Saint Patrick's - Melancthon Creek Cemetery
                Henrietta Township, Richland County, Wisconsin  USA

                              (Last Updated December 10, 2024)

               Maiden Name Cross - Reference

MAIDEN/Other marriages    Given Name                                           Burial Surname
======================    ========================       ==============
AKA DARR                  Louis T.                       Barreau
ASPEL                     Anastasia                      Moore
ASPEL                     Mary                           Moore
BARREAU                   Cathern L.                     Downing
BARREAU                   Marie Louise                   Coy
BENCE                     Judith A. "Judy"               Banricle
Borland-FRYMARK           Joan Marie                     Coy
BURKE                     Mary Agnes                     Dunn
CASEY                     Elizabeth                      Stiner
CASEY                     Ellen "Nellie" Marie           McCarthy
CLONEY                    Anastasia                      Kelley
COLLINS                   Theresa                        Dunn
CONLEY                    Margaret                       McNamara
CONNORS                   Anastasia S.                   Aspel
CONNORS                   Ann                            Grangel
CONNORS                   Mary                           McGrath
COUGHLIN                  Bridget                        Kennedy
DALTON                    Bridget                        Moore
DEAMOND                   Catharine "Kate"               Conley
DUNN                      Madelyn A.                     Waldsmith
DUNN                      Mary                           McCarthy
ESCHER                    Anna Cathrine                  Lynch
ESCHER                    Eva Marie                      Barreau
ESCHER                    Florence J.                    Shields
ESCHER                    Mamie                          Barreau
EUSTACE                   Margaret "Maggie"              Grinsell
FANNING                   Anastasia                      Kelley
FAY                       Elizabeth                      Ryan
FRAWLEY                   Kathryn "Ann"                  Machovec 
FRYMARK-Borland           Joan Marie                     Coy
GALLAGHER                 Ellen                          McCarthy
GILLINGHAM                Loretta Rose                   McCarthy
GORMAN-Kelly              Ann                            Quinlin
GORMAN                    Ellen                          McDonald

GRANGEL                   Elizabeth N.                   Glandon
GRANGEL                   Mary                           Anderson
HEDRINGTON                Betty Jane                     Barreau
HOFRICHTER                Agnes B.                       Johnson
HOLAK                     Ella R.                        Shields
HOLAK                     Martha Agnes                   Shields
Holloway-MOORE            Elizabeth                      Lynch
HYNEK                     Kristine A. "Kristy"           Pyfferoen
JELINEK                   Delores Mary                   McCarthy
JOHNSON                   Darlene V.                     McCarthy
JOYCE                     Honore "Nora"                  Walsh
KADERAVEK                 Agnes M.                       Slaney
KAUL                      Arlene J.                      Machovec
KELLER                    Kathryn Jean "Kathy"           Slaney
KELLEY                    Elizabeth Alice                Fay
KELLEY                    Mary Margaret                  Conway
Kelly-GORMAN              Ann                            Quinlin
KENNEDY                   Bridget Ellen                  Kelley
KENNEDY                   Harriet Elizabeth              McCarthy
KENNEDY                   Mary                           Shields
KIETZKE                   Lorene Kay                     Slanet
KOENIG                    Mary Catherine                 Kennedy

Krumrey-ROETHLER          Veronica M.                    Katcher
LEAK                      Sharon S.                      Shields
LONG                      Lois A.                        Kaderavek
LYNCH                     Ellen                          Deitelhoff
LYNCH                     Florence Agnes                 Staver
LYONS                     Bridget                        Welsh
MCCARTHY                  Cynthia Jane "Cindy"           Richardson 
MCCARTHY                  Elizabeth                      Canon
MCCARTHY                  Hannah                         Conley
MCCARTHY                  Helen Johanna                  Escher
MCCARTHY                  Margaret M.                    Connors
MCCARTHY                  Mary Ann                       Kelley
MCCARTHY                  Mary Ellen                     McGlynn
MCCARTHY                  Mildred Alice                  McGlynn
MCDONALD                  Mary                           Dunn
MCGOON                    Ellen                          Gibbons
MCGRATH                   Catherine                      Sweeney
MEADE                     Marquerite Mabel               McCarthy
MICHELS                   Clara K.                       Shields
MOHELNITZKY               Evelyn P.                      Whalen
MOON                      Elizabeth                      Kelley
MOORE                     Delia Ella                     Wyburn
MOORE                     Julia Anna                     Lynch
MOORE-Holloway            Elizabeth                      Lynch
MULCAHY                   Bridget                        Slaney
MULDOWN                   Catherine Agness               Shields
O'DONNELL                 Bridget                        Walsh
O'ROURKE                  Cecelia L.                     Shields
ORSBURN                   Gladys Ruth                    Slaney 
PECK                      Rowena Ellen                   McCarthy
PLACHETKA                 Friedmana J.                   Dunn
PLACHETKA                 Henrietta Ernestine            Beranek
PRILL                     Mathilda C.                    Connors
QUIGLEY                   Catherine                      Wickham
REGO                      Louise                         Barreau
RICE                      Bridget Ann                    Connors
RICE                      Charlotte                      Kennedy
ROETHLER-Krumrey          Veronica M.                    Katcher
RYAN                      Bridget                        Whalen
RYAN                      Bridget                        Kennedy
RYAN                      Catherine Ann "Kate"           Barreau
RYAN                      Mary Fay                       Slaney
Sandmire-SCHUMACHER       Mamie Lorraine                 Hoskins
SANDMIRE                  Marilyn J.                     Meeker
SCHEELER                  Grace G.                       Whalen
SCHUMACHER-Sandmire       Mamie Lorraine                 Hoskins
Scott-SLANEY              A. Eldora                      Alexander
SHIELDS                   Ann                            Casey
SHIELDS                   Anna T.                        Rego
SHIELDS                   Bridget                        Walsh
SHIELDS                   Mary A.                        Onsager
SHIELDS                   Mary Frances "Mamie"           Michels
SHREVE                    Amelia Julia "Amy"             Walsh
SLANEY-Scott              A. Eldora                      Alexander
SLANEY                    Mary Ann                       Scott
SLANEY                    Mary Ellen "Nelle"             McCarthy
STEPKA                    Marcella M.                    Escher
Straight-UNDERHILL        Frieda Marie                   Shields
STURGELSKI                Nellie Rose                    Cunningham
SWEENEY                   Mayme                          Shields
SWEENEY                   Monica                         Shields
SWENINK                   Eva A.                         Kelley
THOMPSON                  Beaulah Dell                   Barreau
TOWNE                     Charlotte Eldora               Slaney
TRIGGS                    Johannah                       Lynch
UNDERHILL-Straight        Frieda Marie                   Shields
WALSH                     Anna                           Sweeney
WALSH                     Bridget                        Dunn
WALSH                     Catherine Anastasia            Anderson
WALSH                     Elizabeth                      Grangel
WALSH                     Margaret                       Connors
WALSH                     Mary Ellen                     Grangel
WHALEN                    Bridget Mary "Delia"           McDonough
WHITE                     Mary                           Murphy
WICKHAM                   Jane                           Kitson
WICKHAM                   Julia Angella                  Kelley
ZAPH                      Bernadine L.                   Shields
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