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SURNAME Given Name MAIDEN-OTHER Reviewed Lot Addtional Photographs
ALEXANDER, A. Eldora SLANEY-SCOTT 1938 01-22-1938 C46E
MS with James. Married James D. Alexander on April 30, 1955.
Married Otis Robert Scott on February 7, 2014.
Daughter of Edwin Eugene & Agnes M. (Kaderavek) Slaney.
Death date pending.
ALEXANDER, James D. 1934 1990 05-01-1934 02-28-1990 C46E
MS with A. Eldora. Married A. Eldora Slaney on April 30, 1955.
Son of Kenneth & Katherine (Egan) Alexander.
ANDERSON, Anna Maria 1885 1887 12-12-1885 08-04-1887 B3 Add1 Add2 Add3
MS with her sister Katie.
Daughter of John Sr. & Mary (Grangel) Anderson. Aged 1Ys 7Ms 23Ds
ANDERSON, Catherine Anastasia WALSH 1882 1971 05-06-1882 06-22-1971 B108
Married John Patrick Anderson on January 23, 1907. "Mother"
Daughter of Michael Austin "M.A." & Bridget (Shields) Walsh.
ANDERSON, Gregory Henry 1920 1920 04-18-1920 05-02-1920 B108
Son of John Patrick & Catherine Anastasia (Walsh) Anderson.
Note: Added from death record. No marker found!
ANDERSON, John Patrick 1881 1944 01-28-1881 05-15-1944 B108 Add1
Married Catherine Anastasia Walsh on January 23, 1907. "Father"
Son of John Sr. & Mary (Grangel) Anderson.
ANDERSON, John Sr. 1852 1910 06-12-1910 B109
Married Mary Grangel.
Note: Church record show died 06-12-1910 and death record 07-09-1910.
Note: Born in Norway.
Note: Added from death record. No marker found!
ANDERSON, Katie 1887 1888 10-14-1887 03-02-1888 B3 Add1 Add2 Add3
MS with her sister Anna.
Daughter of John Sr. & Mary (Grangel) Anderson. Aged 4Ms 17Ds
ANDERSON, Mary GRANGEL 1857 1908 12-08-1857 07-21-1908 B109
Married John Sr. Anderson.
Daughter of Patrick & Ann (Connors) Grangel.
Note: Added from death record. No marker found!
ANDERSON, William 1888 1971 12-24-1888 09-20-1971 B108
Son of John Sr. & Mary (Grangel) Anderson.
ASPEL, Anastasia S. CONNORS 1822 1894 03-05-1894 B7 Add1 Add2 Add3 Add4
LS with her husband Michael and their daughter Catharine.
Married Michael Aspel in 1850 in Ireland.
Daughter of James & Catherine (Farrell) Connors.
"Born in Co. Wexford, Ireland" Aged 72 years.
ASPEL, Catharine "Kate" 1860 1901 06-15-1901 B7
LS with her parents. Aged 41 years.
Daughter of Michael & Anastasia S. (Conners) Aspel.
Note: Death record shows death 06-16-1901 and aged 43 years.
ASPEL, Michael 1820 1905 08-17-1905 B7 Add1 Add2 Add3 Add4
LS with his wife Anastasia and their daughter Catharine. Aged 85 years. Add5 Add6
Married Anastasia S. Connors in 1850 in Ireland.
Son of Patrick & Anna Aspel.
Note: Born in Ireland.
ASPEL, William "Will" 1862 1945 08-04-1862 07-26-1945 A4 Add1
Married Mary Ann Boyle-Dalton on November 7, 1905.
Son of Michael & Anastatia S. (Connors) Aspel.
[See Mary Ann Boyle-Aspel-DALTON in Richland Center St. Marys Cemetery]
BARNICLE, James Thomas "Jim" 1949 2023 10-24-1949 03-04-2023
Married Judith A. "Judy" Bence in 1984 in Flossmoor, Illinois.
Son of Thomas & LaVerna (Kaub) Barnicle.
BARNICLE, Judith A. "Judy" BENCE
Married James Thomas "Jim" in 1984 Flossmoor, Illinois.
Daughter of William & Shirley Ann (Skomars) Bence.
Owner - all dates pending.
BARREAU, (Baby) 1939 1939 09-21-1939 09-21-1939 C18
Daughter of Alley & Agnes (Lynett) Barreau.
Note: Added from death record. No marker found!
BARREAU, (Twin1) 1920 1920 02-13-1920 02-13-1920 SECorner
Twin son of Henry P. & Eva Marie (Escher) Barreau.
Note: Added from death record. No marker found!
BARREAU, (Twin2) 1920 1920 02-13-1920 02-13-1920 SECorner
Twin son of Henry P. & Eva Marie (Escher) Barreau.
Note: Added from death record. No marker found!
BARREAU, Alley 1890 1970 03-16-1890 05-08-1970 C18 Add1 Add2 Add3
MS with Mamie. Married Mamie Escher on November 12, 1910.
Married Agnes Lynett on May 8, 1922.
Son of Louie B. & Louise (Rego) Barreau.
Note: Born in France.
BARREAU, Beaulah Dell THOMPSON 1911 2003 03-26-1911 08-10-2003 C18NW
MS with Leo. Married Leo Paul Barreau on October 14, 1939.
Daughter of Albert Smith & Mae Luella (Kidd) Thompson.
"Our children: James, Regina and Catherine"
BARREAU, Betty Jane HEDRINGTON 1926 2002 07-23-1926 05-28-2002 C48
MS with Henry. Married Henry E. Barreau on April 5, 1945 in Ashland,WI
BARREAU, Catherine Ann "Kate" RYAN 1928 2017 04-13-1928 11-25-2017 C50
MS with Donald. Married Donald Lawrence Barreau on November 21, 1949.
Daughter of Thomas J. & Margaret Ann (Graeber) Ryan.
BARREAU, Daniel E., Sr. 1947 1998 05-16-1947 05-28-1998 C48 Add1
Son of Henry E. & Betty Jane (Hedrington) Barreau.
BARREAU, Donald Lawrence 1925 1996 06-18-1925 03-07-1996 C50 Add1 Add2 Add3 Add4
MS with Catherine. Married Catherine Ann "Kate" Ryan on November 23, 1949.
Son of Henry P. & Eva Marie (Escher) Barreau.
BARREAU, Eva Marie ESCHER 1895 1975 06-02-1895 10-16-1975 C48
MS with Henry. Married Henry P. Barreau on November 3, 1910.
Daughter of Christian & Catherine (Petch) Escher.
BARREAU, Henry E. 1923 1993 05-21-1923 03-25-1993 C48 Add1
MS with Betty. Married Betty Jane Hedrington on April 5, 1945 in Ashland, WI.
Son of Henry P. & Eva Marie (Escher) Barreau.
BARREAU, Henry P. 1888 1975 05-21-1888 01-25-1975 C48 Add1
MS with Eva. Married Eva Marie Escher on November 3, 1910.
Son of Louie B. & Louise (Rego) Barreau.
BARREAU, John Joseph 1929 1930 10-13-1929 02-25-1930 C48 Add1
Infant son of Henry P. & Eva Marie (Escher) Barreau.
BARREAU, Joseph 1928 1928 09-24-1928 09-27-1928 C18
Infant son of Alley & Agnes (Lynett) Barreau.
BARREAU, Leo Paul 1912 1997 12-12-1912 06-19-1997 C19N Add1
MS with Beaulah. Married Beaulah D. Thompson on October 14, 1939.
Son of Alley & Mamie (Escher) Barreau.
"Our children: James, Regina and Catherine"
BARREAU, Louie B. 1851 1925 11-11-1851 11-18-1925 C18
Married Louise Rego. Aged 74Ys 7Ds
Son of Louis Barreau.
Note: Born in France.
BARREAU, Louis T. AKA DARR 1875 1940 08-21-1940 C18
AKA Theodore Darr. Married Adelaide Darr. "Rest in Peace"
Son of Louie B. & Louise (Rego) Barreau.
Note: Death record states birth as 08-10-1880 aged 60Ys 11Ds.
Note: Born in Massachusetts.
BARREAU, Louise REGO 1861 1936 12-28-1936 C18
Married Louie B. Barreau. About 76 years.
Daughter of Paul Rego.
Note: Born in France.
Note: Added from death record. No marker found!
BARREAU, Mamie ESCHER 1893 1920 02-12-1893 03-20-1920 C18
MS with Alley. Married Alley Barreau on November 12, 1910.
Daughter of Christian & Catherine (Petch) Escher.
BARREAU, Philip A. 1915 1970 11-27-1915 12-03-1970 C48 Add1 Add2
Wisconsin Pfc SVC Co 60th Inf - World War II
Married Bethel Loos on November 14, 1954.
Son of Henry P. & Eva Marie (Escher) Barreau.
BARREAU, Raymond 1926 1973 06-23-1926 11-06-1973 C48
Son of Henry P. & Eva Marie (Escher) Barreau.
BERANEK, Ernest E. 1911 2006 03-18-1911 07-30-2006 C20W Add1 Add2
MS with Henrietta. Mar. Henrietta Ernestine Plachetka on Sept 5, 1932.
Married Luella Mae Olloff-Klassy on May 16, 1986.
Son of William Anton & Anna Frances (Novy) Beranek.
[See Luella Mae Olloff-Beranek-Berry-KLASSY at Bloom City Cemetery]
BERANEK, Henrietta Ernestine PLACHETKA 1912 1990 11-07-1912 04-15-1990 C20W
MS with Ernest. Married Ernest E. Beranek on September 5, 1932.
Daughter of Edward & Mary Augusta (Barreau) Plachetka.
BLOOD, Lawrence LaVerne 1934 1934 02-11-1934 12-28-1934
Son of Harry & Amelia (Dunn) Blood.
Grandson of James & Theresa (Collins) Dunn.
Note: Added from obituary and death record. No marker found!
BYRNE, Hugh 1795 1888 08-17-1795 04-18-1888 B8 Add1 Add2 Add3 Add4
Married Mary _____. Add5 Add6 Add7
"Born in Abbey Down Co. Wexford Ireland"
"Erected by Patrick Byrne in memory of his father"
CANON, Elizabeth MCCARTHY 1849 1925 09-13-1849 02-11-1925 A26 Add1
Married William Oliver Canon on July 22, 1873. "Daughter"
Daughter of Cornelius Sr. & Ellen (Gallagher) McCarthy.
Note: William Canon is buried at Hillsboro, WI.
CASEY, Ann SHIELDS 1839 1892 04-06-1892 A2
MS with Timothy. Married Timothy Casey.
Oldest daughter of Charles & Catherine Agness (Muldown) Shields.
Note: Monument death 1892 - death record 04-06-1893 Aged 65 years.
CASEY, Harold 1911 1916 10-20-1911 10-07-1916 C19S
Son of Charles & Della (Grimes) Casey.
"Gone, but not forgotten"
CASEY, Infant Son 1920 1920 01-03-1920 01-03-1920 SECorner Add1
Infant son of Charles & Della (Grimes) Casey.
CASEY, Michael 1858 1932 01-10-1858 03-19-1932 A2
Son of Timothy and Ellen (Fleming) Casey.
Note: Added from cemetery records. No marker found!
CASEY, Timothy 1823 1880 A2
Married Ellen Fleming on September 14, 1853 in Kane County, Ill.
MS with Ann. Married Ann Shields.
Note: Born in Ireland.
CONLEY, Catharine "Kate" DEAMOND 1823 1892 09-04-1823 03-06-1892 A21 Add1 Add2 Add3
MS with Patrick. Married Patrick Conley. Aged 68 years.
Daughter of John & Margaret Deamond. Small="Mother"
Note: Monuments lists death day as the 6th and death record as 18th.
Note: Born Galway, Ireland.
CONLEY, Hannah MCCARTHY 1828 1888 A20W
Married John Francis Conley. "Mother"
CONLEY, John Francis 1818 1886 07-25-1886 A20W Add1 Add2
Married Hannah McCarthy. "Father"
Son of Patrick Conley.
CONLEY, Patrick 1814 1886 09-16-1886 A21 Add1 Add2 Add3 Add4
MS with Catharine. Married Catharine "Kate" Deamond. Aged 72 years. Add5
Small="Father" "May his soul rest in peace"
CONNORS, (Baby) 1926 1926 01-25-1926 01-25-1926 SECorner
Daughter of Michael J. & Mathilda C. (Prill) Connors.
Note: Added from cemetery records. No marker found!
CONNORS, Bridget Ann RICE 1869 1918 05-17-1869 10-05-1918 C59
Married James Edward Connors on April 30, 1894 in Vernon Co., WI
Daughter of Charles & Ellen (Doyd/Lloyd) Rice. Aged 49Ys 4Ms 18Ds
CONNORS, James Charles 1903 1967 04-07-1903 11-08-1967 C59 Add1
Wisconsin Pfc US Army - World War II
Son of James Edward & Bridget Ann (Rice) Connors.
CONNORS, James Edward 1864 1926 08-26-1864 02-22-1926 C59 Add1 Add2
Married Bridget Ann Rice on April 30, 1894 in Vernon Co., WI.
Married Margaret McCarthy on June 8, 1921. Aged 61Ys 5Ms 27Ds
Son of Patrick & Margaret (Walsh) Connors.
CONNORS, Margaret WALSH 1845 1907 02-05-1907 C37
Married Patrick Connors. Aged 62 years.
Note: Born in Ireland.
CONNORS, Margaret M. MCCARTHY 1865 1938 04-15-1865 06-04-1938 C59
Married James Edward Connors on June 8, 1921. Aged 73Ys 1Ms 20Ds
CONNORS, Margrete C59
Daughter of James Edward & Bridget Ann (Rice) Connors. Aged 7Ys 1Ds
Death date not listed!
CONNORS, Mathilda C. PRILL 1887 1967 05-20-1887 07-11-1967 C61
Married Michael J. Connors on June 22, 1920.
Daughter of Frederick & Rozilia (Meron) Prill.
CONNORS, Michael J. 1866 1937 10-07-1866 07-05-1937 C61 Add1 Add2
Married Mathilda C. Prill on June 22, 1920. "Father"
Son of Patrick & Margaret (Walsh) Connors.
CONNORS, Patrick 1829 1912 04-21-1829 05-02-1912 C37 Add1 Add2
Married Margaret Walsh. Aged 83 years.
Son of James & Catherine (Farrell) Connors.
Note: Born in Ireland.
CONNORS, Richard 1935 1935 08-04-1935 08-05-1935 ?
Note: Added from cemetery records. No marker found!
CONNORS, Stephen 1873 1874 04-11-1874 C37
Son of Patrick & Margaret (Walsh) Connors. Aged 8 months.
CONNORS, Thomas J. 1882 1916 04-14-1916 C37
Son of Patrick & Margaret (Walsh) Connors. Aged 34 years.
Note: Died in Kansas.
CONNORS, William P. 1876 1955 03-03-1876 08-20-1955 C59 Add1
Son of Patrick & Margaret (Walsh) Connors.
CONWAY, Hugo 1867 1952 01-11-1952 C8 Add1
Married Mary Margaret Kelley on October 17, 1906.
Son of Hugh & Bridget (Gallagher) Conway.
Note: Juneau Co. death record lists birth as 05-11-1868.
CONWAY, Mary Margaret KELLEY 1874 1924 06-02-1874 08-30-1924 C8
Married Hugo Conway on October 17, 1906.
Daughter of James Cornelius Sr. & Mary Ann (McCarthy) Kelley.
COY, Bernard Alan 1971 1992 09-09-1971 11-04-1992 C22 Add1 Add2
Son of Bernard LaVerne "Barney" & Joan Marie (Frymark) Coy.
"Your missed so dearly in our hearts and we guess God knew why we had
to part. You are with your brother now my son and you can hold his
hand and play in the sun"
COY, Bernard LaVerne "Barney" 1932 2003 09-16-1932 05-28-2003 C21
Married Joan Marie Frymark on May 7, 1960.
Son of Virgil K. & Hazel F. (Miller) Coy.
COY, Joan Marie FRYMARK-BORLAND 1940 2022 07-28-1940 12-11-2022 C21
Married Bernard LaVerne "Barney" Coy on May 7, 1960.
Married Buddy Borland on October 4, 2008.
Daughter of Raymond & Josephine (Rego) Frymark.
COY, Marie Louise BARREAU 1915 1949 08-05-1915 02-21-1949 C18
Married Theron Lester Coy on October 20, 1934.
Daughter of Alley & Mamie (Escher) Barreau.
COY, Virgil Leonard 1965 1985 07-01-1965 07-20-1985 C22 Add1 Add2
Son of Bernard LaVerne "Barney" & Joan Marie (Frymark) Coy. "In Lee
Lake, Cazenovia, Wi" "You are missed so dearly in our heart we don't
know why we had to part. Your soul is at rest upon the hill in the
dark of night that is so still" "Sadly missed by family and friends"
COYNE, Annie 1885 1894 06-18-1885 10-01-1894 A32 Add1 Add2
MS with her sister Margaret. "Rest in Peace"
Daughter of Michael & Anne (Mullin) Coyne. Aged 9Ys 3Ms 13Ds
COYNE, John A. 1884 1914 04-12-1884 09-21-1914 A32
Son of Michael & Anne (Mullin) Coyne.
Note: Added from death record. No marker found!
COYNE, Margaret 1890 1890 02-15-1890 06-17-1890 A32 Add1 Add2 Add3 Add4
MS with her sister Annie. "Safely resting in the arms of Jesus"
Daughter of Michael & Anne (Mullin) Coyne.
COYNE, Michael 1844 1901 05-30-1901 A32
Married Anne Mullin on July 12, 1883.
Son of Anthony & Anne Coyne.
Note: His wife Anne Mullin, is buried in Colorado.
Note: His father born Galway, Ireland and mother born Mayo, Ireland.
Note: Added from death record. No marker found!
CUNNINGHAM, George Andrew 1921 2001 09-19-1921 09-01-2001 B31S
Veteran - World War II & Korea
Married Ila Ann Fletcher.
Married Nadine R. _____. [Nadine 1918-2000 buried in California]
Son of George Hugh "Hughie" & Nellie Rose (Sturgeleski) Cunningham.
CUNNINGHAM, George Hugh "Hughie" 1894 1980 09-16-1894 09-19-1980 B30 Add1 Add2 Add3
Cpl US Army - World War I
MS with Nellie. Married Nellie Rose Sturgeleski on June 23, 1920.
Son of William Monroe Cline & Nettie Jane (Harper) Cunningham.
CUNNINGHAM, Joanne 1936 1936 08-24-1936 08-24-1936 SECorner
Daugther of George Hugh "Hughie" & Nellie Rose (Sturgeleski) Cunningham.
Note: Added from death record. No marker found!
CUNNINGHAM, Nellie Rose STURGELSKI 1901 1985 09-12-1901 11-02-1985 B30
MS with George. Married George Hugh "Hughie" Cunningham on June 23, 1920.
Daughter of John & Mary (Plica) Sturgelski.
DEITELHOFF, Ellen LYNCH 1851 1907 03-04-1851 04-07-1907 C16
LS with her parents.
Married Frank Deitelhoff on August 10, 1897. (2nd wife)
Daughter of Cornelius Sr. & Johannah (Triggs) Lunch.
DUNN, Amelia 1869 1923 05-24-1869 12-23-1923 A40
LS with her parents and her brother Michael. "May she rest in Peace"
Daughter of Patrick & Bridget (Walsh) Dunn.
DUNN, Bridget WALSH 1829 1907 02-02-1829 04-25-1907 A40
LS with her husband Patrick and their children Michael & Amelia.
Married Patrick Dunn on February 2, 1851.
Daughter of James & Catharine Walsh.
"Born in County Galway Ireland . . died in her home in Henrietta,
Richland County, Wis . . " "May Her Soul Rest in Peace"
DUNN, Friedmana J. PLACHETKA 1909 1992 10-10-1909 06-14-1992 C20
MS with Leo. Married Leo Eugene Dunn on September 28, 1929.
Daughter of Edward & Mary Augusta (Barreau-McNamer) Plachetka.
DUNN, James 1859 1916 05-10-1859 12-05-1916 A16 Add1 Add2 Add3
Married Theresa Collins on September 25, 1893.
Son of Patrick & Bridget (Walsh) Dunn.
DUNN, James P. 1879 1953 12-08-1879 07-17-1953 A19
Son of John & Mary (McDonald) Dunn.
DUNN, John 1854 1894 03-02-1854 10-19-1894 A18 Add1 Add2 Add3
MS with Mary. Married Mary McDonald on February 4, 1879.
Son of Patrick & Bridget (Walsh) Dunn.
"Born in Orange Co. N.Y. . . " Small="Father"
DUNN, Joseph B. 1886 1960 09-27-1886 11-06-1960 A19
Married Mary Agnes Burke on August 20, 1955.
Son of John & Mary (McDonald) Dunn.
DUNN, Leo Eugene 1900 1988 09-22-1900 11-13-1988 C20 Add1
MS with Friedmana. Married Friedmana J. Plachetka September 28, 1929.
Son of James & Theresa (Collins) Dunn.
DUNN, Mary MCDONALD 1854 1892 01-25-1854 12-24-1892 A18 Add1 Add2
MS with John. Married John Dunn on February 4, 1879.
Daughter of Patrick & Ellen (Gorman) McDonald. Small="Mother"
"Born in Milton, Wis . . "
DUNN, Mary Agnes BURKE 1908 1971 05-15-1971 A19
Married Joseph B. Dunn on August 20, 1955.
Daughter of Nichael & Bridget Burke.
DUNN, Michael J. 1861 1926 12-02-1861 11-20-1926 A40
LS with his parents and his sister Amelia. "May He Rest in Peace Amen"
Son of Patrick & Bridget (Walsh) Dunn.
DUNN, Patrick 1827 1901 08-20-1827 02-21-1901 A40 Add1 Add2 Add3 Add4
LS with his wife Bridget and their children Michael & Amelia. Add5
Married Bridget Walsh February 2, 1851.
Son of Jeremiah & Mary (Conley) Dunn.
"Born County Galway Ireland . . came to Orange Co. N.Y. May 15, 1851, moved
to Madison Wisc May 1857, Henrietta, Richland Co. in March 1867, where he died . ."
DUNN, Theresa COLLINS 1866 1940 09-06-1866 04-06-1940 A16
Married James Dunn on September 25, 1893.
Daughter of John & Mary (McMahon) Collins.
DURST, Christopher Gerhardt "Chris" 1972 1999 07-20-1972 02-14-1999 C57 Add1 Add2
Son of Randall & Paula (Hynek) Durst.
"Beloved Son & Brother" "Music Man"
ESCHER, Elizabeth Helen 1931 1931 08-27-1931 08-30-1931 C47 Add1
Daughter of Peter Joseph & Helen Johanna (McCarthy) Escher.
ESCHER, Helen Johanna MCCARTHY 1884 1964 08-20-1884 04-02-1964 C47
MS with Peter. Married Peter Joseph Escher on October 25, 1911.
Daughter of Cornelius James & Mary (Dunn) McCarthy.
ESCHER, Joseph P. "Joe" 1920 2003 03-22-1920 07-27-2003 C19E Add1
MS with Marcella. Married Marcella M. Stepka on October 31, 1970.
Son of Peter Joseph & Helen Johanna (McCarthy) Escher.
ESCHER, Marcella STEPKA 1923 2006 04-20-1923 09-23-2006 C19E
MS with Joseph. Married Joseph P. "Joe" Escher on October 31, 1970.
Daughter of Wencil F. & Rose Anna (Landsinger) Stepka.
ESCHER, Mary Catherine 1912 1968 09-04-1912 08-22-1968 C47 Add1
Daughter of Peter Joseph & Helen Johanna (McCarthy) Escher.
ESCHER, Peter Joseph 1886 1978 06-27-1886 12-15-1978 C47 Add1
MS with Helen. Married Helen Johanna McCarthy on October 25, 1911.
Son of Christian & Catherine (Petch) Escher.
FAY, Elizabeth Alice KELLEY 1869 1917 12-27-1869 10-07-1917 C26
Married William M. Fay on October 26, 1897.
Daughter of James Cornelius Sr. & Mary Ann (McCarthy) Kelley.
Note: Added from cemetery records. No marker found!
FAY, Francis 1903 1903 07-10-1903 12-23-1903 C26
Son of William M. & Elizabeth Alice (Kelley) Fay.
Note: Added from cemetery records. No marker found!
FAY, James Leo 1903 1908 08-08-1903 01-05-1908 C26
Son of Peter & Catharine (Tierney) Fay.
Note: Added from death record. No marker found!
GIBBINS, Catherine 1854 1874 06-18-1874 A28 Add1 Add2 Add3
Daughter of Leuke & Ellen (McGoon) Gibbons. Aged 20 years.
Note: Headstone is Gibbins and brother/mother spelled Gibbons.
GIBBONS, Ellen MCGOON 1821 1877 12-21-1821 03-26-1877 A28
Married Leuke Gibbons.
Daughter of James & Minnie McGoon.
Note: Born in Ireland.
Note: Added from death record. No marker found!
GLANDON, Elizabeth N. GRANGEL 1862 1944 03-08-1862 01-03-1944 B110
MS with Joseph. Married Joseph William Glandon on November 22, 1905.
Daughter of Patrick & Ann (Connors) Grangel.
GLANDON, Joseph William 1883 1958 01-22-1883 08-11-1958 B110
MS with Elizabeth. Married Elizabeth N. Grangel on November 22, 1905.
Married Grace Anna Lunenschloss-Pronold on September 23, 1950.
Son of William & Anna (Bowells) Glandon.
[See Grace Anna Lunenschloss-Glandon-PRONOLD at St.Mary's Richland Center Cemetery.
GRANGEL, Ann CONNORS 1825 1897 05-31-1897 B3
MS with Patrick. Married Patrick Grangel. Aged 72 years.
Daughter of James & Catherine (Farrel) Connors.
Note: Born in Ireland.
GRANGEL, Elizabeth WALSH 1878 1968 07-28-1878 10-09-1968 B4
MS with Patrick. Married Patrick J. Grangel on May 16, 1900.
Daughter of Michael Austin "M.A." & Bridget (Shields) Walsh.
GRANGEL, Henry Joseph 1865 1936 05-09-1865 11-09-1936 B3
MS with Mary. Married Mary Ellen Walsh on November 13, 1902.
Son of Patrick & Ann (Connors) Grangel.
GRANGEL, Mary Ellen WALSH 1873 1959 03-03-1873 10-20-1959 B3
MS with Henry. Married Henry Joseph Grangel on November 13, 1902.
Daughter of Michael Austin "M.A." & Bridget (Shields) Walsh.
GRANGEL, Patrick 1825 1890 12-29-1890 B3 Add1 Add2 Add3 Add4
MS with Ann. Married Ann Connors. Aged 65 years.
GRANGEL, Patrick J. 1867 1946 04-05-1867 03-17-1946 B4 Add1
MS with Elizabeth. Married Elizabeth Walsh on May 16, 1900.
Son of Patrick & Ann (Connors) Grangel.
GRINSELL, Catherine "Katie" 1867 1932 07-20-1867 03-20-1932 A1
Daughter of Edward Sr. & Margaret "Maggie" (Eustace) Grinsell.
Note: Added from death record. No individual marker found!
GRINSELL, Edward 1846 1943 02-17-1943 A1
Aged about 95/97 years.
Son of Edward Sr. & Margaret "Maggie" (Eustace) Grinsell.
Note: Birth year 1846/1848 based on diocese and obit records.
Note: Born in New Jersey.
Note: Added from cemetery records. No individual marker found!
GRINSELL, Edward, Sr. 1818 1903 11-19-1818 04-28-1903 A1
Married Margaret "Maggie" Eustace.
Son of John & Honora Grinsell.
Note: Born in South Boston, MA.
Note: Both parents born in County Kelkenny, Ireland.
Note: Added from death record. No individual marker found!
GRINSELL, Henry 1854 1937 05-17-1937 A1
Son of Edward Sr. & Margaret "Maggie" (Eustace) Grinsell.
Note: Birth year 1854/1855 based on 1870 and 1880 census.
Note: Born in New Jersey.
Note: Added from cemetery records. No individual marker found!
GRINSELL, John 1850 A1 Add1
Musician Co H 51st Wis Inf - Civil War
Son of Edward Sr. & Margaret "Maggie" (Eustace) Grinsell.
Note: No dates listed. Birth year based on 1870 census.
GRINSELL, Margaret "Maggie" EUSTACE A1
Married Edward Sr. Grinsell.
Note: Born in Ireland. No dates listed!
Note: Added from cemetery records. No individual marker found!
GRINSELL, Mary E. 1856 1941 04-23-1856 09-06-1941 A1
Daughter of Edward Sr. & Margaret "Maggie" (Eustace) Grinsell.
Note: Added from cemetery records. No individual marker found!
HANZEL, Barbara L. 1952 1952 07-18-1952 07-19-1952 A27
Daughter of James & Emily (Machovec) Hanzel.
Note: No marker found.
HANZEL, Judith A. 1950 2022 03-18-1950 06-06-2022 A27
Daughter of James & Emily (Machovec) Hanzel.
HANZEL, Otto James 1895 1952 09-23-1895 09-08-1952 A27 Add1 Add2 Add3
Wisconsin Pvt Co F 37th Inf - World War I
Married Beulah Frances McCarthy on October 20, 1925.
Son of Josef Joseph & Marie Mary (Sterba) Hanzal.
HOSKINS, Mamie Lorraine SCHUMACHER-SANDMIRE 1926 2004 05-25-1926 10-23-2004 B15
Married James Sandmire.
Married William F. "Bill" Hoskins in 1976 in Reno, NV.
Daughter of George Warren & Ella M. (Snorek) Schumacher.
HOSKINS, William F. "Bill" 1932 2003 07-13-1932 04-27-2003 B15
Paratrooper US Army - Korea
Married Mamie Lorraine Schumacher-Sandmire in 1976 in Reno, NV.
Son of Harlow & Stella (Ladella) Hoskins.
IDYK, Joseph Vincent III "Joe" 1950 2002 04-09-1950 06-28-2002 B56
Sgt US Air Force - Vietnam
Married Holly Hanson.
Married Diane Kaderavek.
Son of Joseph II & Anna (Shannon) Idyk.
JOHNSON, Agnes B. HOFRICHTER 1921 2002 04-22-1921 11-05-2002 B50
MS with Leonard. Married Leonard E. Johnson on June 7, 1947.
Daughter of Frank & Mary (Levy) Hofrichter.
JOHNSON, Leonard E. 1919 1987 05-20-1919 10-02-1987 B50 Add1 Add2
TEC 5 US Army - World War II F=WWII
MS with Agnes. Married Agnes B. Hofrichter on June 4, 1947.
Son of John & Albina (Plachetka) Johnson.
KADERAVEK, Lois A. LONG 1925 2018 05-12-1925 11-15-2018 B55
Married Paul A. Kaderavek on March 31, 1943.
Daughter of Samuel Bertrand "Bert" & Clara Jane (Robinson) Long.
KADERAVEK, Paul A. 1922 2015 06-28-1922 02-23-2015 B55
Married Lois A. Long on March 31, 1943.
Son of John & Anna (Hynek) Kaderavek.
KATCHER, Ivan LeRoy 1925 2002 04-17-1925 04-26-2002 B49 Add1
MS with Veronica. Married Veronica M. Roethler on January 23, 1954.
Son of Guy & Gladys Katcher.
KATCHER, Tim LeRoy 1955 2003 10-25-1955 05-15-2003 B48
Cpl US Marine Corps - VietNam
Married Karrie Comaris on May 19, 1991.
Son of Ivan LeRoy & Veronica M. (Roethler) Katcher.
KATCHER, Veronica M. ROETHLER-KRUMREY 1933 2004 01-29-1933 09-23-2004 B49
Marrued Stanley Krumrey [1913-1995].
MS with Ivan. Married Ivan LeRoy Katcher on January 23, 1954.
Daughter of Edmund & Sophia (Stricherz) Roethler.
KELLEY, Anastasia CLONEY 1806 1854 C39 Add1
Married John Kelley.
Native of Co. Wexford Ireland
Note: Buried in Milwaukee.
KELLEY, Anastasia FANNING 1836 1858 C39
Married James Cornelius Sr. Kelley in 1855.
Native of Co. Wexford Ireland.
Note: She was buried 1st at Whalen Farm & moved to St. Patrick's.
KELLEY, Bernard W. 1906 1906 05-03-1906 06-19-1906 C25 Add1 Add2 Add3
Son of John Francis & Julia Angella (Wickham) Kelley.
Note: Not sure which one of these three markers is whose!
KELLEY, Bridget Ellen KENNEDY 1862 1953 12-21-1862 01-26-1953 A37
Married James Cornelius Jr. Kelley on November 19, 1895.
Daughter of James & Bridget (Coughlin) Kennedy.
KELLEY, Clarence J. 1914 1914 07-19-1914 07-20-1914 C28
Son of Eugene Stephen & Eva A. (Swenink) Kelley.
KELLEY, Elizabeth MOON 1838 1906 04-01-1906 A5
MS with Henry. Married Henry Kelley. Aged 68 years.
Daughter of Henry Moon.
Note: Parents born in Indiana.
KELLEY, Eugene Stephen 1879 1943 12-28-1879 02-10-1943 C28 Add1 Add2 Add3
Married Eva A. Swenink on February 26, 1908.
Son of James Cornelius Sr. & Mary Ann (McCarthy) Kelley.
KELLEY, Eva A. SWENINK 1879 1960 06-27-1879 04-30-1960 C28
Married Eugene Stephen Kelley on February 26, 1908.
Daughter of Henry & Dora (Hollendike) Swenink.
KELLEY, Francis Patrick 1882 1882 01-04-1882 04-14-1882 C39
Son of James Cornelius Sr. & Mary Ann (McCarthy) Kelley.
KELLEY, Henry 1836 1900 10-08-1900 A5 Add1
MS with Elizabeth. Married Elizabeth Moon. Aged 64 years.
KELLEY, Henry Eugene 1914 1978 07-19-1914 07-18-1978 C28
Son of Eugene Stephen & Eva A. (Swenink) Kelley.
KELLEY, James Cornelius, Jr. 1861 1918 01-24-1861 05-16-1918 A37 Add1 Add2 Add3
Married Bridget Ellen Kennedy on November 19, 1895.
Son of James Cornelius Sr. & Mary Ann (McCarthy) Kelley.
KELLEY, James Cornelius, Sr. 1829 1909 12-05-1829 08-28-1909 C39
Married Anastasia Fanning in 1855. "Native of Co Wexford Irld"
Married Mary Ann McCarthy in March of 1860.
Son of John & Anastasia (Cloney) Kelley.
Note: Obituary states he was born 12-03-1832.
KELLEY, John 1808 1875 06-28-1875 C39 Add1 Add2 Add3 Add4
Married Anastasia Cloney. "Grandfather"
"Native of Co Wexford Irld"
KELLEY, John Francis 1855 1929 12-26-1855 11-12-1929 C25 Add1 Add2 Add3
Married Julia Angella Wickham on October 29, 1891. Aged 73Ys 10Ms 17Ds
Married Margaret Maggie" Parrett on Nov. 13, 1922.[Bur. Neilsville,WI]
Son of James Cornelius Sr. & Anastasia (Fanning) Kelley.
Note: Not sure which one of these three markers is whose!
KELLEY, Julia Angella WICKHAM 1864 1907 04-20-1864 03-09-1907 C25 Add1 Add2 Add3
Married John Francis Kelley October 29, 1891.
Daughter of Patrick & Catherine (Quigley) Wickham.
Note: Not sure which one of these three markers is whose!
KELLEY, Martin 1857 1858 07-24-1857 08-27-1958 C39
Son of James Cornelius Sr. & Anastasia (Fanning) Kelley.
KELLEY, Mary Ann MCCARTHY 1840 1891 11-11-1840 12-03-1891 C39
Married James Cornelius Sr. Kelley in March of 1860.
Daughter of Cornelius & Ellen (Gallagher) McCarthy.
Note: Born Aughadown, Murrahin South, Kilcoe Parish, Co. Cork, Ireland
KENNEDY, Bridget COUGHLIN 1830 1925 03-24-1830 10-05-1925 C42
Married James Kennedy on November 4, 1860. "Mother"
Daughter of Owen & Harriet (Mulony) Coughlin.
Note: Born in Parish of Rahan, Ireland
KENNEDY, Bridget RYAN 1816 1884 12-01-1884 C42
Married John Kennedy. "Grandmother"
KENNEDY, Charlotte RICE 1849 1884 12-19-1849 09-16-1884 C42 Add1 Add2
Married John Kennedy on March 2, 1870.
Note: Husband John Kennedy is buried in Milwaukee Veteran's Cemetery.
"May her soul rest in peace"
KENNEDY, James J. 1865 1919 10-11-1865 03-18-1919 C42
Son of James & Bridget (Coughlin) Kennedy.
KENNEDY, James 1834 1904 11-07-1834 03-13-1904 C42 Add1 Add2 Add3 Add4
Private Co G 11th Wis Inf - Civil War "Father" Add5
Married Bridget Coughlin on November 4, 1860.
Son of John & Bridget (Ryan) Kennedy.
Note: Born in Limerick Co., Ireland.
KENNEDY, John 1800 1876 06-00-1800 11-20-1876 C42
Married Bridget Ryan. "Grandfather"
Note: Born in Limerick Co., Ireland.
KENNEDY, John Lawrence 1864 1937 05-13-1864 08-18-1937 C42
MS with Mary. Married Mary Catherine Koenig on May 15, 1900.
Son of James & Bridget (Coughlin) Kennedy. Aged 73Ys 3Ms 5Ds
KENNEDY, Mary A. 1861 1950 08-12-1861 04-09-1950 C42
Daughter of James & Bridget (Coughlin) Kennedy.
KENNEDY, Mary Catherine KOENIG 1879 1944 06-27-1879 01-11-1944 C42
MS with John. Married John Lawrence Kennedy on May 15, 1900.
Daughter of Nicholas & Mary (Lancer) Koenig.
KILLEEN, Anna S. 1897 1906 07-13-1897 05-05-1906 A18
Daughter of William & Minnie (McDonald) Killeen.
Note: Added from death record. No marker found!
KITSON, Jane WICKHAM 1860 1907 02-09-1860 08-24-1907 C40 Add1
Married John Edward Kitson on October 30, 1893. Aged 47Ys 6Ms 15Ds
Daughter of Patrick & Catherine (Quigley) Wickham.
KITSON, John Edward 1855 1899 01-03-1855 11-14-1899 C40 Add1 Add2 Add3 Add4
Married Jane Wickham on October 30, 1893. Aged 44Ys 10Ms 11Ds Add5 Add6
Son of James & Bridget (Love) Kitson.
LYNCH, (Baby) 1910 1910 05-23-1910 05-23-1910 C17
Son of Daniel Henry & Elizabeth (Moore) Lynch.
Note: Added from death record. No marker found!
LYNCH, (Baby) 1913 1913 02-19-1913 02-19-1913 SECorner
Son of John James & Julia Anna (Moore) Lynch.
Note: Added from death record. No marker found!
LYNCH, Anna C. 1902 1910 03-02-1902 09-03-1910 C15
LS with her parents, her brother Cornelious, and Holas MARSHALL.
Daughter of Cornelious James "Con" & Anna Catherine (Escher) Lynch.
LYNCH, Anna Cathrine ESCHER 1880 1971 09-14-1880 03-16-1971 C15
LS with huband Cornelious, children Anna & Cornelious and Holas MARSHALL.
Married Cornelious James "Con" Lynch on January 31, 1899.
Daughter of Christian & Catherine (Petch) Escher.
Note: Holas MARSHALL is her great-grandson.
LYNCH, Bernard Cornelius 1905 1932 10-18-1905 09-22-1932 C17
Son of Daniel Henry & Elizabeth (Moore) Lynch.
Note: Added from death record. No marker found!
LYNCH, Cornelious Christopher 1908 1910 05-08-1908 09-11-1910 C15
LS with his parents, his sister Anna, and Holas MARSHALL.
Son of Cornelious James "Con" & Anna Catherine (Escher) Lynch.
LYNCH, Cornelious James "Con" 1856 1941 03-15-1856 01-10-1941 C15 Add1 Add2
LS with wife Anna, children Anna & Cornelious and Holas MARSHALL.
Married Anna Catherine Escher on January 31, 1899.
Son of Cornelious Sr. & Johannah (Triggs) Lynch.
Note: Holas MARSHALL is his great-grandson.
Note: Newer marker engraved 1859-1944 both of these are in error.
LYNCH, Cornelius, Sr. 1812 1903 06-29-1812 03-22-1903 C16 Add1 Add2 Add3
LS with his wife Johannah and their daughter Ellen DEITELHOFF.
Married Johannah Triggs.
Son of Daniel & Ellen Lynch.
"Co. Waterford, Ireland"
LYNCH, Daniel Henry 1855 1924 04-16-1855 02-07-1924 C17
MS with Elizabeth. Married Elizabeth Moore on February 8, 1888.
Son of Cornelius Sr. & Johannah (Triggs) Lynch.
LYNCH, Daniel Joseph Jr. 1894 1969 02-03-1894 07-25-1969 C17
Son of Daniel Henry & Elizabeth (Moore) Lynch.
Note: Added from obituary. Used family lot. No marker found!
LYNCH, Edward Henry 1903 1955 09-02-1903 09-15-1955 C16
Son of John James & Julia Anna (Moore) Lynch.
Note: Added from cemetery records. No marker found!
LYNCH, Elixander 1881 1891 12-01-1891 C16
Son of Patrick & Mary Lynch.
Note: Added from death record. No marker found!
LYNCH, Elizabeth MOORE-HOLLOWAY 1869 1942 02-21-1942 C17
MS with Daniel. Married Daniel Henry Lynch on February 8, 1888.
Married James Bird Holloway on September 20, 1929. "Mother"
Daughter of William & Bridget (Dalton) Moore.
Note: Obit states married James Holloway in 1933.
LYNCH, Harry 1905 1906 06-12-1905 04-09-1906 C16
Son of John J. & Julia Anna (Moore) Lynch.
Note: Added from death record. No marker found!
LYNCH, Joanne 1935 1935 12-20-1935 12-20-1935 C15 Add1
Infant daughter of John & Rose (Kennedy) Lynch. Only one date.
"Mother and Father's Angel"
LYNCH, Johannah TRIGGS 1828 1896 10-15-1828 05-26-1896 C16
LS with her husband Cornelius and their daughter Ellen DEITELHOFF.
Married Cornelius Sr. Lynch.
"Co Cork, Ireland"
LYNCH, Johannah 1891 1891 05-30-1891 11-23-1891 C17
Daughter of Daniel Henry & Elizabeth (Moore) Lynch.
Note: Added from death record. No marker found!
LYNCH, John James 1864 1933 C16 Add1
MS with Julia. Married Julia Anna Moore on June 1, 1892.
Son of Cornelius Sr. & Johannah (Triggs) Lynch.
LYNCH, Julia 1897 1911 03-17-1897 04-17-1911 C17
Daughter of Daniel Henry & Elizabeth (Moore) Lynch.
Note: Added from death record. No marker found!
LYNCH, Julia Anna MOORE 1872 1950 08-28-1872 01-24-1950 C16
MS with John. Married John James Lynch on June 1, 1892.
Daughter of William & Bridget (Dalton) Moore.
LYNCH, Katie 1886 1891 11-29-1891 C16
Daughter of Patrick & Mary Lynch.
Note: Added from death record. No marker found!
LYNCH, Mina 1880 1891 11-27-1891 C16
Daughter of Patrick & Mary Lynch.
Note: Added from death record. No marker found!
LYNCH, Robert 1858 1940 12-31-1940 C16
Son of Cornelius & Johannah (Triggs) Lynch.
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