East Pine River Cemetery
                                                           AKA Judson/Yuba Cemetery
                   Henrietta Township, Richland County, Wisconsin  USA

                                       Surnames M - Z

                 (Last Updated February 13, 2025)
SURNAME   Given Name  MAIDEN-OTHER       
MARSHALL, Alexander                     1855 1927 06-19-1855 12-02-1927
     Married Emma Mary Crysman on April 25, 1891. Aged 72Ys 5Ms 11Ds
     Son of Samuel & Amy Jane (Burgett) Marshall.
     Note: Added from death record.
MARSHALL, Emma Mary CRYSMAN             1873 1954 04-21-1871 11-09-1954
     Married Alexander Marshall on April 25, 1891.
     Daughter of Michael & Martha (Swan) Chrisman/Crysman.
MARSHALL, Glazier                       1893 1893 01-15-1893 09-16-1893
     MS with his brother Owen Marshall.
     Son of Alexander & Emma Mary (Crysman) Marshall. 

          "Children of A. & A. Marshall."
MARSHALL, Owen                          1897 1899 02-17-1897 10-01-1899

          MS with his brother Glazier Marshall.
     Son of Alexander & Emma Mary (Crysman) Marshall.
          "Children of A. & A. Marshall."
MCBAIN, David William                   1857 1879 02-23-1857 04-19-1879
     Son of Duncan & Harriet (Williams) McBain. Aged 22Ys 1Ms 27Ds
MCBAIN, Duncan                          1833 1881 02-23-1833 04-09-1881
     Married Harriet Williams on March 9, 1854 in Indiana.
     Son of Gilbert & Nancy Agnes (Walter) McBain.
MCBAIN, Harriet WILLIAMS                1832 1880 07-19-1832 03-28-1880
     Married Duncan McBain on March 9, 1854 in Indiana.
     Daughter of John & Sarah (Horner) Williams.

MCBAIN, James G.                        1861 1881 03-25-1861 06-28-1881
     Son of Duncan & Harriet (Williams) McBain.
MCBAIN, Lilly D.                        1873 1874 09-11-1873 08-20-1874
     Daughter of Duncan & Harriet (Williams) McBain. Aged 11Ms 9Ds
MICK, Benjamin Franklin                 1878 1959
     MS with Renia. Married Renia B. Spencer.
     Son of Levi Dallas & Delilah Magdalyn (Lease) Mick.
MICK, Delilah Magdalyn LEASE            1848 1930 03-00-1848 09-12-1930
     MS with Levi. Married Levi Dallas Mick on January 9, 1870.
     Daughter of John Baldwin & Susanna (Flick) Lease.
MICK, Gloria A. WILBURN                 1936 2014 02-04-1936 05-09-2014
     Married Lester W. Mick on October 12, 1963 in Peru, Indiana.
     Daughter of Willy & Gertie Wilburn.
MICK, Lester W.                         1936 2019 07-28-1936 09-24-2019
     Sgt. US Army - 101st Airborne Division - Peace Time
     Married Gloria A. Wilburn on October 12, 1963 in Peru, Indiana
     Son of Gale William & Georgia W. (Towne) Mick.
MICK, Levi                              1815 1891 09-03-1815 05-15-1891
     Married Sarah Jane White. Aged 75Ys 8Ms 12Ds
          Married Sarah Jane Robbins-Ferguson on September 26, 1883.
     Son of Adam & Mary Mick.
     "Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord"
Sarah Jane Robbins-Mick-FERGUSON in Spring Hill Cemetery]
MICK, Levi Dallas                       1847 1911 09-03-1847 02-14-1911
     MS with Delilah. Married Delilah Magdalyn Lease on January 9, 1870.
     Son of Levi & Sarah Jane (White) Mick.
MICK, Renia B. SPENCER                  1895 1995 03-06-1895 08-30-1995
     MS with Benjamin. Married Benjamin Franklin Mick.
     Daughter of Robert Henry & Mary Melinda (Gibson) Spencer.
     Note: Death date not engraved 19__.

MICK, Sarah Jane WHITE                  1810 1875            02-24-1875
     Married Levi Mick. Aged 65 years.
MILLER, Nathaniel                       1868 1888 04-02-1868 03-02-1888
     Son of Jacob Henry & Sarah Ann (Morgan) Miller.
          "Our Son At Rest"
MORGAN, Ada Mae BREWER-STOLTZ           1870 1934 12-13-1870 02-21-1934

     Married Frank Stoltz on May 25, 1887.
     Married Charles Thomas Morgan on December 10, 1919.
     Daughter of Albert & Sophia Ellen (Ross) Brewer.
     Note: Death record dates 1870-1934 but marker engraved 1872-1933.

MORGAN, Charles Thomas                  1872 1954 01-15-1872 11-07-1954
     Married Mary Ella Chatten on October 16, 1895.
     Married Ada Mae Brewer-Stoltz on December 10, 1919.
     Son of Squire & Maria Catharine (Jones) Morgan.
MORGAN, Mary Ella CHATTEN               1879 1912 07-20-1879 12-22-1912
     Married Charles Thomas Morgan on October 16, 1895. "Mother" 
     Daughter of William & Lueva (Norris) Chatten.
NORMAN, Delia Anna BROWN                1846 1912 03-16-1846 02-19-1912
     MS with James. Married James Norman on November 28, 1875.
     Daughter of Perry & Sophronia (Blodgett) Brown.
NORMAN, George Henry                    1811 1894 07-17-1811 08-26-1894
     Married Mary Welch in January of 1836 in Aurora, Canada.
     "Born Summersett Shire England"

NORMAN, Isabella "Bella" GILLIES-MONROE-FERGUSON 1860 1950
     Married Thomas J. Norman.
     Married Donald Monroe.
     Married Alexander Ferguson.
     Daughter of John & Jean (Struthers) Gillies.
     Note: No dates listed! Used Rootsweb for all dates.

NORMAN, James                           1846 1932 02-08-1846 09-01-1932
     MS with Delia. Married Delia Anna Brown on November 28, 1875.
     Son of George Henry & Mary (Welsh) Norman.
NORMAN, Leo John                        1880 1960 08-14-1880 02-18-1960
     LS with his sister Retta and his brother William.
     Son of George Henry & Elizabeth Susan "Lizzie" (Nicks) Norman.

NORMAN, Mary WELCH                      1814 1891 12-25-1814 03-30-1891
     Married George Henry Norman in January of 1836 in Aurora, Canada.
         "Born in Ireland"
NORMAN, Mary Johanna "Josie"            1876 1916 10-12-1876 08-10-1916
     Daughter of James & Delia Anna (Brown) Norman.
NORMAN, Retta Aletha                    1876 1948 05-16-1876 05-01-1948
     LS with her brothers Leo and  William.
Daughter of George Henry & Elizabeth Susan "Lizzie" (Nicks) Norman.
NORMAN, Thomas J.                       1847 1890 12-18-1847 06-19-1890
     Married Isabella "Bella" Gillies.
Son of George Henry & Mary (Welch) Norman.
     "Born in Canada"

NORMAN, William "Willie"                1886 1886 01-00-1886 03-26-1886
     Son of Thomas C. & Isabella "Bella" (Gillies) Norman. Aged 2 months.
NORMAN, William Evans                   1869 1954 09-27-1869 01-23-1954
     LS with his sister Retta and his brother Leo.
Son of George Henry & Elizabeth Susan "Lizzie" (Nicks) Norman.
PALMER, Bernice Maud                    1898 1900 01-27-1898 11-23-1900
     Daughter of Joseph & Martha Minerva "Mattie" (Harper-Quinn) Palmer. Age 3
PALMER, Joseph                          1855 1917 07-23-1855 11-23-1917
     Married Martha Minerva "Mattie" Harper-Quinn on November 14, 1886.
     Son of Job & Alice (Hardy) Palmer.
PALMER, Lena                            1888 1896 02-08-1888 03-27-1896
     Daughter of Joseph & Martha Minerva "Mattie" (Harper-Quinn) Palmer. Age 8
PALMER, Martha Minerva "Mattie" HARPER-QUINN 1859 1922 03-16-1859 01-13-1922
     Married Stephen C. Quinn on November 3, 1881.
     Married Joseph Palmer on November 14, 1886.
     Daughter of John & Helena Lucinda (Campbell) Harper.
PECK, Margaret Ann ROBERTS              1824 1899 04-23-1824 02-12-1899
     MS with Zachariah. Married Zachariah W. Peck on April 1, 1847 in Ohio.
     "From Marietta, Ohio"
     Note: Margaret's  maiden name has been listed as McParland & Rolats
           on her childrens death records.

PECK, Zachariah W.                      1822 1909
     MS with Margaret. Married Margaret Ann Roberts on April 1, 1847 in Ohio.
     "From Marietta, Ohio"
     Note: All records show given name as Zachariah. New marker engraved Zacharia.
POTTS, Margaret J. SHAFER               1825 1915 09-08-1825 12-06-1915

     Married Isaiah Potts on October 14, 1852 in Ohio.
     Daughter of James & Mary Jane (Lewis) Shaffer.
POTTS, Silas E.                         1860 1941 02-23-1860 01-18-1941
     Married Emma L. Sellars on July 26, 1884.
     Married Eunice ________.
     Son of Isaiah & Margaret J. (Shafer) Potts.
PRIEST, Ann Frances                1858 1861 12-31-1858 04-05-1861
     LS with her parents and siblings William, Lucretia & Martha Priest.
     Daughter of Daniel & Ann Frances (Baker) Priest. Aged 2Ys 3Ms 5Ds
     Note: Ann and her sister Martha maybe in Memorial & buried elsewhere!
PRIEST, Ann Frances BAKER               1821 1885 07-28-1821 06-03-1885
     LS with her husband & children William, Lucretia, Martha & Ann Priest.
     Married Daniel Priest. Aged 63Ys 10Ms 6Ds
PRIEST, Artie E. FAIRBROTHER            1884 1983 07-29-1884 09-19-1983
     Married Edwin Charles Priest on December 26, 1899. "Mother" 
     Daughter of Charles P. & Lucia A. (Satterlee) Fairbrother.
PRIEST, Benjamin Daniel                 1859 1934 01-01-1859 03-11-1934
     MS with his sister Emma E. ELLIS.
     Son of Daniel & Ann Frances (Baker) Priest.
     Note: Benjamin never married.

PRIEST, Daniel                          1807 1885 04-10-1807 09-23-1885
     LS with his wife and children William, Lucretia, Martha & Ann Priest.
     Married Ann Frances Baker. Aged 78Ys 5Ms 13Ds
     Son of Daniel & Lucretia (Sizer) Priest.
PRIEST, Edwin Charles                   1857 1920 07-12-1857 05-03-1920
     Married Artie E. Fairbrother on December 26, 1899.
     Son of Daniel & Ann Frances (Baker) Priest.
          "To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die."
PRIEST, Irena Annette "Tressa"          1905 1906 06-26-1905 04-09-1906
     Daughter of Edwin Charles & Artie E. (Fairbrother) Priest.
     Note: Added from death record. Listed as Irena Annette, aged 9Ms 17Ds.
           Marker is engraved as "Tressa" aged 9Ms 14Ds, without any dates.
           I believe this to be the same person.
PRIEST, Lucretia                        1851 1871 02-28-1851 02-28-1871
     LS with her parents and her siblings William, Martha & Ann Priest.
     Daughter of Daniel & Ann Frances (Baker) Priest. Aged 19Ys 11Ms 28Ds
PRIEST, Martha                     1843 1848 08-19-1843 11-28-1848
     LS with her parents and her siblings William, Lucretia & Ann Priest.
     Daughter of Daniel & Ann Frances (Baker) Priest. Aged 5Ys 3Ms 9Ds
     Note: Martha and her sister Ann maybe in Memorial & buried elsewhere!
PRIEST, William                         1848 1887 05-04-1848 07-28-1887
     LS with his parents and his siblings Lucretia, Martha & Ann Priest.
Son of Daniel & Ann Frances (Baker) Priest. Aged 39Ys 2Ms 24Ds
QUAST, August Christian                 1841 1915 12-23-1841 04-15-1915
     Private Co A 3rd Wis Inf - Civil War
     Married Susan Spring on September 7, 1867.
     Married Nettie Ewing-DeHart on November 3, 1895.
     Son of Christian A. & Anna (Oppert) Quast.
QUAST, Susan SPRING                     1848 1888 07-25-1848 12-17-1888
     Married August Christian Quast on September 7, 1867. Aged 40Ys 4Ms 22Ds 
     Daughter of Johann & Verina (Leiter) Spring.
RENICK, Lattimore                       1813 1896 10-07-1813 09-26-1896
     MS with Lucy. Married Lucy Halibut Joslin on July 18, 1845. Aged 82Ys 11Ms 19Ds
     Son of James Wright & Margaret "Peggy" (Lattimore) Renick.
RENICK, Lucy Halibut JOSLIN             1825 1903 12-30-1825 12-16-1903
     MS with Lattimore. Married Lattimore Renick on July 18, 1845. Aged 77Ys 11Ms 16Ds
     Daughter of Carlos & Mary Ann (Bostwick) Joslin.
RENICK, Lucy J.                         1882 1882
     Daughter of Harry A. & Mary E. (Biehl) Renick.
          Granddaughter of Lattimore & Lucy Halibut (Joslin) Renick.
Mary E. (Biehl) Renick died in 1891 and may be the same person listed
           in Find-A-Grave Hillside Cemetery, Wilton, Monroe Co., WI.

RICHARDSON, Blanche Bessie CLARK        1887 1973 01-12-1887 12-09-1973
     MS with Charles. Married Charles Wesley Richardson on May 1, 1912.
          Daughter of Jacob Lincoln & Ida May (Stokes) Clark.
RICHARDSON, Charles Wesley              1892 1945 02-06-1892 06-14-1945

     MS with Blanche. Married Blanche Bessie Clark on May 1, 1912.
     Son of George Oliver & Della Celia (King) Richardson.
RICHARDSON, Charlotte Drott INGALLS     1830 1919 08-18-1830 05-20-1919
     MS with William. Married William Warren Richardson on February 24, 1855.
     Daughter of Seth Warren & Matilda (Brown) Ingalls.
RICHARDSON, Corda M.                    1879 1879 04-21-1879 09-11-1879
           LS with her parents.
     Daughter of George Watson & Melissa Jane (Freeman) Richardson.
RICHARDSON, Daniel Webster              1834 1909 05-08-1834 03-30-1909
     Sergeant Co H 46th Wis Inf - Civil War    F=Civil War
     Married Mary Catherine Randolph on January 26, 1855.
     Married Susan Elvira Mick on September 5, 1864.

     Son of Zacheus & Sarah Ann "Sally" (Franciso) Richardson.
     Note: Also CPL Co D 95th Il US Inf - Civil War unit from McHenry, IL.
     Note: Mary Catherine Randoph Richardson [1837-1857] died 3 weeks after birth
          of her daughter Mary Jane. Believe buried in Illinois
RICHARDSON, Della Celia KING            1875 1953 06-04-1875 12-22-1953
     MS with George. Married George Oliver Richardson on March 16, 1891.
     Daughter of Henry L. & Augusta Roseltha (Orr) King.
RICHARDSON, George Oliver               1862 1942 04-22-1862 07-07-1942
     MS with Della. Married Della Celia King on March 16, 1891.
     Son of William & Charlotte Drott (Ingalls) Richardson.
RICHARDSON, George Watson               1840 1909 07-04-1840 04-08-1909
     Private Co E 2nd Colorado Cavalry - Civil War    F=Civil War
     LS with his wife Melissa and their daughter Corda.
     Married Melissa Jane Freeman.
     Married Amanda Arvilla Betts [1838-1911 burial location unknown].

     Son of Zacheus & Sarah Ann "Sally" (Franciso) Richardson.

RICHARDSON, Heber E.                    1860 1877 02-18-1860 09-17-1877
     Son of William Warren & Charlotte Drott (Ingalls) Richardson. Aged 17Ys 7Ms
RICHARDSON, John Wesley                 1836 1921 03-20-1836 10-03-1921
     Married Sarah Jane Martin in 1859/1860 in Illinois.
     Married Elizabeth Shafer-Cunningham on October 1, 1871.

     Son of Zacheus & Sarah Ann "Sally" (Franciso) Richardson,
Elizabeth J. [1841-1926] dau. of James & Mary Jane (Lewis) Shaffer,
           died in Cazenovia WI but burial location unknown.

RICHARDSON, Laverne Darwin              1919 1919 03-16-1919 04-02-1919
     Son of Charles Wesley & Blanche Bessie (Clark) Richardson.
     Note: Added from death record.
RICHARDSON, Martha Aminta JUDSON        1858 1926 03-30-1858 03-19-1926
     Married Robert Emmett Richardson on October 10, 1880. "Mother" 
     Daughter of Benjamin & Jane K. (McCullough) Judson.
RICHARDSON, Melissa Jane FREEMAN        1845 1894 12-28-1845 04-08-1894
     LS with her husband George and their daughter Corda.
Married George Watson Richardson
          Daughter of William Jonathan & Cassiann (Sharpe) Freeman.
RICHARDSON, Robert Emmett               1856 1927 10-10-1856 10-06-1927 

     Married Martha Aminta Judson on October 10, 1880. "Father"
     Son of William Warren & Charlotte Drott (Ingalls) Richardson.
RICHARDSON, Ruby C. GROVES              1890 1911 05-21-1890 02-02-1911
     Married Ray B. Richardson on February 23, 1910.
     "Adopted child from Sparta"
RICHARDSON, Sarah Jane MARTIN           1839 1871
     Married John Wesley Richlandson in 1859/1860 Illinois.
     Daughter of Drury & Sarah (Birks) Martin.
     Note: Born abt. 1839 in Virginia, 1870 census age 30 with John and
           death in 1871 in a house fire.

RICHARDSON, Susan Elvira MICK            1844 1925 12-14-1844 09-07-1925
     Married Daniel Webster Richardson on September 5, 1864.
     Daughter of Levi & Sarah Jane (White) Mick. 
     Aged 80Ys 8Ms 24Ds  F=Woman's Relief Corps

RICHARDSON, William Warren               1829 1917 10-26-1829 12-21-1917
     MS with Charlotte. Married Charlotte Drott Ingalls on February 24, 1855.
     Son of Zacheus & Sarah Ann "Sally" (Franciso) Richardson.
ROBBINS, John Addison AKA HOLE          1868 1878 06-15-1868 10-11-1878
     Son of John & Hattie Robbins.
     Adopted son of Harrison J. & Lydia Ann (Wilson) Hole.
ROSE, Laura Mae MICK                    1872 1941 03-04-1872 06-22-1941
     Married Willard A. Rose on October 19, 1890.
     Daughter of Levi Dallas & Delilah Magdalyn (Lease) Mick.
     Note: Given name sometimes spelled Lura.
RUCINSKI, Joseph Nichols "Joe" Jr.      1945 2011 02-07-1945 07-18-2011
     US Navy - USS Randolph - Viet Nam
     Married Sharrel Ann "Sharry" Judson on August 26, 1967.
     Son of Joseph Nichols & Lois Jane (Groves) Rucinski.
RUCINSKI, Sharrel Ann "Sharry" JUDSON   1944 2021 11-28-1944 12-22-2021
     Married Joseph Nicnols "Joe" Jr. Rucinski on August 26, 1967.
     Daughter of Howard Benjamin & Alyce Rosemarie (Feldbauer) Juson.
SCHOONOVER, Electa M. HATCHER           1914 1998 07-13-1914 10-24-1998

     Married Herman L. Schoonover on September 2, 1933.
     Daughter of James P. & Lena Elnora (Browning) Hatcher.
         Note: Herman L. Schoonover [1899-1964] buried in New Lisbon, WI.
SHAFFER, Elizabeth J. SHOEMAKER         1827 1898 05-06-1827 05-19-1898
     Married Ephriam M. Shaffer on March 18, 1856 in Carroll Co., Ohio.
SHAFFER, Ephriam M.                     1822  
     Married Elizabeth J. Shoemaker on March 18, 1856 in Carroll Co., Ohio.
     Son of of James & Mary Jane (Lewis) Shaffer.
Note: Marker dates are unreadable! Used 1850 census for parents and
           approx. birth year.

SHAFFER, James                          1795 1873            07-07-1873
     MS with Mary. Married Mary Jane Lewis on May 1, 1822 in Ohio.
     Aged 78 years. "Father"
     Note: Surname varies: Shaffer/Shafer. Marker engraved SHAFFER.
SHAFFER, Mary Jane LEWIS                1805 1884 05-22-1805 04-04-1884
     MS with James. Married James Shaffer on May 1, 1822 in Ohio.
     Aged 78Ys 10Ms 12Ds "Mother"
     Note: Surname varies: Shaffer/Shafer. Marker engraved SHAFFER.
           Maiden name sometimes listed as Louis.
SKOWBO, Emilie D.F. JORGENSEN           1884 1970 12-15-1884 06-09-1970

     Married James Jensen Skowbo. "Mother" 
     Daughter of Wilkelm & Marie C. (Bisgaard) Jorgensen.
          Note: James Skowbo 26-May-1883 25-Nov-1937 buried Chicago, IL.
STOCKWELL, Annie BIRDD                  1883 1921 05-01-1883 07-11-1921
     MS with Hallie. Married Hallie Lenington Stockwell on April 21, 1908.
          Daughter of Wencil James & Anna (Levy) Ptak/Birdd.
     Note: Maiden name varies: Bird/Birdd/Ptak.
STOCKWELL, Anson                        1829 1905
     MS with Martha. Married Martha _____.
STOCKWELL, Armintha Isolene "Minta" BORTON 1878 1957 09-02-1878 04-29-1957

     Married Ezra Miller Stockwell on February 8, 1895.
     Married William John Valley on July 17, 1944 in Prairie du Chein, WI.
     Daughter of Benjamin F. & Mary Carolyn (Ford) Borton.
          Note: William John Valley [1884-1962] buried in Prairie du Chein, WI.
STOCKWELL, Arthur E.                    1883 1899 02-14-1883 01-29-1899
     LS with two infant cousins, daughters of Ezra and Minta Stockwell.
     Son of Eli Augustus & Sarah Elizabeth (Parsons) Stockwell.

          Note: Sarah Elizabeth Parson-Stockwell 1859-1926 buried Sumner, WA.
STOCKWELL, Bernard J. "Bernie"          1910 1910 06-20-1910 08-24-1910
     Son of Hallie Lenington & Annie (Birdd) Stockwell.
STOCKWELL, Dollie Amelia DAVIS          1833 1923 04-23-1833 01-09-1923
     MS with Robert. Married Robert M. Stockwell in April 1853 in Vermont.
     Daughter of Benjamin & Amelia (Haseltine) Davis.
          F=Woman's Relief Corps
STOCKWELL, Eli Augustus                 1853 1952 12-13-1853 01-06-1952

     Married Sarah Elizabeth Parsons.
     Son of Robert M. & Dollie Amelia (Davis) Stockwell.
          Note: Sarah Elizabeth Parson-Stockwell 1859-1926 buried Sumner, WA.
STOCKWELL, Ella Maud RICHARDSON         1866 1893 09-13-1866 05-06-1893

     MS with Ezra. Married Ezra Miller Stockwell on March 15, 1891. Aged 26Ys 7Ms 23Ds
     Daughter of William & Charlotte Drott (Ingalls) Richardson.
STOCKWELL, Ezra Miller                  1866 1941 08-02-1866 09-06-1941
     MS with Ella. Married Ella Maud Richardson on March 15, 1891.
     Married Armintha Isolene "Minta" Borton on February 8, 1895.
     Son of Robert M. & Dollie Amelia (Davis) Stockwell.
STOCKWELL, George Wesley                1911 1985 06-26-1911 06-25-1985
     MS with Martha. Married Martha L. Hatcher on February 9, 1938.
     Son of John Wesley & Nellie Fay (Bell) Stockwell.
STOCKWELL, Hallie Lenington             1886 1937 11-18-1886 01-20-1937
     MS with Annie. Married Annie Birdd on April 21, 1908.
     Son Carlos Eugene & Addie (Renick) Stockwell.

STOCKWELL, Infant Daughter 1            1902 1902 03-14-1902 03-14-1902              
     LS with her sister Infant Daughter 2 and cousin Arthur E. Stockwell.
     Daughter of Ezra Miller & Armintha Isolene "Minta" Stockwell.

     "Infant Dau's of E.M. & M.I. Stockwell.
     Note: No dates listed. But used the dates from Death Record "Baby daughter"
           of this couple for this infant daughter's birth and death dates.
STOCKWELL, Infant Daughter 2                
          LS with her sister Infant Daughter 1 and cousin Arthur E. Stockwell.
     Daughter of Ezra Miller & Armintha Isolene "Minta" Stockwell.

     "Infant Dau's of E.M. & M.I. Stockwell.
     Note: No dates listed.

STOCKWELL, Lucius F.                    1858 1865 10-15-1858 09-18-1865
     LS with his sisters Luellah and Sarah.
     Son of Robert M. & Dollie A. (Davis) Stockwell.

STOCKWELL, Luellah A.                   1856 1865 05-02-1856 10-03-1865
          LS with her brother Lucius and her sister Sarah.
     Daughter of Robert M. & Dollie Amelia (Davis) Stockwell.
STOCKWELL, Martha                       1830 1913
     MS with Anson. Married Anson Stockwell.
STOCKWELL, Martha L. HATCHER            1917 1993 11-29-1917 04-17-1993
     MS with George. Married George Wesley Stockwell on February 9, 1937.
     Daughter of James Perry & Lena Elnora (Browning) Hatcher.
STOCKWELL, Oren Dale                    1899 1937 10-04-1899 08-11-1937
     Married Pearl E. Crane.
     Son of Ezra Miller & Armintha Isolene "Minta" (Borton) Stockwell.
Note: In 1942 three of his sons drowned and are buried in Beaver Dam, WI.
STOCKWELL, Pearl E. CRANE-SPAULDING     1906 1993 07-07-1906 02-20-1993
     Married Oren Dale Stockwell. 
     Married Lucius Spaulding after Oren's death and before the 1940 census.
     Daughter of Frank & Mary Elma (Arndt) Crane.
     Note: Middle name vary: Ema/Emma
     Note: In 1942 three of her sons drowned and are buried in Beaver Dam, WI.
     Note: Added from family researchers. No marker found!
STOCKWELL, Robert M.                    1829 1908 03-07-1829 09-15-1908

     Corporal Co H 37th Wis Inf - Civil War
     MS with Dollie. Married Dollie
Amelia Davis in April 1853 in Vermont.
     Son of Asa & Hannah "Polly" (Preston) Stockwell.
STOCKWELL, Sarah E.                     1862 1865 10-26-1862 09-19-1865
          LS with her brother Lucius and her sister Luellah.
     Daughter of Robert M. & Dollie Amelia (Davis) Stockwell.
STOUT, William Francis                  1866 1901 02-12-1866 01-13-1901
     Married Margaret Underhill on May 10, 1894.
     Son of Jonathan J. & Catherine H. (Rice) Stout.
     Note: Added from death record.
STOWELL, Agnes PLINER                   1874 1952 03-08-1874 04-28-1952
     MS with Earl. Married William "Earl" Stowell on November 6, 1892.
     Daughter of Joseph & Anna (Vitcenda) Pliner.
STOWELL, Anson                          1829 1905 03-31-1829 07-27-1905
     MS Martha. Married Martha Rachel Carpenter on December 29, 1848.
     Son of Daniel & Eveline Gertrude (Hauver) Stowell.
STOWELL, Martha Rachel CARPENTER        1830 1913 02-17-1830 12-09-1913

     MS with Anson. Married Anson Stowell on December 29, 1848.
     Daughter of Halsey Champlain & Sarah Ann (Vannetter) Carpenter.
STOWELL, Sarah Jane HARRIS              1851 1872 05-08-1851 09-05-1872

     Married James Warren Stowell on September 17, 1871. Aged 21Ys 3Ms 28Ds
     Daughter of Simon & Esther Harris.
          Note: Marker broken into parts one of which is on the date line.
STOWELL, William "Earl"                 1869 1945 10-09-1869 07-08-1945
     MS with Agnes. Married Agnes Pliner on November 6, 1892.
     Son of Anson & Martha Rachel (Carpenter) Stowell.
THOMAS, Annie Eliza STRAIGHT-STRAIGHT   1841 1935 12-28-1841 01-05-1935
     Married Elisha Straight on April 4, 1859.
     Married Benjamin Franklin Thomas.

     Daughter of George B. & Alvina (Walling) Straight.
Elisha Straight 1832-1901 remarried in 1880 & died in Vernon Co., WI
WAHL, Juanita JoAnn GRAVES-MILLER       1936 2009 06-09-1936 03-13-2009
     Married Robert McGreger Miller on March 12, 1954.
     MS with Roger. Married Roger P. Wahl on November 9, 1985 in Hawaii.
     Daughter of Lester & Effie Malinda (Sugden) Graves.
     "Photograph of Couple on marker"
WAHL, Roger P.                          1932 2015 10-27-1932 05-11-2015
     US Army - Korea
     Married Mae E. _____.
     MS with Juanita. Married Juanita JoAnn Graves-Miller on Nov. 9, 1985 in Hawaii.
     Son of Herman & Ruby Pearl (Withee) Wahl.
     "Photograph of Couple on marker"
WALKER, Minnie B.                       1875 1953

WALLACE, Alvaretta Mary BORLAND         1918 2011 08-18-1918 01-12-2011
     MS with Leo. Married Leo Alexander on June 10, 1936.
     Daughter of John Thomas & Beulah Kettie (Todd) Borland.
WALLACE, Leo Alexander                  1916 1992 10-29-1916 02-19-1992
     MS with Alvaretta. Married Alvaretta Mary Borland on June 10, 1936.
     Son of William Charles & Mary Ethel (Scott) Wallace.
WELLS, (Infant)                              1895            09-15-1895
     Daughter of M. Wells. Aged not listed!
     Note: Added from death record.
WELLS, George                           1835 1904 07-07-1835 01-10-1904
     MS with Martha. Married Martha J. Elliott on June 10, 1867 in Ohio.
     Son of William & Rebecca (House) Wells.

          Aged 68 years. "At Rest"
WELLS, Martha J. ELLIOTT                1852 1907 04-17-1852 02-15-1907
     MS with George. Married George Wells on June 10, 1867 in Ohio.
     Daughter of Phillip & Elizabeth (Johnson) Elliott.

         Aged 55 years. "At Rest"
WELLS, Neoma Ann GRANGER                1875 1959 12-13-1875 01-19-1959
     Married Thomas Milton Wells on September 18, 1892. "Mother"
     Daughter of James & Barbara Ann (Franks) Granger.
     "May She Rest In Peace"
     Note: Death date is not engraved on marker.

WELLS, Thomas Milton                    1868 1946 05-03-1868 11-18-1946
     Married Neoma Ann Granger on September 18, 1892. "Father" 
     Son of George & Martha J. (Elliott) Wells.
     "May He Rest In Peace"

WILLMAN, Elnora Catherine "Nora" BORLAND-CHATTEN 1884 1929
           Married Isaac Milton Chatten on August 12, 1903.
     Married _____ Willman.
     Daughter of Boston
Keiner & Mary Elizabeth (Morgan) Borland.
WINGER, Barney F.                       1880 1888 01-19-1880 03-26-1888

     LS with his father and his siblings Ella, Infant Son & Lucina.
     Son of Godlieve "Fred" & Nancy (Meisner) Winger. Aged 8Ys 2Ms 7Ds
WINGER, Ella                            1891 1898 09-19-1891 01-10-1898
     LS with her father and her siblings Barney, Infant Son & Lucina.
Daughter of Godlieve "Fred" & Nancy (Meisner) Winger.
WINGER, Godlieve "Fred"                 1851 1898 07-31-1851 10-24-1898
     LS with his children Barney, Ella, Infant Son & Lucina.
Married Nancy Meisner. Aged 47Ys 3Ms 24Ds
     Son of Christ Winger.
WINGER, Infant Son                      1895 1895
     LS with his father and his siblings Barney, Ella & Lucina.
     Son of Godlieve "Fred" & Nancy (Meisner) Winger.
WINGER, Lucina                          1893 1894
     LS with her father and her siblings Barney, Ella & Infant Son.
Daughter of Godlieve "Fred" & Nancy (Meisner) Winger.
WINGER, Nancy MEISNER                   1855 1927 03-12-1855 08-19-1927
     Married Godlieve "Fred" Winger. Aged 72Ys 5Ms 7Ds
     Daughter of Thad. & Mary Anne (Miller) Meisner.
     Note: One side of LS marker hard to read, her name may be here
           or just never engraved as she was the last to die!

     Note: Added from death record.
WOOD, James C.                          1884 1887 07-30-1884 11-10-1887
     Son of David & Martha (Bennett) Wood. Aged 3Ys 3Ms 11Ds
     Note: Grandson of Mary Jane Bennett.
          Note: His sisters Lula's marker very hard to read. May be possible
           that he and his sister Mamie names are on Lula's marker.
WOOD, Lula May                          1880 1887 06-02-1880 03-01-1887

     Daughter of David & Martha (Bennett) Wood. Aged 6Ys 8Ms 29Ds
     Note: Granddaughter of Mary Jane Bennett.
          Note: Her marker very hard to read. May be possible that her
           sister Mamie and her brother James names are on her marker.
WOOD, Mamie Catherine                   1882 1887 11-04-1882 11-06-1887
     Daughter of David & Martha (Bennett) Wood. Aged 5Ys 2Ds
     Note: Granddaughter of Mary Jane Bennett.
          Note: Her sisters Lula's marker very hard to read. May be possible
           that she and her brother James names are on Lula's marker.
YOUNG, Mary Melissa POTTS               1858 1931 03-11-1858 08-29-1931
     Married Robert Young on February 21, 1877.
     Daughter of Isaiah & Margaret J. (Shafer) Potts.
ZIMMERMAN, Luke Daniel                  2005 2005 04-01-2005 04-01-2005
     Note: Only one date listed on marker.

Email Corrections/Additions to:  dthompso@mwt.net

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