Czech National Cemetery
AKA Champion Valley
Bloom Township, Richland County, Wisconsin USA
Surnames S - Z
(Updated Febuary 19, 2025)
SCHLINTZ, Anna SUBERA 1910 2000 08-20-1910 07-19-2000
Married Wayne B. Schlintz in 1939.
Daughter of Edward & Emma (Nachtigal) Subera.
SCHROEDER, Marilyn Joan "Mary" NOVY-MARX-STOWELL 1943 07-07-1943
Married ____ Marx.
Married Robert Cutris "Curt" Stowell on July 6, 1985.
MS with Paul. Married Paul Charles Schroeder on May 7, 1994.
Death date pending.
SCHROEDER, Paul Charles 1940 2011 11-21-1940 03-02-2011
Married Janice Spencer.
Married Bonnie Faust.
MS with Mary. Married Marilyn Joan "Mary" Novy-Marx-Stowell on May, 7, 1994.
Son of Charles & Berniece (Scales)
SCHUETZ, Janice Marie SNOREK 1938 04-15-1938 280
MS with Lloyd. Married Lloyd Leroy Schuetz on September 22, 1984.
Daughter of Emil & Elsie Ann (Nachtigal) Snorek.
Death date pending.
SCHUETZ, Lloyd Leroy 1933 1988 03-13-1933 09-07-1988 280
Married Rhea J. Jones.
MS with Janice. Married Janice Marie Snorek on September 22, 1984.
Son of Elmore & Viola (Lund) Schuetz.
Note" Rhea J. Jones-Schuetz 1938-1995 buried at Fancy Creek Cemetery.
SCHUMACHER, George Quinton 1930 02-22-1930 266
MS with Mary. Married Mary Josephine "Mary Jo" Nachtigal on September 6, 1958.
Son of George Warren & Ella M. (Snorek) Schumacher.
"Our Children John, Dennis, Nancy, Brian, Judy"
Death date pending.
SCHUMACHER, Mary Josephine "Mary Jo" 1937 03-14-1937 266
Married George Quinton Schumacher on September 6, 1958.
Daughter of George Raymond & Josephine Mary (Stanek) Nachtigal.
"Our Children John, Dennis, Nancy, Brian, Judy"
Death date pending.
SCHUMACHER, Maynard E. 1928 2008 05-13-1928 11-19-2008
U.S. Army - Korea
Married Shirley J. Morgan on January 26, 1956.
Son of George Warren & Ella M. (Snorek) Schumacher.
SCHUMACHER, Shirley J. MORGAN 1931 2007 07-06-1931 09-16-2007
Married Maynard E. Schumacher on January 26, 1956.
Daughter of Floyd & Beulah V. (Geddes) Morgan.
[See Beulah V. Geddes-Morgan-DVORAK]
SCOTT, Marlys J. STANEK 1936 08-13-1936
MS with Robert. Married Robert G. Scott.
Daughter of Albin & Gabriella Ann "Ella" (Beranek) Stanek.
Death date pending.
SCOTT, Robert G. 1937 03-27-1937
MS with Marlys. Married Marlys J. Stanek.
Death date pending.
SEBEK, Alzbeta 1892 1892 11-25-1892 12-04-1892
MS with her brother Frantizek Sebek.
Daughter of Ludwig & Mary (Barbour) Shebeck.
Note: Surname varies: Shebeck/Sebek. Marker engraved SEBEK.
SEBEK, Anezka 1904 1905 02-06-1904 05-26-1905
Daughter of Ludwig & Mary (Barbour) Shebeck.
Note: Surname varies: Shebeck/Sebek. Marker engraved SEBEK.
SEBEK, Frantizek 1891 1891 06-02-1891 06-03-1891
MS with his sister Alzbeta Sebek.
Son of Ludwig & Mary (Barbour) Shebeck.
Note: Surname varies: Shebeck/Sebek. Marker engraved SEBEK.
SEBEK, Verunika Veronika "Phrona" PICHA 1838 1889 10-30-1838 12-18-1889
Married Vojtech Albert Sebek about 1858. Aged 51 years.
Note: Given varies: Verunika/Veronika. Surame varies: Shebeck/Sebek.
Marker engraved Verunika Sebek.
SEBEK, Vojtech Albert 1829 1918 04-07-1829 08-20-1918
Married Verunika Veronika "Phrona" Picha about 1858.
Note: Surname varies: Shebeck/Sebek. Marker engraved Votech Sebek.
The children for the most part used the Shebek spelling.
SEBRANEK, Adolph Vieth 1900 1973 07-27-1900 01-13-1973 260
Married Victoria Holak on November 23, 1920.
Son of Joseph & Christina (Rott) Sebranek.
SEBRANEK, Anna Annie 1882 1927 02-08-1882 06-06-1927 122
Daughter of Frantisek Frank John & Barbara Z. (Stanek) Sebranek.
SEBRANEK, Anna POLAHOVA 1840 1919 09-08-1840 09-06-1919 27
Married Martin Sebranek on April 27, 1869.
SEBRANEK, Barbara Z. STANEK 1849 1934 11-02-1849 06-26-1934 122
Married Frantisek Frank John Sebranek on January 4, 1870 in Vernon Co, WI
Daughter of Joseph & Anna (Burda) Stanek. "Matka"
Note: Given varies: Barba/Barbara. Marker engraved Barba.
SEBRANEK, Bessie JANOUSEK 1916 1976 09-14-1916 06-01-1976 63
MS with Harold. Married Harold Paul Sebranek on December 28, 1935.
Daughter of Frank & Anna (Libansky) Janousek.
SEBRANEK, Christina 1897 1897 05-03-1897 05-03-1897
MS with her Infant sister. "Asleep In Jesus"
Daughter of Joseph & Christina (Rott) Sebranek.
SEBRANEK, Christina ROTT 1874 1955 10-16-1874 01-25-1955 67
Married Joseph Sebranek on February 18, 1896.
Daughter of Martin & Josephine (Beranek) Rott.
SEBRANEK, Duane Joe 1926 2000 10-22-1926 06-29-2000
U.S. Air Force - Korea F=Korea
Married Sheryl Joy Hatfield-Jadoul on August 28, 1991.
Son of Adolph Vieth & Victoria (Holak) Sebranek.
SEBRANEK, Elsie Margaret MACHOVEC 1918 1997 03-13-1918 07-15-1997 68
Married Marvin Joseph Sebranek on October 18, 1938.
Daughter of Edward & Mary A. (Urban) Machovec.
SEBRANEK, Frank Jr. 1882 1984 02-08-1882 07-29-1984 122
Son of Frantisek Frank John & Barbara Z. (Stanek) Sebranek.
SEBRANEK, Frank Rudolph 1903 1966 01-29-1903 10-05-1966 67
Married Julia F. Landsinger on September 16, 1924.
Son of Joseph & Christina (Rott) Sebranek.
SEBRANEK, Frantisek Frank John 1846 1932 12-27-1846 03-30-1932 122
Married Barbara Z. Stanek on January 4, 1870 in Vernon Co, WI. "Otec"
Son of Vit "Veat" & Marie (Berankova) Sebranek.
Note: Birth record shows birth 27-Dec-1846 in Bukovina, Pilsen District,
formerly Austria-Hungary, now Czech Republic.
Marker is engraved birth year 1847, in ERROR!
SEBRANEK, Harold Paul 1911 1964 04-15-1911 10-14-1964 63
MS with Bessie. Married Bessie Janousek on December 28, 1935.
Son of Joseph & Christina (Rott) Sebranek.
SEBRANEK, Iva Gertrude STAYTON 1922 2007 12-13-1922 05-19-2007
Married Robert Leo Sebranek on August 22, 1944.
Daughter of William Alvin & vernie Abbie (Poole) Stayton.
SEBRANEK, James Ernest 1918 1990 05-04-1918 11-19-1990 49
Son of Wencil John & Tena (Kolash) Sebranek.
SEBRANEK, Jozefka "Josephina" VODAK 1851 1894 07-30-1851 12-19-1894
Married Matej "Mike" Sebranek on June 23, 1879.
Daughter of Valclav "Wencil" & Barbora (Jilek) Vodak.
Note: Barbora Jilek-Sebranek [1851-1894] buried in Czech Republic.
Barbora Strunc-Sebranek was her step-mother.
SEBRANEK, Joseph 1871 1946 01-01-1871 09-27-1946 67
Married Christina Rott on February 18, 1896.
Son of Frantisek Frank John & Barbara Z. (Stanek) Sebranek.
SEBRANEK, Joseph 1870 1924 27
Son of Martin & Anna (Polahova) Sebranek.
SEBRANEK, Joseph M. 1896 1896 08-30-1896 08-30-1896
MS with her sister Christina. "Asleep In Jesus"
Son of Joseph & Christina (Rott) Sebranek.
SEBRANEK, Julia F. LANDSINGER 1902 1977 04-12-1902 09-09-1977 67
Married Frank Rudolph Sebranek on September 16, 1924.
Daughter of Frank W. & Mary (Beranek) Landsinger.
SEBRANEK, Lena 1887 1965 06-22-1887 01-10-1965 125
Daughter of Matej "Mike" & Jozefka "Josephina" (Vodak) Sebranek.
SEBRANEK, Martin 1839 1923 11-11-1839 01-11-1923 27
Married Anna Polahova on April 27, 1869.
Son of Vit "Veat" & Marie (Berankova) Sebranek.
SEBRANEK, Marvin Joseph 1916 1997 02-03-1916 07-11-1997 68
Married Elsie Margaret Machovec on October 18, 1938.
Son of Joseph & Christina (Rott) Sebranek.
SEBRANEK, Mary JELINEK 1884 1954 10-05-1884 03-19-1954 36
Married Veat Sebranek on October 14, 1902.
Daughter of Jan "John" & Rosina Rose (Libansky) Jelinek.
SEBRANEK, Matej "Mike" 1842 1921 02-13-1842 02-07-1921
Married Maria Trundel on May 26, 1874.
Married Jozefka "Josephina" Vodak on June 23, 1879.
Son of Vit "Veat" & Marie (Berankova) Sebranek.
SEBRANEK, Robert Leo 1913 1996 12-09-1913 03-06-1996
Veteran {can not verify}
Married Iva Gertrude Stayton on August 22, 1944.
Son of Wencil John & Tena J. (Kolash) Sebranek.
SEBRANEK, Sheryl Joy HATFIELD-JADOUL 1946 07-16-1946
Married Wayne A. Jadoul [1939-2005].
MS with Duane. Married Duane Joe Sebranek on August 28, 1991.
Daughter of Raymond Charles "Ray" & Ella Mabel (Looker) Hatfield.
Death date pending.
SEBRANEK, Tena J. KOLASH 1884 1951 10-07-1884 11-15-1951 49
MS with Wencil. Married Wencil John Sebranek on April 21, 1903. "Mother"
Daughter of Frantisek Frank & Maria Mary (Stanek) Kolash.
SEBRANEK, Veat 1875 1962 06-15-1875 12-02-1962 36
Married Mary Jelinek on October 14, 1902.
Son of Frantisek Frank John & Barbara Z. (Stanek) Sebranek.
SEBRANEK, Victoria HOLAK 1900 1988 12-21-1900 08-20-1988 260
Married Adolph Vieth Sebranek on November 23, 1920.
Daughter of Frank & Mary (Vitcenda) Holak.
SEBRANEK, Waclav James 1880 1886 09-07-1880 09-07-1886
Son of Matej "Mike" & Jozefka "Josephina" (Vodak) Sebranek.
Aged 5 years 10 months.
SEBRANEK, Wencil John 1879 1964 09-28-1879 04-23-1964 49
MS with Tena. Married Tena J. Kolash on April 21, 1903. "Father"
Son of Frantisek Frank John & Barbara Z. (Stanek) Sebranek.
SEYMOUR, JoAnn Darlene SNOREK 1935 2022 07-29-1935 05-14-2022 261
MS with Kenneth. Married Kenneth L. Seymour on August 17, 1962.
Daughter of Emil & Elsie Ann (Nachtigal) Snorek.
SEYMOUR, Kenneth L. 1902 1981 02-01-1902 07-20-1981 261
Married Sylvia Lea Jacobus on September 20, 1922 in Viroqua, WI.
MS with JoAnn. Married JoAnn Darlene Snorek on August 17, 1962.
Son of William H. & Rose A. (Cox) Seymour.
Note: Sylvia Lea Jacobus [1900-1971] buried in Retreat, Vernon Co., WI.
SHAKER, Arleen E. 1931 1933 03-30-1931 05-14-1933 165
Daughter of William J. & Josephine H. (Haugh) Shaker.
SHAKER, Josephine H. HAUGH 1912 2003 02-24-1912 07-02-2003 165
MS with William. Married William J. Shaker on October 29, 1929.
Daughter of Wencil & Ann (Stanek) Haugh.
SHAKER, William J. 1901 1966 05-06-1901 06-17-1966 165
MS with Josephine. Married Josephine H. Haugh on October 29, 1929.
Son of Jake & Lizzie (Smith) Shaker.
SHEBECK, Anna B. NOVY 1896 1987 04-11-1896 05-05-1987 94
Married Frank W. Shebeck on April 22, 1919.
Daughter of Anton J. & Victoria (Houska) Novy.
SHEBECK, Frank W. 1898 1963 10-08-1898 08-13-1963 94
Married Anna B. Novy on April 22, 1919.
Son of Martin & Rosa "Rosie" (Blaha) Shebeck.
SHEBECK, James Wencil 1905 1956 09-28-1905 08-00-1956 147
MS with Tillie. Married Tillie Pauline Sebranek on June 11, 1930.
Son of Ludwig & Mary (Barbour) Shebeck.
SHEBECK, Ludwig 1867 1932 08-05-1867 10-27-1932 147
Married Mary Barbour on February 15, 1890.
Son of Vojtech Albert & Verunika Veronika "Phrona" (Picha) Shebeck/Sebek.
Note: Given name varies: Ludwick/Ludwig.
[See parents under SEBEK]
SHEBECK, Martin 1862 1956 11-11-1862 05-10-1956 94
Married Rosa "Rosie" Blaha on December 31, 1887.
Son of Vojtech Albert & Verunika Veronika "Phrona" (Picha) Shebeck/Sebek.
[See parents under SEBEK]
SHEBECK, Mary BARBOUR 1867 1931 04-20-1931 147
Married Ludwig Shebeck on February 15, 1890.
Daughter of Jan "John" & Anna (Machovec) Babor/Barbor/Barbour.
[See parents under BABOR]
SHEBECK, Rosa "Rosie" BLAHA 1867 1938 08-20-1867 02-22-1938 94
Married Martin Shebeck on December 31, 1887.
Daughter of Jakub Jacob "Jake" & Anny (Libansky) Blaha.
SHEBECK, Tillie Pauline SEBRANEK 1909 1983 06-22-1909 01-18-1983 147
MS with James. Married James Wencil Shebeck on June 11, 1930.
Daughter of Wencil John & Tena J. (Kolash) Sebranek.
SIMANDL, Anna HEIDENREICH 1843 1914 07-26-1843 11-08-1914
Married Vojtech Albert Simandl on February 27, 1870.
Daughter of Jan John & Marie (Svoboda/Svobodova) Hajnerach/Heidenreich.
Note: Engraved Anna Simandlova.
SIML, Anton 1861 1886
Married Anna Stanek.
[See Anna Stanek-Siml-Kolash-HACH]
Note: No dates listed.
SIML, Karel
Son of Anton & Anna (Stanek) Siml.
[See Anna Stanek-Siml-Kolash-HACH]
SIMON, Carl P. 1912 1982 11-22-1912 09-02-1982 70
U.S. Army - World War II
Married Margaret S. Vodak on August 29, 1959.
SIMON, Joseph V. 1960 11-20-1960 70
Son of Carl P. & Margaret S. (Vodak) Simon.
Death date pending.
SIMON, Margaret S. VODAK 1921 2015 10-18-1921 11-05-2015 70
Married Carl P. Simon on August 29, 1959.
Daughter of Emil Joseph & Matilda M. (Chlup) Vodak.
SINDELAR, Alzbeta Elizabeth LAUCH 1873 1933 166
MS with Vaclav. Married Vaclav Wencil Sindelar. "Matka"
Note: Maiden name vary: Lancova, Lauch.
SINDELAR, Anna VIAGELT 1899 1976 03-30-1899 07-15-1976 15
Married Anton Sindelar.
SINDELAR, Anton 1899 1975 05-20-1899 07-20-1975 15
Married Anna Viagelt.
Son of Vaclav Wencil & Alzbeta Elizabeth (Lauch) Sindelar.
SINDELAR, Evelyn 1922 1926 03-09-1922 05-19-1926 15
Dughter of Anton & Anna (Viagelt) Sindelar.
SINDELAR, Martha NOVY 1894 1921 01-31-1894 02-28-1921
MS with her son Robert V. Sindelar.
Married Joseph Sindelar.
Daughter of Anton Frank & Anna (Himmer) Novy.
SINDELAR, Robert V. 1921 1922 02-06-1921 03-25-1922
MS with his mother Martha (Novy) Sindelar.
Son of Joseph & Martha (Novy) Sindelar.
SINDELAR, Vaclav Wencil 1869 1946 166
MS with Alzbeta. Married Alzbeta Elizabeth Lauch. "Otec"
SINKULE, Jan 1814 1882 09-30-1814
Married Josephime.
SINKULE, Vavrinec "Lawrence" 1853 1878 08-09-1853
Son of Jan & Josephine Sinkule.
SLAMA, Anna HOLAK 1842 1922 05-20-1842 06-13-1922 115
Married Martin Slama about 1862.
Daughter of Wenzel & Mary (Shema) Holack.
SLAMA, Anton 1819 1884 02-05-1819
Married Marie Mary Machovec [1808-abt 1860] about 1836.
Married Katerina "Katharine" Plachetka-Janecek on April 11, 1870.
Son of Marie Slama.
SLAMA, Elsie M. BULIN 1896 1981 04-14-1896 10-12-1981 83
Married Frank Slama on June 29, 1920. "Mother"
Daughter of Joseph & Marie Mary (Stanek) Bulin.
Note: Frank Slama [1893-1983] is buried in St. Joseph's cemetery
in Mount Tabor, Vernon Co., WI.
SLAMA, Joseph George 1886 1960 04-24-1886 02-03-1960 116
MS with Julia. Married Julia Briskey.
Son of Martin & Anna (Holak) Slama.
SLAMA, Julia BRISKEY 1889 1947 10-18-1889 10-13-1947 116
MS with Joseph. Married Joseph George Slama.
Daughter of Jan John & Frantiseka Frances (Hotek) Brisky.
SLAMA, Katerina "Katharine" PLACHETKA-JANECEK 1837 1919 11-07-1837 06-20-1919
Married Matej "Michael" Janecek about 1861.
Married Anton Slama on April 11, 1870.
Daughter of Vaclav Wencil & Anna (Kral) Plachetka.
SLAMA, Martin 1838 1919 11-12-1838 03-29-1919 115
Married Anna Holak.
Son of Anton & Marie Mary (Machovec) Slama.
SNOREK, Albert George Sr. 1905 1982 08-09-1905 09-07-1982 275
Married Teresa Agnes Schumacher on September 18, 1928.
Son of James Wencil & Mary A. (Benish) Snorek.
SNOREK, Albina 1903 1928 02-27-1903 09-10-1928 12
Daughter of Matej Michael & Rosa Rosie (Jelinek) Snorek.
SNOREK, Antonie ROTT 1894 1986 02-08-1894 07-25-1986 43
MS with Frank. Married Frank Snorek.
Daughter of Martin & Josephine (Beranek) Rott.
SNOREK, Cedric D. "Cid" 1929 2001 09-04-1929 04-19-2001
SPF US Army - World War II & Korea F=WWII
Married Josie _____.
Married Shirley L. Scott on February 13, 1973 in Webb, Texas.
Married Delores Sudduth.
Son of Albert George Sr. & Teresa Agnes (Schumacher) Snorek.
SNOREK, Donald Martin 1938 1938 03-13-1938 09-01-1938 43
Son of Frank & Antonie (Rott) Snorek.
SNOREK, Elgin John 1914 1998 05-16-1914 10-11-1998 261
Sgt. U.S. Army - World War II
MS with Marcella. Married Marcella Marie Beranek on October 11, 1945.
Son of Frank & Antonie (Rott) Snorek.
SNOREK, Elizabeth Jane "Libby" HOSKINS 1937 2017 08-10-1937 11-07-2017
Married Ronald Michael Snorek on January 27, 1962.
Daughter of David Bennett & Doris Lucille "Dode" (Beatty) Hoskins.
SNOREK, Elsie Ann NACHTIGAL 1914 2015 09-23-1914 08-17-2015 279
MS with Emil. Married Emil S. Snorek on September 16, 1931.
Daughter of Frank & Emma (Levy) Nachtigal.
SNOREK, Emil S. 1907 1991 08-22-1907 10-08-1991 279
MS with Elsie. Married Elsie Ann Nachtigal on September 16, 1931.
Son of James Wencil & Mary (Benish) Snorek.
SNOREK, Frank 1888 1957 11-16-1888 04-27-1957 43
MS with Antonie. Married Antonie Rott.
Son of Matej Michael & Alsbeta Elizabeth (Dvorak) Snorek.
SNOREK, James Wencil 1877 1945 09-28-1877 03-06-1945 32
MS with James. Married Mary A. Benish on June 1, 1903.
Son of Matej Michael & Alsbeta Elizabeth (Dvorak) Snorek.
SNOREK, Jennie ROTT 1890 1966 05-19-1890 06-25-1966 218
MS with John. Married John Snorek on April 29, 1919.
Daughter of Vaclav Wencil & Marie Mary (Jindrick) Rott.
SNOREK, John 1891 1960 09-01-1891 01-05-1960 218
MS with Jennie. Married Jennie Rott on April 29, 1919.
Son of Matej Michael & Rosa Rosie (Jelinek) Snorek.
SNOREK, Josef Joseph 1875 1950 03-19-1875 12-02-1950 229
Son of Matej Michael & Alsbeta Elizabeth (Dvorak) Snorek.
SNOREK, Lester Oscar 1924 1924 03-10-1924 11-07-1924 32
Son of James Wencil & Mary A. (Benish) Snorek. Aged 7Ms 27Ds
SNOREK, Lusill 1909 1911 05-16-1909 01-11-1911
Daughter of James Wencil & Mary A. (Benish) Snorek.
Note: Given name varies: Lucille/Lusill. Marker engraved Lusill.
SNOREK, Marcella Marie BERANEK 1922 2000 07-26-1922 07-12-2000 261
MS with Elgin. Married Elgin John Snorek on October 11, 1945.
Daughter of Carl Francis & Emma C. (Resac) Beranek.
SNOREK, Marilyn K. 1943 2018 07-15-1943 12-24-2018 253
MS with her father Thomas Jacob Snorek.
Daughter of Thomas Jacob & Erma (Hynek) Snorek.
[See Erma Hynek-Snorek-VESELY on same lot]
SNOREK, Mary A. BENISH 1884 1960 11-30-1884 08-05-1960 32
MS with James. Married James Wencil Snorek on June 1, 1903.
Daughter of John Vaclav & Anna (Novak) Benish.
SNOREK, Matej Michael 1849 1914 04-14-1914
Married Alsbeta Elizabeth Dvorak before 1875.
Married Rosa Rosie Jelinek on June 29, 1891.
Married Mary _____ {1852-____].
Son of Wencil & Mary Snorek.
Note: Added from death record.
SNOREK, Minnie LISKA 1884 1907 05-25-1884 02-12-1907
Married Karl Snorek.
Daughter of Anton & Marie Mary (Himmer) Liska.
Note: Marker is engraved Mina instead of Minnie.
SNOREK, Pauline Lorraine WELCH-STOCKTON 1923 2024 09-23-2024 243
MS with Richard. Married Richard F. Snorek.
Married Dale ______.
Married William "Bill" Stockton.
Note: Pauline buried under SNOREK with her 1st husband.
SNOREK, Richard F. 1922 1967 02-05-1922 03-19-1967 243
MS with Pauline. Married Pauline Lorraine Welch.
Son of Frank & Antonie (Rott) Snorek.
SNOREK, Ronald Michael 1938 2015 03-13-1938 01-21-2015
PFC US Marine Corps - Peace Time
Married Elizabeth Jane "Libby" Hoskins on January 27, 1962.
Son of Frank & Antonie (Rott) Snorek.
SNOREK, Rosa Rosie JELINEK 1862 1914 01-18-1862 04-14-1914
Married Matej Michael Snorek on June 29, 1891. Aged not listed!
Daughter of Tomas "Thomas" & Anna (Hardy) Jelinek.
Note: Added from death record.
SNOREK, Shirley Ann 1932 1932 06-21-1932 06-21-1932 32
Daughter of Emil S. & Elsie Ann (Nachtigal) Snorek. "Infant"
SNOREK, Thomas Jacob 1920 1950 12-15-1920 10-07-1950 253
MS with his daughter Marilyn K. Snorek.
Married Erma Hynek on October 26, 1940.
Son of John & Jennie (Rott) Snorek.
[See Erma Hynek-Snorek-VESELY on same lot]
SNOW, Jim 1874 1968 107
SPEER, Mary HOUSNER 1882 1977 11-10-1882 11-05-1977 57
MS with Sandy. Married Sandy Speer on December 11, 1907 in Kane, IL.
Daughter of Joseph & Anna (Bulin) Housner.
SPEER, Sandy 1881 1937 08-22-1881 04-03-1937 57
MS with Mary. Married Mary Housner on December 11, 1907 in Kane, IL.
Son of Andrew & Eunice Emma (Leyden/Tryson) Speer.
STANEK, (Child)
Child of Vaclov & Katerine Stanek. No dates.
Son of Josef & Marie Stanek. No dates.
STANEK, Adolph F. 1905 1951 05-04-1905 07-10-1951 232
MS with Julia. Married Julia Kaukl on April 22, 1925.
Son of Joseph M. & Mary (Kolash) Stanek.
STANEK, Albin 1897 1971 07-10-1897 01-28-1971 80
Married Gabriella Ann "Ella" Beranek on November 8, 1916.
Son of Joseph S. & Maria Mary (Novy) Stanek.
STANEK, Alfred Arnold 1888 1962 05-29-1888 11-10-1962 220
Married Josephine "Josie" Novy on December 31, 1912.
Son of Vencil James & Mary (Tydrich) Stanek.
STANEK, Anna BURDA 1810 1882
Married Joseph Stanek.
Note: Maiden name varies: Burdova/Burda.
Note: Added record from data.
STANEK, Anton 1870 1944 05-07-1870 02-12-1944 157
Married Mary Rott in 1892.
Married Josephine A. "Josie" Bulin on June 1, 1907.
Son of Frantisek "Frank" J. & Veronika (Janecek) Stanek.
"Thy Will Be Done"
STANEK, Anton Mitchell "Tony" 1890 1951 09-20-1890 03-28-1951 234
Private - World War I
Married Helen Marie Burdick-Perkins.
Son of Vencil James & Mary (Tydrich) Stanek.
[See Helen Marie Burdick-Perkins-STANEK in Richlabd Center Cemetery]
STANEK, Arthur William 1920 1965 11-13-1920 03-19-1965 252
Married Mayme Wanda Hatcher on May 4, 1946.
Son of Wencil T. & Tillie (Novy) Stanek.
STANEK, Barbora 1908 1908 12-03-1908 12-03-1908 157
Daughter of Anton & Josephine A. "Josie" (Bulin) Stanek.
STANEK, Brian Eugene, Dr. 1956 1997 09-29-1956 01-10-1997 256
Married Dr. Kathryn G. Guenther.
Son of Lawrence Rudolph "Larry" & Eleanor June (Cooper) Stanek.
STANEK, Carl L. 1903 1984 08-23-1903 03-27-1984 98
Married Martha Kouba on October 14, 1925.
Son of Joseph M. & Mary (Kolash) Stanek.
STANEK, Clara RESAC 1898 1977 06-25-1898 01-13-1977 259
Married Rudolph George "Rudy" Stanek on April 29, 1919.
Daughter of Frank & Katherina Katherine (Kora) Resac.
STANEK, Donald A. 1931 2006 06-10-1931 09-29-2006
AD2 US Navy - Korea F=Korea
MS with Judy. Married Judith A. Clark "Judy" on June 4, 1960.
Son of Albin & Gabriella Ann "Ella" (Beranek) Stanek.
"Parents of Dawn, Scott & Laurie"
"Grandparents of Danielle, Jennifer, Jessica, Ryan, Derek, Jake, Tony"
STANEK, Donna Jean ANDERSON 1929 2014 11-01-1929 08-17-2014 196
Married Wesley George Stanek on April 11, 1948.
Companion of Robert Maier.
Daughter of Fred & Lorena Loretta (Borchardt) Anderson.
STANEK, Eleanor June COOPER-KIDD 1923 1998 06-24-1923 04-02-1998 256
Married Lawrence Rudolph "Larry" Stanek on January 1, 1943.
Married Oscar Dewitt Kidd on January 1, 1981.
Daughter of Ross Herman & Dora Leona (Ferguson) Cooper.
STANEK, Elmer L. 1920 1995 07-22-1920 04-26-1995 260
Married Maxine June Gudgeon on May 23, 1945.
Son of William S. & Helen (Rott) Stanek.
STANEK, Elsa E. LEHIKOINEN 1925 2014 11-21-1925 06-04-2014 260
Married Wesley Adolph "Wes" Stanek in 1953 in Ironwood, MI.
Daughter of Erick & Hilma (Kekalainen) Lehikoinen.
STANEK, Eman Jaroslove 1893 1985 01-01-1893 12-10-1985 48
Married Victoria Haugh.
Son of Joseph M. & Mary (Kolash) Stanek.
STANEK, Emma HAUGH 1900 1984 01-02-1900 01-17-1984 234
Married Otto Stanek on April 20, 1920.
Daughter of Joseph & Barbara (Kouba) Haugh.
STANEK, Ethel Debra 1899 1900 12-28-1899 09-10-1900 118
Daughter of Joseph S. & Maria Mary (Novy) Stanek.
STANEK, Floyd L. 1930 1979 07-15-1930 05-14-1979 196
Son of William S. & Helen S. (Rott) Stanek.
STANEK, Francis John 1921 1932 01-02-1921 12-04-1932
Son of Anton & Josephine (Bulin) Stanek.
STANEK, Frank Bohumiel 1911 1926 04-24-1911 02-06-1926 39
Son of Frank Ernest & Mary Emma (Bruha) Stanek.
STANEK, Frantisek 1834 1876 02-22-1876
MS with Marie. Married Marie Mary Kouba.
Son of Joseph & Anna (Burda) Stanek.
Note: Some records show birth year as 1835. Marker engraved 1834.
STANEK, Frantisek J. "Frank" 1828 1911 09-13-1828 11-25-1911
MS with Veronika. Married Veronika Janecek about 1853.
STANEK, Frantiska "Frances" 1876 1910 03-09-1876 04-21-1910
Daughter of Frantisek & Marie Mary (Kouba) Stanek.
STANEK, Gabriella Ann "Ella" BERANEK 1900 1980 01-08-1900 05-02-1980 80
Married Albin Stanek on November 8, 1916.
Daughter of Martin & Marie "Mary" (Pacl) Beranek.
STANEK, George R. 1929 1964 09-01-1929 12-19-1964 241
Veteran - World War II
Son of William Z. & Mary Christena (Bulin) Stanek.
STANEK, Helen S. ROTT 1899 1984 06-20-1899 04-26-1984 196
Married William S. Stanek on May 23, 1918.
Daughter of Frank & Mary (Schimel) Rott.
STANEK, Hermena M. PLACHETKA 1910 1986 11-12-1910 05-14-1986 135
MS with Robert. Married Robert M. Stanek on November 5, 1930.
Daughter of Edwin & Mary (LaBansky) Plachetka.
STANEK, James Stuart "Jim" 1932 2016 06-26-1932 07-31-2016 266
US Army - Korea
Married Janice E. Kirichkow in 1957.
Son of William Z. & Mary Christena (Bulin) Stanek.
Married James Stuart "Jim" Stanek in 1957.
Daughter of Anton "Tony" & Carrie (Hynek) Kirichkow.
Owner - All dates pending.
STANEK, Josepf 1895 1896 11-16-1895 06-11-1896
STANEK, Joseph 1805 1889
Married Anna Burda.
Son of Jan & Marie (Kriz) Stanek.
Note: Birth between 1805-1812.
Note: Added record from data.
STANEK, Joseph "Joe" 1870 1953 07-31-1870 01-30-1953 124
Son of Frantisek & Marie Mary (Kouba) Stanek.
STANEK, Joseph M. 1867 1933 03-06-1867 10-11-1933 89
Married Mary Kolash on July 4, 1888.
Son of Frantisek "Frank" & Veronika (Janecek) Stanek.
STANEK, Joseph S. 1861 1946 03-14-1861 11-09-1946 118
MS with Maria. Married Maria S. Novy on April 12, 1887.
Son of Wencil Z. & Mary (Bulin) Stanek.
STANEK, Josephine A. BULIN 1882 1959 03-18-1882 08-23-1959 157
Married Anton Stanek on June 1, 1907.
Daughter of Jan John & Josefina Josehine "Josie" (Subera) Bulin.
"Thy Will Be Done"
STANEK, Josephine "Josie" NOVY 1887 1987 04-01-1887 10-01-1987 220
Married Albert A. Stanek on December 31, 1912.
Daughter of Josef "Joseph" & Anna (Plachetka) Novy.
STANEK, Judith A. "Judy" CLARK 1942
MS with Donald. Married Donald A. Stanek on June 4, 1960.
"Parents of Dawn, Scott & Laurie"
"Grandparents of Danielle, Jennifer, Jessica, Ryan, Derek, Jake, Tony"
Death date pending.
STANEK, Julia KAUKL 1906 1981 02-02-1906 03-11-1981 232
MS with Adolph. Married Adolph F. Stanek on April 22, 1925.
Daughter of Wencil & Barbara (Kolash) Kaukl.
STANEK, Julia E. 1903 1992 10-19-1903 03-24-1992 250
Married Martin Albert Stanek.
STANEK, Katerina Katherine PROKES 1863 1940 04-10-1863 08-10-1940
Married John W. Lisker [1862-1884].
MS with Vaclav. Married Vaclav Wencil Stanek on January 20, 1885.
Daughter of Frantisek & Marie Prokes.
STANEK, Lawrence Rudolph "Larry" 1922 1972 08-10-1922 02-16-1972 256
Veteran PH - World War II
Married Eleanor June Cooper on January 1, 1943.
Son of Rudolph George "Rudy" & Clara (Resac) Stanek.
STANEK, Maria Mary NOVY 1867 1915 12-28-1867 08-09-1915 118
MS with Joseph. Married Joseph S. Stanek on April 12, 1887.
Daughter of Jan B. "John" & Anna (Subera) Novy.
Note: Given name varies: Maria/Marie/Mary. Marker engraved Maria.
STANEK, Marie KOUBA 1837 1913 09-10-1837 04-04-1913
MS with Frantisek. Married Frantisek Stanek.
Daughter of Jake & Barbara Kouba.
STANEK, Marie 1887 1888 01-15-1888
Aged 2 months.
STANEK, Marie Mary 1886 1895 07-12-1895
Aged 9 years.
Daughter of Vaclav Wencil & Katherina Katherine (Prokes) Stanek.
STANEK, Martha KOUBA 1904 1967 05-04-1904 11-20-1967 98
Married Carl L. Stanek on October 14, 1925.
Daughter of Joseph & Mary (Sebranek) Kouba.
STANEK, Martin Albert 1900 1987 10-12-1900 04-11-1987 250
Married Julia E. _____.
Son of Vaclav Wencil & Katherina Katherine (Prokes) Stanek.
STANEK, Martin C. 1903 1990 01-12-1903 10-22-1990 264
Married Velma A. Beranek on February 2, 1926.
Son of Anton & Mary (Rott) Stanek.
STANEK, Mary KOLASH 1866 1952 11-25-1866 08-31-1952 89
Married Joseph M. Stanek on July 4, 1888.
Daughter of Vaclav Wencil & Veronika Veronica (Kozel) Kolash.
Note: Marriage record showed maiden spelled Kolar.
STANEK, Mary SUBERA 1895 1993 08-17-1895 01-06-1993 89
Married Victor Stanek.
Daughter of Frank F. & Josefa "Josephine" (Stanek) Subera.
STANEK, Mary TYDRICH 1867 1953 01-14-1867 01-12-1953 220
Married Vencil James Stanek on April 11, 1887.
Daughter of Matej Michael "Mike" & Anna (Novy) Tydrich.
STANEK, Mary ROTT 1872 1903 12-08-1872 01-16-1903 157
Married Anton Stanek in 1892.
Daughter of Martin & Josephine (Beranek) Rott.
Note: Added from death record.
Aged 73 years. No date listed!
STANEK, Mary Christena BULIN 1892 1961 04-07-1892 12-11-1961 241
Married William Z. Stanek.
Daughter of Jan John & Marie Mary (Kardlicek) Bulin.
STANEK, Mary Emma BRUHA 1886 1956 05-15-1886 05-17-1956 39
Married Frank Ernest Stanek on November 12, 1907.
Daughter of Wencil Peter & Anna (Jindrick) Bruha.
Note: Frank Ernest Stanek is buried in Cadott, WI.
STANEK, Maxine June GUNGEON 1927 2010 12-15-1927 02-18-2010 260
Married Elmer L. Stanek on May 23, 1945.
Daughter of Lester & Elsie (Moore) Gudgeon.
STANEK, Mayme Wanda HATCHER 1920 2011 11-25-1920 08-20-2011 252
Married Arthur William Stanek on May 4, 1946.
Daughter of Everett Bert & Christina A. "Tena" (Nachtigal) Hatcher.
STANEK, Otto 1897 1978 06-01-1897 07-28-1978 234
Married Emma Haugh on April 20, 1920.
Son of Vencil James & Mary (Tydrich) Stanek.
STANEK, Otto S. 1895 1984 05-12-1895 10-20-1984 118
Son of Joseph S. & Maria Mary (Novy) Stanek.
STANEK, Paul A. 1888 1971 05-02-1888 12-24-1971 19
Veteran - World War I
Married Tena "Tea" Tydrich-Urban on June 8, 1932.
Son of Joseph S. & Maria Mary (Novy) Stanek.
STANEK, Petra 1866 1891 10-15-1866 07-04-1891
Daughter of Josef & Marie Stanek.
STANEK, R.G. 172
No dates listed!
STANEK, Robert M. 1909 1982 09-21-1909 01-04-1982 135
MS with Hermena. Married Hermena M. Plachetka on November 5, 1930.
Son of Matej Mike & Mary (Ducheck) Stanek.
STANEK, Rudolph George "Rudy" 1900 1968 04-18-1900 12-02-1968 259
Married Clara Resac on April 29, 1919.
Son of Anton & Mary (Rott) Stanek.
STANEK, Sylvester M. 1917 1991 04-02-1917 06-26-1991 80
Veteran - World War II
Son of Albin & Gabriella Ann "Ella" (Beranek) Stanek.
STANEK, Tena "Tea" TYDRICH-URBAN 1890 1980 02-21-1890 09-30-1980 19
Married William Urban on October 8, 1912.
Married Paul A. Stanek on June 8, 1932.
Daughter of Matej Michael "Mike" & Anna (Novy) Tydrich.
Note: Maiden name sometimes recorded as Dedrick.
STANEK, Tillie NOVY 1895 1984 02-24-1895 11-29-1984 252
Married Wencil Thomas Stanek on October 2, 1917.
Daughter of Josef "Joseph" & Anna (Plachteka) Novy.
STANEK, Vaclav Wencil 1855 1937
Married Katerina Katherine Prokes-Lisker on January 20, 1885.
Son of Wencil Stanek.
STANEK, Velma A. BERANEK 1906 1989 01-04-1906 04-07-1989 264
Married Martin C. Stanek on February 2, 1926.
Daughter of Wencil James & Fanny (Karel) Beranek.
STANEK, Vencil James 1865 1938 07-14-1865 08-17-1938 220
Married Mary Tydrich on April 11, 1887.
Son of Frank & Veronika (Janecek) Stanek.
Note: Some records list as Vencle & Wencil.
STANEK, Veronika JANECEK 1830 1917
MS with Frantisek. Married Frantisek J. "Frank" Stanek about 1853.
STANEK, Victor 1894 1976 09-06-1894 07-27-1976 89
Married Mary Subera.
Son of Joseph M. & Mary (Kolash) Stanek.
STANEK, Victoria HAUGH 1894 1994 12-23-1894 04-24-1994 48
Married Eman Jaroslove Stanek.
Daughter of Joseph & Barbara (Kouba) Haugh.
STANEK, Vojtech Albert 1873 1899 04-23-1873 08-31-1899
Son of Frantisel & Marie Mary (Kouba) Stanek.
STANEK, Wencil Thomas 1893 1989 03-27-1893 03-12-1989 252
Married Tillie Novy on October 2, 1917.
Son of Vencil James & Mary (Tydrich) Stanek.
STANEK, Wesley Adolph "Wes" 1926 1994 10-17-1926 12-02-1994 260
Veteran - Korea
Married Elsa E. Lehikoinen in 1953 in Ironwood, MI.
Son of Adolph F. & Julia (Kaukl) Stanek.
STANEK, Wesley George 1922 2001 04-11-1922 12-28-2001 196
U.S. Army Air Corp - World War II
Married Donna Jean Anderson on April 11, 1948.
Son of William S. & Helen S. (Rott) Stanek.
STANEK, William S. 1892 1970 06-10-1892 11-05-1970 196
Married Helen S. Rott on May 23, 1918.
Son of Joseph S. & Marie Mary (Novy) Stanek.
STANEK, William Z. 1893 1978 09-27-1893 06-05-1978 241
Married Mary Christena Bulin.
Son of Joseph Z. & Josephine (Kuchera) Stanek.
STERBA, Joseph 1823 1911 07-26-1911
Married Mary Beneda.
Son of Joseph Sterba.
Note: Added from death record.
STERBA, Mary BENEDA 1833 1900 12-19-1900
Married Joseph Sterba.
Daughter of John Beneda.
Note: Added from death record.
No dates.
Listed with Marie Hanzal.
STOWELL, Agnes JINDRICK 1902 2000 01-18-1902 01-18-2000 87
MS with Elgin. Married Elgin A. Stowell on September 20, 1921.
Daughter of Wencil & Anna (Kosa) Jindrick.
STOWELL, Alice Ella DVORAK 1930 2024 04-21-1930 03-03-2024
MS with Donald. Married Donald Elgin Stowell on October 20, 1948.
Daughter of Robert Adolph & Ella Gabriale (Sebranek) Dvorak.
"Parents of Allen, Warren & Rachel"
STOWELL, Anna A. BERANEK 1921 1998 05-20-1921 09-17-1998 218
Married Robert W. Stowell on June 25, 1940.
Daughter of Emil & Rosie (Jelinek) Beranek.
STOWELL, Bridget A. CONNORS 1945 04-10-1945
MS with James. Married James Wilmer Stowell on September 9, 1982.
Daughter of Michael James & Mabel Frances (Williams) Conners.
Death date pending.
STOWELL, Donald Elgin 1924 2014 03-23-1924 11-13-2014
MS with Alice. Married Alice Ella Dvorak on October 20, 1948.
Son of Elgin Anson & Agnes (Jindrick) Stowell.
"Parents of Allen, Warren & Rachel"
STOWELL, Elgin A. 1898 1967 06-10-1898 06-27-1967 87
MS with Agnes. Married Agnes Jendrick on September 20, 1921.
Son of William Earl & Agnes (Pliner) Stowell.
STOWELL, Evelyn PICHA 1925 2016 08-19-1925 06-08-2016 217
Married Harley Martin Stowell on December 28, 1943.
Daughter of Wencil & Josephine (Bruha) Picha.
STOWELL, Fred Ray 1901 1955 11-30-1901 03-21-1955 217
Married Mary Subera on November 7, 1922.
Son of William Earl & Agnes (Pliner) Stowell.
STOWELL, Harley Martin 1923 2000 03-04-1923 10-26-2000 217
Married Evelyn Picha on December 28, 1943.
Son of Fred Ray & Mary (Subera) Stowell.
STOWELL, James Wilmer 1943 1999 09-28-1943 09-29-1999
MS with Bridget. Married Bridget A. Connors on September 9, 1982.
Son of George & Agnes (Knadle) Stowell.
STOWELL, Janice June MULLER-SEGEBRECHT 1942 07-02-1942
Married Lester G. Segebrecht.
Married Robert Curtis "Curt" Stowell on August 10, 2001.
Death date pending.
STOWELL, Mary SUBERA 1905 1975 03-30-1905 06-11-1975 217
Married Fred Ray Stowell on November 7, 1922.
Daughter of Joseph E. & Matilda "Tillie" (Rott) Subera.
STOWELL, Robert Curtis "Curt" 1942 2012 06-29-1942 11-17-2012
US Air Force - Viet Nam
Married Bridget Connors.
Married Marilyn Joan "Mary" Novy-Marx on July 6, 1985.
MS with Janice. Married Janice June Muller-Segebrecht on August 10, 2001.
Son of Robert W. & Anna A. (Beranek) Stowell.
[See Marilyn Joan "Mary" Novy-Marx-Stowell-SCHROEDER]
STOWELL, Robert W. 1918 1987 09-04-1918 12-19-1987 218
Married Anna A. Beranek on June 25, 1940.
Son of William Earl & Agnes (Pliner) Stowell.
SUBERA, Adolph 1918 1987 07-10-1918 06-01-1987 32
Married Sylvia Marie Verbsky.
Son of Joseph E. & Matilda "Tillie" (Rott) Subera.
SUBERA, Anna BRUNSLICK 1844 1930 132
Married Frank Subera.
Note: Maiden name varies: Brunclik/Brunslik.
SUBERA, Anton 1876 1891 05-18-1891
MS with his sister Marie Subera. Aged 15 years.
Son of Frank & Anna (Brunslick) Subera.
SUBERA, Arthur W. 1925 1952 06-20-1925 07-09-1952 230
Veteran - World War II
MS with Irene. Married Irene Gjertvig.
Son of Ferdinand Fred & Caroline (Houska) Subera.
SUBERA, Avis "Marvene" BEE 1935 2025 06-05-1935 02-02-2025
MS with Richard. Married Richard M. Subera on September 21, 1954.
Daughter of Paul Buford & Dorothy Irene (Dosch) Bee.
"Our Children Jean, Avis, Shelia"
SUBERA, Caroline HOUSKA 1882 1964 10-31-1882 11-10-1964 230
Married Ferdinand Fred Subera on February 6, 1900.
Daughter of Vaclav & Barbara (Lacova/Lechova) Houska.
SUBERA, Ferdinand Fred 1877 1952 08-09-1877 01-12-1952 230
Married Caroline Houska on February 6, 1900.
Son of Frank & Anna (Brunslick) Subera.
SUBERA, Frank 1844 1924 132
Married Anna Brunslick.
SUBERA, Frank F. 1867 1947 11-02-1867 03-18-1947 124
MS with Josefa. Married Josefa "Josephine" Stanek in 1894.
Son of Frank & Anna (Brunslick) Subera.
SUBERA, Fred C. 1917 2007 08-10-1917 02-20-2007 262
Married Lillian J. Butcher on November 11, 1944.
Son of Ferdinand Fred & Caroline (Houska) Subera.
SUBERA, Helen E. SINDELAR 1923 2002 09-23-1923 03-10-2002 15
Married Raymond "Ray" Subera.
Daughter of Anton & Anna (Viagelt) Sindelar.
SUBERA, Irene GJERTVIG 1920 1952 230
MS with Arthur. Married Arthur W. Subera.
Daughter of Albert & Emma Julia (Paulson) Gjertvig.
SUBERA, Jennie E. STANEK 1897 1971 02-00-1897 08-26-1971 71
MS with Joseph. Married Joseph Theodore Subera.
Daughter of Joseph & Mary (Kolash) Stanek.
SUBERA, Josefa "Josephine" STANEK 1871 1916 07-17-1871 05-18-1916 124
MS with Frank. Married Frank F. Subera in 1894.
Daughter of Frantisek & Marie Mary (Kouba) Stanek.
SUBERA, Joseph "Joe" 1907 1907 02-23-1907 03-23-1907 42
SUBERA, Joseph E. 1871 1953 11-00-1871 06-11-1953 42
Married Matilda "Tille" Rott on September 6, 1898.
Son of Frank & Anna (Brunslick) Subera.
SUBERA, Joseph Theodore 1896 1968 11-09-1896 10-19-1968 71
MS with Jennie. Married Jennie E. Stanek.
Son of Frank F. & Josefa "Josephine" (Stanek) Subera.
SUBERA, Leon Joseph 1928 2020 11-18-1928 02-12-2020
MS with Wilma. Married Wilma Lucille Janecek on June 23, 1954.
Son of Joseph Theodore & Jennie E. (Stanek) Subera.
"Our Children Dennis & Carol"
SUBERA, Lillian J. BUTCHER 1922 2009 01-20-1922 07-01-2009 262
Married Fred C. Subera on November 11, 1944.
Daughter of Frank & Marie (Haugh) Butcher.
SUBERA, Marie 1879 1883 07-19-1883
MS with her brother Anton Subera. Aged 4 years.
Daughter of Frank & Anna (Brunslick) Subera.
SUBERA, Martin F. 1900 1920 10-28-1900 07-10-1920 42
Son of Joseph E. & Matilda "Tillie" (Rott) Subera.
SUBERA, Mary Frances HEIDENREICH 1915 1999 05-31-1915 01-03-1999
Married Sylvester M. 'Syl' Subera on October 4, 1939.
Daughter of Frank & Rose (Sebranek) Heidenreich.
SUBERA, Matilda "Tillie" ROTT 1881 1977 02-24-1881 06-25-1977 42
Married Joseph E. Subera on September 6, 1898.
Daughter of Martin & Josephine (Beranek) Rott.
SUBERA, Paul A. 1920 2006 10-16-1920 11-27-2006
MS with Phyllis. Married Phyllis M. Kretche on June 5, 1951.
Son of Joseph Theodore & Jennie E. (Stanek) Subera.
SUBERA, Phyllis M. KRETCHE 1925 2021 08-17-1925 02-27-2021
MS with Paul. Married Paul A. Subera on June 5, 1951.
Daughter of Phillip J. & Amelia A. (Prucha) Kretche.
SUBERA, Raymond "Ray" 1920 1982 02-18-1920 06-03-1982 15
Married Helen E. Sindelar.
Son of Carl & Agnes (Smith) Subera.
SUBERA, Richard M. 1930 2011 11-03-1930 04-20-2011
Segeant First Class US Army - Korea
MS with A. Marvene. Married Avis "Marvene" Bee on September 21, 1954.
Son of Joseph Theodore & Jennie E. (Stanek) Subera.
"Our Children Jean, Avis, Shelia"
SUBERA, Stepanie 1880 1909 03-06-1880 05-01-1909
Daughter of Frank & Anna (Brunslick) Subera.
Note: Given name varies: Staphonia/Stepanie/Stephanie.
Marker is engraved Stepanie.
SUBERA, Sylvester M. "Syl" 1918 2006 07-19-1918 07-12-2006
Married Mary Frances Heidenreich on October 4, 1939.
Son of Joseph Theodore & Jennie E. (Stanek) Subera.
SUBERA, Sylvia Marie VERBSKY 1921 1989 08-18-1921 02-10-1989 32
Married Adolph Subera.
Daughter of Joseph & Mary (Shema) Verbsky.
SUBERA, Wilma Lucille JANECEK 1934 08-16-1934
MS with Leon. Married Leon Joseph Subera on June 23, 1954.
Daughter of William Harry & Elsie Laura (Sebranek) Janecek.
"Our Children Dennis & Carol"
Death date pending.
THOMPSON, Agnes Bessie KOSA 1912 2005 04-03-1912 10-24-2005 104
MS with Richard. Married Richard Francis Thompson on March 23, 1933.
Daughter of Joseph "Joe" & Krystina "Tena" (Housner) Kosa.
THOMPSON, Richard Francis 1912 1989 09-22-1912 11-26-1989 104
MS with Agnes. Married Agnes Bessie Kosa on March 23, 1933.
Son of Oscar & Anna (Travers) Thompson.Note: Some TYDRICH surnames have been spelled
Dedrick or Tydrick at various times!TYDRICH, Agnes ROTT 1886 1975 01-20-1886 10-19-1975 28
Married William Tydrich on December 31, 1907.
Daughter of Vaclav Wencil & Marie Mary (Jindrick) Rott.
Note: Marker engraved TYDRICH.
TYDRICH, Anna MACHOVEC 1877 1965 04-01-1877 10-07-1965 82
MS with Edward. Married Edward Tydrich.
Daughter of Andrez "Henry" & Josephine (Novy) Machovec.
Note: Marker engraved TYDRICH.
TYDRICH, Anna NOVY 1846 1926 05-28-1846 09-08-1926 38
Married Matej Michael "Mike" Tydrich.
Daughter of Frantisek "Frank" & Anna (Frandl) Novy.
Note: Marker engraved TYDRICH.
TYDRICH, Anna VODAK 1872 1949 12-12-1872 09-11-1949 249
MS with Joseph. Married Joseph Tydrich.
Daughter of Valclav "Wencil" & Barbora (Strunc) Vodak.
Note: Marker engraved TYDRICH.
TYDRICH, Anna Katherine SLAMA 1913 2000 04-07-1913 09-04-2000 173
Married James Fred Tydrich on March 29, 1932.
Daughter of Joseph George & Julia (Briskey) Slama.
Note: Marker engraved TYDRICH.
TYDRICH, Cristina 1909 1909 08-17-1909 11-30-1909 113
Daughter of Joseph & Anna (Vodak) Tydrich.
Married Edward L. "Ed" Tydrich on February 20, 1971.
Owner - all dates pending.
TYDRICH, Edward 1877 1957 10-09-1877 12-31-1957 82
MS with Ann. Married Anna Machovec.
Son of Matej Michael "Mike" & Anna (Novy) Tydrich.
Note: Marker engraved TYDRICH.
TYDRICH, Edward L. "Ed" 1950 2021 02-27-1950 01-31-2021
Married Diane K. Krajco on February 20, 1971.
Son of James Fred & Anna Katherine (Slama) Tydrich.
TYDRICH, Elaine Hope CLARK 1925 1986 12-20-1925 01-24-1986 28
Married Martin Raymond Tydrich on October 2, 1946.
Daughter of Elmo & Selina (Melby) Clark.
Note: Marker engraved TYDRICH.
TYDRICH, Eleanor J. SLAMA 1918 2005 09-14-1918 07-20-2005 212
Married Rudolph Frank "Rudy" Tydrich on November 8, 1939.
Daughter of Joseph George & Julia (Briskey) Slama.
Note: Marker engraved TYDRICH.
TYDRICH, Ernest Martin 1908 1976 03-23-1908 01-13-1976 204
Son of Wencil Joseph & Kristena (Vodak) Tydrich.
Note: Marker engraved TYDRICH.
TYDRICH, Frank "Jake" 1871 1963 02-18-1871 02-23-1963 38
Son of Matej Michael "Mike" & Anna (Novy) Tydrich.
Note: Marker engraved TYDRICH.
TYDRICH, Helen B. 1914 1935 08-19-1914 06-29-1935 224
Daughter of Wencil Joseph & Kristena (Vodak) Tydrich.
Note: Marker engraved TYDRICH.
TYDRICH, James Fred 1906 1988 06-27-1906 10-15-1988 173
Married Anna Katherine Slama on March 29, 1932.
Son of Wencil Joseph & Kristena (Vodak) Tydrich.
Note: Marker engraved TYDRICH.
TYDRICH, Joseph 1869 1949 12-11-1869 09-16-1949 249
MS with Anna. Married Anna Vodak.
Son of Matej Michael "Mike" & Anna (Novy) Tydrich.
Note: Marker engraved TYDRICH.
TYDRICH, Joseph Wencel 1897 1973 03-17-1897 05-20-1973 224
Private U.S. Army - World War I
Son of Wencil Joseph & Kristena (Vodak) Tydrich.
Note: Marker engraved TYDRICH.
TYDRICH, Katerina Catherine MACHOCHEK 1810 1882 11-09-1810
Married Josef Joseph Tydrich.
Daughter of Martin & Josefka (Telin) Machacek.
Note: Surname varies: Dedrich/Dedrick/Ditrich/Tydrich
Note: Maiden name varies: Machacek/Machocek/Machochek
Note: Her husband Josef [1815- ] death date/burial place unknown.
TYDRICH, Kristena VODAK 1874 1942 08- -1874 01-07-1942 224
Married Wencil Joseph Tydrich on February 19, 1895.
Daughter of Valclav "Wencil" & Barbora (Strunc) Vodak.
Note: Marker engraved TYDRICH.
TYDRICH, Lyle William 1948 2020 10-21-1948 04-20-2020
Married Sheila Rae Alderman.
Married Bonnie Jeanette Gilbert-Eberhardt on December 26, 1992.
Son of Martin Raymond & Elaine Hope (Clark) Tydrich.
TYDRICH, Martin Raymond 1924 2002 08-30-1924 03-30-2002 28
Married Elaine Hope Clark on October 2, 1946.
Married Carmen Sebranek-Haugh on October 8, 1988.
Son of William & Agnes (Rott) Tydrich.
Note: Marker engraved TYDRICH.
TYDRICH, Matej Michael "Mike" 1845 1927 02-26-1845 03-01-1927 38
MS with Anna. Married Anna Novy about 1863.
Son of Josef Joseph & Katerina Catherine (Machochek) Tydrich.
Note: Surname varies: Dedrich/Dedrick/Ditrich/Tydrich
Note: Baptism record shows birth 17-Jan-1845. Death record 2-Feb-1845.
Note: Marker engraved TYDRICH.
TYDRICH, Rose Marie 1957 1957 12-03-1957 12-09-1957 212
Daughter of Rudolph Frank "Rudy" & Eleanor J. (Slama) Tydrich.
Note: Marker engraved TYDRICH.
TYDRICH, Rudolph Frank "Rudy" 1912 1991 07-23-1912 04-22-1991 212
Married Eleanor J. Slama on November 8, 1939.
Son of Wencil & Kristina (Vodak) Tydrich.
Note: Marker engraved TYDRICH.
TYDRICH, Wencil Joseph 1873 1962 04-20-1873 08-15-1962 224
Married Kristena Vodak on February 19, 1895.
Son of Matej Michael "Mike" & Anna (Novy) Tydrich.
Note: Marker engraved TYDRICH.
TYDRICH, William 1884 1964 07-24-1884 12-26-1964 28
Married Agnes Rott on December 31, 1907.
Son of Matej Michael "Mike" & Anna (Novy) Tydrich.
Note: Marker engraved TYDRICH.
TYDRICH, William J. 1902 1971 05-27-1902 08-07-1971 82
Son of Edward & Anna (Machovec) Tydrich.
Note: Marker engraved TYDRICH.
TYDRICH, William James 1928 1996 08-25-1928 05-03-1996 38
Son of William J. & Celia (Rott) Dedrick.
Note: Surname varies: Dedrick/Tydrich
Note: His marker is engraved TYDRICH and his parents is engraved DEDRICK.Note: Some TYDRICK surnames have been spelled
Dedrick or Tydrich at various times!
TYDRICK, Agnes A. KOLASH 1913 2001 08-28-1913 08-10-2001
Married Otto F. Tydrick on April 20, 1932.
Daughter of Wencil & Mary E. (Rott) Kolash.
Note: Marker engraved TYDRICK.
TYDRICK, Otto F. 1909 2002 01-18-1909 12-02-2002 74
Married Agnes Kolash on April 20, 1932.
Son of William & Agnes (Rott) Tydrich.
Note: Marker engraved TYDRICK.
URBAN, Alois Louis 1863 1891 07-13-1863 10-12-1891
Son of Frantisek Frank & Barbora (Janecek) Urban.
URBAN, Barbara HERDIK 1849 1929 14
Married Thomas Urban about 1872.
URBAN, Barbora JANECEK 1839 1905 10-22-1839 11-17-1905
Married Frantisek Frank Urban.
URBAN, Edna Bertha 1915 1991 11-13-1915 01-19-1991
MS with Edward. Married Edward Jacob Urban.
URBAN, Edward 1882 1953 01-31-1882 08-23-1953 66
Married Martha Tydrich on December 30, 1919.
Son of Jan M. "John" & Marie "Mary" (Bruha) Urban.
URBAN, Edward Jacob 1907 1983 03-09-1907 08-07-1983
MS with Edna. Married Edna Bertha _____.
URBAN, Frantisek Frank 1839 1912 03-09-1839 06-17-1912
Married Barbora Janecek.
URBAN, Jan M. "John" 1861 1907 10-16-1861 09-02-1907
Married Marie "Mary" Bruha about 1882.
Son of Josef & Marie Mary (Reidle) Urban.
URBAN, Josef 1821 1897 01-26-1821 10-08-1897
Married Marie Mary Reidle on November 17, 1859.
URBAN, Josef Joseph 1869 1943 01-14-1869 10-01-1943 127
MS with his mother Marie.
Son of Josef & Marie Mary (Reidle) Urban.
URBAN, Leo 1914 1932 03-11-1914 08-26-1932 19
Son of William Robert & Tena "Tea" (Tydrich) Urban.
[See Tena "Tea" Tydrich-Urban-STANEK]
URBAN, Marie Mary REIDLE 1842 1921 12-18-1842 127
MS with her son Josef.
Married Josef Urban on November 17, 1859.
Daughter of Frantisek & Veronika "Florence" (Janecek) Reidle/Ridl.
[For parents see RIDL]
URBAN, Marie "Mary" BRUHA 1861 1927 66
Married Jan M. "John" Urban about 1882.
Daughter of Andrew & Barbara (Kouba) Bruha.
URBAN, Martha TYDRICH 1887 1961 02-14-1887 12-23-1961 66
Married Edward Urban on December 30, 1919.
Daughter of Matej Michael "Mike" & Anna (Novy) Tydrich.
Note: Marriage index shows maiden as Dedrick.
URBAN, Thomas 1837 1923 14
Married Barbara Herdik about 1872.
URBAN, Virginia Lee 1942 1942
Daughter of Edward Jacob & Edna Bertha Ubran.
URBAN, William Robert 1888 1921 03-05-1888 02-27-1921 19
Married Tena "Tea" Tydrich on October 8, 1912.
Son of Jan M. "John" & Marie "Mary" (Bruha) Urban.
[See Tena "Tea" Tydrich-Urban-STANEK]
URBANEK, Charles Wencil "Charlie" 1904 1981 12-04-1904 02-14-1981 136
U.S. Army - World War II
Son of Wencil "James" & Mary (Reidle) Urbanek. "Son"
URBANEK, Frantisek "Frank" 1854 1903 09-28-1854 08-31-1903
Married Anna Resac on February 18, 1879. Aged 48Ys 11Ms 2Ds
Son of Vaclav Wencil & Marie Mary (Fenzlova/Fencl) Urbanek.
URBANEK, Mary REIDLE 1883 1947 12-08-1883 08-08-1947 136
MS with Wencil. Married Wencil "James" Urbanek on November 19, 1901.
Daughter of Josef "Joseph" & Barbara (Casa) Reidle. "Mother"
URBANEK, Robert James 1923 1983 04-30-1923 10-07-1983 136
Veteran - World War II
Married Lillian Mae Nachtigal on June 28, 1952. "Son"
Son of Wencil "James" & Mary (Reidle) Urbanek.
URBANEK, Wencil "James" 1880 1964 01-06-1880 03-10-1964 136
MS with Mary. Married Mary Reidle on November 19, 1901. "Father"
Son of Frantisek "Frank" & Anna (Resac) Urbanek.
VAN EVERY, David H. 1941 10-28-1941
MS with Joanne. Married Joanne M. _____ on July 17, 1998.
"Children Sheryl Sarah TRACY Grandchildren Kayla Evan Trevor ASHLEY"
Death date pending.
VAN EVERY, Joanne M. 1947 01-16-1947
MS with David. Married David H. Van Every on July 17, 1998.
"Children Sheryl Sarah TRACY Grandchildren Kayla Evan Trevor ASHLEY"
Death date pending.
VANOUREK, Barbora TRINER 1865 1936 08-22-1936 208
MS with Vojtech. Married Vojtech Z. Vanourek.
VANOUREK, Jennie STANEK 1895 1992 05-16-1895 12-04-1992 208
MS with Richard. Married Richard Joseph, Sr. Vansourek on August 25, 1914.
Daughter of Anton & Mary (Rott) Stanek.
VANOUREK, Richard Joseph, Sr. 1894 1966 04-01-1894 05-21-1966 208
MS with Jennie. Married Jennie Stanek on August 25, 1914.
Son of Vojtech Z. & Barbora (Triner) Vanourek.
Note: Marker engraved VANOUREK.
VANOUREK, Vojtech Z. 1861 1953 11-11-1861 06-14-1953 208
MS with Barbora. Married Barbora Triner.
Note: Surname varies: Vanourek/Vansourek/Vansurek Engraved VANOUREK.
VARVITSIOTES, Bessie Rose HYNEK-STIBBE 1937 2023 01-17-1937 09=-5-2023
Married David F. Stibbe [1930-1975 buried in Illinois].
Married Spiero G. Varvitsiotes on February 14, 1977.
Daughter of Anton Tony & Ruzena Rose Carolyn (Zoha) Hynek.
[See Spiero G. Varvitsiotes 1925-2001 in Richland Cemetery Cemetery.]
VESELY, Charles J. "Charlie" 1913 2001 04-30-1913 08-03-2001
MS with Erma. Married Erma Hynek-Snorek on November 19, 1960.
Son of Charles J. & Tereza (Lipnicun) Vesely.
VESELY, Erma HYNEK-SNOREK 1917 2018 06-14-1917 12-07-2018
Married Thomas Jacob Snorek on October 26, 1940.
MS with Charles. Married Charles J. "Charlie" Vesely on Nov. 19, 1960.
Daughter of Edwin Victor & Albina (Novy) Hynek.
VIAGELT, Jaroslav Jerry 1919 1937 11-13-1919 07-21-1937 209
Son of Joseph Frank & Zdenka B. (Krause) Viagelt.
VIAGELT, Joseph Frank 1888 1959 09-01-1888 10-06-1959 209
German Army - World War I
Married Zdenka B. Krause.
Son of Wencil & Frances (Lanch) Viagelt.
VIAGELT, Zdenka B. KRAUSE 1896 1986 04-16-1896 10-24-1986 209
Married Joseph Frank Viagelt.
VITCENDA, Agnes PLINER 1883 1983 01-28-1883 02-12-1983 99
MS with Wencil. Married Wencil Vitcenda on December 28, 1903. "Mother"
Daughter of Vaclav Wencil & Barbora (Subera) Pliner.
VITCENDA, Albert R. 1913 1989 09-26-1913 06-21-1989 210
Married Ruby D. Brey on January 12, 1937.
Son of Frank A. & Mary (Levy) Vitcenda.
"Parents of Verna, Betty, Doris, Douglas, Dennis & Annette"
VITCENDA, Barbara 1868 1889 04-30-1889
Daughter of Wencil & Mary (McCoic) Vitcenda.
Note: Given name varies: Barbara/Barbary
VITCENDA, Barbora JANSKY 1808 1882 10-06-1808 10-24-1882
Married Josef Joseph Vitcenda on November 4, 1828.
Daughter of Ondrej & Katerina (Seidl/Saidl) Jansky.
VITCENDA, Betta 1878 1878 03-25-1878 07-10-1878
VITCENDA, Doris Mae 1940 1940 12-30-1940 12-31-1940 210
Daughter of Albert R. & Ruby D. (Brey) Vitcenda.
VITCENDA, Frank A. 1867 1944 08-02-1867 01-08-1944 97
Married Mary Levy.
Son of Wencil & Mary (McCoic) Vitcenda.
VITCENDA, Frank John Jr. 1897 1956 11-22-1897 12-05-1956 97
Married Lois Nixon about 1929.
Son of Frank A. & Mary (Levy) Vitcenda.
Note: Lois Nixon 1902-1969 is buried in Chapel Hill Cemetery, VernonCo.,WI.
VITCENDA, Infant 1889 1889 06-07-1889 06-22-1889
Child of Joseph M. & Mary (Wondrowitz) Vitcenda.
Grandchild of Wencil & Mary (McCoic) Vitcenda..
VITCENDA, Infant Son 1925 1925 03-19-1925 03-19-1925 110
Son of Rudolph J. "Rudy" & Lena M. (Beranek) Vitcenda.
VITCENDA, Josef Joseph 1805 1893
Married Barbora Jansky on November 4, 1827.
Son of Mikulas Nicholas & Marie (Kauza) Vitcenda.
Note: Birth year varies: 1800/1805
VITCENDA, Lena M. BERANEK 1887 1974 01-25-1887 01-15-1974 110
MS with Rudolph. Married Rudolph J. "Rudy" Vitcenda.
Daughter of Martin & Marie (Pacl) Beranek.
VITCENDA, Mary LEVY 1873 1964 10-15-1873 06-26-1964 97
Married Frank Vitcenda.
Daughter of Josef "Joseph" & Frantiska "Frances" (Bulin) Levy.
VITCENDA, Mary MCCOIC 1842 1920
MS with Wencil. Married Wencil Vitcenda.
VITCENDA, Ruby D. BREY 1917 1997 01-02-1917 11-05-1997 210
Married Albert R. Vitcenda on January 12, 1937
Daughter of Harry & Lela E. (Wurster) Brey.
"Parents of Verna, Betty, Doris, Douglas, Dennis & Annette"
VITCENDA, Rudolph J. "Rudy" 1882 1977 09-18-1882 09-26-1977 110
MS with Lena. Married Lena M. Beranek.
Son of Wencil & Mary (McCoic) Vitcenda.
VITCENDA, Wencil 1877 1956 05-18-1877 02-10-1956 99
MS with Agnes. Married Agnes Pliner on December 28, 1903. "Father"
Son of Wencil & Mary (McCoic) Vitcenda.
VITCENDA, Wencil 1844 1902
MS with Mary. Married Mary McCoic about 1864.
Son of Josef Joseph & Barbora (Jansky) Vitcenda.
VITCENDA, William 1911 1921 03-31-1911 10-17-1921 97
Son of Frank A. & Mary (Levy) Vitcenda.
VLASAK, Agnes TYDRICH 1910 1985 08-22-1910 12-11-1985 31
MS with James. Married Vaclav "James" Vlasak.
Daughter of Edward & Anna (Machovec) Tydrich.
VLASAK, Albin 1911 1986 12-06-1911 10-27-1986 31
MS with Lucy. Married Lucy Tydrich.
Son of Wencil & Christina (Karlicek) Vlasak.
VLASAK, Bohumil Jeffery 1893 1975 12-23-1893 10-19-1975 276
Married Rose Ann Rynes on January 6, 1920.
Son of Alois & Katherine "Katie" (Moravecek) Vlasak.
VLASAK, Katerina Katherine "Katie" MORAVECEK-HOFRICHTER 1872 1951 06-04-1872 04-24-1951 126
Married Antonin Hofrichter in 1892. "Mother"
Married Alois "Louis" Vlasak.
Note: Alois "Louis" Vlasak [1870-1934] burial place unknown.
VLASAK, Lucy TYDRICH 1916 1984 12-12-1916 04-27-1984 31
MS with Albin. Married Albin Vlasak.
Daughter of Edward & Anna (Machovec) Tydrich.
VLASAK, Rose Ann RYNES 1903 1969 04-17-1903 12-11-1969 276
Married Bohumil Jeffrey Vlasak on January 6, 1920.
Daughter of Frank & Anna (Lexa) Rynes.
VLASAK, Vaclav "James" 1906 1960 07-01-1906 05-08-1960 31
MS with Agnes. Married Agnes Tydrich.
Son of Wencil & Christina (Karlicek) Vlasak.
VODAK, Anna SEBRANEK 1869 1888 02-09-1869 07-10-1888
Married Vaclan Wencil Vodak on May 24, 1887. Aged 19 years.
Daughter of Martin & Anna (Polahova) Sebranek.
Note: Marker "Ann Sebranka" instead of married name.
VODAK, Barbara R.
Married Bernard Robert Vodak.
Owner - all dates pending.
VODAK, Barbora STRUNC 1834 1924 12-24-1834 11-24-1924
MS with Valclav. Married Valclav Wencil Vodak about 1860.
Daughter of Jiri George & Barbara (Cerny) Strunc.
VODAK, Bernadine J. WALTER 1944 2007 06-19-1944 08-19-2007
MS with Donald. Married Donald W. Vodak on June 17, 1967.
Daughter of Clifford & Vera (Sonnenberg) Walter.
"Our Children Veronica & Victor"
VODAK, Bernard Robert 1941 2021 12-02-1941 07-11-2021
Married Barbara R. _____.
Son of Robert Joseph & Elsie A. (Stepka) Vodak.
VODAK, Donald W. 1933 2018 05-04-1933 01-28-2018
MS with Bernadine. Married Bernadine J. Walter on June 17, 1967.
Son of Emil J. & Matilda M. (Chlup) Vodak.
"Our Children Veronica & Victor"
VODAK, Elsie A. STEPKA 1918 2000 01-17-1918 10-13-2000 282
MS with Robert. Married Robert Joseph Vodak on September 10, 1940.
Daughter of Wencil F. & Rose Anna (Landsinger) Stepka.
VODAK, Emil J. 1894 1980 04-04-1894 03-20-1980 70
MS with Matilda. Married Matilda M. Chlup on February 15, 1916.
Son of Vaclan Wencil & Marie Mary (Mislivecek) Vodak.
VODAK, Ernest Jordan 1912 1976 02-13-1912 02-23-1976 225
TEC 4 U.S. Army - World War II F=WWII
Married Virginia Alice Adamski-Lamb on May 20, 1971.
Son of Joseph & Mary J. (Shebeck) Vodak.
Note: Virginia Adamski-Lamb-Vodak is buried in Phoenix, AZ.
VODAK, Leona Ann
Daughter of Rudolph E. "Rudy" & Margaret M. (Levy) Vodak.
Note: All dates pending.
VODAK, Margaret M. LEVY-DOWNING 1904 1996 07-13-1904 08-23-1996 278
MS with Rudolph. Married Rudolph E. "Rudy" Vodak on April 14, 1925.
Married Henry Lloyd Downing on December 11, 1971.
Daughter of Joseph W. & Anna (Slama) Levy.
VODAK, Marie Mary MISLIVECEK 1867 1908 10-20-1867
MS with Vaclan. Married Vaclan Wencil Vodak.
Daughter of Vojtech Albert & Marie (Pouzar) Mislivecek.
VODAK, Martina 1888 1888 07-10-1888 07-10-1888
Daughter of Vaclan & Anna (Sebranek) Vodak.
Note: Added from Roots Web data.
VODAK, Matilda M. CHLUP 1894 1979 03-14-1894 05-09-1979 70
MS with Emil. Married Emil J. Vodak on February 15, 1916.
Daughter of Martin & Mary Chlup.
VODAK, Robert 268
Owner E & F
VODAK, Robert Joseph 1917 1990 01-05-1917 08-29-1990 282
MS with Elsie. Married Elsie A. Stepka on September 10, 1940.
Son of Emil J. & Matilda M. (Chlup) Vodak.
VODAK, Rudolph E. "Rudy" 1900 1970 02-07-1900 03-24-1970 278
MS with Margaret. Married Margaret M. Levy on April 14, 1925.
Son of Vaclan Wencil & Mary Marie (Mislivecek) Vodak.
VODAK, Vaclan Wencil 1863 1925 09-19-1863 08-28-1925
Married Anna Sebranek on May 24, 1887.
MS with Marie. Married Marie Mary Mislivecek.
Son of Valclav Wencil & Barbora (Strunc) Vodak.
Note: Given name varies: Vaclan/Vaclav. Marker engraved Vaclan.
VODAK, Vaclav Wencil 1825 1892 08-25-1825 02-24-1892
Married Barbara Jilek about 1850. Aged 67 years.
MS with Barbora. Married Barbora Strunc about 1860.
Son of Martin & Katerina (Simice) Vodak.
VODAK, Victor R. 1970 2007 07-22-1970 01-04-2007
Son of Donald W. & Bernadine J. (Walter) Vodak.
"Always Caring Always Giving" "Gift of Life Donor"
VOPATA, Gabriela 1890 1890 11-13-1890 11-30-1890
Daughter of Wencil & Josephine Vopata. Aged 17 days.
VOPATA, Vaclav 1891 1891 08-06-1891 08-24-1891
Son of Frank & Mary (McCoic) Vopata. Aged 18 days.
VRBSKY, Barbora 1833 1867
LS with her husband Frantisek and Frantisek's 2nd wife Terezie.
Married Frantisek Frank Vbsky about 1851. Aged 34 years.
VRBSKY, Frantisek Frank 1822 1903 08-05-1903
LS with his wifes Barbora & Terezie.
Married Barbora _____ about 1851. Aged 81 years.
Married Terezie Theresa Klengover on August 25, 1868.
Son of Jan John & Magdalene Vrbsky.
VRBSKY, Terezie Theresa KLENGOVER 1842 1878
LS with her husband Frantisek and Frantisek's 1st wife Barbora.
Married Frantisek Frank Vbsky on August 25, 1868. Aged 36 years.
WALLACE, Arnold J. 1938 2021 08-18-1938 07-13-2021 273
Married Janet Lucille Rott on June 11, 1960 in Hillsboro, WI.
Son of Leo Alexander & Alvaretta Mary (Borland) Wallace.
WALLACE, Janet Lucille ROTT 1940 2022 03-04-1940 04-20-2022 273
Married Arnold J. Wallace on June 11, 1960 in Hillsboro, WI.
Daughter of Eman M. & Lucy T. (Sebranek) Rott.
Owner - all dates pending.
WASILEWSKI, Alex Frank 1903 2002 12-03-1903 04-21-2002 205
U.S. Navy 1920 to 1922 - Peace Time
MS with Beatrice. Married Beatrice Dorothy Hehn on August 26, 1944.
Son of Adam & Helen (Kozuchowski) Wasilewski.
WASILEWSKI, Beatrice Dorothy HEHN 1915 1989 04-24-1989 205
MS with Alex. Married Alex Frank Wasilewski on August 26, 1944.
WEHR, David 45
Same grave as Virgil. Buried here 1952.
Note: No dates listed!
WEHR, Virgil 45
Same grave as Virgil. Leg buried here!
Note: No dates listed!
WEMETTE, Robert Warren 1929 12-05-1929 246
Married Ruth Arlene Levy on December 28, 1954.
Son of Oscar Wemette.
Death date pending.
WEMETTE, Ruth Arlene LEVY 1930 1960 04-01-1930 07-22-1960 246
Married Robert Warren Wemette on December 28, 1954.
Daughter of William Stanley & Emma Julia (Sebranek) Levy.
WEYHER, Elmer C. 1906 1990 09-15-1906 01-23-1990 45
MS with Thelma. Married Thelma Marie Novy on september 9, 1940.
WEYHER, Thelma Marie NOVY 1910 2008 10-24-1910 09-07-2008 45
MS with Elmer. Married Elmer C. Weyher on september 9, 1940.
Daughter of Frank T. & Anna T. (Beranek) Novy.
WIESNER, Anna CERVENKA 1820 1905 01-18-1820 08-29-1905
MS with Jiri. Married Jiri George Wiesner.
WIESNER, Jiri George 1816 1885 10-16-1816 08-13-1885
MS with Anna. Married Anna Cervenka.
WONDROWITZ, Albinah 1883 1887 01-07-1883 01-10-1887
Aged 4 years and 3 days.
WONDROWITZ, Joseph J.K. 1873 1881
No dates listed!
WOPAT, Bessie A. HOOKER 1919 2014 08-02-1919 04-16-2014 270
Married Ernest E. Wopat on November 6, 1945.
Daughter of Edward Sr. & Mary (Snorek) Hooker.
Death date pending.
Note: Owner Lot 270 F-H
WOPAT, Ernest E. 1923 1991 10-04-1923 11-02-1991 270
Married Bessie A. Hooker on November 6, 1945.
Son of Frank Ludwig & Mary J. (Kouba) Wopat.
WOPATA, Daughter 1883 1884 12-29-1884
Daughter of M. & Marie Wopata. Aged 10 Months.
WOPATA, Marie 1884 1884 12-19-1884 12-23-1884
Aged 5 days.
YANSKY, Frances 1902 1989 01-28-1902 12-31-1989 55
Daughter of John & Josephine (Hotek) Yansky.
YANSKY, Frank 1889 1953 11-14-1889 09-11-1953 55
Son of John & Josephine (Hotek) Yansky.
YANSKY, John 1864 1941 05-16-1864 07-04-1941 55
MS with Josephine. Married Josephine Hotek.
Son of Frantisek & Josefa (Shebeck) Jansky.
YANSKY, Josephine HOTEK 1865 1950 01-16-1865 04-13-1950 55
MS with John. Married John Yansky.
Daughter of Peter V. & Teresie (Jansky) Hotek.
YANSKY, Pavel Peter 1887 1917 06-29-1887 02-27-1917 55
Son of John & Josephine (Hotek) Yansky.
YANSKY, Wencil August 1889 1971 08-28-1889 10-10-1971 55
Wisconsin Vet Hosptial 16 - World War I
Son of John & Josephine (Hotek) Yansky.
ZOHA, Barbora ZIDLICKY 1870 1935 09-22-1870 02-21-1935 207
MS with Frantisek. Married Frantisek "Frank" Zoha.
Daughter of Vaclav & Barbora (Radova) Zidlicky.
ZOHA, Frantisek "Frank" 1868 1962 09-10-1868 08-13-1962 207
MS with Barbora. Married Barbora Zidlicky.
Son of Josef & Frantiska (Zeman) Zoha.
ZOHA, Tena J. JANECEK 1901 1989 08-11-1901 07-03-1989 269
Married Vaclav Wencil James Joseph Zoha on March 16, 1921.
Daughter of Ludwig & Mary Jane (Jansky) Janecek.
ZOHA, Valclav Wencil James Joseph 1896 1982 09-10-1896 07-14-1982 269
Married Tena J. Janecek on March 16, 1921.
Son of Frantisek "Frank" & Barbora (Zidlicky) Zoha.
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