Saint Kilian Cemetery
Buena Vista Township, Richland County, Wisconsin USA
Veteran's Report for Saint Kilian Cemetery
(Total of 45 as of January 7, 2025)Revolutionary War [1775-1783]
{No Veterans from this war buried in Richland County}War of 1812 Veterans [1812-1815]
{No Veterans from this war buried in this cemetery}Mexican War Veterans [1846-1848]
{No Veterans from this war buried in this cemetery}Civil War Veterans [1861-1865]
WIEDENFELD, Henry 1837 1909 CSpanish American War Veterans [1898-1899]
{No Veterans from this war buried in this cemetery}World War I Veterans [1917-1918]
ASPEL, Frank P. 1886 1953 1
FABER, Gerald S. 1891 1972 1
MULLEN, Frank L. 1894 1930 1
REUTER, John Patrick 1893 1969 1
RICHARTZ, Cornelius 1896 1985 1
SCHMITZ, Edward Henry 1891 1936 1
SHAW, Angus Berry 1899 1978 1
WARD, Edward H. 1890 1963 1World War II Veterans [1941-1946]
BREY, Francis Benedict 1925 2011 2
BREY, Jean Janet "Jan" (Troxel) 1927 2008 2
DORGAN, Francis Xavier "Frank", Sgt. 1918 1944 2
FABER, James Phillip "Top" 1921 1974 2
FRIES, Theron Junior 1924 1995 2
GREENHECK, Joseph Mathias 1903 1975 2
KANEY, Francis "Poad" 1915 2007 2
KLINE, George Dennis 1923 1996 2
LINGARD, Louis Edward 1927 2020 2
MUNZ, Cyril J. 1924 1977 2
MUNZ, Frederick Hubert 1925 2005 2
OLSON, Gilbert S. 1926 1945 2
RICHGELS, Harold John 1906 1986 2
SAMBORSKI, Frank Casmir 1924 2009 2
SCHWARZ, Anthony A. 1918 2012 2
SCHWARZ, Mary K. GREENHECK 1924 1999 2
SCHMITZ, Albert Paul 1920 1944 2
SCHMITZ, Robert Francis "Bob" 1926 2021 2
SLANEY, Joseph Henry 1925 1982 2
WUNNICKE, Gene H. 1920 2002 2World War II Korea Veterans
PRAHL, Edward Arthur 1926 2010 2K
World War II Korea Vietnam Veterans
PRAHL, William Joseph 1922 2009 2KV
Korean Conflict Veterans [1950-1955]
BARRY, Robert W. 1933 2013 K
MULLEN, Francis Michael "Fuz" 1929 1999 KVietnam War Veterans [1964-1975]
BOYD, Ronald "Dean" AKA Dean MUNZ 1944 2016 V
FRAWLEY, Vincent Eugene 1954 2016 V
KAUL, Michael E. "Mike" 1951 2024 V
MUNZ, Richard James 1955 2020 V
SCHWARZ, Leo Anthony 1949 2019 V
WOLFF, Francis Paul "Frank" 1944 2013 VGulf War Veterans
SCHMITZ, Daniel Aloysius 1955 2014 Gulf
U.S. Military Veterans Peace Time
DOLECKI, John Sr. 1936 2016 T
GREENHECK, Jerome B. "Jerry" 1940 2012 T
GREENHECK, Robert Leo "Bob" 1942 2005 T
TENNANT, Darrel R. 1938 2022 T
U.S. Military Veterans (War not Listed)
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