irene Agnes JANOUSEK       1916 2007 11-27-1916 01-25-2007      276
     Married Joseph Martin Heidenreich on October 26, 1938.
     Daughter of Anton Ella (Severson) Janousek.

HEIDENREICH, Joseph M.                  1872 1948 02-26-1872 09-04-1948      221
     Married Mary Levy on April 14, 1903.
     Son of Martin M. & Anna (Kaukl) Heidenreich.
HEIDENREICH, Joseph J.                  1909 1989 08-11-1909 11-23-1989      250
     Married Stella Anne Hynek on June 14, 1944.
     Son of Joseph M. & Mary (Levy) Heidenreich.
HEIDENREICH, Joseph Martin              1909 2003 01-20-1909 03-14-2003      276
     Married Irene Agnes Janousek on October 26, 1938.
     Son of Frank & Rose (Sebranek) Heidenreich.
HEIDENREICH, Marie                      1904 1915 05-10-1904 05-29-1915      125
     Daughter of Martin M. & Mary (Sebranek) Heidenreich.

HEIDENREICH, Martin M.                  1876 1959 10-16-1876 10-12-1959      125
     Married Mary Sebranek on November 4, 1902.
     Son of Martin M. & Anna (Kaukl) Heidenreich.
HEIDENREICH, Mary SEBRANEK              1883 1961 10-19-1883 10-31-1961      125
     Married Martin M. Heidenreich on November 4, 1902.
     Daughter of Matej "Matthew" & Jazefka "Josephina" (Vodak) Sebranek.
HEIDENREICH, Mary LEVY                  1883 1971 05-13-1883 12-30-1971      221
     Married Joseph M. Heidenreich on April 14, 1903.
     Daughter of Frank & Anna (Pribyl) Levy.
HEIDENREICH, Mildred Marie STEKEL       1915 1995 03-04-1915 01-13-1996      187
     Married Frank Martin Heidenreich on November 7, 1933.
     Daughter of James J. & Mary (Briskey) Stekel.
HEIDENREICH, Rosanne Marie              1935 2012 05-08-1935 02-25-2012      187
     Daughter of Frank Martin & Mildred Marie (Stekel) Heidenreich.
HEIDENREICH, Rose SEBRANEK              1889 1961 05-24-1889 02-20-1961        7
     Married Frank Heidenreich on January 1, 1907.
     Daughter of Matej "Matthew" & Jazefka "Josephina" (Vodak) Sebranek.
HEIDENREICH, Stella Anne HYNEK          1917 2011 08-01-1917 02-08-2011      250
     Married Joseph J. Heidenreich on June 14, 1944.
     Daughter of Paul V. & Elenora "Nora" (Machovec) Hynek.
HEIDENREICH, Wencle "Jim"               1904 1988 08-21-1904 11-10-1988      257
     Married Christina M. "Tena" Chlup on October 4, 1933.
     Son of Joseph M. & Mary (Levy) Heidenreich.
HEJNY, Anne M.                          1923 2000 07-26-1923 10-25-2000      195
     MS with Walter. Married Walter R. Hejny.
HEJNY, Walter R.                        1919 1979 01-14-1919 10-16-1979      195
     MS with Anne. Married Anne M. _________.
         Son of Anton J. & Anna (Vratny) Hejny.
HERBECK, Helen M. KOLASH                1917 1963 08-23-1917 02-16-1963       84

     Married Robert Wencil Herbeck on December 27, 1944.
     Daughter of Wencil & Mary E. (Rott) Kolash.
HERBECK, Robert Wencil                  1915 1985 03-27-1915 08-21-1985       84
     Married Helen M. Kolash on December 27, 1944.
     Son of Edward & Margaret "Maggie" (Wopat) Herbeck.

HIMMER, Anna URBAN                      1831 1899 01-09-1831 06-08-1899
     Married Oscar Himmer.
     Note: Oscar Himmer [1830-____] death date & burial place unknown.

HOFFMAN, Richard D. "Dick"              1930 2002 06-07-1930 03-02-2002
     MS with Teresa. Married Teresa Marie "Terri" Snorek-Day on October 15, 1960.
     Son of Harold & Inez (Swenson) Hoffman.
HOFFMAN, Teresa Marie "Terri" SNOREK-DAY 1937 1999 11-04-1937 12-25-1999
     Married Ronald "Ronnie" Day.
     MS with Richard. Married Richard D. "Dick" Hoffman on October 15, 1960.

     Daughter of Albert George Sr. & Teresa A. (Schumacher) Snorek.
HOFRICHTER, Antonin                     1862 1892 02-08-1862 07-24-1892
     Married Barbara Hora.
     Married Katerina Katherine "Katie" Moravecek in 1892.
     [See Katerina Katherine "Katie" Moravecek-Hofrichter-VLASAK]
HOFRICHTER, Barbara HORA                1864 1892            01-19-1892
     Married Antonin Hofrichter.
     Note: Added from death record.
HOFRICHTER, Clarence Anton              1916 1995 06-13-1916 03-05-1995      267
     Married Marjorie Rose Sebranek on June 15, 1940.
     Son of Joseph "Joe" & Emma (Stanek) Hofrichter.
HOFRICHTER, Emma STANEK                 1890 1970 02-21-1890 10-10-1970       76
     Married Joseph "Joe" Hofrichter.
     Daughter of Joseph S. & Maria Mary (Novy) Stanek.

HOFRICHTER, Joseph "Joe"                1887 1965 03-25-1887 07-15-1965       76
     Married Emma Stanek.
     Son of Antonin & Barbara (Hora) Hofrichter.
HOFRICHTER, Marjorie Rose SEBRANEK      1919 2000 11-17-1919 07-29-2000      267
     Married Clarence Anton Hofrichter on June 15, 1940.
     Daughter of Veat & Mary (Jelinsek) Sebranek.
HOFRICHTER, Vaclav                      1891 1892 11-19-1891 01-19-1892
     Son of Antonin & Barbara (Hora) Hofrichter.
     Note: Death record listed as Wencle Hofrichter.
     Note: Added from death record.
HOLACK, Mary SHEMA                      1798 1877            
     Married Wenzel Holack.
     Note: Surname varies: Holak/Holack.

HOLACK, Wenzel                          1800 1872            02-18-1872
     Married Mary Shema. Aged 72 years.
Note: Given varies: Wenzel/Wencil. Surname varies: Holak/Holack.
           Marker engraved Wenzel Holack.

HOLAK, (Baby)
     Infant daughter of Albert Holak.
     No dates listed!
HOLAK, (Baby)                           1908 1908 12-20-1908 12-20-1908
     Child of Frank & Mary (Vitcenda) Holak.
HOLAK, Albert                           1869 1946 04-06-1869 08-29-1946
     Married Julia M. Beranek on August 14, 1901.
     Son of Thomas & Marie
Mary (Machacek) Holak.
HOLAK, Anna Mary NOVY                   1883 1950 06-28-1883 01-25-1950      254
     Married Joseph "Joe" Holak on January 28, 1902.
     Daughter of Josef "Joseph" & Anna (Plachetka) Novy.
HOLAK, Anna Victoria SEBRANEK           1905 1970 07-07-1905 07-16-1970      277
     Married Thomas Holak on October 14, 1925.
     Daughter of Joseph & Christena (Rott) Sebranek.
HOLAK, Deanna Lea SPANGLER              1941      08-17-1941
     MS with Wilmer. Married Wilmer Francis Holak on June 10, 1962.
     Daughter of Gordon Leonard & Martha Jean (Burt) Spangler.
     "Parents of Hugh and Travis"
     Death date pending.
HOLAK, Dorothy                          1931                                 237

     LS with her brother William and their parents Rudolph & Mary.
Daughter of Rudolph & Mary (Dedrick) Holak.
     Death date
HOLAK, Ellen F.                         1918 2003 03-26-1028 10-09-2003
     Daughter of Joseph "Joe" & Anna Mary (Novy) Holak.
HOLAK, Emil                             1904 1904 01-19-1904 01-29-1904
HOLAK, Ferdinard "Fred"                 1864 1926                              9
     Married Magdelena "Maggie" Pacl.
     Son of Thomas & Marie Mary (Machacek) Holak.
HOLAK, Frank                            1871 1946 07-25-1871 01-20-1946        5
     MS with Mary. Married Mary Vitcenda on August 16, 1898.
     Son of Thomas & Marie Mary (Machacek) Holak.
     "Earth Has No Sorrow That Heaven Cannot Heal"

HOLAK, James                            1881 1956 12-15-1881 04-09-1956        5
     Son of Thomas & Marie
Mary (Machacek) Holak
HOLAK, Joseph "Joe"                     1874 1951            04-22-1951      254
     Married Anna Mary Novy on January 28, 1902.
     Son of Thomas & Marie Mary (Machacek) Holak.
HOLAK, Mabel                            1906 1906 10-19-1906 12-11-1906
          Daughter of Frank & Mary (Vitcenda) Holak.
     Twin to Martha Holak.

HOLAK, Magdelena "Maggie" PACL          1872 1953 06-23-1872 06-29-1953        9
     Married Ferdinard "Fred" Holak.
     Daughter of Vaclav Wencil "James" & Magalena (Strunc) Pacl.
HOLAK, Marie Mary MACHACEK              1844 1905 06-15-1844 12-05-1905
     MS with Thomas. Married Thomas Holak.
     Daughter of Joseph & Anna Machacek.

HOLAK, Martha                           1906 1907 10-19-1906 01-28-1907
     Daughter of Frank & Mary (Vitcenda) Holak.
     Twin to Mabel Holak.

HOLAK, Mary DEDRICK                     1900 1980 10-30-1900 02-15-1980     237
     LS with her husband Rudolph and their children Dorothy & William.
Married Rudolph Holak on August 19, 1919.
     Daughter of Joseph & Anna (Vodak) Tydrich.
HOLAK, Mary VITCENDA                    1879 1975 07-19-1879 12-16-1975        5
     MS with Frank. Married Frank Holak on August 16, 1898.
     Daughter of Wencil & Mary (McCoic) Vitcenda.
          "Earth Has No Sorrow That Heaven Cannot Heal"
HOLAK, Mary                             1897 1898 07-05-1897 01-15-1898
     Daughter of
Ferdinard "Fred" & Magdelena "Maggie" (Pacl) Holak.
HOLAK, Robert Thomas                    1906 1981 06-19-1906 02-09-1981        9

     Married Ethelyn N. Johnson on April 21, 1934.
     Son of Ferdinard "Fred" & Magdelena "Maggie" (Pacl) Holak.
          [Ethelyn N. Johnson-Holak-KERSHNER [1914-1995] buried Hillsboro, WI]
HOLAK, Rudolph                          1899 1993 11-06-1889 01-07-1993      237
     LS with his wife Mary and their children Dorothy &  Williamy.
Married Mary Dedrick on August 19, 1919.
     Son of Frank & Mary (Vitcenda) Holak.
HOLAK, Thomas                           1904 2002 01-21-1904 10-17-2002      277
     Married Anna Victoria Sebranek on October 14, 1925.
     Son of Frank & Mary (Vitcenda) Holak.
HOLAK, Thomas                           1836 1882 12-21-1836 03-11-1882
     MS with Marie. Married Marie Mary Machacek.
     Son of Wenzel & Mary (Shema) Holack
HOLAK, Thomas                           1876 1899 04-29-1876 12-08-1899
     Son of Thomas & Marie Mary (Machacek) Holak.
HOLAK, William Harold                   1920 1991 02-10-1920 10-03-1991      237
     LS with his sister Dorothy and their parents Rudolph & Mary.
T Sgt - US Army - World War II    F=WWII
     Son of Rudolph & Mary (Dedrick) Holak.
HOLAK, Wilmer Francis                   1934      06-01-1934
     MS with Deanna. Married Deanna Lea Spangler on June 10, 1962.
     Son of Thomas & Anna Victoria (Sebranek) Holak.
     "Parents of Hugh and Travis"
     Death date pending.
HOLECEK, Frank Joseph                   1883 1950 12-06-1883 02-22-1950

      MS with Louise. Married Louise Heidenreich.
      Son of Vaclav Holecek [1853-192].
HOLECEK, Louise HEIDENREICH             1880 1974 03-02-1880 04-18-1974
      MS with Frank. Married Frank Joseph Holecek.
      Daughter of Vaclav James & Katherine Heidenreich.
HOLUB, (Baby)
            Note: Surname varies: Holub/Holuba
HOLUB, (Baby)                           1884 1884
            Note: Surname varies: Holub/Holuba
HOLUB, Alois Lewis/Louis                1878 1907 07-08-1878 04-12-1907
     Son of Josef Joseph & Marie Mary (Krejci) Holub.
     Note: Surname varies: Holub/Holuba

HOLUB, Emelie Emma                      1883 1902 05-00-1883 01-25-1902
          Daughter of Josef Joseph & Marie Mary (Krejci) Holub.
     Note: Surname varies: Holub/Holuba. Marker engraved HOLUBA.
HOLUB, Josef Joseph                     1834 1912 04-17-1834 08-28-1912
     Married Marie Mary Krejci on October 13, 1857.
     Son of Josef & Josefa (Franek) Holub.
     Note: Surname varies: Holub/Holuba. Marker engraved HOLUBA.
HOLUB, Marie Mary KREJCI                1837 1910 05-27-1837 03-13-1910
          Married Josef Joseph Holub on October 13, 1857.
     Daughter of Jozef & Ann (Melichar) Krejci.
     Note: Surname varies: Holub/Holuba. Marker engraved HOLUB.
HOLUB, Marie Mary                       1869 1893 05-21-1893
     Daughter of Josef Joseph & Marie Mary (Krejci) Holub.
     Note: Surname varies: Holub/Holuba. Marker engraved HOLUBA.

HOLUB, Vaclav Wencil                    1871 1893 10-22-1871 02-01-1893
     Son of Josef Joseph & Marie Mary (Krejci) Holub.
     Note: Surname varies: Holub/Holuba
HOLUB, Vojtech Albert                   1874 1885            12-27-1885
     Son of Josef Joseph & Marie Mary (Krejci) Holub.
     Note: Surname varies: Holub/Holuba
HOOKER, Agnes SHAKER                    1916 2002 10-05-1916 04-07-2002      242
     Married Marvin Hooker on November 15, 1939.
     Daughter of Frank & Mary (Rosol) Shaker.
HOOKER, Bonnie J. WALTER                1938      08-31-1938                  93
     MS with Edward. Married Edward J. "Bud" Hooker in 1971.
     Death date pending.
HOOKER, Edward J. "Bud"                 1931 2014 01-05-1931 12-30-2014       93
     MS with Bonnie. Married Bonnie J. Walter in 1971.
     Son of Edward Sr. & Mary (Snorek) Hooker.
HOOKER, Edward Sr.                      1891 1963 10-09-1891 07-26-1963       96
     MS with Mary. Married Mary Snorek on April 17, 1917.
     Son of August & Josephine (Resac) Hooker.
     [See Josephine Resac-Hooker-KOPETSKY]

HOOKER, Frank                           1895 1963 10-18-1895 06-14-1963      222
     MS with Millie. Married Millie Snorek  on December 31, 1917.
     Son of August & Josephine (Resac) Hooker.

     [See Josephine Resac-Hooker-KOPETSKY]

HOOKER, Marvin                          1918 1967 03-10-1918 10-03-1967      242
     Married Agnes Shaker on November 15, 1939.
     Son of Edward Sr. & Mary (Snorek) Hooker.

HOOKER, Marie J.                        1931 2018 01-05-1931 12-04-2018           
     Daughter of Edward Sr. & Mary (Snorek) Hooker.
HOOKER, Mary SNOREK                     1894 1984 03-14-1894 01-16-1984       96

     MS with Edward. Married Edward Sr. Hooker on April 17, 1917.
     Daughter of Matej Michael & Rosa Rosie (Jelinek) Snorek.

HOOKER, Millie SNOREK                   1898 1980 12-15-1898 10-06-1980      222
     MS with Frank. Married Frank Hooker on December 31, 1917.
     Daughter of
Matej Michael & Rosa Rosie (Jelinek) Snorek.
HOOKER, Rudolph                         1923 1938 06-28-1923 04-22-1938      222
          Son of Frank & Millie (Snorek) Hooker.
HOOKER, William                                                               96

          Infant son of Edward Sr. & Mary (Snorek) Hooker.
     Note: No dates listed!
HORA, George                            1843 1905
      MS with Mary. Married Marie "Mary" Nachtigal in 1865 in Bohemia.
      Son of Anna Hora. "Otec"

HORA, James E.                          1914 2012 12-12-1914 02-01-2012      276
     Married Josefa Josephine "Josie" E. Subera on June 14, 1938.
     Son of Joseph M. "Joe" & Otilia "Tille" (Bulin) Hora.
HORA, Jim                                                                    149
     No dates listed!
HORA, Josefa Josephine "Josie" E. SUBERA 1912 2001 09-16-1912 08-10-2001     276
     Married James E. Hora on June 14, 1938.
     Daughter of Frank F. & Josefa "Josephine" (Stanek) Subera.
HORA, Joseph M. "Joe"                   1887 1982 03-01-1887 02-06-1982      199
     Married Otilia "Tillie" Bulin on January 20, 1914.
     Son of George &
Marie "Mary" (Nachtigal) Hora.
HORA, Marie "Mary" NACHTIGAL            1845 1928 04-04-1845 02-28-1928
      MS with George. Married George Hora in 1865 in Bohemia. "Matka"
      Daughter of Wencil Frank & Kristina "Christine" (Broz) Nachtigal.
      Note: Barbara Marie "Mary" (Benes) Nachtigal was her step-mother.

HORA, Mary                                                                   149
     No dates listed!
HORA, Otilia "Tillie" BULIN             1890 1982 02-12-1890 11-18-1982      199
     Married Joseph M. "Joe" Hora on January 20, 1914.
     Daughter of Jan John & Marie Mary (Kardlicek) Bulin.
HOSKINS, Richard M.                1954 2015 06-16-1954 04-15-2015
     Married Kitty C. Hullar-Souza on November 11, 1978 in Orange Co., CA.
     Son of Richard E. & Josephine (Molina) Hoskins.
HOUSNER, Alice Marie HYNEK              1923 1982 08-22-1923 08-12-1982       58

     Married Ernest W. Housner on August 25, 1942.
     Daughter of Richard Wencil & Rose Christina (Wopat) Hynek.
HOUSNER, Anna BULIN                     1855 1941 06-28-1855 11-15-1941       57
     Married Joseph Housner on January 17, 1878.
     Daughter of Martin & Barbara "Rebecca" (Urban) Bulin.
HOUSNER, Anna BARBOUR                   1900 1997 02-20-1900 05-07-1997       56
     MS with Joseph. Married Joseph Carl Housner on April 23, 1919.
     Daughter of Edmund & Josephine "Josie" (Tydrich) Barbour.
HOUSNER, Emma Julia BERANEK             1891 1969 02-16-1891 09-06-1969       58
     MS with Paul. Married Paul J. Housner on September 16, 1913.
     Daughter of Martin & Mary (Pacl) Beranek.
HOUSNER, Ernest W.                      1918 2003 01-14-1918 06-18-2003       58
     Married Alice Marie Hynek on August 25, 1942.
     Married Lucille Vodak on August 1, 1986.
     Son of Paul J. & Emma Julia (Beranek) Housner.
HOUSNER, Frank                          1880 1939 10-23-1880 02-12-1939       93
     MS with Minnie. Married Minnie M. Beranek on October 30, 1906.
     Son of Joseph & Anna (Bulin) Housner.
HOUSNER, Helen J. BERANEK                1893 1974 06-29-1893 02-05-1974        1
     Married Wencil Housner in 1926.
     Daughter of Frantisek Frank & Anna (Rott) Beranek.
HOUSNER, Hilda Margaret                 1911 1956 05-25-1911 09-25-1956       93
     Womens Air Corps - World War II
Daughter of Frank & Minnie M. (Beranek) Housner.
HOUSNER, Infant                         1927 1927            12-24-1927        1
HOUSNER, Janice Mildred HAENAL          1943      06-01-1943
     MS with Richard. Married Richard P. "Rich" Housner on May 9, 1964.
     Death date pending.
HOUSNER, Joseph                         1853 1930                             57

     Married Anna Bulin on January 17, 1878.
     Son of Joseph & Brabara (Barour) Housner.
HOUSNER, Joseph Carl                    1898 1983 05-24-1898 01-29-1983       56
     MS with Anna. Married Anna Barbour on April 23, 1919.
     Son of Joseph & Anna (Bulin) Housner.
     Note: All records show death year as 1984 but marker engraved 1983.

HOUSNER, Minnie M. BERANEK              1888 1970 10-26-1888 04-30-1970       93
     MS with Frank. Married Frank Housner on October 30, 1906.
     Daughter of Anton & Josephine Agnes "Josie" (Bulin) Beranek.
HOUSNER, Paul J.                        1890 1975  06-29-1890 04-23-1975      58
     MS with Emma. Married Emma Julia Beranek on September 16, 1913.
     Son of Joseph & Ann (Bulin) Housner.

HOUSNER, Richard P. "Rich"              1943      03-25-1943
     MS with Janice. Married Janice Mildred Haenal on May 9, 1964.
     Son of Ernest Wencil & Alice Marie (Hynek) Housner.
     Death date pending.
HOUSNER, Wencil                         1893 1946                              1

     Married Helen J. Beranek in 1926.
     Son of Joseph & Anna (Bulin) Housner.

HRUSKA, Joseph                          1868 1956 03-18-1868 10-07-1956
     Married Rosa Rose Bohato. "Father"
     Note: Rose [1873-1961] buried also with their son Edward "Eddie"
           [1914-1939] and their daughter Bessie CARLSON [1908-1993]
           in the Saint John's Cemetery in York, IL.

HUFFMAN, Donald Edward "Don"            1943                                  271
     Veteran - Vietnam
     LS with his wife Sherry and their son George.
     Married Sherry Hope McCoy on May 18, 1968.

     Son of William Scott & Lucille Helen "Lucy" (Stanek) Huffman.
     "Parents of George & Jason"  "Jesus We Come To You"
     Death date pending!

HUFFMAN, Edward William "Ed"            1945 2019 04-15-1945 01-27-2019
     US Army - Vietnam
     Married Linda Susan _____.
     Married Linda Rae Ewing on September 17, 1994.
     Son of William Scott & Lucille Helen "Lucy" (Stanek) Huffman.
HUFFMAN, George Allen                   1973 1973 11-13-1973 11-13-1973      271

     LS with his parents Donald and Sherry.
     Son of Donald Edward "Don" & Sherry Hope (McCoy) Huffman.

     "Jesus We Come To You"
HUFFMAN, Linda Rae EWING                1945 2016 11-17-1945 11-06-2016
     Married Edward William "Ed" Huffman on September 17, 1994.
     Daughter of Earl Munyon & Beulah L. (Henry) Ewing.
HUFFMAN, Lucille Helen "Lucy" STANEK    1919 1992 11-05-1919 07-14-1992      271

     Married William Scott Huffman on January 20, 1943.
     Daughter of Wencil Thomas & Matilda Tille (Novy) Stanek.
HUFFMAN, Sherry Hope McCOY              1947 2009 01-12-1947 02-25-2009      271
     LS with her husband Donald and their son George.
Married Donald Edward "Don" Huffman on May 18, 1968.
     Daughter of Vilo James & Esther Mae (Nofsinger) McCoy.

          "Parents of George & Jason"  "Jesus We Come To You"
HUFFMAN, William Scott                  1908 1981 02-10-1908 03-23-1981      271
     Veteran - World War II
Married Lucille Helen "Lucy" Stanek on January 20, 1943.
     Son of Orval & Claire (Corliss) Huffman.
HYNEK, (Baby)                           1903 1903 05-08-1903 05-09-1903
     Daughter of Anton W. & Marie Mary A. (Novy) Hynek.
     Note: Added from death record.
HYNEK, Anton Tony                       1906 1966 05-19-1906 03-10-1966      181
     Married Ruzena Rose Carolyn Zoha on June 29, 1926.
     Son of Teresie Theresa "Tessie" Hynek and Emil Oliverius.
          [See Tessie Mary Hynek-Houser-BOOHER in Viola Cemetery]
HYNEK, Anton W.                         1861 1906 08-16-1861 01-12-1906

     Married Marie Mary A. Novy.
     Son of Josef Joseph & Josefa Josephine (Jakes) Hynek.
     Note: Most records show birth day as the 14th but the marker engraved 12th.

HYNEK, Bernice Evelyn DEDRICK           1928 2005 11-27-1928 03-19-2005      11
     MS with Richard. Married Richard J. Hynek on June 24, 1953.
     Daughter of Frank Wencel & Adeline Eva (Rott) Dedrick.
         "Our Children Kathy, Kristy, Roger and Kim"
HYNEK, Emil Oliver                      1900 1923 04-09-1900 03-14-1923

     Son of Anton W. & Marie Mary A. (Novy) Hynek.
HYNEK, Emil Tony                        1926 1980 08-23-1926 10-16-1980      132
     U.S. Army - World War II
Married Doris Mary Berger on February 22, 1948.
     Son of Anton Tony & Ruzena Rose Carolyn (Zoha) Hynek.
HYNEK, Josef Joseph                     1819 1888 03-28-1819 05-31-1888
     Married Josefa Josephine Jakes on September 29, 1846. Aged 69 years.
          Son of Jakub & Marie (Wopat) Hynek.
HYNEK, Josef Joseph M.                  1855 1910 04-07-1855 01-09-1910

     MS with Marie. Married Marie Mary Liska on January 12, 1875.
     Son of Josef Joseph & Josefa Josephine (Jakes) Hynek.
HYNEK, Josefa                           1871 1892 03-18-1871 11-22-1892
     Daughter of Josef Joseph & Josefa Josephine (Jakes) Hynek.
HYNEK, Josefa Josephine JAKES           1826 1906 06-25-1826 07-26-1906
     Married Josef Joseph Hynek on September 29, 1846.
     Daughter of Jan & Anna (Pribik) Jakes.
     Note: Listed as Josephine JAKS Hynek on her death record.
     Note: Maiden name spelling varies: JAKIS/JAKES/JAKS

HYNEK, Marie Mary LISKA                 1855 1928 05-09-1855
     MS with Josef. Married Josef Joseph M. Hynek on January 12, 1875.
     Daughter of Mavjt Vit & Terezye Theresa (Krava) Liska.
Note: Death year hard to read 1926/28?
HYNEK, Marie Mary A. NOVY               1871 1918 03-00-1871 12-19-1918
     Married Anton W. Hynek.
     Daughter of Josef "Joseph" & Anna (Janecek) Novy.
HYNEK, Marveline                        1927 1927 10-26-1927 10-26-1927       11
          "Infant daughter"
     Daughter of Richard Wencil & Rose Christina (Wopat) Hynek.

HYNEK, Richard James                    1929 2003 06-09-1929 08-18-2003       11
     MS with Bernice. Married Bernice Evelyn Dedrick on June 24, 1953.
     Son of Richard Wencil & Rose Christina (Wopat) Hynek.
          "Our Children Kathy, Kristy, Roger and Kim"
HYNEK, Richard Wencil                   1898 1973 06-22-1898 12-12-1973      279
     MS with Rose. Married Rose Christina Wopat on February 6, 1923.
     Son of Anton W. & Marie Mary A. (Novy) Hynek.
HYNEK, Robert F. "Herba"                1941 2013 10-29-1941 07-23-2013      132
     Son of Anton Tony & Ruzena Rose Carolyn (Zoha) Hynek.
HYNEK, Rose Christina WOPAT             1900 1973 11-28-1900 06-20-1973      279
     MS with Richard. Married Richard Wencil Hynek on February 6, 1923.
     Daughter of Wencel & Josephine (Holub) Wopat.
HYNEK, Ruzena Rose Carolyn ZOHA         1904 2001 12-25-1904 11-25-2001      181
     Married Anton Tony Hynek on June 29, 1926.
     Daughter of Frank & Barbara (Zidlicky) Zoha.
HYNEK, Walter                           1891 1910 08-25-1891 07-09-1910
    Son of Anton W. & Marie Mary A. (Novy) Hynek.
HYNKOVA, Marie Budar/Buchar             1851 1915 05-18-1851 03-14-1915
    Married Vojtech "Albert" Hynek on May 28, 1873.
    Daughter of Frank & Barbara (Cervenka) Budar/Buchar
    Note: Her husband (8 Jul 1851 - 17 Aug 1939) was born & buried
          in Kralovice, Bohemia, Czech.
JANECEK, Anezka "Agnes"                 1896 1897 01-19-1896 08-06-1897
     Daughter of Frank & Barbora (Stanek) Janecek.
JANECEK, Anna                           1904 1918 10-02-1904 12-17-1918      123
     MS with her brother Edward Janecek. "Sister"
Daughter of Frank & Barbora (Stanek) Janecek.     
JANECEK, Annastazie S. "Anna" VLASAK-BRICKSON 1899 1988 04-06-1899 12-18-1988 64
     MS with William. Married William John Janecek on April 27, 1921.
     Married Alvin J. Brickson [1902-1978 buried Monona, WI].
     Dau. of Alois "Louis" & Katerina Katherine "Katie" (Moravecek) Vlasak.
     Note: Alois "Louis" Vlasak [1870-1934] burial place unknown.
JANECEK, Barbara NOVY                   1859 1950 09-12-1859 04-15-1950       64
     MS with Wencil. Married Vaclav "Wencil" Janecek on January 15, 1878.
     Daughter of Frantisek "Frank" & Anna (Frandl) Novy.
JANECEK, Barbora STANEK                 1868 1949 09-28-1868 07-09-1949      206
     Married Frank Janecek on February 22, 1888.
     Daughter of Frantisek & Marie Mary (Kouba) Stanek.
JANECEK, Barbora                        1837 1900
JANECEK, David S. PICHA                 1950 2019 02-15-1950 05-31-2019
     US Air Force - 1973 to 1977 - Vietnam Era
     Son of Elgin Edward & Libby (Picha) Janecek.
JANECEK, Edward                         1892 1957 03-20-1892 11-04-1957      123

     Veteran - World War I
     MS with his sister Anna Janecek. "Brother"
Son of Frank & Barbora (Stanek) Janecek.    
JANECEK, Edward Wencil "Ed"             1889 1980 07-15-1890 09-30-1980      142
     MS with Jennie. Married Jennie Stowell.
     Son of Vaclav "Wencil" & Barbara (Novy) Janecek.
     Note: SSIndex & show birth 1890. Marker engraved 1889.

JANECEK, Elgin Edward                   1920 2007 09-18-1920 01-06-2007    
     MS with Libby. Married Libby Picha on August 12, 1942.
     Son of Edward Wencil "Ed" & Jennie (Stowell) Janecek.
JANECEK, Elsie Laura SEBRANEK           1904 2001 07-27-1904 11-17-2001       40
     Married William Harry Janecek on December 28, 1927.
     Daughter of Wencil John & Tena J. (Kolash) Sebranek.
JANECEK, Frank                          1866 1938 04-03-1866 12-29-1938      206
     MS with Barbora. Married Barbora Stanek on February 22, 1888.
     Son of Matej "Michael" & Katerina "Katherine" (Plachetka) Janecek.
Katerina "Katherine" Plachetka-Janecek-SLAMA]
JANECEK, Jennie STOWELL                 1894 1984 01-28-1894 12-05-1984      142
     Married Edward W. "Ed" Janecek.
     Daughter of William Earl & Agnes (Pliner) Stowell.
JANECEK, Josefa "Josie" LIBANSKY        1883 1910 10-06-1883 02-01-1910
     Married Joseph William Janecek on February 28, 1905.
     Daughter of Fantisek Frank & Anna (Stanek) Libansky.
JANECEK, Joseph "Joe" A.                1890 1976 08-29-1890 10-02-1976      206
     Son of Frank & Barbora (Stanek) Janecek.
JANECEK, Joseph William                 1881 1955 03-19-1881 03-13-1955       50
     Married Josefa "Josie" Libansky on February 28, 1905.
     Married Josie Levy.
     Son of Vaclav "Wencil" & Barbara (Novy) Janecek.
JANECEK, Josie LEVY                     1890 1979  03-03-1890 12-03-1979      50
     Married Joseph William Janecek.
     Daughter of Vaclav Wencil & Anna (Chlup) Levy.

JANECEK, Julia Agnes                    1918 1918 12-19-1918 12-19-1918      142
     Daughter of Edward Wencil "Ed" & Jennie (Stowell) Janecek.
JANECEK, Karolina                       1897 1899 03-24-1897 01-04-1899
     Daughter of Vaclav "Wencil" & Barbara (Novy) Janecek.
JANECEK, Libby PICHA                    1924 2004 03-01-1924 05-15-2004 
     MS with Elgin. Married Elgin Edward Janecek on August 12, 1942.
     Daughter of Wencil & Josephine (Bruha) Picha.
JANECEK, Marie "Mary" BULIN             1828 1904
     MS with Albert. Married Vojtech "Albert" Janecek.
     Note: No dates listed on marker. Used family histories for approx. dates.
JANECEK, Marie Mary NOVY                1853 1875 09-30-1853 11-25-1875
     Married Vaclac Wencil Janecek on January 26, 1875.
     Daughter of Frantisek "Frank" & Anna (Frandl) Novy.
JANECEK, Martha                         1893 1977 11-23-1893 07-03-1977      206
     Daughter of Frank & Barbora (Stanek) Janecek.
JANECEK, Matej "Michael"                1833 1867            09-11-1867
     Married Katerina "Katherine" Plachekta about 1861.
          [See Katerina "Katherine" Plachetka-Janecek-SLAMA]
JANECEK, Michael Jr.                    1862 1875
     Son of Matej "Michael" & Katerina "Katherine" (Plachekta) Janecek.
[See Katerina "Katherine" Plachetka-Janecek-SLAMA]
JANECEK, Robert William                 1913 1968 02-04-1913 10-08-1968       50
     Married Valentine Virginia Lovell.
     Son of Joseph William & Josephine (Levy) Janecek.
JANECEK, Vaclav "Wencil"                1852 1933 08-16-1852 02-05-1933       64
     Married Marie Mary Novy on January 26, 1875.
     MS with Barbara. Married Barbara Novy on January 15, 1878.
     Son of Vaclav Wencil & Barbora Barbara Janecek.
          Note: Not the Wencil Janecek, also born in 1852, his parents were Albert
           and Marie "Mary" (Bulin) Janecek.
JANECEK, Valentine Virginia LOVELL      1910 1966 02-14-1910 08-13-1966       50
     Married Robert W. Janecek.
     Daughter of Ernest & Eva (Crary) Lovell.
JANECEK, Vojtech Albert                 1811 1887            05-04-1887
     MS with Mary. Married Marie "Mary" Bulin. Aged 76 years.
     Note: Birth year varies: 1811/1813.

JANECEK, William Harry                  1906 1966 05-03-1906 08-23-1966       40
     Married Elsie Laura Sebranek on December 28, 1927.
     Son of Joseph William & Josefa "Josie" (Lebansky) Janecek.
JANECEK, William John                   1895 1948 05-16-1895 09-09-1948       64
     MS with Anna. Married Annastazie S. "Anna" Vlasak on April 27, 1921.
     Son of Wencil & Barbara (Novy) Janecek.
JANECHEK, Francis W.                    1920 1983            01-15-1983       26
     Son of Frank W. & Julia (Rott) Janechek.
     Note: Surname varies Janecek/Janecheck. Marker engraved JANECHEK.
JANECHEK, Frank W.                      1885 1963                             26

     MS with Julia. Married Julia Rott.
     Son of Vaclav Wencil & Barbara (Novy) Janecek.
     Note: Surname varies Janecek/Janecheck. Marker engraved JANECHEK.
JANECHEK, Julia ROTT                    1888 1978                             26
     MS with Frank. Married Frank W. Janecek.
     Daughter of Vaclav Wencil & Marie Mary (Jindrick) Rott.
     Note: Surname varies Janecek/Janecheck. Marker engraved JANECHEK.
JANOUSEK, Anna LIBANSKY                 1888 1968 07-22-1888 09-30-1968       63
     MS with Frank. Married Frank Janousek.
Daughter of Frantisek Frank & Anna (Stanek) Libansky.
JANOUSEK, Antonia JANECEK               1856 1943

     Married Frantisek "Frank" Janousek.
JANOUSEK, Emma                         1917 1920 04-09-1917 12-05-1920       121
     Daughter of Van W. & Josephine "Josie" (Dvorak) Janousek.
JANOUSEK, Frank                         1887 1964 01-16-1887 11-02-1964       63
     MS with Anna. Married Anna Libansky.
     Son of
Frantisek "Frank" & Antonia (Janecek) Janousek.
JANOUSEK, Frantisek                     1851 1911 08-05-1851 12-05-1911
          Married Antonia Janecek.
JANOUSEK, Geneva M. "Gin" KIDD          1923 2006 09-09-1923 03-20-2006      111

     Married Orval Kenneth Janousek on October 31, 1942.
     Daughter of Percy Gordon & Mary (Kosa) Kidd.
JANOUSEK, Helen M.                      1915 2007 03-20-1915 04-23-2007
     Daughter of Van W. & Josephine "Josie" (Dvorak) Janousek.
JANOUSEK, Helena                        1904 1906 05-28-1904 10-22-1906
          Daughter of Joseph & Mary (Dvorak) Janousek.
JANOUSEK, Josephine "Josie" DVORAK      1885 1956                            121

     MS with Van. Married Van W. Janousek.
     Daughter of Matous Michael & Marie Mary (Hanzel) Dvorak.
JANOUSEK, Orval Kenneth                 1918 2000 05-27-1918 12-20-2000      111
     Married Geneva M. "Gin" Kidd on October 31, 1942.
     Son of Ed & Thelma (Stanley) Janousek.
JANOUSEK, Pavlina                       1893 1903 07-00-1893 07-19-1903
     Daughter of Frantisek "Frank" & Antonia (Janecek) Janousek.
JANOUSEK, Van W.                        1882 1975 08-15-1882 09-27-1975      121
     MS with Josephine. Married Josephine "Josie" Dvorak.
          Son of Frantisek "Frank" & Antonia (Janecek) Janousek.
JANSKY, Anna SLAMA                      1872 1960 07-11-1872 09-25-1960      169
     MS with Wencle. Married Wencle Jansky on February 22, 1888.
     Daughter of Anton & Katherine (Plachetka-Janecek) Slama.
JANSKY, Franktisek Frank                1824 1898 09-01-1824 10-12-1898
     Married Josefa Josephine Sebek on May 4, 1852.
     Son Ondrej & Anna (Lomicka) Jansky.

JANSKY, Jan                             1842 1933 07-03-1842 08-14-1933
     Married Katerina Kaukl. Aged 91Ys 1Ms 11Ds
JANSKY, Josefa Josephine SEBEK          1827 1893
     Married Frantisek Frank Jansky on May 4, 1852.
     Daughter of Veronika Sebek.
     Note: Maiden name varies Shebeck/Sebek.

JANSKY, Katerina KAUKL                  1837 1902 11-11-1837 03-25-1902
     Married Jan Jansky. Aged 64Ys 4Ms 4Ds
     Note: Added from death record.
JANSKY, Wencle                          1866 1962 10-14-1866 06-04-1962      169
     MS with Anna. Married Anna Slama on February 22, 1888.
     Son of Jan & Katerina (Kaukl) Jansky.
     Note: Some records show as Wencil. Marker engraved Wencle.

JELINEK, Adeline                        1924 1927                             37
     Daughter John J. & Mary (Rynes) Jelinek.
JELINEK, Anna HARDY                     1829 1924 07-21-1829 06-22-1924
     Married Tomas "Thomas" Jelinek on September 24, 1850.
     Note: Surname was listed as Jelinkova and maiden name as Herda.
JELINEK, Frantisek "Frank"              1855 1897 11-22-1855 06-28-1897
          Son of Tomas "Thomas" & Anna (Hardy) Jelinek. 
JELINEK, Jan "John"                       1853 1937 05-29-1853 08-04-1937       81
     Married Rosina Rose Lebansky on February 21, 1882.
     Son of Tomas "Thomas" & Anna (Hardy) Jelinek.

JELINEK, John J.                        1887 1960 08-30-1887 08-28-1960       37
     Married Mary Rynes on February 9, 1915.
     Son of Jan John & Rosina Rose (Libansky) Jelinek.
JELINEK, Mary RYNES                     1897 1948 07-26-1897 07-25-1948       37
     Married John J. Jelinek on February 9, 1915.
     Daughter of Frantisek Frank & Anna (Lexa) Rynes.
JELINEK, Robert                         1929 1930 01-09-1929                  37
     Son of John J. & Mary (Rynes) Jelinek.
JELINEK, Rosina Rose LIBANSKY           1866 1938 05-26-1866 07-06-1938       81
     Married Jan "John" Jelinek on February 21, 1882.
     Daughter of Tomas Thomas & Katerina Katherine (Mislivecek) Libansky.
     Note: Maiden name varies: Lebansky/Libansky

JELINEK, Tomas Thomas                    1820 1901 11-26-1820 12-07-1901
     Married Anna Hardy on September 24, 1850.
JINDRICK, Adolph Frank                  1913 1959 07-27-1913 12-30-1959       79
     MS with Helen. Married Helen Katherine Resac on June 20, 1944.
     Son of Frank & Sophie Agnes (Novy) Jindrick.
JINDRICK, Anna KOSA                     1868 1958 06-29-1868 02-20-1958       78
     Married Wencil Jindrick on May 3, 1887.
     Daughter of Matej "Michael" & Barbara (Volin) Kosa.
JINDRICK, Barbora Barbara KOZEL         1824 1897 01-11-1824 10-11-1897
     Married Vaclav Wencil Jindrick. Aged 73Ys 9Ms
     Note: Marker is engraved as "Barbora".
JINDRICK, Carl                          1892 1976 07-13-1892 10-16-1976       78
     Married Josephine "Josie" Sebranek on May 1, 1917.
     Son of Wencil & Anna (Kosa) Jindrick.
JINDRICK, Elsie L. BERANEK              1895 1925 09-01-1895 10-17-1925        1
     Married Wencil Jr. Jindrick on July 16, 1914.
     Daughter of Fantisek Frank & Anna (Rott) Beranek.
JINDRICK, Frank                         1888 1964 08-22-1888 04-30-1964       79
     Married Sophie Agnes Novy on February 6, 1912.
     Son of Wencil & Anna (Kosa) Jindrick.
JINDRICK, Helen BENISH                  1933      09-13-1933                  77
     MS with Willard. Married Willard P. Jindrick on August 16, 1952.
     Daughter of Joseph & Bessie (Hotek) Benish.
     "Parents of Terrance, Patricia & Karen"
     Death date pending.
JINDRICK, Helen Katherine RESAC         1920 2018 07-01-1920 03-28-2018       79
     MS with Adolph. Married Adolph Frank Jindrick on June 20, 1944.
     Daughter of Frank Wencil & Agnes B. (Briskey) Resac.
JINDRICK, Joseph "Joe"                  1890 1980            10-28-1980       87
     Married Rose "Rosie" Rott on November 18, 1913.
     Son of Wencil & Anna (Kosa) Jindrick.
JINDRICK, Josephine "Josie" SEBRANEK    1898 1971 03-01-1898 09-06-1971       78
     Married Carl Jindrick on May 1, 1917.
     Daughter of Joseph & Christena (Rott) Sebranek.
JINDRICK, Rose "Rosie" F. ROTT          1892 1978 10-24-1892 09-24-1978       87
     Married Joseph "Joe" Jindrick on November 18, 1913.
     Daughter of Frantisek S. "Frank" & Mary F. (Beranek) Rott.
JINDRICK, Sophie Agnes NOVY             1890 1978 11-18-1890 12-02-1978       79
     Married Frank Jindrick on February 6, 1912.
     Daughter of Matej "Michael" & Anna (Kardlicek) Novy.
JINDRICK, Vaclav Wencil                 1823 1904 09-21-1823 09-28-1904
     Married Barbora Barbara Kozel.
     Son of Joseph & Mary Jindrick.
     Note: Marker is engraved as "Wanclav".
     Note: Name varies Vaclav/Vaclov/Walclav/Wencil.
JINDRICK, Wencil                        1864 1954 06-22-1864 09-29-1954       78
     Married Anna Kosa on May 3, 1887.
     Son of Vaclav Wencil & Barbora Barbara (Kozel) Jindrick.
JINDRICK, Wencil, Jr.                   1894 1925 02-29-1894 10-17-1925        1
     Married Elsie L. Beranek on July 16, 1914.
     Son of Wencil & Anna (Kosa) Jindrick.
JINDRICK, Willard P.                    1931 2022 01-25-1931 08-04-2022       77
     US Army - Korea
     MS with Helen. Married Helen Benish on August 16, 1952.
     Son of Carl & Josephine "Josie" (Sebranek) Jindrick.
     "Parents of Terrance, Patricia & Karen"
JANECEK, Emma URBAN                     1883 1967                             66
     Married Martin Janecek.
     Daughter of Jan John & Mary (Bruha) Urban.

JOHNECHECK, Emma URBAN                  1883 1967 04-28-1883 11-07-1967       66
     MS with Martin. Married Martin Harry Johnecheck.
     Daughter of Jan M. "John" & Marie "Mary" (Bruha) Urban.
     Note: Surname vary Jahnecheck, Janecek, Johnecheck. Engraved Johnecheck.
JANECEK, Martin                         1883 1961                             66
     Married Emma Urban.
JOHNECHECK, Martin Harry                1883 1961 11-08-1883 03-31-1961      66
     MS with Emma. Married Emma Urban.
     Son of Frank & Marie (Stanek) Johnscheck.
     Note: Surname vary Jahnecheck, Janecek, Johnecheck. Engraved Johnecheck.

     Son of Vaclov & Zofie Juchera.
     Note: No dates listed.
KAREL, Anna PLINER                      1842 1900 01-01-1842 10-05-1900
     Married Vojtech Albert Karel on October 16, 1873.
     Daughter of Joseph & Anna (Vitcenda) Pliner.
KAREL, Joseph                           1890 1934 07-05-1890 07-14-1934      205
     Son of Frank & Paulina (Hotek) Karel.
KAREL, Katerina Katherine URBAN         1843 1873 11-28-1843 07-01-1873
     Married Vojtech Albert on September 29, 1863.
     Daughter of Jan & Anna (Uliova/Ulcova) Urban.

KAREL, Vojtech Albert                   1840 1906 07-23-1840 05-22-1906
     Married Katerina Katherine Urban on September 29, 1863.
Married Anna Pliner on October 16, 1873.
     Son of Vojtech & Rozalie (Krofta) Karel.

KAUKL, Aloise HORA                      1876 1948 06-20-1876 06-19-1948       52
     Married Joseph F. Kaukl on June 21, 1898.
     Daughter of George & Marie "Mary" (Nachtigal) Hora.
KAUKL, Anezka "Agnes"                   1901 1907 05-29-1901 12-10-1907
     LS with her sister Marie V. Kaukl.
Daughter of Joseph F. & Aloise (Hora) Kaukl.      
KAUKL, Barbora Barbara NOVY             1869 1961 12-04-1869 04-03-1961
     Married Valclav Wencil James Kaukl in 1889. "Mother"
     Daughter of Joseph & Anna (Janecek) Novy.
KAUKL, Emma BIRDD                       1894 1981 05-10-1894 01-31-1981      236
     Married Frank W. Kaukl.
     Daughter of Wencil James & Anna (Levy) Ptak/Birdd.
     Note: AKA Emma PTAK [ptak meaning "bird"]. Her Step-mothers were Rosalie
           "Rosey" (Posvic) Ptak/Birdd & Marie Mary (Pribyl) Ptak/Birdd.

KAUKL, Evelyn Victoria SUBERA           1915 2004 12-11-1915 05-14-2004      216
     Married Frank Joseph Kaukl on November 9, 1935.
     Daughter of Ferdinand Fred & Caroline (Houska) Subera.
KAUKL, Frank Joseph                     1911 1957 12-04-1911 11-29-1957      216
     Married Evelyn Victoria Subera on November 9, 1935.
     Son of Joseph F. & Aloise (Hora) Kaukl.
KAUKL, Frank W.                         1892 1955 05-21-1892 04-13-1955      236
     Married Emma Birdd.
     Son of Vaclav Wencil James & Barbora Barbara (Novy) Kaukl.
KAUKL, Frantisek "Frank"                1839 1912 07-07-1839 04-30-1912
     MS with Jozefa. Married Jozefa Josephine "Josie" Beranek on June 23, 1862.
     Son of Matej & Katerina "Katie" (Vopatova) Kaukl.
     Note: Marker engraved KOUKL.
KAUKL, George Albert                    1914 1992 04-23-1914 01-27-1992       52
     MS with Madge. Married Madge Morgan on November 16, 1938.
     Son of Joseph F. & Aloise (Hora) Kaukl.
KAUKL, Helen JINDRICK                   1904 1986 05-16-1904 03-26-1986       95
     LS with her husband William and their children Marvelene & William Jr.
Married William Kaukl on May 13, 1924.
     Daughter of Wencil & Anna (Kosa) Jindrick.      
KAUKL, James                            1915 1997 03-05-1915 05-08-1997      236
     Son of Frank W. & Emma (Birdd) Kaukl.
KAUKL, Josef Joseph                     1833 1905 11-21-1833 10-20-1905
     Aged 72 years.
     Son of Matej & Katerina "Katie" (Vopatova) Koukl/Kaukl
KAUKL, Joseph F.                        1870 1957 08-06-1870 11-10-1957       52
     Married Aloise Hora on June 21, 1898.
     Son of Frantisek "Frank" & Jozefa Josephine "Josie" (Beranek) Kaukl.
KAUKL, Jozefa Josephine "Josie" BERANEK 1843 1923 03-31-1843 07-30-1923
     MS with Frantisek. Married Frantisek "Frank" Kaukl on June 23, 1862.
     Daughter of Peter Beranek.
     Note: Marker engraved KOUKL.

KAUKL, Madge MORGAN                     1910 2007 03-18-1910 10-11-2007       52
     MS with George. Married George Albert Kaukl on November 16, 1938.
     Daughter of Jacob Elliott & Josie Ellen (Griffin) Morgan.
KAUKL, Marie STANEK                     1864 1887            08-09-1887
     Married Vaclav Wencil James Kaukl on June 1, 1886. Aged 23 years.
     Daughter of Frantisek & Marie Mary (Kouba) Stanek.
KAUKL, Marie V.                         1900 1900 02-04-1900 03-30-1900
     LS with her sister Anezka Kaukl.
Daughter of Joseph F. & Aloise (Hora) Kaukl.     
KAUKL, Marvelene Helen                  1924 1996 08-08-1924 08-12-1996       95
     LS with her parents and her brother William Jr.
Daughter of William & Helen (Jindrick) Kaukl.
KAUKL, Vaclav Wencil James               1863 1908 10-10-1863 01-22-1908
     Married Marie Stanek on June 1, 1886.
     Married Barbora Barbara Novy in 1889.
     Son of Frantisek "Frank" & Jozefa Josephine "Josie" (Beranek) Kaukl.
KAUKL, Vilem William R.                  1884 1901 05-00-1884 03-15-1901
     Aged 16 years & 10 months.
     Son of Frantisek "Frank" & Jozefa Josephine "Josie" (Beranek) Kaukl.
KAUKL, William                          1901 1987 09-19-1901 11-10-1987       95
     LS with his wife Helen and their children Marvelene & William Jr.
          Married Helen Jindrick on May 13, 1924.
     Son of Vaclav Wencil James & Barbora Barbara (Novy) Kaukl.     
KAUKL, William Jr.                      1925 1925                             95
     LS with his parents and his sister Marvelene.
Infant son of William & Helen (Jindrick) Kaukl.      
KIDD, Mary KOSA                         1903 1997 07-10-1903 12-17-1997      111
     Married Percy Gordon Kidd on April 10, 1923.
     Daughter of Joseph "Joe" & Krystina "Tena" (Housner) Kosa.
KIDD, Percy Gordon                      1904 1982 04-22-1904 10-30-1982      111
     Married Mary Kosa on April 10, 1923.
     Son of Almond Dewitt & Mary Josephine (Leatherberry) Kidd.
KLIPSTEIN, David A.                     1947 2012 05-23-1947 01-31-2012      267
     US Army in Germany during Viet Nam War
     Married Marlene Hofrichter on November 13, 1971 in Hillsboro, WI.
     Son of Mevin "Bud" & Dorothy (Popp) Klipstein.

KLIPSTEIN, Marlene HOFRICHTER                                                267
     Married David A. Klipstein on November 13, 1971 in Hillsboro, WI.
Daughter of Clarence Anton & Marjorie Rose (Sebranek) Hofrichter.
     Note: Owner Lot 267 A-D
KNOTHE, Albert Eugene "Al"              1902 1973 05-12-1902 09-06-1973      275
     Married Helen Genevieve Urbanek on December 5, 1929.
     Son of ________ & Mary (________) Knothe.
KNOTHE, Helen Genevieve URBANEK         1909 1997 05-09-1909 01-21-1997      275
     Married Albert Eugene "Al" Knothe on December 5, 1929.
     Daughter of Wencil "James" & Mary (Reidle) Urbanek.
KOLASH, Annie PLINER                    1889 1955 06-18-1889 11-13-1955       18
     MS with Eman. Married Eman Richard Kolash on November 19, 1907.
     Daughter of Vaclav Wencil & Barbora (Subera) Pliner.
KOLASH, Edward                          1885 1948 04-19-1885 03-01-1948      233
     Married Martha Emma Novy.
     Son of Joseph & Josephine "Josie" (Kosa) Kolash.
KOLASH, Eman Richard                    1883 1966 04-03-1883 12-10-1966       18
     MS with Annie. Married Annie Pliner on November 19, 1907.
     Son of Frantisek Frank & Maria Mary (Stanek) Kolash.
KOLASH, Frank F.                        1883 1933 05-21-1883 12-04-1933       59
     MS with Martha. Married Martha M. Rott on February 25, 1908. "Father"
     Son of Joseph & Josephine "Josie" (Kosa) Kolash.
KOLASH, Frank N.                        1914 1991 05-08-1914 10-08-1991       59
     MS with Helen, Married Helen M. Plachetka.
     Son of Frank F. & Martha M. (Rott) Kolash.
         "Parents of Patricia & Alice"
KOLASH, Frantisek Frank                 1856 1907 03-09-1856 06-03-1907
     Married Maria Mary Stanek on January 22, 1878.
     Married Anna Stanek on January 13, 1891 in Hillsboro, WI.
     Son of Vaclav Wencil & Veronika Veronica (Kozel) Kolash.
     [See Anna Stanek-Kolash-HACH]
      Note: Surname sometimes spelled Kolar.
     Note: Added from death record.
KOLASH, Helen M. PLACHETKA              1918 1997 03-22-1918 04-22-1997       59
     MS with Frank. Married Frank N. Kolash.
     "Parents of Patricia & Alice"
KOLASH, Joseph                          1858 1912 01-06-1858 07-17-1912      159
     MS with Josephine. Married Josephine Kosa on February 18, 1879.
     Son of Vaclav Wencil & Veronika Veronica (Kozel) Kolash.
KOLASH, Josephine "Josie" KOSA          1858 1943 05-07-1858 08-28-1943      159
     MS with Joseph. Married Joseph Kolash on February 18, 1879.
     Daughter of Matej Michael Kosa.

KOLASH, Maria Mary STANEK               1867 1889 09-08-1867 08-28-1889
     Married Frank Kolash on January 22, 1878.
     Daughter of Frantisek J. "Frank" & Veronika (Janecek) Stanek.
     Note: Added from death record.
KOLASH, Martha Emma NOVY                1892 1975 06-25-1892 10-29-1975      233
     Married Edward Kolash.
     Daughter of Matej "Michael" & Anna (Kardlicek) Novy.
     Note: Mother's maiden varies: Kadlicek Kardlicek Kalaleichek
KOLASH, Martha M. ROTT                  1886 1973 05-26-1886 04-29-1973       59
     MS with Frank. Married Frank F. Kolash on February 25, 1908. "Mother"
     Daughter of Frantisek S. "Frank" & Mary F. (Beranek) Rott.
KOLASH, Martin Jospeh                   1911 1990 11-12-1911 07-11-1990      279
     Married Mary Bessie Nachtigal on September 22, 1937.
     Son of Frank F. & Martha M. (Rott) Kolash.
KOLASH, Mary Bessie NACHTIGAL           1918 2008 01-26-1918 04-30-2008     279
     Married Martin Joseph Kolash on September 22, 1937.
     Daughter of Frank & Emma (Levy) Nachtigal.
KOLASH, Mary E. ROTT                    1890 1973 11-03-1890 12-17-1973      84
     Married Wencil Kolash on January 24, 1911.
     Daughter of Frantisek S. "Frank" & Mary F. (Beranek) Rott.
KOLASH, Vaclav Wencil                   1833 1901 09-19-1833 07-12-1901
     Married Veronika Veronica Kozel in 1852.
     Son of Joseph & Rosena (Bruha) Kolash.
     Note: Death record KOLASH, Wenzel & dates 08-29-1831 to 06-12-1901.
KOLASH, Veronika Veronica KOZEL         1830 1920            11-20-1920
     Married Vaclav Wencil Kolash in 1852. Aged 90 years.
KOLASH, Wencil                          1887 1981 05-11-1887 10-06-1981       84
     Married Mary E. Rott on January 24, 1911.
     Son of Joseph & Josephine "Josie" (Kosa) Kolash.
KOPETSKY, Joseph                        1900 1952 01-02-1900 10-23-1952      238
     Married Mary E. Liska on May 8, 1923.
     Son of Alois & Lena (Reidle) Kopetsky.
     Note: Listed in lots 238 & 171!
KOPETSKY, Josephine RESAC-HOOKER        1873 1944
     Married August Hooker.
     Married Josef Joseph Kopetsky on November 2, 1909.
     Daughter of Jan John & Josefa Josephine (Vecla)
     Note: Maiden name varies:
KOPETSKY, Josef Joseph                  1860 1938            11-27-1938
     Married Josephine Hooker on November 2, 1909.
     Son of Josef & Mary (Spichal) Kopecky.
     Note: Surname varies Kopecky/Kopetsky.
KOPETSKY, Kenneth J.                    1930 2014 05-24-1930 08-08-2014                                 238
     Son of Joseph & Mary E. (Liska) Kopetsky.
KOPETSKY, Mary E. LISKA                 1904 1953 08-01-1904 07-20-1953      238
     Married Joseph Kopetsky on May 8, 1923.
     Daughter of Joseph E. & Josephine (Rott) Liska.
     Note: Listed in lots 238 & 171!
KOSA, Barbara VOLIN                     1838 1916 11-25-1838 12-02-1916      104
     Married Matej Michael Kosa in 1864.
KOSA, Frank                             1901 1996 01-03-1901 06-09-1996      103
     Married Laura E. Liksa on June 25, 1930.
     Son of Wencil & Josephine C. (Levy) Kosa.

KOSA, Frank                             1871 1943 01-07-1871 10-20-1943      104
          Son of Matej Michael & Barbara (Volin) Kosa.
KOSA, Joseph "Joe"                      1876 1970 05-10-1876 08-18-1970      104
     MS with Tena. Married Krystina "Tena" Housner on April 19, 1898.
     Son of Matej Michael & Barbara (Volin) Kosa.
KOSA, Josephine C. LEVY                 1875 1971 08-12-1875 06-29-1971      103
     Married Wencil Kosa.
     Daughter of Josef "Joseph" & Frantiska "Frances" (Bulin) Levy.
KOSA, Krystina "Tena" HOUSNER           1878 1949 12-22-1878 10-31-1949      104
     MS with Joseph. Married Joseph "Joe" Kosa on April 19, 1898.
     Daughter of Joseph & Anna (Bulin) Housner
KOSA, Laura E. LISKA                    1900 1976 06-13-1900 10-31-1976      103
     Married Frank Kosa on June 25, 1930.
     Daughter of Anton A. Jr. & Annie (Janecek) Liska.

KOSA, Matej Michael                     1838 1929 02-08-1838 12-28-1929      104
     Married Barbara Volin in 1864.
     Note: Six years of service in the Austrian Army.

KOSA, Paulina                           1905 1905 06-26-1905 06-26-1905
     MS with her brother Vaclav.
Daughter of Joseph "Joe" & Krystina "Tena" (Housner) Kosa.     
KOSA, Vaclav                            1899 1899 06-07-1899 06-24-1899
     MS with his sister Paulina.
Son of Joseph "Joe" & Krystina "Tena" (Housner) Kosa.     
KOSA, Wencil                            1873 1966 07-22-1873 03-26-1966      103
     Married Josephine C. Levy.
     Son of Matej Michael & Barbara (Volin) Kosa.

KOUBA, Anna                             1876 1888 07-05-1876 06-03-1888
          Daughter of Valcav Wencil & Barbora (Vitcenda) Kouba.
KOUBA, Josef Joseph                     1814 1911 03-19-1814 07-25-1911
     Married Anna Picl about 1835.
     Son of Matej & Katerina (Koura) Kouba.
Anna Picl-Kouba in 1900 census in Vernon Co., WI. Death
           date and burial location unknown
     Note: Added from death record.
KOUBA, Josefa Josephine VITCENDA        1834 1893 12-21-1834 09-18-1893
          Married Vojtech Albert Kouba.
     Daughter of Josef Joseph & Brbora (Jansky) Vitcenda.
KOUBA, Joseph                           1870 1958 02-24-1870 10-02-1958       98

     MS with Mary. Married Mary Sebranek on January 17, 1893.
     Son of Katherina "Kate" Kouba.
     [See Katherina "Kate" Kouba-LIBANSKY]
     Raised by his grandparents Joseph & Anna Kouba.

KOUBA, Martin Emil                      1902 1970 10-16-1902 01-13-1970       98
     Son of Joseph &
Mary (Sebranek) Kouba.
KOUBA, Mary SEBRANEK                    1873 1943 08-23-1873 08-27-1943       98
     MS with Joseph. Married Joseph Kouba on January 17, 1893.
     Daughter of Martin & Anna (Polahova) Sebranek.
KOUBA, Vojtech Albert                   1834 1893 12-12-1833 04-07-1893
          Married Josefa Josephine Vitcenda.
     Son of Jacob & Barbara (Kaukl) Kouba.
KOUT, Beverly K.                        1936                                 269

     Daughter of Lawrence O. & Ann Kout.
     Death date pending.
KOUT, Lawrence O.                       1905 1979 06-05-1905 06-06-1979      269
          Married Ann _____.
     Son of H.C. & Mary M. Kout.
     Owner C & D.
KREJCI, Albina                          1875 1883 09-05-1875

     LS with siblings Cyrill, Anton and Frantisek Krejci.
          Daughter of Jan John & Maria Mary (Jansky) Kratche/Krejci.
     Note: Surname varies: Kratche/Krejci
KREJCI, Anton                           1881 1883 09-08-1881 10-08-1883

     LS with siblings Albina, Cyrill and Frantisek Krejci. Twin to Frantisek.
          Son of Jan John & Maria Mary (Jansky) Kratche/Krejci.
     Note: Surname varies: Kratche/Krejci
KREJCI, Cyrill                          1877 1883 10-22-1877 09-22-1883
     LS with siblings Albina, Anton and Frantisek Krejci.
           Son of Jan John & Maria Mary (Jansky) Kratche/Krejci.
     Note: Surname varies: Kratche/Krejci
KREJCI, Frantisek                       1881 1883 09-08-1881 12-10-1883
     LS with siblings Albina, Cyrill and Anton Krejci. Twin to Anton Krejci.
          Son of Jan John & Maria Mary (Jansky) Kratche/Krejci.
     Note: Surname varies: Kratche/Krejci
KREJCI, Vaclav Wencil                   1871 1883 10-01-1871 09-21-1883
          Son of Jan John & Maria Mary (Jansky) Kratche/Krejci.
     Note: Surname varies: Kratche/Krejci
KUCERA, Cathrine JANECEK                1840 1912
     LS with Joseph. Married Joseph Kucera.
     Nore: Another marker lists as Katerine Kucerova.
KUCERA, Joseph                          1835 1908
     LS with Cathrine. Married Cathrine Janecek.
KUCHERA, Barbora Barbara BULIN          1861 1931                             69
     MS with Joseph. Married Joseph Kuchera in 1887.
     Daughter of Martin & Barbara "Rebecca" (Urban) Bulin.
KUCHERA, Infant Son                     1916 1916 04-27-1916 04-27-1916
     Son of James & Sophia (Beranek) Kuchera.
     Note: Sophia Beranek-KUCHERA [1896-1976] buried in Chicago, IL.
KUCHERA, James                          1894 1980 03-30-1894 08-20-1980       69
     MS with his son Martin Lester Kuchera.
     Married Sophia Beranek.
     Son of Joseph & Barbora Barbara (Bulin) Kuchera.
     Note: Sophia Beranek-KUCHERA [1896-1976] buried in Chicago, IL.
KUCHERA, Joseph                         1861 1930                             69
     MS with Barbora. Married Barbora Barbara Bulin in 1887. "Father"
          Son of Joseph & Cathrine (Janecek) Kuchera.
KUCHERA, Martin Lester                  1917 1968 05-05-1917 05-10-1968       69

     MS with his father James Kuchera.
         Son of Wencil James & Sophia Kuchera.
     Note: Sophia Beranek-KUCHERA [1896-1976] buried in Chicago, IL.

        * * * * * * *   ALSO SEE LEBANSKY LIBANSKY   * * * * * * *

LABANSKY, Christena LEVY           1880 1969 06-23-1880 05-21-1969            92
     MS with Thomas. Married Thomas Labansky on April 15, 1901. "Mother"
     Daughter of Josef "Joseph" & Frantiska "Frances" (Bulin) Levy.
     Note: Surname varies Labansky/Lebansky/Libansky. Engraved LABANSKY.
LABANSKY, Joseph "Joe"                  1900 1949 12-16-1900 03-22-1949      164
     Son of Jan "John" & Mary (Sebranek) Libansky.
     Note: Surname varies Labansky/Lebansky/Libansky. Engraved LABANSKY.
           Parents used the LIBANSKY spelling.

LABANSKY, Leo James                1914 1999 09-28-1914 03-30-1999
     Son of Thomas & Christena (Levy) Labansky.
     Note: Surname varies Labansky/Lebansky/Libansky. Engraved LABANSKY.
LABANSKY, Lucy Barbara             1904 1968            11-24-1968            92
     Daughter of Thomas & Christena (Levy) Labansky.
     Note: Surname varies Labansky/Lebansky/Libansky. Engraved LABANSKY.
LABANSKY, Thomas                   1879 1944 12-31-1879 06-06-1944            92
     MS with Christena. Married Christena Levy on April 15, 1901. "Father"
     Son of Tomas Thomas & Katerina Katherine (Mislivecek) Libansky.
     Note: Surname varies Labansky/Lebansky/Libansky. Engraved LABANSKY.

LANDSINGER, Aniska                           1899            06-03-1899

          "Daughter of Vaclava & Marie Landsinger   Died ~~ 1897 Aged ~~ "
MS with her sister Anna Landsiner.
Daughter of Wencle A. "James" & Mary Agnes (Birdd) Landsinger.     
          Note: Marker hard to read.
          "Daughter of Vaclava & Marie Landsinger   Died ~~ 1897 Aged ~~ "
MS with her sister Aniska Landsinger.
Daughter of Wencle A. "James" & Mary Agnes (Birdd) Landsinger.     
          Note: Marker hard to read. Death year appears to be 1893 or 1897.
LANDSINGER, August                                                            17

     Note: Owner Lot 17.
LANDSINGER, Frank                       1904 1904 06-10-1904 09-28-1904      114
     LS with his parents.
     Son of Frank W. & Mary (Beranek) Landsinger.

LANDSINGER, Frank W.                    1876 1951 10-16-1876 11-06-1951      114
     LS with his wife Mary and their son Frank.
Married Mary Beranek on September 24, 1901.
     Son of Josef Joseph & Maria Mary (Kubicek) Landsinger.      
LANDSINGER, Infant                                                            17
     No dates listed!
LANDSINGER, Mary BERANEK                1881 1904 06-29-1881 06-10-1904      114
     LS with her husband Frank W. and their son Frank.
Married Frank W. Landsinger on September 24, 1901.
     Daughter of Frantisek Frank & Anna (Rott) Beranek.      
LANDSINGER, Mary Annes BIRDD            1876 1959 05-28-1876 02-23-1959       21
     MS with Wencle. Married Wencle A. "James" Landsinger on November 22, 1892.
Daughter of Wencil James & Anna (Levy) Ptak/Birdd. "Mother"
     Note: AKA Mary PTAK [ptak meaning "bird"]. Her Step-mothers were Rosalie
           "Rosey" (Posvic) Ptak/Birdd & Marie Mary (Pribyl) Ptak/Birdd.

LANDSINGER, Wencle A. "James" A.        1877 1949             10-15-1949      21
     MS with Mary. Married Mary Agnes Birdd on November 22, 1892. "Father"
          Son of Josef Joseph & Maria Mary (Kubicek) Landsinger.

        * * * * * * *   ALSO SEE LABANSKY LIBANSKY   * * * * * * *

LEBANSKY, (Baby)                        1912 1913 11-16-1912 05-10-1913

     Daughter of Charles & Rose "Rosie" (Levy) Lebansky.
     Note: Added from death record.
LEBANSKY, Anna                          1880 1944                            120
LEBANSKY, Charles                       1877 1953 10-20-1877 07-17-1953      223
     MS with Rose. Married Rose "Rosie" Levy on November 15, 1904.
     Son of Matej "Mike" & Mary (Hanzel) Libansky.
          Note: Many records show as Libansky, marker engraved LEBANSKY.
LEBANSKY, Ella E. NOVY                  1891 1973 11-08-1891 09-05-1973      139
     MS with Joseph. Married Joseph M. "Joe" Lebansky.
     Daughter of Anton Frank & Anna (Himmer) Novy.
     Note: Surname varies: Lebansky/Libansky. Marker engraved LEBANSKY.

LEBANSKY, James                         1886 1953 09-14-1886 12-11-1953      134
          Married Aloisie Alice Kazda-Hynek on September 3, 1938.
of Frantisek "Frank" John & Katerina "Kate" Libansky.
Note: Surname varies: Lebansky/Libansky. Marker engraved LEBANSKY.
          Note: Aloisie Alice Kazda-Hynek-Lebansky-HYNEK [1903-1955] is
           buried in Mount Vernon cemetery, Hillsboro, WI.

LEBANSKY, Josef Joseph                  1880 1925 04-18-1880 10-18-1925      120
     Son of Tomas Thomas & Katerina Katherine (Mislivecek) Libansky.
Note: Surname varies: Lebansky/Libansky. Marker engraved LEBANSKY.
LEBANSKY, Joseph M. "Joe"               1888 1953 02-16-1888 01-19-1953      139
     MS with Ella. Married Ella E. Novy.
     Son of Matej "Mike" & Marie (Hanzel) Libansky.
          Note: Surname varies: Lebansky/Libansky. Marker engraved LEBANSKY.
LEBANSKY, Ocie Bertha BOHNERT           1923 2006 02-06-1923 12-06-2006      262
     Married William R. Lebansky.
          Daughter of Louis & Anna Bohnert.
LEBANSKY, Rose Rosie LEVY               1885 1974 08-31-1885 01-14-1974      223

     MS with Charles. Married Charles Lebansky on November 15, 1904 in Hillsboro, WI.
     Daughter of Frank & Anna (Pribyl) Levy.
LEBANSKY, Rudolph                       1882 1954 11-28-1882                 120
     Married Anna Marek-Cerny about 1925.
     Son of Tomas Thomas & Katerina Katherine (Mislivecek) Libansky.
     Note: Surname varies Lebansky/Libansky. Marker engraved LEBANSKY.
     [See Anna Marek-Lebansky-CERNY]
LEBANSKY, William R.                    1912 2009 12-19-1912 01-29-2009      262
     PFC Army - World War II   F=WWII  Bronze Star  Purple Heart
     Married Ocie Bertha Bohnert.
     Son of Joseph M. "Joe" & Ella E. (Novy) Lebansky.
LESILE, Gerald                                                               263
     Note: Owner Lot 263 E-H
LESILE, Patricia                                                             263
     Note: Owner Lot 263 E-H
LEVY, (Baby1)
     Son of Joseph & Anna Levy.
     No dates.
LEVY, (Baby2)
     Son of Joseph & Anna Levy.
     No dates.
LEVY, Adolph Edward                     1918 1978 02-13-1918 11-26-1978       29
     Veteran - World War II
Married Marcella B. Novy-Hendrickson on August 6, 1947.
     Son of Edward & Anna Stacia (Novy) Levy.
LEVY, Albena BERANEK                 1885 1976 12-12-1885 09-26-1976         101
     Married Joseph W. Levy on April 14, 1915.
     Daughter of Frantisek Frank & Anna (Rott) Beranek.
LEVY, Anna PRIBYL                       1861 1941 10-12-1861 10-31-1941      223
     Married Frank Levy on April 17, 1882.
     Daughter of Matej Micheal & Marie Mary (Nemec) Pribi/Pribyl.
          Note: Maiden name varies: Pribi/Pribyl.
LEVY, Anna CHULP                        1864 1930                             51
     Married Vaclav Wencil Levy on August 20, 1885.
     Daughter of John & Kate (Francova) Chulp.
LEVY, Anna SLAMA                        1881 1906 07-03-1881 03-29-1906
     Married Joseph W. Levy on November 17, 1903.
     Daughter of Martin & Anna (Holak) Slama.

LEVY, Anna Stacia NOVY                  1885 1946 08-20-1885 05-18-1946       51
     Married Edward Levy in 1916.
     Daughter of Anton J. & Anna (Karel) Novy.
LEVY, Arthur Francis                    1923 2016 05-11-1923 01-24-2016
     Veteran - World War II and Korea
     Son of Joseph W. & Albena (Beranek) Levy.
LEVY, Derwin Duane                      1931      12-21-1931                 245

     MS with Karolyn. Married Karolyn Kay Burdick on May 10, 1953.
     Son of William Stanley & Emma Julia (Sebranek) Levy.
          "Parents of  Dave, Bob, Kim"
     Death date pending.

LEVY, Edward                            1892 1928 11-09-1892 05-07-1928       51
     Married Anna Stacia Novy in 1916.
     Son of
Vaclav Wencil & Anna (Chulp) Levy.
LEVY, Emma Julia SEBRANEK               1907 1999 11-16-1907 03-02-1999      240
     Married William Stanley Levy on August 14, 1928.
     Daughter of Joseph & Christina (Rott) Sebranek.
LEVY, Frances M. BRISKEY                1891 1956 01-29-1891 10-26-1956       91
     MS with Frank. Married Frank D. Levy.
     Daughter of Jan John & Frantiseka Frances (Hotek) Brisky.
     Note: Maiden name varies: Brisky/Briskey.

LEVY, Frank                             1861 1938 08-13-1861 04-11-1938      223
     Married Anna Pribyl on April 17, 1882.
     Son of Wencil & Katerina (Bezdekova) Levy.
LEVY, Frank D.                          1889 1970 02-19-1889 03-01-1970       91
     MS with Frances. Married Frances M. Briskey.
     Son of Joseph & Frantiseka "Frances" Bulin.

LEVY, Frank Paul                        1905 1945 12-08-1905 10-27-1945      225
          Married Anna J. Resac on November 24, 1927 in Yuba, WI.
     Son of Viktor & Ruzena "Rosie" (Kaukl) Levy.
     Note: Anna J. Resac-Levy-Murray-HEIMEL [1908-2001] is buried at
           St.Mary's Cemetery, Lyndon Station, Juneau County, WI.
LEVY, Frantiska "Frances" BULIN         1849 1932 08-12-1849 11-17-1932      131
     MS with Josef. Married Josef "Joseph" Levy on February 18, 1873.
          Daughter of Jan & Anna (Pasek) Bulin.
LEVY, Helen M. JANECEK                  1914 2010 02-13-1914 07-08-2010      102

     MS with James. Married James R. Levy on January 24, 1933.
     Daughter of Edward Wencil "Ed" & Jennie (Stowell) Janecek.

LEVY, James R.                          1908 1992 08-26-1908 09-30-1992      102
     MS with Helen. Married Helen M. Janecek on January 24, 1933.
     Son of Viktor & Ruzena "Rosie" (Kaukl) Levy.
LEVY, Josef "Joseph"                    1845 1933 11-14-1845 02-04-1933      131
     MS with Frantiska. Married Frantiska "Frances" Bulin on February 18, 1873.
         Son of Jan & Frantiska "Frances" (Zabransky) Levy.
LEVY, Joseph W.                         1883 1966 02-25-1883 06-04-1966      101

     Married Anna Slama on November 17, 1903.
     Married Albena Beranek
on April 15, 1915.
     Son of Josef "Joseph" & Frantiska "Frances" (Bulin) Levy.
LEVY, Karolyn Kay BURDICK               1934      11-16-1934                 245
     MS with Derwin. Married Derwin Duane Levy on May 10, 1953.
     Daughter of Ralph & Catherine/Pauline (Marshall) Burdick.
          "Parents of  Dave, Bob, Kim"
     Death date pending.

LEVY, Katerina BEZDEKOVA                1832 1899            09-19-1899
     MS with Vaclav. Married Vaclav Wencil Levy about 1851.
     Daughter of Wenzel & Anna Bezdekova.
     Note: Death record showed dates as 1826-1900 and she is listed 1900 census.
 LEVY, Marcella B. NOVY-HENDRICKSON      1916 2003 03-21-1916 05-12-2003       29
     Married Donald Hendrickson on October 5, 1937.
     Married Adolph Edward Levy on August 6, 1947.
     Daughter of Robert Frank & Lucy Mary (Stanek) Novy.
LEVY, Millie J. SNOREK                  1918 1996 12-23-1918 03-11-1996      263
     MS with Rudolph. Married Rudolph Joseph "Rudy" Levy on January 30, 1940.
     Daughter of Frank & Antonie (Rott) Snorek.
          "Parents of R. Gene, Joseph F. and  Janis M."
LEVY, Ruzena "Rosie" KAUKL              1879 1953 05-05-1879 04-01-1933      102

     MS with Viktor. Married Viktor Levy on May 22, 1899.
     Dau. of Frantisek "Frank" & Jozefa Josephine "Josie" (Beranek) Kaukl.
LEVY, Rudolph Joseph "Rudy"             1919 1995 01-14-1919 12-23-1995      263
     MS with Millie. Married Millie J. Snorek on January 30, 1940.
     Son of Joseph W. & Albena (Beranek) Levy.
          "Parents of R. Gene, Joseph F. and  Janis M."
LEVY, Vaclav Wencil                     1825 1913            02-25-1913
     MS with Katerina. Married Katerina Bezdekova about 1851.
     Note: Given name varies: Vaclav/Wencil. Marker engraved Vaclav.

LEVY, Vaclav Wencil                     1858 1944 09-28-1858 01-08-1944       51
     Married Anna Chulp on August 20, 1885.
     Son of Jan & Frantiska "Frances" (Zabransky) Levy.
     Note: Given name varies: Vaclav/Vasclav/Wencil.

LEVY, Viktor                            1877 1931 09-05-1877 04-14-1931      102
     MS with Ruzena. Married Ruzena "Rosie" Kaukl on May 22, 1899.
     Son of Josef "Joseph" & Frantiska "Frances" (Bulin) Levy.
LEVY, William Stanley                   1902 1958 05-07-1902 12-04-1958      240
     Married Emma Julia Sebranek on August 14, 1928.
     Son of Viktor & Ruzena "Rosie" (Kaukl) Levy.

        * * * * * * *   ALSO SEE LABANSKY LEBANSKY   * * * * * * *

LIBANSKY,                               1962 1987                            256
     First name not listed!
LIBANSKY, Adolph H. "Huck"              1909 1987 06-22-1909 06-03-1987      205
     Pvt. US Army - World War II
     Married Isolene Wilson-Mayfield.
Married Olive Rose Crary-Squires on January 30, 1975. 
     Son of Charles & Rose Rosie (Levy) Libansky.
[See Olive Rose Crary-Libansky-SQUIRES in Button Cemetery]
[See Isolene Wilson-Mayfield-LEBANSKY at Richland Center Cemetery]
LIBANSKY, Alberna Virginia JACOBSON     1928 1950 05-06-1928 02-09-1950      144
     Married William Albion Libansky on February 24, 1945. "Mother"
     Daughter of Andrew & Martha (Tower) Jacobson.
LIBANSKY, Aneska                        1906 1906 08-20-1906 09-04-1906
LIBANSKY, Anna                          1878 1878 03-20-1878 04-03-1878
     Daughter of Frantisek Frank & Anna (Stanek) Libansky.
     Note: Added from death record.
LIBANSKY, Anna STANEK                   1846 1929 03-04-1846 12-01-1929 
     MS with Frank. Married Frantisek Frank Libansky on May 17, 1877.
     Daughter of Joseph & Rozalia (Jansky) Stanek.
LIBANSKY, Arlene May                    1954 1954 01-17-1954 01-17-1954
     Daughter of William A. & Gladys Ilene (Coppernoll) Libansky.
     Note: Added from death record.
LIBANSKY, Edward                        1907 2000 10-29-1907 02-05-2000      262

     MS with Thelma. Married Thelma E. Levy on January 16, 1933 in Hillsboro, WI.
     Son of Thomas L. & Mary (Simandl) Libansky.
LIBANSKY, Emil Charles                  1912 1991 08-12-1912 01-30-1991      256
     MS with Mabel. Married Mabel Velma Stockwell on October 28, 1939.
     Married Mildred Lenora Vodak-Trefren on May 4, 1974.
     Son of Thomas L. & Mary (Simandl) Libansky.
Mildred Lenora Vodak-Libansky-TREFREN in Richland Center Saint Marys Cemetery]
LIBANSKY, Frantisek Frank               1843 1908            01-18-1908
     Married Katerina Poznicek about 1865. Aged 66 years.
MS with Anna. Married Anna Stanek on May 17, 1877.
     Son of Vaclav Wencil & Katerina (Votja) Libansky.
LIBANSKY, Frantisek "Frank"             1882 1901 02-24-1882 12-23-1901
     Son Frantisek "Frank" & Katerina "Kate" (Kouba) Libansky.
LIBANSKY, Frantisek J. "Frank"          1860 1932 07-28-1860 10-02-1932      133
     Married Katerina "Kate" Kouba on February 22, 1881.
     Son of Joseph & Katrina "Kate" Libansky.
Note: Marker engraved 1857-1932, but baptism records shows born 1860.
LIBANSKY, Jan "John"                    1876 1943 05-23-1876 05-22-1943      164

     MS with Mary. Married Mary Sebranek on February 6, 1900.
     Son Joseph & Katerina "Kate" Libansky.
          Note: Marker engraved 1871-1943, but baptism records shows born 1876.
LIBANSKY, Katerina POZNICEK              1848 1875
     Married Frantisek Frank Libansky about 1865. 
     Note: No dates listed! Used for approx. dates.
     Note: Maiden name varies: Pozneikova/Koznicek.
LIBANSKY, Katerina "Kate" KOUBA          1849 1936 10-12-1849                133
     Married Frantisek "Frank" John Libansky on February 22, 1881. "Matka"
     Daughter of Josef Joseph & Anna Kouba.

LIBANSKY, Katerina Katherine MILIVECEK 1837 1887 06-10-1837 09-28-1887
     MS with Tomas. Married Tomas Thomas Libansky on May 26, 1874.
     Daughter of Matej & Katerina (Bledy) Mislivecek.
     Note: No dates engraved on marker just Aged 50y 3m 18d. If aged and the
     birth date in CZGEN.COM are true, then death date would be 28-Sept-1887.
LIBANSKY, Katerina "Kate" LIBANSKY      1835 1919 12-17-1835                 133

          "Babica" Babica is Grandmother in English.
Married Joseph Libansky.
     Daughter of Vaclav Wencil & Katerina (Votja) Libansky.
Note: Some show Single mother of Frank  Anna  and Jan.
Daughter of Vaclav Wencil & Katerina (Votja) Libansky.
LIBANSKY, Mabel Velma STOCKWELL         1914 1971 12-15-1914 03-11-1971      256
     MS with Emil. Married Emil Charles Libansky on October 28, 1939.
     Daughter of John Wesley & Nellie Fay (Bell) Stockwell.
LIBANSKY, Marie HANZEL                  1854 1917 03-09-1854 05-09-1917
     MS with Matej. Married Matej "Mike" Libansky on February 12, 1877.
     Daughter of Josef "Joe" & Anna (Jann) Hanzal/Hanzel.
LIBANSKY, Mary SIMANDL                  1879 1944 09-24-1879 09-10-1944      144
     MS with Thomas. Married Thomas L. Libansky on May 21, 1901. "Mother"
     Daughter of Josef Joseph & Barbara (Heidenreich) Schamandel/Simandl.
     Note: Maiden varies: Schamandel/Schrinedal/Simandl.

LIBANSKY, Mary SEBRANEK                 1872 1952 09-10-1872 09-03-1952      164
     MS with John. Married John Libansky on February 6, 1900.
     Daughter of Frantisek Frank John & Barbara Z. (Stanek) Sebranek.

LIBANSKY, Matej "Mike"                  1846 1921 02-24-1846 03-24-1921
     MS with Marie. Married Marie Hanzel on February 12, 1877.
LIBANSKY, Thelma E. LEVY                1916 2014 07-27-1916 03-07-2014      262
     MS with Edward. Married Edward Libansky on January 16, 1933 in Hillsboro, WI.
     Daughter of Edward & Anna Stacia (Novy) Levy.
LIBANSKY, Thomas L.                     1869 1957 12-21-1869 03-02-1957      144
     MS with Mary. Married Mary Simandl on May 21, 1901. "Father"
     Son of Frantisek Frank & Katerina (Poznicek) Libansky.
     Note: Anna Stanek-Libansky is his step-mother.

LIBANSKY, Tomas Thomas             1841 1908 12-15-1841 01-25-1908
     MS w/Katherina. Married Katerina Katherine Milivecek on May 26, 1874.
     Married Frantiska Frances _____ [1852-1929] in about 1895. Son of Vaclav
     Wencil & Katrina (Vojta) Libansky.
     Note: No dates engraved on marker just Aged 66y 1m 10d. If aged and the
     birth date in CZGEN.COM are true, then death date would be 25-Jan-1908.
     Thus the death year is 1908 not the listed 1907 in CZGEN.COM.
LIBANSKY, Waclav Thomas "James"         1902 1906 08-08-1902 01-23-1906

         Son of Thomas L. & Mary (Simandl) Libansky.
LIBANSKY, William Albion                1921 1955 09-07-1921 12-30-1955      144
     Married Alberna Virginia Jacobson on February 24, 1945.
     Married Gladys Ilene Coppernoll on April 26, 1952.
     Son of Thomas L. & Mary (Simandl) Libansky.
Gladys Ilene Coppernoll-Libansky-ANDERSON in Five Points Cemetery]
LISKA, Alice Lorraine EASTMAN           1925 1983 04-19-1925 07-29-1983       54
     MS with Raymond. Married Raymond Martin Liska.
     Daughter of Merritt F. & Florence Mildred (Hunt) Eastman.

LISKA, Anna PICLOVA                     1843 1920 06-07-1843 02-13-1920
     MS with Vojtech. Married Vojtech Albert Liska.
     Daugther of Matej "Matthew" & Marie (Babor) Picl.
     Note: Maiden name varies: Picl/Pitcl/Piclova
     [See Marie Babor-PICLOVA]
LISKA, Annie JANECEK                    1879 1955 05-21-1879 12-28-1955      161

     Married Anton Liska on July 3, 1899 in Hillsboro, WI.
     Daughter of Vaclav Wencil & Barbara (Novy) Janecek.
LISKA, Anton                            1874 1959 08-05-1874 07-08-1957      161
     Married Annie Janecek on July 3, 1899 in Hillsboro, WI.
     Son of Anton & Marie Mary (Himmer) Liska.

LISKA, Blazej Blosko                    1856 1943 01-31-1856 10-03-1943       73
     Married Katherine Holak on May 24, 1886.
     Son of Tomas Thomas & Maria Mary (Wopat Vopatova) Liska.
     Note: Marker is engraved as Blosko Liska.

LISKA, Edward                           1883 1883 01-04-1883 01-28-1883
     MS with his brother Kliment Liska.
     Son of Vojtech Albert & Anna (Piclova) Liska.
LISKA, Ella                             1901 1902 04-28-1901 04-20-1902

     LS with her brother Emil Liska and her sister Johana Liska.
Daughter of Blazej Blosko & Katherine (Holak) Liska.      
LISKA, Emil                             1895 1895
     LS with his sisters Johana & Ella Liska.
Son of Blazej Blosko & Katherine (Holak) Liska.      
LISKA, Ernest L.                        1917 1918 10-06-1917 03-17-1918
         Son of Joseph E. & Josephine (Rott) Liska.
LISKA, Frantezek                        1877 1880
     Son of Vojtech Albert & Anna (Piclova) Liska.
LISKA, Gregory J.                       1952 1990 12-15-1952 12-04-1990       54
     Son of Raymond Martin & 
Alice Lorraine (Eastman) Liska.
LISKA, Johana                           1899 1899 09-02-1899
     LS with her brother Emil Liska and her sister Ella Liska.
          Daughter of Blazej Blosko & Katherine (Holak) Liska.     
LISKA, Josef                            1887 1887 04-11-1887 04-11-1887
     Son of William Liska.
     One date only!
LISKA, Joseph                           1917 1917 07-06-1917 07-09-1917
     Son of William Albert & Matilda "Tilda" (Janousek) Liska.
LISKA, Joseph E.                        1872 1956                             54
     MS with Josephine. Married Josephine Rott on May 18, 1898.
     Son of Vojtech Albert & Anna (Piclova) Liska.
     "Rest In Peace"

LISKA, Joseph Roger                     1905 1997 09-19-1905 08-06-1997
     Married Mary Angelena Bieniek. "Father"
     Married _____ _____.
     Son of
Blazej Blosko & Katherine (Holak) Liska.
LISKA, Josephine ROTT                   1879 1943 02-12-1879 09-29-1943       54

     MS with Joseph. Married Joseph E. Liska on May 18, 1898.
     Son of Martin & Josephine (Beranek) Rott.
     "Rest In Peace"
LISKA, Julie                            1899 1899 02-25-1899 04-27-1899
     Daughter of Joseph E. & Josephine (Rott) Liska.
     Note: Marker engraved LESKA.
LISKA, Katherine HOLAK                  1866 1949 11-25-1866 03-23-1949       73
     Married Blazej Blosko Liska on May 24, 1886.
     Daughter of Thomas & Marie Mary (Machacek) Holak.
LISKA, Kliment                          1888 1888 11-23-1888 12-05-1888
     MS with his brother Edward Liska.
     Son of Vojtech Albert & Anna (Piclova) Liska.
LISKA, Leo Lawrence                     1913 1991 05-09-1913 08-17-1991       73

          MS with Mildred. Married Mildred Victoria Suchoman.
     Son of Blazej Blosko & Katherine (Holak) Liska.
LISKA, Marie Mary HIMMER                1854 1906
     Married Anton Liska.
     Daughter of Oscar & Anna (Urban) Himmer.

LISKA, Matilda "Tilda" JANOUSEK         1896 1975 12-20-1896 12-23-1975      211
     MS with William. Married William Albert Liska.
         Daughter of Frantisek & Antonia (Janecek) Janousek.
LISKA, Mavjt Vit                        1823 1903 06-02-1823

     MS with Tereyze. Married Tereyze Theresa Krava on February 15, 1848.
     Son of Matej & Marie (Liskovic/Sokolik) Liskovec. Aged 80 years 5 months.

         Note: Surname varies: Liskovec/Liskovits/Liska.
     Note: Marker engraved "Mavjt Liska".
LISKA, Mildred Victoria SUCHOMAN   1917 1973 12-10-1917 09-27-1973            73
     MS with Leo. Married Leo Lawrence Liska.
     Daughter of Frank & Mary (Kratche) Suckoman.
LISKA, Raymond Martin                   1913 1996 10-03-1913 10-16-1996       54
     MS with A.Lorraine. Married Alice Lorraine Eastman.
          Married Catherine Pearl Schaller-Filler-Hynek.
     Son of Joseph E. & Josephine (Rott) Liska.

          Note: Catherine Pearl Schaller-Hynek-Liska-FILLER [1912-2000] is
           buried in the Mount Vernon Cemetery, Hillsboro, WI.
LISKA, Terezye Theresa KRAVA            1822 1902 08-10-1822 11-30-1902
     MS with Mavjt. Married Mavjt Vit Liska on February 15, 1848.
     Daughter of Tomas & Katerina (Dvorak) Krava.
Aged 80Ys 3Ms 20Ds
     Note: Surname varies: Liskovic/Liska. Given: Terezie/Terezye.
     Note: Marker engraved as Terezye Liska.

LISKA, Vencle                           1874 1875 12-13-1874 05-13-1875
     MS with his brother Vojtech Liska.
         Son of Vojtech Albert & Anna (Cepek) Liska.
LISKA, Vojtech                          1869 1873 11-08-1869 04-29-1873

     MS with his brother Vencle.
          Son of Vojtech Albert & Anna (Piclova) Liska.
LISKA, Vojtech Albert                   1832 1917 04-23-1832 09-20-1917

     MS with Anna. Married Anna Piclova.
LISKA, William Albert                   1889 1957 03-26-1889 05-21-1957      211
     MS with Tilda. Married Matilda "Tilda" (Janousek) Liska.
     Son of Blazej Blosko & Katherine (Holak) Liska.

LISKER, John W.                         1862 1884            09-13-1884
     Married Katerina Katherine Prokes.  Aged 22 years.
     Son of
Mavjt Vit & Terezye Theresa (Krava) Liska. 
          Note: Surname varies: Liska/Lisker. Marker engraved as LISKER.
Katerina Katherine Prokes-Lisker-STANEK]
LISKER, Wenzell                              1876
     Son of Albert & Anna Lisker.
     Note: Aged nor birth date listed!
     Note: Is this a repete of Vencle Liksa [1874-1875]?

LYONS, Patricia E. BLUEM                1942 2009 12-20-1942 11-29-2009     258
     LS with her parents Byron and Irma BLUEM.
     Married Lawrence Otis Lyons on September 21, 1965 in Olmsted, MN.
     Daughter of Byron Richard & Irma J. (Pacl) Bluem.
Lawrence Otis Lyons 1940-1996 burial location not known.
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