East Pine River Cemetery
                                                                AKA  Judson/Yuba Cemetery

                         Henrietta Township, Richland County, Wisconsin  USA

                                            Surnames A - L

                                  (Last Updated February 13, 2025)
ANDERSON, Bertha Ellen WELLS-BORLAND    1888 1957 04-12-1888 07-14-1957
     Married Thomas C. Borland on January 1, 1903. "Mother" 
     Married Ivan B. Anderson on March 19, 1932.
     Daughter of George & Martha (Elliott) Wells.
BECK, Alexander H. "Alex"               1867 1932 12-23-1867 10-13-1932
          Married Cleo Myrle Johnson on June 28, 1904 in Middleton, WI.
     Son of Mitchel & Susannah A. (Snodgrass) Beck.

BECK, Miles C.                          1869 1869 06-13-1869 05-12-1869
     Son of Mitchel & Susannah A. (Snodgrass) Beck.
     Note: No dates listed! Used family research data for dates.
     Note: Has brother Mitchel 11-May-1862 21-Jul-1862 burial location unknown.

BECK, Mitchel                           1838 1897 03-03-1838 05-19-1897
     Private Co A 25th Wis Inf - Civil War   F=War Veteran
     MS with Susannah. Married Susannah A. Snodgrass on June 1, 1861.

BECK, Susannah A. SNODGRASS             1846 1900 09-29-1846 07-06-1900
     MS with Michel. Married Mitchel Beck on June 1, 1861.
     Daughter of Joseph S. & Mary "Polly" (Showen)  Snodgrass.
BENNETT, Mary Jane FRANKS-MAXWELL       1831 1911 04-29-1831 05-06-1911
     Married Washington Bennett on November 27, 1850.  Aged 80Ys 7Ds
     Married Thompson D. Charles Maxwell on April 15, 1878.
     Daughter of John Helfer & Sarah (Johnson) Franks.

     Note: Washington Bennett 01-18-1828 04-29-1865 died in Civil War in Greenville, La.
           and is buried in the Chalmette National Cemetery, Chalmette, La.

BENNETT, Phoebe                        1795 1872            01-18-1872
     Married Charles Bennett about 1822. Aged 77 years.
     Note: Mother of Washington Bennett.

     Note: Charles Bennett 09-11-1801 02-11-1856 died in Indiana.
     Note: HERE THEY SLEEP listed as age 77 years but some show birth abt. 1803!

BORLAND, Beulah Kettie TODD             1891 1971 05-26-1891 06-25-1971
     MS with John. Married John Thomas Borland on October 20, 1912.
     Daughter of David Henry & Mary Jane (Shuckhart) Todd.
          F=Woman's Relief Corps
BORLAND, Boston Keiner                  1856 1930 09-07-1856 08-14-1930
     MS with Mary. Married Mary Elizabeth Morgan on September 21, 1879.
     Son of Thomas & Margaret Jane (Jewell) Borland.
BORLAND, Dorotha Lavina TODD            1903 1992 02-22-1903 12-11-1992
     Married Irven Wain Borland on October 13, 1921.
     Daughter of David Henry & Mary Jane (Shuckhart) Todd.
BORLAND, Irven Wain                     1897 1981 11-05-1897 11-02-1981
     Married Mary Mabel Todd on November 30, 1916.
     Married Dortha Lavina Todd on October 13, 1921.
     Son of Boston Keiner & Mary Elizabeth (Morgan) Borland.
BORLAND, Jessie TASKER-Lewis            1885 1967 12-26-1885 10-01-1967
     Married Wayne Bradshaw Lewis on March 24, 1904 in Michigan. "Mother"
     Married _____ Borland.
     Daughter of Charles & Emma Drillis (Nye) Tasker.

BORLAND, John Thomas                    1891 1955 12-22-1891 12-01-1955
     MS with Beulah. Married Beulah Kettie Todd on October 20, 1912.
     Son of Boston Keiner & Mary Elizabeth (Morgan) Borland.
BORLAND, Mary Elizabeth MORGAN          1861 1927 10-17-1861
     MS with Boston. Married Boston Keiner Borland on September 21, 1879.
     Daughter of Squire & Maria Catharine (Jones) Morgan.
BORLAND, Mary Mabel TODD               1895 1921 03-04-1895 01-22-1921
     Married Irven Wain Borland on November 30, 1916. "Mother"
     Daughter of David Henry & Mary Jane (Shuckhart) Todd.
     Note: Given name not on marker only "Mother 1895-1921".

BORLAND, Thomas                         1826 1903 11-28-1826 10-17-1903
     Married Margaret Jane Jewell. Aged 76Ys 10Ms 19Ds
     Son of John & Catherine (Ruth) Borland.
     Note: Added from death record.
BORLAND, Thomas C.                      1882 1953
     Married Bertha Ellen Wells on January 1, 1903. 
     Son of Jane Borland.
          [See Bertha Ellen Wells-Borland-ANDERSON]
BORTON, Charlotte A. "Lottie" STOCKWELL 1892 1986 03-24-1892 12-07-1986

     Married Fred Borton on February 4, 1920.
     Daughter of Ezra Miller & Ella Maud (Richardson) Stockwell.
BORTON, Fred                            1891 1968 04-22-1891 03-06-1968
     Wisconsin Pfc Co E 312 Engineers - World War I    F=AmLegion
     Married Charlotte "Lottie" Stockwell on February 4, 1920.
     Son of Benjamin F. & Mary Carolyn (Ford) Borton.
CARLE, Mary Adaline JOSLIN              1841 1887 06-04-1841 10-24-1887
     Married Octavis Carle. Aged 46Ys 4Ms 20Ds
     Daughter of Carlos & Mary Ann (Bostwick) Joslin.
          Note: Huband's name varies: Octarrus/Octaive/Octavis.
CARTER, Eunice Jane JUDSON              1847 1870 10-16-1847 11-19-1870
     Married John Carter on January 2, 1868.
     Daughter of Benjamin & Jane K. (McCullough) Judson.
CHAPEL, Catherine GARDNER               1812 1879 03-22-1812 06-10-1879
     Married Samuel Chapel.
     Daughter of John & Charity Gardner.
     Note: Added from death record.
CHATTEN, Isaac Milton                   1882 1946 03-17-1882 02-26-1946
     Married Elnora Catherine "Nora" Borland on August 12, 1903.
     Married Cora M. Ernshaw-Clark on June 20, 1936.
     Son of William & Effie (Norman) Chatten.
Elnora Catherine "Nora" Borland-Chatten-WILLMAN]
     [See Cora M. Ernshaw-Chatten-CLARK in Fancy Creek Cemetery]
CRATSENBERG, Eugene S.                  1869 1939 09-28-1869 01-27-1939 
     Married Sarah Alice Hammond on August 27, 1901.
     Son of William & Lovina A. (Burdick) Cratsenberg.
CRATSENBERG, Lovina A. BURDICK          1827 1906 06-15-1827 07-13-1906
     Married William Cratsenberg.
     Daughter of Spaulding & Almelda (Preston)  Burdick.
     Note: Newer marker engraved "Cratsemberg" 1822-1906.
     Note: Death record listed as "Cratsenburg" 1927-1906.

CRATSENBERG, William                    1821 1891 08-00-1821 11-06-1891
     Married Lovina A. Burdick.
     Note: Newer marker engraved "Cratsemberg" 1822-1906.
     Note: Death record listed as "Cratsenberg" 1921-1891.

DILLON, Dora Belle RICHARDSON           1864 1884 06-02-1864 04-25-1884
     Married Jonathan Dillon on April 29, 1883.
     Daughter of Daniel Webster & Susan E. (Mick) Richardson.
     Note: Added from death record.
DRISCOLL, Claudia May                   1894 1896 03-27-1894 09-26-1896 
     MS with her brother Ross Delbert Driscoll.
     Daughter of Jerome & Hattie Adell (Richardson) Driscoll.
     Note: Marker engraved 1894-1896. Find-A-Grave listed 1895-1897.
     Note: Death record shows death 09-06-1897 age 2 years.

DRISCOLL, Hattie Adell RICHARDSON       1864 1955 08-06-1864 12-12-1955
     Married Jerome Driscoll on February 25, 1888.
     Daughter of William Warren & Charlotte Drott (Ingalls) Richardson.
     Note: Added from death record.
DRISCOLL, Ross Delbert                  1890 1899 07-07-1890 01-31-1899 
     MS with his sister Claudia May Driscoll.
     Son of Jerome & Hattie Adell (Richardson) Driscoll.
Note: Marker engraved 1890-1899. Find-A-Grave listed 1890-1900.
     Note: Death record shows death 01-31-1900 and birth 07-07-1890
           but aged 9Ys 6Ms 24Ds.

ELLIS, Emma E. PRIEST                   1854 1924 04-04-1854 07-07-1924
     MS with her brother Benjamin Daniel PRIEST.
     Married _____ Ellis.

     Daughter of Daniel & Ann Frances (Baker) Priest.
EYSNOGLE, Jacob                         1869 1916 07-05-1869 11-30-1916
     Married Daisy A. Hall on May 16, 1897.
     Son of William & Rebecca (Allbaugh) Eysnogle.
          Note: Daisy A. Hall-Eysnogle-Boldon-SMITH [1877-1944] burid in Illinois.
Note: Added from death record.

EYSNOGLE, Jasper                        1874 1895 08-25-1874 03-03-1895
     LS with his parents William & Rebecca and his brother Louis.
     Son of William & Rebecca (Allbaugh) Eysnogle.

EYSNOGLE, Louis                         1883 1886 08-03-1883 03-03-1886
     LS with his parents William & Rebecca and his brother Jasper.
Son of William & Rebecca (Allbaugh) Eysnogle.
EYSNOGLE, Rebecca ALLBAUGH              1842 1902 06-18-1842 09-20-1902
     LS with her husband William and their sons Jasper & Louis.
     Married William Eysnogle on October 30, 1865 in Ohio.

     Daughter of Jacob William & Mahala (Stine) Allbaugh.
EYSNOGLE, William                       1827 1912 12-04-1827 01-29-1912
     LS with his wife Rebecca and their sons Jasper & Louis.
Married Rebecca Allbaugh on October 30, 1865 in Ohio.
     Son of Johannes "John" & Anna (Boehmer) Eysnogle.
FOWLER, Mary Jane NORMAN                1852 1886 03-20-1852 09-23-1886
     Married Burgess Fowler on November 13, 1870. Aged 34Ys 6Ms 3Ds
     Daughter of George & Mary (Welch) Norman.
     Note: Burgess Fowler [1844-1914] is buried in New Lisbson, WI with
           his 2nd wife Mary (Bulin) Fowler.

GRAVES, David Elwood                    1861 1937 10-17-1861 03-13-1937
     Married Stella Kelley on December 25, 1882. 
     MS with Martha. Married Martha Mosher-Kelly on April 10, 1892.
     Son of Bronson & Julia Francis (Hubbard) Greaves.
          [See Stella Kelley-GREAVES]
GRAVES, Effie Malinda SUGDEN            1904 1955 07-18-1904 03-18-1955
     MS with Lester. Married Lester Graves on July 18, 1923. "Mother" 
     Daughter of William Fairbrother & Martha Lavica (Hicks) Sugden.
GRAVES, Ella Maude RICHARDSON           1893 1983 12-14-1893 12-00-1983
     MS with Oscar. Married Oscar Elwood Graves on February 24, 1915.
     Daughter of George Oliver & Della Celia (King) Richardson.
GRAVES, Leslie "Chub"                   1902 1974 06-13-1902 01-28-1974
     Wisconsin Pvt US Army - World War II   F=AmLegion
     Married Freda D. Grim on May 4, 1922.
     Son of David Elwood & Martha (Mosher-Kelly) Graves.
GRAVES, Lester                          1902 1964 06-13-1902 08-13-1964
     MS with Effie. Married Effie Malinda Sugden on July 18, 1923. "Father"
     Married Emily Charlotte Cline-Borton Aug. 9, 1958. 
     Son of David Elwood & Martha (Mosher-Kelly) Graves.
         [See Emily Charlotte Cline-Graves-BORTON in Richland Center Cemetery]
GRAVES, Lester Elmer "Buzz"             1928 2018 09-09-1928 04-10-2018
     US Navy - Korea
     MS with Shirley. Married Shirley J. Elmer on December 21, 1958.
     Son of Lester & Effie Malinda (Sugden) Graves.
     "Parents of Roger & Jane"
GRAVES, Martha MOSHER-KELLY             1871 1936 07-09-1871 07-29-1936

     Married Ammi L. Kelly on June 11, 1888.
     MS with David. Married David Elwood Graves on April 10, 1892.
     Daughter of Abram Justice & Elizabeth Adaline (Tadder) Mosher.
GRAVES, Oscar Elwood                    1894 1966 08-21-1894 11-12-1966
     MS with Ella. Married Ella Maude Richardson on February 24, 1915.
     Son of David Elwood & Martha (Mosher-Kelly) Graves.
GRAVES, Shirley J. ELMER                1938      06-03-1938
     MS with Lester. Married Lester Elmer "Buzz" Graves on Dec. 21, 1958.
     "Parents of Roger & Jane"
     Death date pending.
GREAVES, Bronson                        1818 1874 09-08-1818 03-10-1874

     MS with Julia. Married Julia Frances Hubbard on November 27, 1853.
          Son of Barnabas & Abigail (Goff) Greaves.
GREAVES, Everett                        1900 1901 07-03-1900 02-12-1901

     Son of David Elwood & Martha (Mosher-Kelly) Graves.
     Note: Engraved Greaves where his parents engraved Graves.

GREAVES, Julia Frances HUBBARD          1830 1921 07-20-1830 07-15-1921
     MS with Bronson. Married Bronson Greaves.
          Daughter of Elijah & Phoeb Norton (Fish) Hubbard on November 27, 1853.
GREAVES, Stella KELLEY                  1861 1890 03-12-1861 12-13-1890

     Married David Elwood Graves on December 25, 1882. Aged 29Ys 9Ms 1Ds
     Daughter of Henry & Elizabeth (Moon) Kelley.
HATCHER, Christina A. "Tena" NACHTIGAL  1891 1986 05-04-1891 12-02-1986
     MS with Everett. Married Everett Bert Hatcher on November 26, 1914.
     D/o Frantisek "Frank" Wencil & Josefa "Josephine" Evelyn (Machovec) Nachtigal.
HATCHER, David Lloyd                    1922 1997 01-04-1922 03-19-1997
     Married Gyneth Williams on September 3, 1939. "Son" 
     Married Eldora _____.
     Son of James Perry & Lena Elnora (Browning) Hatcher.
HATCHER, Everett Bert                   1884 1957 01-07-1884 05-24-1957
     MS with Tena. Married Christina A. "Tena" Nachtigal on November 26, 1914.
     Son of Zachary Taylor & Mariah (Borton) Hatcher.
HATCHER, Infant Son                     1944 1944 07-04-1944 07-04-1944
     Infant Son of Isaac & Lelia M. (Markin) Hatcher.
     Note: Mother's name on marker engraved Lela.
HATCHER, Infant Son                     1947 1947 06-04-1947 06-08-1947
     Infant Son of Isaac & Lelia M. (Markin) Hatcher.
     Note: Mother's name on marker engraved Lela.
HATCHER, Irvin E.                       1917 1986 01-20-1917 09-26-1986
     SSGT US Army - World War II   F=WWII
Son of Everett Bert & Christina A. "Tena" (Nachtigal) Hatcher.     
HATCHER, James Perry                    1878 1938 05-02-1878 03-21-1938
     Married Lena Elnora Browning on October 25, 1904. "Father" 
     Son of Zachary Taylor & Mariah (Borton) Hatcher.
HATCHER, Julane Ethel                   1936 2017 07-09-1936 09-08-2017
     Daughter of Roy Raymond & Rose Virginia (Skowko) Hatcher.
HATCHER, Lena Elnora BROWNING           1886 1957 07-10-1886 05-08-1957

     Married James Perry Hatcher on October 25, 1904. "Mother" 
     Daughter of Francis "Marion" & Eda Jane (Holbrook) Browning.
HATCHER, Lester Lee                     1928 1928 03-07-1928 06-02-1928
     Son of Everett Bert & Christina A. "Tena" (Nachtigal) Hatcher.
HATCHER, Rose Virginia SKOWBO           1908 1998 09-08-1908 01-16-1998
     Married Roy Raymond Hatcher on September 23, 1933. "Mother" 
     Daughter of James Jensen & Emilie D.F. (Jorgensen) Skowbo.
HATCHER, Roy Raymond                    1912 2003 07-03-1912 03-28-2003
     Married Rose Virginia Skowbo on September 23, 1933. "Father" 
     Son of James Perry & Lena Elnora (Browning) Hatcher.
HATCHER, Ruby J.                        1927 1947 05-19-1927 01-07-1947
     Daughter of James Perry & Lena Elnora (Browning) Hatcher. "Daughter" 
HENDERSON, Eva Ann BORLAND              1929 2014 08-03-1929 06-02-2014      
     MS with Ronald. Married Ronald Elmer Henderson on June 15, 1949.
     Daughter of Irven Wain & Dorotha Lavina (Todd) Borland.
     "Parents of Jean Ann, Rhonda & Donnel" 

HENDERSON, Ronald Elmer                 1926 2004 09-07-1926 09-07-2004
     WT3 U.S. Navy - World War II    F=WWII
     MS with Eva. Married Eva Anna Borland on June 15, 1949.
     Son of Elmer & Anna (Landsinger) Henderson.
     "Parents of Jean Ann, Rhonda & Donnel"

HILDEBRAND, John Frederick              1833 1892 03-04-1833 09-21-1892
     Married Elizabeth Pfieffer on June 23, 1861 in Ontario, Canada.
     Son of David & Elizabeth (McCarthy) Hildebarnd.
     Note: Wife Elizabeth [1842-1935] also listed as Ellen and maiden name
           as Fifer/Petitt/Pfifer/Pfieffer burial place unknown.
JEWEL, John J.                         1827 1892 05-03-1827 03-30-1892
     Married Katherine Borland in 1850. Aged 64Ys 10Ms 27Ds
     Son of William Gilbert & Margaret Jane (Keener) Jewell.
     Note: Surnname speeling change. Marker engraved JEWEL.
JEWEL, Katherine BORLAND                1829 1921 07-01-1829 09-29-1921
     Married John J. Jewel in 1850. Aged 92Ys 2Ms 28Ds "Mother" 
     Daughter of John & Catherine (Ruth) Borland.

          Note: Marker has no name other than Mother.
JEWEL, Robert "Kenneth"                 1911 1987 11-25-1911 03-04-1987

     Veteran - Peace Time
     MS with Ruby. Married Ruby Martha Graves on October 22, 1941.

     Son of Robert Wilson & Pearl B. (Chandler) Jewel.
JEWEL, Roderick Kent                    1946 1988 05-24-1946 09-09-1988
     SP5 US Army - VietNam
Married Susan Jill Gochenaur on December 17, 1967.
     Son of Robert "Kenneth" & Ruby Martha (Graves) Jewel.
JEWEL, Ruby Martha GRAVES               1924 2003 06-11-1924 10-02-2003
     MS with Kenneth. Married Robert "Kenneth" Jewel on October 22, 1941.
     Daughter of Lester & Effie Malinda (Sugden) Graves.
JEWELL, Ezra Goodrich                   1869 1932 08-13-1869 01-22-1932
     Married Mary Kaukl on September 14, 1890.
     Son of John J. & Katherine (Borland) Jewel.
     Note: Surname spelling change. Marker engraved JEWELL.

JEWELL, Mary KAUKL                      1868 1938 04-10-1868 02-04-1938
     Married Ezra Goodrich Jewell on September 14, 1890.
     Dau. of Frantisek "Frank" & Jozefa Josephine "Josie" (Beranek) Kaukl.
JOHNSON, Cedric Gaylord                 1926 1991 09-03-1926 08-08-1991
     US Army - World War II    A1C US Air Force - Korea
          Married Arlene Mae Stowell on June 21, 1952.
     Son of Claude B. & Frieda O. (King) Johnson.
JOHNSON, Claude B.                      1900 1992 04-01-1900 10-20-1992
     MS with Frieda. Married Frieda O. King on May 4, 1921.
     Married Harriet Conley.
     Son of Charles Frederick & Cora Ellen (Robinson) Johnson.
JOHNSON, Eddie Emery                    1889 1889 02-08-1889 02-08-1889
      LS with his brothers "Infant Son", Willard and William Johnson.
      Son of Perley B. & Alice Naomi (Peck) Johnson. "Infant Son"
      "Children of P.B. & A.N. Johnson"
      Note: Marker engraved "Infant Son" death record as "Eddie Emery"   

JOHNSON, Elisha G.                      1833 1903 02-03-1833 02-23-1903
     LS with his wife Vesta and their daughter Malinda. Aged 70Ys 20Ds
     Married Vesta Fuller on August 14, 1855 in Indiana. 
     Married Sarah A. Watson on April 7, 1895.
     Son of John & Barbary Jane (Hunt) Johnson.
JOHNSON, Frieda O. KING                 1902 1977 05-21-1902 04-28-1977
     MS with Claude. Married Claude B. Johnson on May 4, 1921.
     Daughter of John Lester & Della A. (Stockwell) King.
JOHNSON, Infant Son                     1877 1877            12-17-1877
      LS with his brothers Eddie, Willard and William Johnson.
      Son of Perley B. & Alice Naomi (Peck) Johnson. "Infant Son"
      "Children of P.B. & A.N. Johnson"

JOHNSON, Malinda                        1866 1885 07-12-1866 04-30-1885
     LS with her parents. Aged 18Ys 9Ms 18Ds
Daughter of Elisha G. & Vesta (Fuller) Johnson. 
JOHNSON, Melinda                        1867 1885 09-24-1867 07-12-1885
     Daughter of Elisha G. & Vesta (Fuller) Johnson. Aged 17Ys 9Ms 18Ds
JOHNSON, Todd Earle                     1959 1995 09-18-1959 09-04-1995
     Son of Cedric Gaylord & Arlene (Stowell) Johnson.
JOHNSON, Vesta FULLER                   1834 1894 04-26-1834 07-25-1894
     LS with her husband Elisha and their daughter Malinda. Aged 60Ys 2Ms 29Ds
     Married Elisha G. Johnson on August 14, 1855 in Indiana. 
     Daughter of Alfred & Selena Silence (Kimble) Fuller.
JOHNSON, Willard L.                     1872 1885 11-22-1872 09-18-1885
      LS with his brothers "Infant Son", Eddie and William Johnson.
Son of Perley B. & Alice Naomi (Peck) Johnson. Aged 12Ys 9Ms 27Ds
      "Children of P.B. & A.N. Johnson"
            Note: Death dates and aged for William and Willard shows 18 days
      apart for calculated birth dates, as brothers one must be in error.
JOHNSON, William E.                     1872 1873 12-10-1872 04-01-1873

     LS with his brothers "Infant Son", Eddie and Willard Johnson.
Son of Perley B. & Alice Naomi (Peck) Johnson. Aged 3Ms 22Ds
           "Children of P.B. & A.N. Johnson"
           Note: Death dates and aged for William and Willard shows 18 days
      apart for calculated birth dates, as brothers one must be in error.

JOSLIN, Alma A.                         1873 1880 10-05-1873 02-24-1880

     Daughter of Albert Ernest & Sarah S. (Fowler) Joslin.
     Granddaughter of Carlos & Mary Ann (Bostwick) Joslin.  Aged 6Ys 4Ms 19Ds
JOSLIN, Carlos                          1805 1891 11-30-1805 08-05-1891
     MS with Mary. Married Mary Ann Bostwick about 1825 in New York.
JOSLIN, Mary Ann BOSTWICK               1807 1876 07-09-1807 04-17-1876
     MS with Carlos. Married Carlos Joslin about 1825 in New York.
          Daughter of Nathan & Esther (Winn) Bostwick.
JUDSON, Alvin Wilson                    1863 1941 05-29-1863 09-09-1941

     Married Cloe Alfreta Alzina Straight on October 13, 1889 in Juneau Co.,WI
     Son of Benjamin & Jane K. (McCullough) Judson.
     Note: Added from death record. Some records show given as Alan!
JUDSON, Alyce Rosemarie FELDBAUER       1921 2011 01-07-1921 12-01-2011 
     MS with Howard. Married Howard Benjamin Judson on October 13, 1940.
     Daughter of Edward "Ed" & Helen (Seidensticker) Feldbauer.

     "Parents of Sharrel"
JUDSON, Benjamin                        1819 1916 10-27-1819 03-05-1916
     Married Jane K. McCullough on June 7, 1843. Aged 96Ys 4Ms 8Ds
     Son of Benjamin & Esther (Minor) Judson.
JUDSON, Bert Glenard                    1894 1980 01-04-1894 12-18-1980
     MS with Mary. Married Mary E. Hatcher on September 5, 1928.
     Son of Alvin Wilson & Cloe Alfreta Alzina (Straight) Judson.
JUDSON, Bertha Matilda RICHARDSON       1858 1933 08-06-1858 03-15-1933
     MS with Paxton. Married Paxton Smith Judson on January 1, 1879.
     Daughter of William & Charlotte Drott (Ingalls) Richardson.
     "Mother"  "Awaiting The Life Giver"

JUDSON, Clarence B.                     1931 2023 12-17-1931 11-09-2023
     US Army - Korean Conflict Era
     Married Jean Schaumburg in 1954.
     Son of Bert Glenard & Mary E. (Hatcher) Judson.
JUDSON, Cloe Alfreta Alzina STRAIGHT    1867 1931 06-29-1867 08-05-1931
     Married Alvin Wilson Judson on October 13, 1889 in Juneau Co.,WI.
     Daughter of Elisha & Anna Eliza (Straight) Straight.
     [See Annie Eliza STRAIGHT-Straight-THOMAS]
     Note: Added from obituary. Cemetery not listed!
JUDSON, Dorothy L. KIRBY                1930 1995 07-30-1930 11-22-1995

     Married Clarence Judson on May 7, 1978.
     Daughter of William Warner & Ruby Luella (Harteau) Kirby.
JUDSON, Elnora Esther                   1934 1935 11-12-1934 07-14-1935
     Daughter of Bert Glenard & Mary E. (Hatcher) Judson.
     Note: Added from death record.
JUDSON, Heber L.                        1892 1988 08-16-1892 01-30-1988
     MS with Mary. Married Mary Jane "Mayme" Graves on December 29, 1915.
     Son of Paxton Smith & Bertha Matilda (Richardson) Judson.
JUDSON, Howard Benjamin                 1916 1999 10-29-1916 04-28-1999
     MS with Alyce. Married Alyce Rosemarie Feldbauer on October 13, 1940.
     Son of Heber L. & Mary Jane "Mayme" (Graves) Judson.
     "Parents of Sharrel"

JUDSON, Jane K. MCCULLOUGH              1822 1900 06-10-1822 11-26-1900
     Married Benjamin Judson on June 7, 1843. Aged 77Ys
     Daughter of Ebenezer & Mary McCullough.
     "Mother " Waiting For Life" 

JUDSON, Jennie C.                       1882 1969 08-15-1882 06-05-1969
     Daughter of Paxton Smith & Bertha Matilda (Richardson) Judson.
JUDSON, Mary E. HATCHER                 1908 1970            05-17-1970
     MS with Bert. Married Bert Glenard Judson on September 5, 1928.
     Daughter of James P. & Lena Elnora (Browning) Hatcher.
JUDSON, Mary Jane "Mayme" GRAVES        1898 1998 05-30-1898 02-27-1998
     MS with Heber. Married Heber L. Judson on December 29, 1915.
     Daughter of David Elwood & Martha (Mosher-Kelly) Graves.
JUDSON, Milton Curtis                   1849 1866 08-27-1849 04-16-1866
     Son of Benjamin & Jane K. (McCullough) Judson.
     Aged 16 Yrs. "At Rest" 

JUDSON, Paxton Smith                    1852 1932 01-17-1852 11-20-1932
     MS with Bertha. Married Bertha Matilda Richardson on January 1, 1879.
     Son of Benjamin & Jane K. (McCullough) Judson.
     "Father"  "Awaiting The Life Giver"

KERNS, Judith Ann                       1947 1958 01-09-1947 02-18-1958
     LS with her parents. Daughter of Ray J. & Muriel M. (Hatcher) Kerns.
     Note: Death lists birth year as 1947 but marker engraved 1946.

KERNS, Muriel M. HATCHER                1906 1994 05-22-1906 05-05-1994
     LS with her husband Ray and their daughter Judith.
     Married Ray L. Kerns on December 7, 1927.

     Daughter of James P. & Lena Elnora (Browning) Hatcher.
KERNS, Ray J.                           1908 1986 09-14-1908 06-04-1986
     LS with his wife Muriel and their daughter Judith.
Married Muriel M. Hatcher on December 7, 1927.
     Son of William Edward & Celindia Adelaide "Della" (Robinson) Kerns.
KING, Augusta Roseltha ORR              1853 1941 04-09-1853 12-23-1941
     Married Henry Louis King on March 29, 1873. "Mother" 
     Daughter of Gates & Lorinda (Pierce) Orr.
KING, Della A. STOCKWELL                1878 1948 11-06-1878 09-24-1948
     MS with John. Married John Lester King on July 10, 1898.
     Daughter of Eli Augustus & Sarah Elizabeth (Parson) Stockwell.
          Note: Sarah Elizabeth Parson-Stockwell 1859-1926 buried Sumner, WA.
KING, Estella Lorrinda                  1882 1902 04-04-1882 12-04-1902
     Daughter of Henry Louis & Augusta Roseltha (Orr) King. "Daughter" 
KING, Gladys O.                         1904 1925 03-22-1904 06-10-1925
     Daughter of John Lester & Della A. (Stockwell) King. "Daughter"
KING, Henry Louis                       1851 1907 06-22-1851 06-26-1907
     Married Augusta Roseltha Orr on March 29, 1873. "Father"
     Son of John Lester & Susan W. (Stewart) King.
KING, John Lester                       1827 1923 02-02-1827 05-17-1923
     MS with Susan. Married Susan W. Stewart on May 2, 1850 in Ohio.
     Son of Othey & Mary "Polly" (Ealy) King.
KING, John Lester                       1875 1956 08-22-1875 11-12-1956
     MS with Della. Married Della A. Stockwell on July 10, 1898.
     Son of John Lester & Susan W. (Stewart) King.
KING, Ray E.                            1908 1910 10-08-1908 09-10-1910
     Son of John Lester & Della A. (Stockwell) King.
KING, Susan W. STEWART                  1835 1915 06-27-1835 02-09-1915
     MS with John. Married John Lester King on May 2, 1850 in Ohio.
     Daughter of Levi & Abigail (Powell) Stewart.
         [See Abigail Powell-Stewart-Holloway-SIMMONS in the Woodstock Cemetery]
KUCHERA, Edward                         1887 1918 12-19-1887 12-13-1918
     Married _____ _____.
     Son of Joseph & Barbora Barbara (Bulin) Kuchera.
     Note: Birth month moss covered but Draft Card shows birth 19 Dec 1888.
           However marker birth year is engraved 1887, which I used.
LAESEKE, John Louis                     1947 2012 03-10-1947 12-15-2012
     US Army - Viet Nam
     Married June Ann Jewel on June 11, 1976.
     Son of Louis Selden & Emma Jean (Ewing) Laeseke.
LAESEKE, June Ann JEWEL                 1949 2024 06-20-1949 08-06-2024
     Married John Louis Laeseke on June 11, 1976.
     Daughter of Robert "Kenneth" & Ruby Martha (Graves) Jewel.
LEATHERBERRY, George Jefferson          1860 1903 07-06-1860 04-14-1903

     Married Ella Jordan in 1880.
     Son of Thomas J. & Maria (Norman) Leatherberry.
          "Gone But Not Forgotten"
LEATHERBERRY, Henry Sylvester           1808 1882 11-20-1808 12-19-1882

     MS with Rachel. Married Rachel Householder on November 21, 1828 in Ohio.
     Son of Thomas & Hannah Leatherberry.
     "Born in Ohio" Aged 74Ys 29Ds

LEATHERBERRY, Maria NORMAN              1838 1898 11-12-1838 12-17-1898
     MS with Thomas. Married Thomas J. Leatherberry on January 5, 1858.
     Daughter of George & Mary (Welsh) Norman.  Aged 60Ys 1Ms 5Ds
LEATHERBERRY, Rachel HOUSEHOLDER        1811 1891 06-27-1811 09-29-1891
     MS with Henry. Married Henry Sylvester Leatherberry on November 21, 1828 in Ohio.
     Daughter of Peter & Elizabeth Householder.
LEATHERBERRY, Thomas J.                 1829 1911 01-26-1829 05-24-1911
     MS with Maria. Married Maria Norman on January 5, 1858.
     Son of Henry Sylvester & Rachel (Householder) Leatherberry.
     Note: Marriage record shows mother as Nancy!
LEWIS, Arizona                          1884 1884
     Child of Commodore Perry & Celieso "Edna" (Peck) Lewis.
     Note: Grand child of George Washington & Hannah Armstrong (Boring)
Lewis and Zachariah W. & Margaret Ann (Roberts) Peck.
LEWIS, George Washington                1827 1902 04-07-1827 08-04-1902
     Married Hannah Armstrong Boring in 1855.
     Son of Enos & Elizabeth (Konkle) Lewis.
     Note: Hannah 11-Mar-1838 to 20-Oct-1923 burial location unknown.

LEWIS, Maxine                           1928 
     Death date pending.
LEWIS, Pierre                           1895 1895
     Son of Commodore Perry & Celieso "Edna" (Peck) Lewis.
     Note: Grandson of George Washington & Hannah Armstrong (Boring)
Lewis and Zachariah W. & Margaret Ann (Roberts) Peck.
LEWIS, Purley M.                        1897 1897
     Son of Commodore Perry & Celieso "Edna" (Peck) Lewis.
     Note: Grandson of George Washington & Hannah Armstrong (Boring)
Lewis and Zachariah W. & Margaret Ann (Roberts) Peck.
LEWIS, Samuel George "Sam"              1893 1918 04-09-1893 10-07-1918
     Private 161st Depot Brigade - World War I
     Died at Camp Hancock, Georgia.
     Son of Commodore Perry & Celieso "Edna" (Peck) Lewis.
     Note: Grandson of George Washington & Hannah Armstrong (Boring)
Lewis and Zachariah W. & Margaret Ann (Roberts) Peck.
LEWIS, Sophia                           1886 1886
     Daughter of Commodore Perry & Celieso "Edna" (Peck) Lewis.
     Note: Granddaughter of George Washington & Hannah Armstrong (Boring)
Lewis and Zachariah W. & Margaret Ann (Roberts) Peck.
LEWIS, Wayne Bradshaw                   1870 1932 03-16-1870 03-11-1932
     Married Jessie Tasher on March 24, 1904 in Michigan. "Father" 
     Son of George Washington & Hannah Armstong (Boring) Lewis.
          [See Jessie Tasher-Lewis-BORLAND]
LISKA, Caroline Maude "Carrie" WELLS-REVELS 1893 1968 09-16-1893 02-02-1968

     MS with Frank. Married Frank W. Liska on September 2, 1913.
     Married Burlie A. Revels on June 4, 1955.
     Daughter of Thomas Milton & Neoma Ann (Granger) Wells.
Burlie Revels 11-Jul-1893 14-Feb-1969 buried in Vernon Co., WI.
     Note: Death date not engraved. "At Rest"

LISKA, Frank W.                         1884 1949 02-12-1884 05-02-1949
     MS with Carrie. Married Caroline Maude "Carrie" Wells on September 2, 1913.
     Son of Wenzel & Antoine (Koukle) Liska.
     "At Rest" 


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