Viola Cemetery
                                                                               Forest Township, Richland County, Wisconsin  USA

                                                                       Surnames A - B 

                                                                          (Last Updated February 22, 2025)                                                            

                                                                                                                                      Click Links for photographs

SURNAME   Given Name  MAIDEN-OTHER                               Section-Row  Additional Photographs  
     , (Baby)                           1943 1943                       1-23
     No Surname & Only one date listed.
ABELT, Anna C. OLSON                    1888 1925            08-30-1925 2-14  Add1
     Married Frank George Abelt on March 28, 1911.
          Daughter of Ole J. & Andreana C. "Anna" Olson.
ABELT, Frank George                     1890 1979 12-12-1890 04-10-1979 2-14  Add1
     Married Anna C. Olson on March 28, 1911.
     Married Georgia Beth Clift on November 10, 1932.
     Son of Fred William & Ottelia (Grahl) Abelt.
ABELT, Frederick W. "Fred"              1912 2005 07-20-1912 12-02-2005
     Married Gertrude Wanda Jones on December 24, 1936.
     Son of Frank George & Anna C. (Olson) Abelt.
ABELT, Georgia Beth CLIFT               1908 1997 04-21-1908 06-01-1997 2-14
     Married Frank George Abelt on November 10, 1932.
     Daughter of Charles H. & Rhoda Belle (Taylor) Clift.
ABELT, Gertrude Wanda JONES             1915 2009 11-15-1915 05-17-2009 
     Married Frederick W. "Fred" Abelt on December 24, 1936.
     Daughter of Walter Perry & Hazel I. (Barnes) Jones.
ABELT, Robert L.                        1945 1962            07-15-1962 2-14  Add1
     Son of Hilda O. Abelt. 
     Grandson of Frank George & Anna C. (Olson) Abelt.
          [See Hilda O. Abelt-WOPAT]
ADAMS, Clemy LaCrant                    1904 1975 04-29-1904 10-07-1975 3-28
     MS with Pansy. Married Pansy M. Buros.
     Son of Charles Wesley & Mina A. (Wakeman) Adams.
ADAMS, Freda V. ARNOLD                  1904 1995 09-15-1904 01-18-1995 3-06
     MS with John. Married John Franklin Adams on May 30, 1920.
          Daughter of Richard & Myrtle (Wise) Arnold.
ADAMS, John Franklin                    1901 1985 12-13-1901 07-08-1985 3-06
     MS with Freda. Married Freda V. Arnold on May 30, 1920.
          Son of Benjamin F. "Ben" & Rose (Glass) Adams.
ADAMS, Pansy M. BUROS                   1905 1996 10-05-19905 02-25-1996 3-28
          MS with Clemy. Married Clemy LaCrant Adams.
     Daughter of Ole & Amelia (Bakken) Buros.
ALDERMAN, Flossie Lorraine JOHNSON      1917 2007 09-29-1917 04-28-2007 3-20  Add1
     MS with Ralph. Married Ralph Stuart Alderman on December 29, 1936.
     Daughter of Cyrus & Eliza (Outland) Johnson.
     "Parents of Darold, Verla & Cyril"
ALDERMAN, Ralph Stuart                  1912 1994 01-15-1912 05-03-1994 3-20  Add1
     MS with Flossie. Married Flossie Lorraine Johnson on December 29, 1936.
     Son of Daniel Stuart & Maude Florence (Parr) Alderman.
     "Parents of Darold, Verla & Cyril"
ALEXANDER, Doyle Kenneth "Pat"          1928 1997 10-05-1928 02-21-1997 3-06  Add1   Add2
     MS with Mary. Married Mary Elizabeth Weber on August 17, 1949.         
     Son of Kenneth & Katherine E. (Egan) Alexander.
     "Parents of Michael K. "Mike" & Kathy Lee "Katie"
ALEXANDER, James Paul                   1949 1949 04-28-1949 04-30-1949 3-20
     Son of Wayne William & Pauline Ireta (Hankins) Alexander.
ALEXANDER, Marcia Lawayne               1947 1966 06-03-1947 02-18-1966 3-20
     LS with her parents Wayne & Pauline.
     Daughter of Wayne William & Pauline Ireta (Hankins) Alexander.
ALEXANDER, Mary Elizabeth WEBER         1929 1985 10-05-1929 08-22-1985 3-06  Add1    Add2
     MS with Doyle. Married Doyle Kenneth "Pat" Alexander on Aug. 17, 1949. 
     Daughter of Blaine Elwood & Mabel Ann (Bufton) weber.
     "Parents of Michael K. "Mike" & Kathy Lee "Katie"
ALEXANDER, Pauline Ireta HANKINS        1922 1966 03-18-1922 02-18-1966 3-20
     LS with her husband Wayne and their daughter Marcia.
     Married Wayne William Alexander.
     Daughter of James Andy & Maye Cora (Adams) Hankins.
ALEXANDER, Wayne William                1922 1994 05-24-1922 09-03-1994 3-20  Add1    Add2
     PFC US Army - World War II   F=WWII  
          LS with his wife Pauline and their daughter Marcia.
     Married Pauline Ireta Hankins.
     Married Lenice Jean Dalberg-Wheeler-Lloyd.
          Son of Thad H. & Alzina (Alderman) Alexander.
ALGER, Olney                            1815 1873 05-29-1815 05-13-1873 1-12  Add1    Add2  Add3  Add4
     Married Matilda _____.                 
     Note: Marker hard to read.
          [See Matilda _____-Alger-BAKER on same lot]
AMBROSE, Bert B.                        1874 1967 06-06-1874 09-19-1967 2-01
     MS with Glennie. Married Glennie E. Drake on December 27, 1902.
     Son of Hiram W. & Caroline (Austin) Ambrose.
AMBROSE, Blanche Ischia BENDER          1896 1985 03-15-1896 03-10-1985 3-12
     Married Clyde Ambrose on June 20, 1915.
     Daughter of Albert Grant & Anna Marie (Brown) Bender.
AMBROSE, Celia Ann HANKINS              1865 1928 08-09-1865 02-10-1928 1-06  Add1
     Married Myron Ambrose on December 25, 1888. "Mother"
     Daughter of John & Elizabeth (Henderson) Hankins.
AMBROSE, Clive                          1897 1967 04-11-1897 10-11-1967 3-27  Add1   Add2  Add3  Add4
     Wisconsin Pvt 491 CO Mtr Trans Corps - World War I    F=WWI          
     MS with Delma. Married Delma Jennings on July 5, 1924.       
     Son of Myron & Celia Ann (Hankins) Ambrose.
AMBROSE, Clyde                          1891 1958 01-12-1891 01-17-1958 3-12
     Married Blanche Ischia Bender on June 20, 1915.
     Son of Samuel & Emma May (Short) Ambrose.
AMBROSE, Delma JENNINGS                 1903 1982 01-24-1903 07-14-1982 3-27  Add1
     MS with Clive. Married Clive Ambrose on July 5, 1924.
     Daughter of Nile & Ida Charlotte (Gore) Jennings.
AMBROSE, Emma May SHORT                 1861 1930 04-16-1861 03-02-1930 1-09  Add1
     2nd wife of Samuel Ambrose. Married February 4, 1883.
     Daughter of Henry & Catharine (Moore) Short.
AMBROSE, Ernest Lincoln                 1864 1924 10-23-1864 03-22-1924 1-05  Add1
     Married Laura Alice Danner on August 15, 1890. 
     Son of Hiram William & Caroline Amelia (Austin) Ambrose.
AMBROSE, Glennie E. DRAKE               1882 1943 11-16-1882 08-23-1943 2-01
     MS with Bert. Married Bert B. Ambrose on December 27, 1902.
     Daughter of George Washington & Annie May (Swancutt) Drake.
AMBROSE, Jacob Ray "Jake"               1890 1957 12-09-1890 01-11-1957 1-03
     Married Pearl Starkey on March 23, 1914.
     Son of Myron & Celia Ann (Hankins) Ambrose.
AMBROSE, Laura Alice DANNER             1864 1927 07-15-1864 10-15-1927 1-05  Add1
     Married Ernest Lincoln Ambrose on August 15, 1890.
     Daughter of Richard Arnold & Mahala Jane (Keys) Danner.
AMBROSE, Leonard Lee                    1894 1957 11-05-1894 06-25-1957 1-03  Add1
     MS with Mabel. Married Mabel Bernice Kellogg on November 5, 1914.
     Son of Myron & Celia Ann (Hankins) Ambrose.
AMBROSE, Lynden P. "Tiny"               1915 1964 02-27-1915 08-24-1964 3-16  Add1    Add2    Add3
      Wisconsin TEC5 US Army - World War II   F=AMLegion                    
      MS with Marvel. Married Marvel LaVita Husker on April 4, 1942.
      Son of Leonard Lee & Mabel Bernice (Kellogg) Ambrose.
AMBROSE, Mabel Bernice KELLOGG          1895 1977 11-12-1895 01-14-1977 1-03  Add1
     MS with Leonard. Married Leonard Lee Ambrose on November 5, 1914.
     Daughter of Newton Stevenson & Julia (Jennings) Kellogg.
AMBROSE, Marvel LaVita HUSKER           1914 2008 10-02-1914 10-01-2008 3-16  Add1
     MS with Lynden. Married Lynden P. "Tiny" Ambrose on April 4, 1942.
     Daughter of John & Florence Elma (Roberts) Husker.
AMBROSE, Myron                          1864 1930 05-27-1864 03-06-1930 1-06  Add1
     Married Celia Ann Hankins on December 25, 1888. "Father"
     Son of Jacob Kanable & Rachel (Ewing) Ambrose.
AMBROSE, Pearl STARKEY                  1891 1933 11-09-1891 04-29-1933 1-03
     Married Jacob Ray "Jake" Ambrose on March 23, 1914.
     Daughter of Edward Emmet & Josephine Mary (Claire) Starkey.
AMBROSE, Samuel                         1842 1928 03-16-1842 01-26-1928 1-09  Add1
     Married Rachel Bender on December 15, 1870. 
     Married Emma May Short on February 4, 1883.
     Son of John W. & Saloma (Kanable) Ambrose.
AMERMAN, Charles E.                     1906 1984 10-30-1906 10-08-1984 3-39
     MS with Evelyn. Married Evelyn A. Young-Radloff on March 7, 1970.
     Son of Philip M. & Clara Bell (Elliott) Amerman.
AMERMAN, Evelyn A. YOUNG-RADLOFF        1915 1998 01-11-1915 04-29-1998 3-39
     Married Virgil Radloff on June 18, 1934.
     MS with Charles. Married Charles E. Amerman on March 7, 1970.
     Daughter of Ray A. & Charolette Rosanna (Taylor) Young.
AMERMAN, Gerald R.                      1928 1988 02-25-1928 08-20-1988 3-38
     Married Edna _____.
          Son of Richard E. & Ethel M. Amerman.
     Note: Charles E. Amerman on same lot is his uncle.    
AMES, (Baby)                            1937 1937                       2-19  Add1
     Only one date listed!
AMES, Dorothy Helen CRAIG-KIDD          1917 2017 05-26-1917 03-10-2017 3-06  Add1
     Married Gifford Earl Kidd on August 24, 1939.
     MS with Lawrence. Married Lawrence William Ames on February 22, 1951.
     Daughter of Richard & Hazel L. (Nevel) Craig.
     "Parents of Delores, Dorsey & Danny" "Mother of Duane & Lavina"  
AMES, Dorsey Pentecost "Doss"           1866 1946 04-25-1866 12-17-1946 3-07  Add1
     Married Minnie Alice Hayes on December 31, 1900.
     Son of Joseph McCann & Martha A. (Davis) Ames.
AMES, Earl Kenneth                      1909 1978 09-16-1909 03-13-1978 2-19  Add1
     Son of Orla Ithurial & Mary Belle (Clift) Ames.
AMES, Garold Joseph                     1909 1982 10-31-1909 10-08-1982 3-07  Add1
     MS with Thelma. Married Thelma Jennie Haugrud on November 24, 1932.
     Son of Dorsey Pentecost "Doss" & Minnie Alice (Hayes) Ames.
AMES, Grace Elizabeth HUFFORD           1887 1936 04-16-1887 12-24-1936 1-04
     MS with Joseph. Married Joseph Llans Ames on May 18, 1911.
     Daughter of Marten Louis & Magdalena "Lena" (Hildebrand) Hufford.
AMES, Joseph Llans                      1885 1929 10-19-1885 04-21-1929 1-04
     MS with Grace. Married Grace Elizabeth Hufford on May 18, 1911.
     Son of Samuel D. & Mary Ellen (Hunter) Ames.
AMES, Lawrence William                  1907 1982 01-22-1907 12-14-1982 3-06  Add1
     MS with Dorothy. Married Dorothy Helen Craig-Kidd on February 22, 1951.
     Son of Dorsey Pentecost "Doss" & Minnie Alice (Hayes) Ames.
     "Parents of Delores, Dorsey & Danny"
AMES, Mariam Jane                       1925 1997 12-07-1925 01-20-1997 2-19  Add1
     Daughter of Orla Ithurial & Mary Belle (Clift) Ames.
AMES, Mary Belle CLIFT                  1887 1935 07-20-1887 07-20-1935 2-19  Add1
     Married Orla Ithurial Ames on June 9, 1906.
     Daughter of Darwin Potter & Jane (Dyer) Clift.
AMES, Mary Ellen HUNTER                 1853 1933 07-00-1853 03-01-1933 2-10  Add1
     MS with Samuel. Married Samuel D. Ames on December 3, 1876. "Mother"
     Daughter of Malissa Hunter.
AMES, Minnie Alice HAYES                1877 1968 12-24-1877 02-14-1968 3-07  Add1
     Married Dorsey Pentecost "Doss" Ames on December 31, 1900.
     Daughter of William & Carolina (Scneider) Hayes.
          [See Carolina Scneider-Hayes-CLARK]
AMES, Orla Ithurial                     1884 1926 01-14-1884 07-28-1926 2-19  Add1
     Married Mary Belle Clift on June 9, 1906.
         Son of Samuel D. & Mary Ellen (Hunter) Ames.
AMES, Samuel D.                         1851 1934 12-16-1851 08-01-1934 2-10  Add1
     MS with Mary. Married Mary Ellen Hunteron Dec. 3, 1876. "Father"
     Son of Joseph McCann & Martha A. (Davis) Ames.
AMES, Thelma Jennie HAUGRUD             1914 2003 03-28-1914 03-29-2003 3-07  Add1
     MS with Garold. Married Garold Joseph Ames on November 24, 1932.
     Daughter of Otto & Christine (Borreson) Haugrud.
AMES, Virgil Hayes                      1903 1988 05-07-1903 05-11-1988 3-07  Add1
          Son of Dorsey Pentecost "Doss" & Minnie Alice (Hayes) Ames.
AMIDON, Sarah M. MATTHES                1902 1980 03-16-1902 05-11-1980 2-08
     Married _____ Amidon.
     Daughter of Edward Franklin & Christena Ann "Tena" (Fishel) Matthes.
     "Donated by Elsie Matthes - Cousin - Chicago"
AMMERMAN, Bernard                       1903 1964 06-25-1903            3-09
     MS with Merle. Married Merle I. Dake.
     Son of Samuel Coleman & Hattie Estella (Essex) Ammerman.
AMMERMAN, Merle I. DAKE                 1899 1971 03-17-1899 11-09-1971 3-09
     MS with Bernard. Married Bernard Ammerman.
          Daughter of Alfred J. & Elizabeth J. (Struthers) Dake.
ANDERSON, Andrew Herbert                1894 1959 02-20-1894 01-09-1959 3-31  Add1    Add2    Add3
     Wisconsin S2 USNRF - World War I   F=AMLegion                          
     Married Eunice I. Halverson.      
     Son of Andrew J. & Mina Amelia (Olson) Anderson.
ANDERSON, Andrew J.                     1858 1929 10-27-1857 12-17-1929 1-11  Add1
     Married Mina Amelia Olson. 
     Son of John & Olga (Christophsen) Anderson.
ANDERSON, Anna HEGG                     1863 1903                       1-11
     Married John Anderson. "Mother"
ANDERSON, Chester Myron                 1908 1917 08-21-1908 10-23-1917 1-11
     Son of Andrew J. & Mina Amelia (Olson) Anderson.
ANDERSON, Chris J.                      1862 1923 01-06-1862 11-19-1923 2-16  Add1
     Married Lena Vold/Olsen in 1883. 
     Son of John & Olga (Christophsen) Anderson.
ANDERSON, Emil Martin                   1895 1917 08-22-1895 06-28-1917 1-11
     Son of Andrew J. & Mina Amelia (Olson) Anderson. F=RNA
ANDERSON, Eunice I. HALVERSON           1898 1998 09-07-1898 10-04-1998 3-31  Add1
     Married Andrew Herbert Anderson.
          Daughter of Christian "Chris" & Ellen Sophia (Gald) Halverson.
ANDERSON, Everett C. "Andy"             1931 1987 05-08-1931 10-25-1987 3-09  Add1
     A1C US Air Force - Korea
     MS with Jeanette. Married Jeanette Arlene Nicks on June 16, 1951.
     Son of Everett Clarence & Hazel Mae (Broughton) Anderson.
     "Soil Conservationist USDA SCS"
     "Parents of Gregory, Sonia, Sharyl and Bradley"
ANDERSON, Flossie Mae NICKS            1928 2013 06-04-1928 01-18-2013 2-19
     Married Melvin F. "Mel" Anderson on July 28, 1950.
     Daughter of Roland Everett & Lela B. (Harris) Nicks.
ANDERSON, Harry T.                     1891 1902 06-21-1891 07-02-1902 1-11
     Son of Andrew J. & Mina Amelia (Olson) Anderson.
ANDERSON, Jeanette Arlene NICKS        1931 2017 05-23-1931 12-05-2017 3-09
     MS with Everett. Married Everett C. "Andy" Anderson June 16, 1951.
          Daughter of Everett M. & Olga Alberta (Peterson) Nicks.
     "Parents of Gregory, Sonia, Sharyl and Bradley"
     Death date pending.
ANDERSON, John                          1863 1950            07-27-1950 1-11
     Married Anna Hegg. "Father"
ANDERSON, John Frederick                1886 1939 10-19-1886
05-08-1939 1-11  Add1
     MS with Lulu. Married Lulu F. Hough on July 9, 1907.
     Son of Andrew J. & Mina Amelia (Olson) Anderson.
ANDERSON, Judith Sue "Judy" HUTCHINSON   1940 2022 08-13-1940 08-19-2022
     MS with Kenneth. Married Kenneth Allen "Ken"  on June 21, 1958.
     Daughter of George & Thelma (Meador) Hutchinson.
     "Parents of Jody  Jack  and  Jill"
ANDERSON, Kenneth Allen "Ken"           1935 2011 06-08-1935 01-28-20011 Added

     MS with Judith. Married Judith Sue "Judy" Hutchinson on June 21, 1958.
     Son of Theodore & Margaret (Swiggert) Anderson.
     "Parents of Jody  Jack  and  Jill".
ANDERSON, Lena VOLD/OLSEN               1858 1930 02-12-1858 04-10-1930 2-16  Add1
     Married Chris J. Anderson in 1883.
          Note: Daughter listed mother's maiden as Olsen, Lena's obit listed VOLD.
ANDERSON, Lulu F. HOUGH-PUGH            1886 1965 05-20-1886 07-23-1965 1-11  Add1
     MS with John. Married John Frederick Anderson on July 9, 1907.
     Married Charles A. Pugh on December 30, 1946.
     Daughter of Joseph & Mary Elizabeth (Costerisan) Hough.
     Note: Charles Pugh [1882-1961] buried LaValle, WI.
ANDERSON, Melvin F. "Mel"               1918 2004 08-23-1918 05-01-2004 2-19
     US Merchant Marine/Coast Guard {1941-1950} - World War II
     Married Flossie Mae Nicks on July 28, 1950.
     Son of Harold C. & Ann (Stoeckli) Anderson.
ANDERSON, Mina Amelia OLSON             1865 1946 07-21-1865 11-02-1946 1-11
     Married Andrew J. Anderson.
     Daughter of Frederich & Maren (Hanson) Olson.
ANDERSON, Roy Lavern "Andy"             1928 2005 01-24-1928 01-18-2005 3-26
     Married Carol Kay Miller on September 9, 1990 in Dane Co., WI.
     Son of Arthur B. & Laura J. (Elliott) Anderson.
ANDERSON, Stephan Robert                1954 1954                       2-21
     Son of Mr. & Mrs. Robert Anderson. Only one date listed.
ANDERSON, Susan Ann BAKER               1960 1995 12-08-1960 05-26-1995 3-26  Add1
     Daughter of James & June (Parker) Baker.
     "Beloved Mother of Eric & Lisa"
ARMS, Dianna TUBBS                      1809 1877 09-17-1809 02-02-1877 1-12  Add1   Add2  Add3  Add4
     Married William Arms. Aged 67Ys 4Ms 15Ds            
ARMSTRONG, Ethelyn M. KINSEY-BUCHANAN   1907 2002 08-14-1907 04-16-2002 3-20
     Married Raymond W. Buchanan on May 23, 1931.
     Married Francis Theodore "Frank" Armstrong on April 5, 1941.
     Daughter of Eli Ripley & Amelia I. (Boody) Kinsey.
AUPPERLE, (Baby)                        1953 1953                       3-34
AUPPERLE, George Arthur                 1950 1950 04-15-1950 04-15-1950 3-34
     Son of Dan & Emma Jean (Streit) Aupperle.
AUSTIN, Bernice Bernell BLAKLEY         1878 1957 11-06-1878 04-12-1957 2-04
     MS with Frank. Married Franklin George "Frank" Austin on Dec. 31, 1901.
     Daughter of Fleming Andrew "Flem" & Martha Magdalene (Kanable) Blakley.
AUSTIN, Bessie Lorena HENTHORN          1884 1972 04-19-1884 10-30-1972 2-01
     MS with Gilbert. Married Gilbert H. "Bert" Austin on April 12, 1910.
     Daughter of William & Louisa B. (Woodford) Henthorn.
AUSTIN, Byron Bernard                   1903 1973 05-15-1903 12-19-1973 2-04  Add1
     MS with Ethel. Married Ethel M. Shell on November 20, 1926.
     Married Alice Winifred Lepley-Drake on November 28, 1959. 
     Son of Franklin George "Frank" & Bernice Bernell (Blakley) Austin
          [See Alice Winifred Lepley-Austin-DRAKE]
AUSTIN, Ethel M. SHELL                  1901 1957 09-30-1901 09-13-1957 2-04  Add1
     MS with Byron. Married Byron Bernard Austin on November 20, 1926.
     Daughter of William Eugene & Blanche Ruth (Walker) Shell.
AUSTIN, Franklin George "Frank"         1875 1925 02-15-1875 07-21-1925 2-04
     MS with Bernice. Married Bernice Bernell Blakley on December 31, 1901.
     Son of David George & Mary Jane (Bender) Austin. 
AUSTIN, Gilbert H. "Bert"               1873 1945 01-16-1873 12-28-1945 2-01
     MS with Bessie. Married Bessie Lorena Henthorn on April 12, 1910.
     Son of David George & Mary Jane (Bender) Austin.
AUSTIN, LeRoy G.                        1880 1960 05-02-1880 03-02-1960 2-01  Add1
     Married Midge M. Edwards on April 12, 1910.
     Son of David George & Mary Jane (Bender) Austin.
AUSTIN, Midge M. EDWARDS                1884 1979 11-29-1884 02-02-1979 2-01  Add1
     Married LeRoy G. Austin on April 12, 1910.
     Daughter of Joseph Thomas Andrew "Joe" & Jane L. (Guthrie) Edwards.
AUSTIN, Theron Bendelt                  1905 1906 09-26-1905 04-14-1906 2-04  Add1
     Son of Franklin George "Frank" & Bernice Bernell (Blakley) Austin.
BAKER, Blanche L. HAINES                1883 1971 10-15-1883 11-05-1971 3-14
     MS with Simon. Married Simon James Baker on February 24, 1906.
     Daughter of William Homer & Eliza Jane (Compton) Haines.
BAKER, Chad Emmett                      1971 2020 07-10-1971 04-13-2020
     Married Amy Sue Gumz on November 4, 1995.
     Son of William & Julienne (Maybee) Baker.
     Grandson of William Ellsworth & Opal Marie (Grim) Baker.
     Note: Added from obituary. Cemetery not listed.
BAKER, Edgar                            1870 1955 02-10-1870 09-04-1955 1-12
     Son of Simon Sr. Baker.
BAKER, Edward James                     1918 1984 12-11-1918 10-26-1984 3-04  Add1    Add2  Add3
     2nd Lieutenant US Army - World War II  F=WWII                   
     MS with Hilda. Married Hilda Janice Matthes on July 12, 1947.
     Son of John Samuel & Mary Jane (Waters) Baker.
     "Parents of Betsy John Janice and Dennis"
BAKER, Floyd                            1942 2005 08-30-1942 07-31-2005
     Married Linda Johnson on October 2, 1965.
     Married Shannon Parker on June 7, 1982.
     Son of William Ellsworth & Opal Marie (Grim) Baker.
BAKER, Hilda Janice MATTHES             1926 2001 01-26-1926 06-19-2001 3-04  Add1    Add2
     MS with Edward. Married Edward James Baker on July 12, 1947.           
     Daughter of Fred Gregg & Sarah Mae (VanFleet) Matthes.
     "Parents of Betsy John Janice and Dennis"
BAKER, James Albert "Jim"               1938 2022 09-16-1938 02-03-2022
     Married June Parker on September 5, 1959 in Viola.
     Son of William Ellsworth & Opal Marie (Grim) Baker.
     Married James Albert "Jim" Baker on September 5, 1959 in Viola.
     Daughter of Murl J. & Alice M. (Gorecki) Parker.
     Owner - all dates pending.

BAKER, Larry                            1952 1953 12-30-1952 01-01-1953 3-14  Add1
     Son of William Ellsworth & Opal Marie (Grim) Baker.
BAKER, Matilda _____-ALGER              1822 1882 07-28-1822 07-25-1882 1-12  Add1    Add2
     Married Olney Alger.                                                  
     Married Simon Sr. Baker on March 11, 1877.
     Note: Here They Sleep also listed as Matilda Barrie 1882-1882.
BAKER, Opal Marie GRIM                  1911 1978 04-05-1911 12-27-1978 3-14
     MS with William. Married William Ellsworth Baker on April 21, 1934.
     Daughter of Jay & Della (Wallace) Grim.
BAKER, Simon James                      1881 1969 08-18-1881 01-18-1969 3-14
     MS with Blanche. Married Blanche L. Haines on February 24, 1906.
     Son of Jesse Abraham & Virginia "jennie" (Gochenaur) Baker.
BAKER, Simon                            1835 1887 04-02-1835 09-14-1887 1-12  Add1    Add2
     Married Matilda _____-Alger on March 11, 1877. Aged 52Ys 5Ms 12Ds      
BAKER, William Ellsworth                1908 1975 01-20-1908 09-22-1975 3-14
     MS with Opal. Married Opal Marie Grim on April 21, 1934.
     Son of Simon James & Blanche L. (Haines) Baker.
BALDWIN, Luella "Ella" E. PELLETT-HOKE  1879 1955 10-23-1879 09-23-1955 3-12
     Married Herman O. Hoke on February 25, 1903.
     Married _____ Baldwin.
     Daughter of Eli Mills & Amanda (Allbaugh) Pellett.
BALDWIN, Emma Jenette "Nettie" GIBBS    1866 1942 01-31-1866 03-10-1942 1-05
     MS with Frank. Married Frank A. Baldwin. "Mother"
     Daughter of Charles Owen & Ellen (Gribble) Gibbs.
BALDWIN, Frank A.                       1862 1929 03-00-1862 07-20-1929 1-05
     MS with Emma. Married Emma Jenette "Nettie" Gibbs. "Father"
     Son of Jason & Sarah (Clark) Baldwin.
BALDWIN, Fred C.                        1884 1954 12-14-1884 10-14-1854 1-05
     Son of Frank A. & Emma Jenette "Nettie" (Gibbs) Baldwin.
BALT, Eliga                             1920 1920                       1-11
     No date listed.
BANDY, Lucille M. JOSEPH                1911 2001 10-24-1911 -3-1-2001  1-04  Add1
     Married Norris P. Bandy. "Daughter"
     Daughter of Isaac & Nettie A. (Johnson) Joseph.
BANKER, Linda Patricia CLAUDE           1950 1993 07-28-1950 10-27-1993 3-23
     MS with Terry. Married Terrance E. "Terry" Banker on August 5, 1972.
     Daughter of Marvin & Virginia (Anderson) Claude.
     "Parents of Michael, Timothy & Travis"
BANKER, Terrance E. "Terry"             1953                            3-23
     MS with Linda. Married Linda Patricia Claude on August 5, 1972.
          Son of Carroll Edward & Margaret Ann (Mathhews) Banker.
     "Parents of Michael, Timothy & Travis"
     Death date pending.
BANKER, Timothy A. "Tim"                1978 2023 09-15-1978 09-11-2023 3-23
     Married Joella Jones.
     Son of Terrance E. "Terry" & Linda Patricia (Claude) Banker.
BANKES, Beulah                          1915 1916 04-26-1915 03-12-1916 2-21  Add1

     LS with parents Orlando "Ora" & Myrtle.
     Daughter of Orlando "Ora" & Myrtle Ivy (Rice) Bankes.
BANKES, Myrtle Ivy RICE                 1884 1974 03-09-1884 06-04-1974 2-21  Add1
     LS with her husband Orlando "Ora" and their daughter Beulah.
     Married Orlando "Ora" Bankes on April 2, 1902.
          Daughter of James & Mary J. Rice.
BANKES, Orlando "Ora"                   1878 1925 10-03-1878 05-09-1925 2-21  Add1
     LS with his wife Myrtle and their daughter Beulah.
     Married Myrtle Ivy Rice on April 2, 1902.
     Son of Leonard & Sarah Bankes.
BARBER, Lafayette "Lafe"                1848 1929 03-14-1848 06-10-1929 2-09  Add1   Add2  Add3   Add4
     Private Co F 41st Wis Inf - Civil War   F=Civil War              
     MS with Addie.  Married Lavina Adeliade "Addie" Hobert on July 13, 1870.
     Married Sarah Content VanFleet-Joseph-Austin on January 30, 1911.
     Married Mary Emma Faulkner-Smelcer on April 29, 1924. 
     Son of O.E. & Rebecca (Allen) Barber.
     [See Mary Emma Faulkner-Barber-SMELCER in Concord Cemetery]
BARBER, Lavina Adeliade "Addie" HOBART  1848 1910 12-27-1848 12-07-1910 2-09  Add1
     MS with Lafayette. 1st wife of Lafayette "Lafe" Barber. Married July 13, 1870.
     Daughter of Benjamin Franklin & Polly (Wiesse) Hobart.
BARBER, Sarah Content VANFLEET-JOSEPH-AUSTIN  1862 1922 02-19-1862 05-11-1922 2-09  Add1
     Married Henry Joseph on April 3, 1881.
     Married David Austin on November 18, 1894.  
     Married Lafayette "Lafe" Barber on January 30, 1911.
     Daughter of Garret & Sarah (Hall) VanFleet.
     [See also Sarah Content VanFleet-JOSEPH in Bender Cemetery]
BARCLAY, (Baby)                         1899 1899 06-04-1899 06-04-1899
     Daughter of Howard & Lillian Isabell (Jones) Barclay.
     Note: Added from death record. No marker found!
BARCLAY, David Lee                      1943 2000 03-18-1943 07-29-2000 3-21   Add1
     Veteran    F=VietNam
     Son of Gay Trevor and Marjorie Jean (Johnson) Barclay.
     "Beloved son of Gay and Marjorie"      
BARCLAY, Della May FOREMAN              1887 1968 02-23-1887 07-13-1968 3-21
     MS with Edward. Married Edward E. Barclay on January 4, 1910.
     Daughter of Charles Frederick & Alice Jane (Hocking) Foreman.
BARCLAY, Dorien Lee                     1949 1971 03-13-1949 06-22-1971 3-21   Add1
     Wisconsin Pvt Trp A 1 Sq. 1 US Army - Vietnam    F=VietNam
     Son of Dorien Leland "Whitey" & Geneva Arlene (Sanford) Barclay.
BARCLAY, Dorien Leland "Whitey"         1913 2007 05-29-1913 01-26-2007 3-21
     Married Geneva Arlene Sanford on October 25, 1947 in Madison, WI.
     Son of Edward E. & Della May (Foreman) Barclay.
BARCLAY, Edward E.                      1883 1965 11-03-1883 12-06-1965 3-21
     MS with Della. Married Della May Foreman on January 4, 1910.
     Son of Angus & Sarah (Waller) Barclay.
BARCLAY, Esther Jane HANKINS            1886 1964 03-29-1886 12-15-1964 3-21
     Married Warren Angus Barclay on November 27, 1907.
     Daughter of Charles Ethel & Anna Emilie (Stoll) Hankins.
BARCLAY, Gay Trevor                     1911 1991 12-09-1911 03-28-1991 3-21  Add1
     Married Marjorie Jean Johnson on May 1, 1936.
     Son of Warren Angus & Esther Jane (Hankins) Barclay.
BARCLAY, Geneva Arlene SANFORD          1917 2005 03-14-1917 06-21-2005 3-21
     Married Dorien Leland "Whitey" Barclay on October 25, 1947in Madison, WI.
     Daughter of Charles Ephram & Emily Amelia (Larson) Sanford.
BARCLAY, John W.                        1879 1969 06-20-1879 04-27-1969 3-36
     Son of Angus & Sarah (Waller) Barclay.
BARCLAY, Marjorie Jean JOHNSON          1916 2004 02-26-1916 12-17-2004 3-21
     Married Guy Trevor Barclay on May 1, 1936.
     Daughter of Robert & Sarah (Woodhead) Johnson.
BARCLAY, Molly C. LOMBARD               1915 2000 09-26-1915 12-19-2000 3-25
     Married Virgil Barclay.
     Daughter of Norman G. & Charity Rusk (Mossholder) Lombard.
     "The Lord is My Shepherd"
BARCLAY, Sherry Kay DUNWALD             1954 1995 02-01-1954 08-09-1995 3-21  Add1
     Married LaVern Raymond Barclay on April 16, 1983.
     Daughter of Lyle & Cleo Dunwald.
     "Mother of: Travis"
BARCLAY, Warren Angus                   1881 1960 04-03-1881 12-27-1960 3-21  Add1
     Married Esther Jane Hankins on November 27, 1907.
     Son of Angus & Sarah (Waller) Barclay.
BARNES, Alta Rae TURNER                 1935 2020 08-27-1935 02-03-2020
     Married Lyall P. Barnes on July 24, 1954 in Boaz, WI.
     Daughter of Albert & Vinnie (Green) Turner.
BARNES, Lyall P.
     Married Alta Rae Turner on July 24, 1954 in Boaz, WI.
     Son of Leron Myers & Glayds Geraldine (Jones) Barnes.
     Owner - All dates pending.
BARRIE, David B.                        1847 1925 04-02-1847 10-21-1925 2-16  Add1
     Married Mary F. Slater on April 5, 1885 in Vernon Co., WI.
     Married May Lovisa Guist on February 23, 1899 in Vernon Co., WI.
     Son of Thomas & Elisabeth (Murrie) Barrie.
     Note: May Lovisa Guist-Barrie [1870-1903] buried as "Lovisa GUIST"
           in the Manning Cemetery, Vernon Co., WI.
BARRIE, Erma L. WILSON                  1892 1968 02-04-1892 07-14-1968 3-09
     MS with Oscar. Married Oscar James Barrie.
     Daughter of George & Martha (Clark) Wilson.
BARRIE, Mary F. SLATER                  1861 1892            11-03-1892 2-16  Add1    Add2
     Married David B. Barrie on April 5, 1885 in Vernon Co., WI.           
     Daughter of John & Catherine (Dowell) Slater.  Small=1861-1891
BARRIE, Oscar James                     1889 1949 07-17-1889 01-12-1949 3-09
     MS with Erma. Married Erma L. Wilson.
     Son of David B. & Mary F. (Slater) Barrie.
BARRONE, Eliza LONG                     1832 1909 09-12-1832 09-27-1909 2-06  Add1
     Married Isaac Barrone. "At Rest"
     Daughter of George & Mary Magdelene (Lesch) Long.
BARRONE, Isaac                          1827 1904 01-01-1827 10-02-1904 2-06  Add1
     Married Eliza Long. "At Rest"
     Son of George & Susanna (Kummer) Barrone.
BARTON, Gaylord Rexford                 1912 1966 11-20-1912 09-21-1966 2-12
      Son of Rexford M. "Rex" & Mary Alberta (McLees) Barton.
BARTON, Mary Alberta MCLEES             1886 1971 11-12-1886 05-11-1971 2-12
     MS with Rex. Married Rexford M. "Rex" Barton on March 25, 1908.
     Daughter of Abraham Lincoln & Anna A. (Rohrer) McLees.
BARTON, Rexford M. "Rex"                1885 1915 10-19-1885 09-25-1915 2-12
     MS with Alberta. Married Mary Alberta McLees on March 25, 1908.
     Son of Adam & Margaret Ann (Yakley) Barton.
BASSETT, Donna Jane BEHN                1936 2021 11-01-1936 10-19-2021
     MS with Gerald. Gerald Edward "Gerry" Bassett on February 19, 1954.
     Daughter of John Albert & Erna (Heller) Behn.
BASSETT, Gerald Edward "Gerry"          1933 2018 03-27-1933 01-28-2018
     SSgt US Air Force 1952-1956 Korea War Era
     MS with Donna. Married Donna Jane Behn on February 19, 1954.
     Son of Clarence Horatio & Alice Abigail (Hill) Bassett.
BAUER, Ann MCELLIGOTT                    1940 2018 05-15-1940 10-23-2018

     Married Robert George "Bob" Bauer on October 30, 1957.
     Daughter of William & Clare "Grandm Marge" (Raymond) McElligott.
BAUER, Robert George "Bob"               1934 2017 04-13-1934 02-08-2017
     Veteran - US Army
     Married Ann McElligott on October 30, 1957.
     Son of _____ & Ethel (Smith) Bauer.
BAXTER, Gregory Dean                     1964 1999 03-01-1964 03-16-1999 3-30
           Married Linda Arnell Wilson on January 28, 1992.
     "Father, Son & Brother" "In God's Care"
BEE, Avis Evelyn SMITH-WANLESS          1914 2005 01-08-1914 05-04-2005 4-01  Add1
     Married William Francis Wanless on October 11, 1932.
     MS with Paul. Married Paul Buford Bee on September 21, 1946.
     Daughter of William "Halley" Martin & Mary Ione (Ekleberry) Smith.
     "Parents of: Marvene, Wayne, Robert & Thomas"
     Note: William Wanless 1912-1966 is buried Prairie Mound Cemt., Dane Co., WI.
BEE, Paul Buford                        1915 1996 06-24-1915 07-10-1996 4-01  Add1
     Married Dorothy Irene Dosch on November 13, 1934.
     MS with Avis. Married Avis Evelyn Smith-Wanless on September 21, 1946.
     Son of Thomas Marion & Jennie Z. (Twaddle) Bee.
     "Parents of: Marvene, Wayne, Robert & Thomas"
     Note: Also MARKER ONLY at Mt.Tabor Cemetery with first wife Dorothy.
BEIGHLEY, Catherine June ROCKWELL-ERFERT 1931 1999 07-01-1931 03-09-1999 3-11
     MS with Irvin. Married Irvin Beighley on October 3, 1953.
     Married William Earl Erfert on August 2, 1958.
     Daughter of Clark Wellington & Helen L. (Simmons) Rockwell.
BEIGHLEY, Irvin                         1910 1957 12-23-1910 07-17-1957 3-11
     MS with Catherine. Married Catherine June Rockwell on October 3, 1953.
     Son of Tolbert C. "Bert" & Ellen Ada "Ella" (Gribble) Beighley.
BEIGHLEY, Minnie M. VANFLEET            1874 1925 09-06-1874 09-08-1925 1-25  Add1
     MS with Sherman. Married Sherman Tecumseh Beighley on July 9, 1895. 
     Daughter of John William & Evangelene "Angie" (Cunningham) VanFleet.
BEIGHLEY, Sherman Tecumseh              1865 1947 12-16-1865 06-16-1947 1-25  Add1 
     Married Lovina A. Springer [1861-1925] on June 19, 1890.
     MS with Minnie. Married Minnie M. VanFleet on July 9, 1895.
     Married Ida Jane Osborne-Clason [1872-1958] in 1933.
     Son of Teualt R. & Mary C. (Mathews) Beighley.
BELLMAN, Anna Minnie KOLLER             1891 1921 10-18-1891 06-05-1921 1-08  Add1
     MS with Ernest. Married Ernest Paul Bellman. Eastern Star symbol
     Daughter of Albert & Wilhelmina (Nemetz) Koller.
BELLMAN, Ernest Paul                    1889 1943 12-31-1889 07-17-1943 1-08  Add1
     MS with Anna. Married Anna Minnie Koller. Mason symbol
BELT, Eliza MCINTYRE                    1836 1902 09-23-1836 03-24-1902
     Married George W. Belt.
     Daughter of Aaron & Mary McIntyre.
     Note: Added from death record. No marker found!
BENDER, (Baby)                          1968 1968 09-00-1968 09-00-1968 3-26
BENDER, Almetta G. KANABLE              1869 1962 09-28-1869 02-02-1962 3-10
     MS with Irvin. Married Irvin Monroe Bender on April 16, 1893.
     Daughter of Jeremiah Schultz & Isabelle Catherine (Dobson) Kanable.
BENDER, Anna Louise "Ann" LARSON        1941 2002 07-13-1941 10-06-2002
     MSD with Bill. Married William Edward "Bill" Bender on September 9, 1961.
     Daughter of Arthur Lewis & Mollie (Rockwell) Larson.
BENDER, Beth R. CARPENTER               1903 1986 11-29-1903 01-12-1986 3-10
     MS with Blake. Married Blake Bender.
     Daughter of Wilson Henry & Nora (Loveless) Carpenter.
BENDER, Blake                           1901 1973 02-02-1901 12-00-1973 3-10
     MS with Beth. Married Beth R. Carpenter.
     Son of Irvin Monroe & Almetta G. (Kanable) Bender.
BENDER, Byron "Leo"                     1895 1970 06-08-1895 03-15-1970 3-09
     MS with Zelma. Married Zelma Ambrose on September 26, 1918.
     Son of Irvin Monroe & Almetta G. (Kanable) Bender.
BENDER, Byron Herbert                   1921 1999 05-19-1921 07-02-1999 3-14  Add1
     TEC 4 US Army - World War II
     MS with Louise. Married Harriette "Louise" Deaver on June 21, 1947.
     Son of Byron "Leo" & Zelma (Ambrose) Bender.
          "Parents of Gregory, Roxanne, Lynn"
BENDER, Edith May HENTHORN              1868 1920 02-15-1868            3-18
     Married Samuel F. Bender on April 21, 1889 in Crawford Co., WI.
     Daughter of George Washington & Barbara Ellen (Chitwood) Henthorn.
BENDER, Edward Burnsides                1864 1951 02-01-1864 04-27-1951 2-01
     MS Phoebe. Married Phoebe Jane Brown on March 13, 1887.
     Son of Elias E. & Eve (Gull) Bender.
BENDER, Eleanor Jane                    1937 1937 04-24-1937 04-24-1937
     Daughter of Foster Monroe & Helen C. (Roudebush) Bender.
     Note: Added from death record. No marker found!
BENDER, Elias E.                        1877 1903 09-17-1877 03-29-1903 2-06  Add1
     LS with his parents and his sisters Ethel & Jesse.
     Son of Peter & Sarah Melissa (May) Bender.      
BENDER, Eliza A. SANFORD                1867 1962 08-17-1867 08-13-1962 3-03  Add1
     Married Ephriam Thomas Bender on November 29, 1888.
     Daughter of Ephriam & Emily (Barry) Sanford.
BENDER, Elrena E. JACOBSON              1913 1987 03-19-1913 09-21-1987 3-38
     MS with Thurston. Married Thurston Lloyd "Curt" Bender on September 16, 1933.
     Daughter of Andrew & Martha "Mattie" (Hall) Jacobson.
BENDER, Elvin Earl                      1892 1918 01-23-1892 12-03-1918 2-15  Add1    Add2  Add3
     Married Ida May Mitchell on March 28, 1914.                      
     Son of Peter & Sarah Melissa (May) Bender.
BENDER, Ephriam Thomas                  1859 1941 08-07-1859 07-31-1941 3-03  Add1
     Married Eliza A. Sanford on November 29, 1888.
     Son of William Harrison & Mary (Barndt) Bender.
BENDER, Estella M. KINDER               1888 1971 06-13-1888 02-18-1971 2-01
     MS with Roscoe. Married Roscoe Harrison Bender on September 13, 1910.
     Daughter of Charles and step-mother Etta Ann (Gibbs) Kinder.
BENDER, Ethel M.                        1886 1912 02-23-1886 12-02-1912 2-06  Add1
     LS with her parents and her brother Elias & sister Jesse.
     Daughter of Peter & Sarah Melissa (May) Bender.
BENDER, George K.                       1935 2002 01-24-1935 12-16-2002 4-09  Add1
     US Army - Korea
     MS with Patricia. Married Patricia A. Muehlfelt on July 26, 1958.
     Son of Byron "Leo" & Zelma (Ambrose) Bender.
     "Parents of Bret & Lori"
BENDER, Harriette "Louise" DEAVER       1928 2020 05-20-1928 11-27-2020 3-14      
     MS with Byron. Married Byron Herbert Bender on June 21, 1947.
     Daughter of Harry Lee & Nina Elenor (Ames) Deaver.
     "Parents of Gregory, Roxanne, Lynn"
     [See Nina Elenor Ames-Deaver-WISER]
BENDER, Ida May MITCHELL                1891 1970 04-09-1891 08-23-1970 2-15  Add1
     Married Elvin Earl Bender on March 28, 1914.
     Daughter of Francis Marion & Fannie Marie (Parker) Mitchell.
BENDER, Irvin Monroe                    1866 1955 09-04-1866 05-04-1955 3-10
     MS with Almetta Married Almetta G. Kanable on April 16, 1893.
     Son of Elias E. & Eve (Gull) Bender.
BENDER, Ival Earl                       1916 2006 08-20-1916 09-20-2006 3-02
     MS with Verda. Married Verda Victoria Harris on August 22, 1936.
     Son of Roscoe Harrison & Estella M. (Kinder) Bender.
BENDER, James                           1952 1970 04-29-1952 02-17-1970
     Son of Theodore Irvin "Ted" & Muriel Alice (Withnell) Bender.
     Note: No marker found!
BENDER, Jesse B.                        1889 1919 06-07-1889 02-21-1919 2-06  Add1
     LS with her parents and her brother Elias & sister Ethel.
     Daughter of Peter & Sarah Melissa (May) Bender.
BENDER, Merlin B.                       1924 1988 03-24-1924 08-15-1988 3-10  Add1
     Son of Blake & Beth R. (Carpenter) Bender.
     Note: Only 1988 date listed!
BENDER, Muriel Alice WITHNELL           1919 2003 12-28-1919 06-17-2003 3-27  Add1
     Cpl. US Army [1943-1945] - World War II
     MS with Theodore. Married Theodore Irvin "Ted" Bender on Feb. 21, 1946.

     Daughter of Claude V. & Blanche B. (Middlebrook) Withnell.
BENDER, Patricia A. MUEHLFELT           1940                            4-09  Add1
     MS with George. Married George K. Bender on July 26, 1958.
          Daughter of Edwin & Evelyn Muehlfelt.
     "Parents of Bret & Lori"
           Death date pending.
BENDER, Peter                           1851 1919 11-02-1851 06-03-1919 2-06  Add1
     LS with his wife Sarah and their children Elias, Ethel & Jesse.
     Married Sarah Melissa May on May 21, 1871.
     Son of Elias E. & Eve (Gull) Bender.      
BENDER, Phoebe Jane BROWN                 1861 1948 04-05-1861 04-11-1948 2-01
     MS with Edward. Married Edward Burnsides Bender on March 13, 1887.
     Daughter of Samuel & Deborah H. (Gorden) Brown.
BENDER, Robert Leo                      1927 1988 12-10-1927 07-31-1988 3-15  Add1
     Veteran - World War II  F=WWII
     Married Doris Marie Geddes on September 14, 1947.
     Son of Byron "Leo" & Zelma (Ambrose) Bender.
BENDER, Roscoe Harrison                 1888 1963 07-07-1888 02-10-1963 2-01
     MS with Estella. Married Estella M. Kinder on September 13, 1910.
     Son of Edward Burnsides & Phoebe Jane (Brown) Bender.
BENDER, Samuel F.                       1858 1938 04-29-1858 05-15-1938 3-18
     Married Edith May Henthorn on April 21, 1889 in Crawford Co., WI.
     Son of Daniel & Mary Ann (Fall) Bender.
BENDER, Sarah Melissa MAY               1852 1941 03-11-1852 12-31-1941 2-06  Add1
     LS with her husband Peter and their children Elias, Ethel & Jesse.
     Married Peter Bender on May 21, 1871.
     Daughter of Samuel/John & Delilah May.
BENDER, Theodore Irvin "Ted"            1919 1974 07-24-1919 01-25-1974 3-27  Add1    Add2
     Veteran - World War II     F=AMLegion
     MS with Muriel. Married Muriel Alice Withnell on February. 21, 1946.
     Son of Byron "Leo" & Zelma (Ambrose) Bender.
BENDER, Thurston Lloyd "Curt"          1908 1995 04-08-1908 03-22-1995 3-38
     MS with Elrena. Married Elrena E. Jacobson on September 16, 1933.
     Son of George E. & Sylvia Eldora (Boldon) Bender.
     Note: SSIndex shows birth the 20th obit shows birth the 8th.
           Death date not engraved as of 7/2002.
BENDER, Verda V. HARRIS                 1918 2001 12-20-1918 07-30-2001 3-02
     MS with Ival. Married Ival Earl Bender on August 22, 1936.
     Daughter of Alvie L. & Eva B. (Kyser) Harris.
BENDER, Willard "Bernard"               1901 1927 07-25-1901 05-18-1927 1-11
     Married Violet _____. 
     Son of Ephraim Thomas & Eliza A. (Sanford) Bender.
BENDER, William Edward "Bill"           1941 2020 06-01-1941 09-25-2020   
     MS with Ann. Married Anna Louise "Ann" Larson on September 9, 1961.
     Son of Ival Earl & Verda Victoria (Harris) Bender.
BENDER, Zelma AMBROSE                   1895 1971 03-27-1895 04-12-1971 3-09
     MS with Leo. Married Byron "Leo" Bender on September 26, 1918.
     Daughter of Samuel & Emma May (Short) Ambrose.
BENN, Augusta Jane HOLCOMB              1856 1925 08-20-1856 12-05-1925 2-08  Add1   Add2    Add3
     LS with her husband Joseph and their son Frank. Small=Mother
     Married Joseph Benn on September 9, 1888 in Vernon Co., WI.               
     Daughter of John & Elizabeth (Hereholtzer) Holcomb.
BENN, Emeline "Emma" HANKINS            1889 1941 01-29-1889 07-27-1941 1-02
     MS with Henry. Married Henry "Omer" Benn on July 1, 1914.
     Daughter of Charles Ethel & Anna Emilie (Stoll) Hankins.
BENN, Frances E. "Fannie"               1892 1962 10-20-1892 07-16-1962 2-08  Add1
     Daughter of Joseph & Augusta Jane (Holcomb) Benn.
BENN, Frank F.                          1891 1913 09-14-1891 05-18-1913 2-08  Add1   Add2
     LS with his parents.  Small=Frank
     Son of Joseph & Augusta Jane (Holcomb) Benn.
     Note: Cemetery=1891-1912  Death record=1891-1913 Obituary 1891-1913
BENN, Guy Raymond                       1890 1971 09-04-1890 02-27-1971 2-08
     Son of Joseph & Augusta Jane (Holcomb) Benn.
BENN, Jacob                             1847 1930 12-15-1847 08-02-1930 2-11  Add1   Add2
     Private Co I 12th Wis Inf - Civil War   F=Civil War
     Married Sarah Janett Clark in 1867. Aged 82Ys 7Ms 18Ds
     Son of Abraham Sr. & Fannie (Hollinger) Benn.
BENN, Joseph                            1858 1907                       2-08  Add1    Add2
     LS with his wife Augusta and their son Frank. Small=Father
     Married Augusta Jane Holcomb on September 9, 1888 in Vernon Co., WI.
     Son of Abraham Sr. & Fannie (Hollinger) Benn. 
BENN, Henry "Omer"                      1890 1967 01-25-1890 06-04-1967 1-02
     MS with Emeline. Married Emeline "Emma" Hankins on July 1, 1914.
     Son of Henry & Margaretta (Babb) Benn.
BENN, Sarah Janett CLARK                1839 1913 05-28-1839 03-03-1913 2-11  Add1
     Married Jacob Benn in 1867.
     Daughter of Francis Burdett & Sally (Hubbell) Clark.
BENNETT, Charlene M. LOOKER             1927 2016 06-04-1927 09-15-2016
     Married William A. Bennett in 1946.
     Daughter of Burke Edmond & Grace May (Morrow) Looker.
BENSON, Dennis L.                       1956 2004 03-13-1956 01-06-2004 3-25
     LS with his parents. "Son"
     Son of Ralph E. & Marvalene M. (Popp) Benson.
BENSON, Floyd                           1902 1982 08-27-1902 07-05-1982 3-16  Add1
     Married Wylma L. McAfee on June 24, 1925.
     Son of Tracy Ensco & Mary (Ambrose) Benson.
BENSON, Kathryn Pauline "Kate" MICK     1915 2005 05-06-1915 01-21-2005 3-21  Add1
     Married Lester Benson on December 7, 1935.
     Daughter of Edward Jesse & Minta May (Allbaugh) Mick.
          [See Minta May Allbaugh-Murphy-Mick-JANNEY in Fancy Creek Cemetery]
BENSON, Leslie R.                       1916 2003 03-26-1916 06-01-2003 3-18
     U.S. Army - World War II
     MS with Mabell. Married Mabell Evelyn Pellett on November 24, 1943.
     Son of George E. & Sarah E. (Brown) Benson.
BENSON, Lester                          1905 1992 02-01-1905 10-01-1992 3-21  Add1
     Married Kathryn Pauline "Kate" Mick on December 7, 1935.
     Son of Tracy Ensco & Mary (Ambrose) Benson.
BENSON, Mabell Evelyn PELLETT           1917 1996 10-06-1917 05-23-1996 3-18
     MS with Leslie. Married Leslie R. Benson on November 24, 1943.
     Daughter of Elijah & Mabell (Kuehl) Pellett.
BENSON, Marvalene M. POPP               1927 2006 09-20-1927 10-14-2006 3-25
     LS with her husband Ralph and their son Dennis.  "Mother"
          Married Ralph E. Benson on June 24, 1950. 
     Daughter of George Sleightam & Idella I. (Fowell) Popp.    
BENSON, Mary AMBROSE                    1879 1960 02-14-1879 10-18-1960 3-16
     MS with Tracy. Married Tracy Ensco Benson on March 13, 1901.
     Daughter of Samuel & Rachel (Bender) Ambrose.
BENSON, Paula Maxine BAILEY             1911 2008 06-26-1911 10-17-2008 3-16
     Married Rossie Benson on August 16, 1930.
     Daughter of Lloyd & Lota (Brown) Bailey.
BENSON, Ralph E.                        1925 2010 01-11-1925 02-15-2010 3-25
     US Army 1945-1946 - World War II
     LS with his wife Marvalene and their son Dennis. "Father"
     Married Maralene M. Popp on June 24, 1950. 
     Son of William Everett & Rena Lillian (Clark) Benson.
BENSON, Rena Lillian CLARK-ELLIS        1903 2003 03-26-1903 09-20-2003 3-18
     MS with William. Married William Everett Benson on July 2, 1924.
     Married Edward Ellis in 1978.
     Daughter of Arthur Glenn & Rosella (Hankins) Clark.
BENSON, Rossie                          1909 1989 02-28-1909 02-11-1989 3-16
     Married Paula Maxine Bailey on August 16, 1930.
     Son of Tracy Ensco & Mary (Ambrose) Benson.
BENSON, Tracy Ensco                     1876 1956 10-22-1876 09-25-1956 3-16
     MS with Mary. Married Mary Ambrose on March 13, 1901.
     Son of Joseph Hartley & Mary Adelia (Stafford) Benson.
     [See Mary Adelia Stafford-Benson-STEWART in Pleasant Ridge-Bloom Cemetery]
BENSON, William Everett                1899 1975 03-28-1899 11-04-1975 3-18
     MS with Rena. Married Rena Lillian Clark on July 2, 1924.
     Son of William Henry, Sr. & Margaret Elizabeth (Shepherd) Benson.
BENSON, Wylma L. MCAFEE                1901 1984 03-12-1901 11-00-1984 3-16  Add1
     Married Floyd Benson on June 24, 1925.
     Daughter of William Ulysis & Altah Mae (Waller) McAfee.
BERG, Mildred S. SLABACK-SHUBERT        1897 1937 03-13-1897 12-14-1937 2-14
     Married Gustave Adolph Shubert on August 23, 1916.
     Married Alvin Theador Berg on June 23, 1929.
     Daughter of Albert Leonides & Alice Eva (Clift) Slaback.
BERGUM, Ella M. GROSSKOPF               1897 1991 09-24-1897 05-00-1991 3-13
     MS with Norman. Married Norman H. Bergum.
          Daughter of August & Bertha Grosskopf.
BERGUM, Norman H.                       1908 1995 01-29-1908 03-24-1995 3-13
     MS with Ella. Married Ella M. Grosskopf.
     Son of Nordahl I. & Hilda C. (Hagen) Bergum.
BERNARD, John Adelbert                  1897 1982 05-02-1897 09-03-1982 3-10
     US Army 16th Field Artillery - World War I
     MS with Mattie. Married Mattie Marie Nelson on May 31, 1924.
     Son of Benjamin Franklin & Cora M. (Potter) Bernard.
BERNARD, Mattie Marie NELSON            1891 1971 04-00-1891 10-17-1971 3-10
     MS with John. Married John Adelbert Bernard on May 31, 1924.
     Daughter of Nels "Anton" & Eva "Marie" (Peterson) Nelson.
BERTSCHINGER, Marlene Faye JACOBSON     1945 2015 02-22-1945 10-12-2015 3-15  Add1
     MS with Richard. Married Richard Arthur "Rick" Bertschinger on August 10, 1964.
     Daughter of Fay "Scoop" & Millicent "Milly" (Matthes) Jacobson.
BERTSCHINGER, Richard Arthur "Rick"     1942 2007 08-10=1942 11-18-2007 3-15
          US Air Force - VietNam
     MS with Marlene. Married Marlene Faye Jacobson on August 10, 1964.
     Son of Wilbert Adelbert & Agnes Josephine (Delcorps) Bertschinger.
BIRD, Cindy L.                          1953 2013 09-12-1953 08-09-2013    
     Daughter of Manley Lee & Carmen A. (Jewett) Bird.
BLACK, Benjamin Franklin                1845 1908 12-22-1845 11-27-1908 2-08  Add1    Add2    Add3
     Married Mary C. Edwards on February 23, 1873 in Vernon Co., WI.                                
     Son of Jeremiah & Lucinda (Croninger) Black.
BLACK, Hoyt A.                          1879 1949 12-16-1879 11-28-1949 2-08  Add1
     Married Luella "Lucy" Hart on June 11, 1907 in Madison, WI.
     Son of Benjamin Franklin & Mary C. (Edwards) Black.
BLACK, Mary C. EDWARDS                  1850 1913 06-20-1850 03-23-1913 2-08  Add1
     Married Benjamin Franklin Black on February 23, 1873 in Vernon Co., WI.
     Daughter of Thomas Jefferson & Abigail Nicholas "Abby" (Hayes) Edwards.
     Note: Cemetery engraved 1850-1912 but death record listed as 1850-1913.
BLACK, Roland R.                        1908 1954                       2-08  Add1
          Married Iva Mae Robinson.
     Son of Hoyt A. & Luella "Lucy" (Hart) Black.
     [See Iva Mae Robinson-Black-WATTERS in Richland Center Cemetery]
BLACKMAN, (Baby)                        1948 1948 03-10-1948 03-11-1948 2-23
     Daughter of Everett & Dorothy (Russell) Blackman.
     Temp Marker=Baby Blackmen and no dates.
BLACKWELL, Dawn Maria                   1965 2010 08-31-1965 12-16-2010 Added
     Daughter of Terry G. & Sherry A. (McGrath) Blackwell.
     Granddaughter of James Kempton & Jennie Lavera (Mullikin) McGrath.
BLACKWELL, Sherry A. MCGRATH            1940 2024 10-30-1940 02-15-2024
     Married Terry Gene Blackwell in 1960.
     Daughter of James Kempton "Toad" & Jennie Lavera (Mullikin) McGrath.
     Note: Added from RO-Obit cemetery not listed.
BLACKWELL, Terry Gene                   1941 2021 08-15-1941 03-19-2021
     Married Sherry A. McGrath in 1960.
     Son of Robert Linzir & Gladys (Jewell) Blackwell.
     Note: Added from online obit cemetery not listed.
BLAKELY, Clair M.                       1916 1994 05-21-1916 04-08-1994 3-08
     MS with Maroa. Married Maroa M. Keith on December 31, 1940.
     Son of George David & Josephine Blanche (Gillingham) Blakley.
     Note: Surname spelling varies: Blakely,Blakeley,Blakley
     Note: Marker engraved BLAKELY
BLAKELY, Maroa M. KEITH                 1911 2008 04-10-1911 01-20-2008 3-08
     MS with Clair. Married Clair M. Blakely on December 31, 1940.
     Daughter of Herbert A. & Mae Keith.
BLAKLEY, Ann Jane NOVY                  1918 1996 04-12-1918 01-22-1996 3-04
     MS with Dale. Married Dale Leroy Blakley.
     Daughter of Frank T. & Anna T. (Beranek) Novy.
BLAKLEY, Barbara Ann SANFORD             1861 1950 02-14-1861 04-28-1950 1-07  Add1
     MS with John. Married John Perry Blakley on October 29, 1878.
     Daughter of Ephriam & Emily (Barry) Sanford.
     Note: Marker engraved BLAKELEY
BLAKLEY, Basil Newton                   1923 1990 04-19-1923 08-28-1990 3-13
     Veteran - World War II  F=WWII
     MS with Darlene. Married Darlene Loretta Looker on August 7, 1954.
     Son of Blaine Norman & Josie A. (Edwards) Blakley.
BLAKLEY, Bert                           1888 1956 08-05-1888 11-18-1956 2-18  Add1   Add2
     Wisconsin PFC Btry E 331 Fld Arty - World War I  F=AMLegion
     Married Florence Griffin on June 28, 1918.
     Son of Carlisle & Rebbecca (Parker) Blakley.
BLAKLEY, Blaine Norman                  1885 1973 01-18-1885 10-00-1973 3-04  Add1
     MS with Josie. Married Josie A. Edwards on March 20, 1909.
     Son of Newton Henry & Carrie Belle (Gates) Blakley.
BLAKLEY, Carrie Belle GATES             1864 1923 12-08-1864 03-30-1923 1-08  Add1   Add2  Add3 
     MS with Newton. Married Newton Henry Blakley on January 11, 1884.
     Daughter of Norman & Mary Jane (Gilman) Gates.
BLAKLEY, Charles                        1824 1891 02-14-1824 04-08-1891 1-14  Add1   Add2  Add3
     Married Esther Mary Hoffman in 1853 in Pennsylvania.                                    
     Son of Joseph C. & Martha Ellen (Walters) Blakley.
BLAKLEY, Dale Leroy                     1914 2001 03-30-1914 01-23-2001 3-04
     MS with Ann. Married Ann Jane Novy.
     Son of Blaine Norman & Josie A. (Edwards) Blakley.
BLAKLEY, Dale Virgil Jr.                1941 2021 07-23-1941 11-10-2021
     Married Endna Eddi Spangler on December 20, 1973.
     Married Laurie J. Anderson-Green on March 14, 2000.
     Son of Dale Leroy Blakley Sr. & Anna Jane (Novy) Blakley.
     Note: Enda Spangler-BLAKLEY 1946-2016 bur. Manning Cemetery,VernonCoWI.
  BLAKLEY, Darlene Loretta LOOKER         1923 2017 09-08-1923 07-01-2017 3-13
     MS with Basil. Married Basil Newton Blakley on August 7, 1954.
     Daughter of Leslie Enos & Eva Mae (Hurless) Looker.
BLAKLEY, Elaine E. CHADWICK             1930 2018  3-03  Add1
     MS with George. Married George LaVerne Blakley on July 9, 1948.
     Daughter of Clayton W. & Violet Gladys (Hill) Chadwick.
BLAKLEY, Elizabeth M. MORROW            1832 1901 09-25-1832 02-05-1901 2-15  Add1
     LS with her husband George and their son Willie.
     Married George Blakley.
     Note: Headstone death engraved 1900 but death record listed 1901.
BLAKLEY, Esther Mary HOFFMAN            1827 1887 07-29-1827 06-03-1887 1-14  Add1   Add2  Add3
     Married Charles Blakley in 1853 in Pennsylvania. Aged 59Ys 10Ms 5Ds                      
          Daughter of John & Katherine (Fredericks) Hoffman.
     Note: Some records listed maiden as Huffman.
BLAKLEY, Fleming Andrew "Flem"          1852 1939 11-00-1852 04-23-1939 2-12  Add1
     Married Martha Magdalene Kanable on December 17, 1876.
     Son of George & Elizabeth M. (Morrow) Blakley.
BLAKLEY, Florence GRIFFIN               1901 1962 01-02-1901 03-16-1962 2-22
     Married Bert Blakley on June 28, 1918. "Mother"
     Daughter of Sherman Andrew & Dena R. (Coy) Griffin.
BLAKLEY, Floyd Jasper                   1883 1969 08-16-1883 01-00-1969 3-04  Add1
     MS with Letha. Married Letha E. Joseph on December 31, 1905. "Father"
     Son of Fleming Andrew "Flem" & Martha Magdalene (Kanable) Blakley.
BLAKLEY, George                         1830 1864 04-08-1830 03-14-1864 2-15  Add1    Add2  Add3  Add4
     LS with his wife Elizabeth and their son Willie.
     Married Elizabeth M. Morrow.   
     Son of Joseph Charles, Jr. & Martha Ellen (Walter) Blakley.
BLAKLEY, George LaVerne                 1923 1983 02-21-1923 11-08-1983 3-03  Add1    Add2
     TEC4 US Army - World War II   F=WWII                                   
     MS with Elaine. Married Elaine E. Chadwick on July 9, 1948.
     Son of Bert & Florence (Griffin) Blakley.
BLAKLEY, George David                   1882 1962 04-09-1882 12-11-1962 1-07  Add1
     MS with Josephine. Married Josephine Blanche Gillingham on May 2, 1906.
     Son of John Percy & Barbara Ann (Sanford) Blakley.
     Note: Surname spelling varies: Blakely,Blakeley,Blakley
     Note: Marker engraved BLAKELEY
BLAKLEY, Harold                         1929 1939 02-01-1929 03-10-1939 2-22
     MS with Raymond.
     Son of Bert & Florence (Griffin) Blakley.
BLAKLEY, John Percy                     1854 1924 10-19-1854 04-04-1924 1-07  Add1
     MS with Barbara. Married Barbara Ann Sanford on October 29, 1878.
     Son of Charles & Esther Mary (Hoffman) Blakely. Aged 69Ys 5Ms 16Ds
     Note: Surname spelling varies: Blakely,Blakeley,Blakley
     Note: Marker BLAKELEY & death as 1925.  Death record shows death 1924.
BLAKLEY, Josephine Blanche GILLINGHAM   1879 1953 12-02-1879 05-30-1953 1-07  Add1
     MS with George. Married George David Blakley on May 2, 1906.
     Daughter of Elias Winfield & Sophia Maria (Janney) Gillingham.
     Note: Marker engraved BLAKELEY
BLAKLEY, Josie A. EDWARDS               1891 1974 05-05-1891 01-00-1974 3-04  Add1
     MS with Blaine. Married Blaine Norman Blakley on March 20, 1909.
     Daughter of Joseph Thomas Andrew "Joe" & Jane L. (Guthrie) Edwards.
BLAKLEY, Laurie J. ANDERSON-GREEN       1956 2005 03-27-1956 11-22-2005
     Married Rogie L. Green on November 1, 1974.
     Married Dale Virgil Blakley Jr. on March 14, 2000.
     Daughter of Kenneth & Betty (Ewers) Anderson.
BLAKLEY, Lawrence E.                    1868 1955 08-00-1868 11-28-1955 2-22
    MS with Sarah. Married Sarah A. Lodge on July 2, 1893.
    Son of Carlisle & Rebbecca (Parker) Blakley.
BLAKLEY, Letha E. JOSEPH                1885 1963 05-00-1885 03-25-1963 3-04  Add1
     MS with Floyd. Married Floyd Jasper Blakley on December 31, 1905.
     Daughter of Henry & Sarah Content (VanFleet) Joseph. "Mother"
BLAKLEY, Martha Magdalene KANABLE       1853 1940 04-10-1853 03-16-1940 2-12  Add1
     Married Fleming Andrew "Flem" Blakley on December 17, 1876.
     Daughter of Levi & Barbara (Schultz) Kanable.
BLAKLEY, Mertie AUMOCK                  1887 1939 04-16-1887 02-10-1939 1-08  Add1
     Married Newton Henry Blakley in October of 1925.
     Daughter of George Washington & Laura Jane (Selbach) Aumock.
BLAKLEY, Newton Henry                   1859 1940 10-16-1859 01-07-1940 1-08  Add1    Add2    Add3
     MS with Carrie. Married Carrie Belle Gates on January 11, 1884.       
     Married Mertie Aumock in October 1925.
     Son of George & Elizabeth M. (Morrow) Blakley.
BLAKLEY, Raymond LeRoy                  1934 1939 07-15-1933 03-10-1939 2-22
     MS with his brother Harold.
     Son of Bert & Florence (Griffin) Blakley.
BLAKLEY, Sarah A. LODGE                 1872 1940                       2-22
     MS with Lawrence. Married Lawrence E. Blakley on July 2, 1893.
     Daughter of David & Sarah (Dempsey) Lodge.
BLAKLEY, Walter S.                      1921 1944 06-04-1921 11-23-1944 2-22  Add1    Add2
     Wisconsin T Sgt 61 AAF Troop Carrier Group - World War II    F=AMLegion
     Son of Bert & Florence (Griffin) Blakely.
BLAKLEY, Willie                         1862 1862 05-16-1862 11-01-1862 2-15  Add1    Add2  Add3
     LS with his parents.
     Son of George & Elizabeth M. (Morrow) Blakley. 
BOGGS, Diane                            1947 2011 03-09-1947 04-20-2011
     Daughter of Justin & Pearl (Hamilton) Boggs.                  
BOGGS, Justin                           1913 2002 05-16-1913 03-28-2002 3-19
     MS with Pearl. Married Pearl Hamilton on March 14, 1945.
     Son of Frank & Nellie (Peterson) Boggs.
BOGGS, Pearl HAMILTON                   1911 2003 01-28-1911 12-16-2003 3-19
     MS with Justin. Married Justin Boggs on March 14, 1945.
     Daughter of Lewis & Maude Lillian (Palmer) Hamilton.
BOHMANN, Bessie Cleo GOCHENAUR          1901 1991 12-06-1901 06-09-1991 1-02  Add1
     MS with Frank. Married Frank Joseph Bohmann on July 3, 1943.
     Daughter of Rufus & Effie (Mathews) Gochenaur.
BOHMANN, Frank Joseph                   1892 1963 08-24-1892 10-11-1963 1-02  Add1
     Married Marie Margener on September 15, 1915.
     MS with Bessie. Married Bessie Cleo Gochenaur on July 3, 1943.
     Son of Frank & Marie (Siedel) Bohmann.
BOLINT, Grace Bell RANDALL              1888 1974 06-14-1888 01-24-1974 3-20
     MS with John. Married John V. Bolint in 1922.
     Daughter of Warren Jewell & Sarah Emma (Fosnow) Randall.
BOLINT, John V.                         1888 1976 06-23-1888 08-14-1976 3-20  Add1    Add2
     Veteran World War II    F=WWII
     MS with Grace. Married Grace Bell Randall in 1922.
     Son of Joseph & Josephine (Rezak) Bolint.
BOND, Joseph L.                         1852 1911 01-14-1852 03-04-1911 2-08  Add1
     Married Mary Tate in 1882.
     Son of Richard H. & Susannah (Sutton) Bond.
     Note: Death record=1856-1911  Cemetery=1852-1911
BOND, Mary TATE                         1865 1955                       2-15  Add1    Add2
      Married Joseph L. Bond in 1882.                                      
            Daughter of Robert & Prudence (Downey) Tate.
BOND, Richard H.                        1820 1899            07-07-1899 2-08  Add1   Add2    Add3
     Corporal Co B 20th Wis Inf & Sgt. Co F 41st Wis Inf - Civil War   F=Civil War           
     MS with Susannah. Married Susannah Sutton in 1843.  Aged 79 years.
BOND, Susannah SUTTON                   1817 1897 02-27-1817 11-03-1897 2-08
     MS with Richard. Married Richard H. Bond in 1843. Aged 80Ys 8Ms 7Ds
BOOHER, Clarence Elsworth                1884 1938 07-09-1884 05-04-1938 1-05  Add1    Add2
     Married Tessie Mary Hynek on January 10, 1912.                          
     Son of Isaiah & Mary (Muller) Booher.
BOOHER, Delores Joan                    1937 1940 01-06-1937 11-03-1940 1-02
     Daughter of Jerome Pete & Goldie M. (Miller) Booher. 
          [See Goldie M. Miller-Booher-Myers-JONES on same lot]
BOOHER, Edith May HOFFMAN               1872 1928 09-12-1872 02-02-1928 2-06  Add1
     Married James L. Booher. "Mother"
     Daughter of Adam & Eliza (Campbell) Hoffman.
          Note: James L. Booher 1866-1921 died in Freedom, IN. Burial place unknown.
BOOHER, Jerome Pete                     1912 1995 12-11-1912 11-24-1995 1-02  Add1
     Married Goldie M. Miller on November 5, 1932. 
     Son of Clarence Elsworth & Tessie Mary (Hynek) Booher.
          [See Goldie M. Miller-Booher-Myers-JONES on same lot]
     Note: Death date not engraved (6/2002).
BOOHER, Larry Jerome                    1946 2024 11-28-1946 02-20-2024
     US Army - Vietnam  
     Married Kathy E. Trappe. 
     Married Stacy Lynn Reichhoff.
     Married Alice Denz on February 7, 2017.
     Son of Jerome Pete & Goldie M. (Miller) Booher.
     [See Goldie M. Miller-Booher-Myers-JONES]
BOOHER, LaVerne Lee                     1948 1973 02-28-1948 07-02-1973 1-01  Add1
     Wisconsin Sgt US Army - Vietnam  AM-BSM  F=AMLegion
     Son of Robert "Bob" & Masil Isabel (Reed) Booher.
BOOHER, Mary E. MULLER                  1861 1932 01-04-1861 03-11-1932 1-05
     Married Isaiah Booher on January 1, 1881.
     Daughter of Amadeus Godfrey & Pauline (Scott) Muller.
BOOHER, Masil Isabel REED               1915 1994 12-07-1915 03-10-1994 1-01
     MS with Robert. Married Robert "Bob" Booher on November 28, 1938.
     Daughter of Lester B. & Bessie E. (Blakley) Reed.
BOOHER, Robert "Bob"                    1915 2002 11-28-1915 12-19-2002 1-01
     MS with Masil. Married Masil Isabel Reed on November 28, 1938.
     Son of Clarence Elsworth & Tessie Mary (Hynek) Booher.
BOOHER, Robert Eugene, Jr.              1941 2025 10-11-1941 01-26-2025
     Married Virginia L. Soeldner on June 18, 1966 in Richland Center, WI.
     Son of Robert "Bob" & Masil Isabel (Reed) Booher.
     Note: GGrandson of Isaiah Booher and GGGrandson of John Booher both buried here.
     Owner - all dates pending.
BOOHER, Tessie Mary HYNEK-HOUSER        1882 1973 10-22-1882 07-26-1973 1-05
     Married Clarence Elsworth Booher on January 10, 1912.
     Married Edward George Housner on March 1, 1955.
     Daughter of Vojtech "Albert" & Marie (Budar/Buchar) Hynkova/Hynek.
     [SEE Marie Budar/Buchar-HYNKOVA in Czech National Cemetery]
BOOHER, Virginia L. SOELDNER            1943 2019 05-21-1943 02-05-2019
     Married Robert Eugene Jr. Booher on June 18, 1966 in Richland Center, WI.
     Daughter of Otto Albert & Margaret Marcella (Jasper) Soeldner.
     Note: Her obituary listed buried Booher Cemetery, believe she is buried in
           Viola Cemetery with her husband.

BOOHER, William Scott                   1888 1925 02-20-1888 04-01-1925 1-05
     Son of Isaiah & Mary E. (Muller) Booher.
BOOTH, Carl E.                          1918 1986 03-13-1918 08-21-1986 3-11  Add1    Add2
     TEC 5 US Army - World War II  F=WWII
           MS with Marion. Married Marion _____ on July 19, 1947.
BOOTH, Marion                           1924                            3-11
     MS with Carl. Married Carl E. Booth on July 19, 1947.
     Death date pending.
BOWELL, Harry Earl                      1907 1980 01-14-1907 11-29-1980 3-27
     MS with Marie. Married Marie Emelia Wee on December 7, 1940.
     Son of George E. & Amity Luella (Stryker) Bowell.
BOWELL, Marie Emelia WEE               1911 1996 05-13-1911 07-03-1996  3-27
     MS with Harry. Married Harry Earl Bowell on December 7, 1940.
     Daughter of John Orbeck & Ida Serena (Asperheim) Wee.
BOWELL, Sandra Lou GRALOW              1945 2002 04-24-1945 10-17-2002 
     Married Gary Bowell on December 28, 1968.
     Daughter of Ernest Gralow and Bettie Wilson.
BOWN, Beulah Jeanette ROCKWELL         1941 1978 07-23-1941 06-12-1978 3-12  Add1     Add2
     Married Denver Leone Bown on May 2, 1964.                            
          Daughter of Lester Alonzo & Ruby Mynola (Ewing) Rockwell.
BOWN, Denver Leone                     1920 2004 06-04-1920 08-07-2004
     US Army - World War II
     Married Ada Kanakak [1917-1997].
     Married Beulah Jeanette Rockwell on May 2, 1964.
     Married Emma Hounzel [1920-2004].
     Married Kristie Kalish on January 14, 1989.
     Son of Dessie Luella Bown-DeLaMater.
BRADDOCK, Helen E.                     1911 1932            05-08-1932 1-16
     Daughter of Rev. James B. & Mary Mae (Busby) Braddock.
BRADDOCK, James B., Rev.               1877 1942 09-04-1877 02-18-1942 1-16
     MS with Mary. Married Mary Mae Buzby on January 16, 1902.
     Son of Joseph & Amanda (Beragan) Braddock.
BRADDOCK, Mary Mae BUSBY               1880 1969 05-07-1880 11-17-1969 1-16
     MS with James. Married Rev. James B. Braddock on January 16, 1902.
     Daughter of John & Anna (Heatson) Busby.
BRADLEY, Grace Gertrude WITHROW-COX    1889 1964 07-20-1889 06-19-1964 1-17  Add1     Add2
     Married Arthur M. Cox on July 17, 1906.                             
     Married Lewis Skinner "Lew" Bradley in 1921.
     Daughter of Jessie Vanfussen & Susan Ida "Susie" (Scott) Withrow.
         [See Susan Ida "Susie" Scott-Withrow-CLIFT]
BRADLEY, Lewis Skinner "Lew"           1878 1971 03-23-1878 02-25-1971 1-17  Add1
     Married Grace Withrow-Cox in 1921.
     Son of William R. & Hattie M. (Adams) Bradley.
     Note: Birth date is not listed on marker!
BRAITHWAITE, Charles Arthur            1884 1963 05-06-1884 10-27-1963 3-03
     MS with Josie. Married Josie E. Queen on February 1, 1907.
     Son of Granville Sylvester & Orilla Almira (Travers) Braithwaite.
BRAITHWAITE, Claron                     1907 1972 11-02-1907 04-00-1972 3-07
     MS with Florence. Married Florence _____.
     Son of Charles Arthur & Josie E. (Queen) Braithwaite.
BRAITHWAITE, Florence                   1900 1976 06-20-1900 03-00-1976 3-07
    MS with Claron. Married Claron Braithwaite.
BRAITHWAITE, Josie E. QUEEN             1887 1981 09-05-1887 01-09-1981 3-03
     MS with Charles. Married Charles Arthur Braithwaite on February 1, 1907.
     Daughter of James B. & Elizabeth Melvina (Berkshire) Queen.
BREWER, Benedict L. "Ben"               1939 2012 02-03-1939 02-23-2012
     Married Karen Hoke on August 6, 1960.
     Son of Robert Bernard & Evelyn P. (Hanko) Brewer.
     Married Benedict L. "Ben" Brewer on August 6, 1960.
     Daughter of Burl N. & Letha E. (Smith) Hoke.
     All dates pending.
BRIANT, Charles O.                      1901 1968 01-22-1901 11-00-1968 3-36
     Son of Stephen David "Steve" & Hattie Ann (Keith) Briant.
BROWN, Guy Bernard                      1902 1974 03-07-1902 02-05-1974 3-13
     Married Leona Evelyn Peck.
     Son of Nelson W. & Iola O. (Hissey) Brown.
BROWN, Iola O. HISSEY                   1870 1953                       3-13
     Married Nelson W. Brown on May 23, 1889 in Readstown, WI.
     Daughter of Andrew Jackson & Samantha J. (Sells) Hissey. 
BROWN, Leona Evelyn PECK                1907 1970 09-14-1907 04-24-1970 3-13
     Married Guy Bernard Brown.
     Daughter of Sidney & Mary (Witte) Peck.
BROWN, Nelson W.                        1863 1952 09-00-1863 06-09-1952 3-13  Add1     Add2
     Married Iola O. Hissey on May 23, 1889 in Readstown, WI.
     Son of Columbus B. & Eleanor Octavia "Ellen" Brown.                                              
BROWN Robert Lee "Bob"                  1926 2008 07-31-1926 05-02-2008
     Seaman 1-E US Navy Construction Battalion - World War II
     Son of Guy Bernard & Leona Evelyn (Peck) Brown.
BROWN, William LeRoy                    1930 1995 02-21-1930 03-14-1995 3-13  Add1
     Sgt US Army - Korea  F=Korea
     Son of Guy Bernard & Leona Evelyn (Peck) Brown.
     "Have a seat on Bill"
BRYANT, Clarence B.                     1882 1905 05-05-1882            2-07  Add1    Add2    Add3
     4th Wis Vol. Infantry Co M - Spanish American War   F=AmLegion
     Son of William Gilbert & Minerva Jane (Sommars) Bryant.                            
     Note: Twin of Carolyn Lorraine "Carrie" Bryant-NYE.
BRYANT, Minerva Jane SOMMARS            1860 1931                       2-07
     William Gilbert Bryant. "Mother"
          Daughter of David Barlow & Lavina (Totten) Sommars.
     Note: Twin of Lucinda Jane Sommars-GUESS in the Richland Center cemetery.
BUCHANAN, (Baby)                        1934 1934 04-07-1934 04-07-1934
     Daughter of Burl R. & Bonnie B. (Ambrose) Buchanan.
     Note: Added from death record - cemetery not listed. No marker found!
BUCHANAN, (Baby)                        1941 1941                       1-23
     Only one date listed.
BUCHANAN, Ardo                          1854 1930 12-27-1854 02-17-1930 1-06  Add1
     Married Lavina Elizabeth Smith on November 30, 1879. "Father"
          Son of Robert Harvey & Mary (Reed) Buchanan.
BUCHANAN, Bonnie Bessie AMBROSE         1893 1954 06-15-1893 02-07-1954 3-07  Add1
     MS with Burl. Married Burl R. Buchanan on March 25, 1914.
     Daughter of Samuel & Emma May (Short) Ambrose.
BUCHANAN, Burl R.                       1886 1948 10-22-1886 06-15-1948 3-07  Add1
     MS with Bonnie. Married Bonnie Bessie Ambrose on March 25, 1914.
     Son of David Thompson & Celia Ann (Storer) Buchanan.
BUCHANAN, Celia Ann STORER              1856 1926 12-25-1856 01-04-1926 1-22  Add1
     Married David Thompson Buchanan on August 11, 1875. "Mother"
     Daughter of Robert & Mary Ellen (Orrison) Storer.
BUCHANAN, David Thompson                1851 1927 09-03-1851 07-25-1927 1-22  Add1    Add2
     Married Celia Ann Storer on August 11, 1875. "Father"  F=FLT
     Son of Robert Harvey & Mary (Reed) Buchanan.
BUCHANAN, Eleanor Adalaide STOUT        1860 1937 03-31-1860 09-05-1937 2-21  Add1
     Married William Harvey Buchanan on October 19, 1880.
     Daughter of Stanley & Eliza Isabelle (Groves) Stout.
BUCHANAN, Elizabeth C. DESLER           1886 1960 08-07-1886 12-30-1960 2-21  Add1
     MS with Stanley. Married Stanley Robert Buchanan in 1906.
     Daughter of John & Mary (Witt) Desler.
BUCHANAN, Lavina Elizabath SMITH        1857 1934 10-25-1857 01-11-1934 1-06  Add1
     Married Ardo Buchanan on November 30, 1879. "Mother"
     Daughter of Ebram & Eliza (Burns) Smith.
BUCHANAN, Llano                         1853 1870 10-28-1853 08-25-1870 1-22  Add1
     Son of Robert Harvey & Mary (Reed) Buchanan.
BUCHANAN, Mary REED                     1828 1882            02-02-1882 1-22  Add1    Add2
     MS with Robert. Married Robert Harvey Buchanan on February 11, 1847. 
          Daughter of Ellis & Margaret (Harry) Reed.
BUCHANAN, Raymond W.                    1906 1939 08-16-1906 01-21-1939 2-21  Add1
     Married Ethelyn M. Kinsey on May 23, 1931.
     Son of Stanley Robert & Elizabeth C. (Desler) Buchanan.
          [See Ethelyn M. Kinsey-Buchanan-ARMSTRONG]
BUCHANAN, Robert Harvey                 1823 1908 04-21-1823 10-24-1908 1-22  Add1   Add2
     MS with Mary. Married Mary Reed on February 11, 1847.                
          Son of Joseph B. & Sarah B. (Turner) Buchanan.
BUCHANAN, Stanley Robert                1882 1953 08-28-1882 06-10-1953 2-21  Add1    Add2
     MS with Elizabeth. Married Elizabeth C. Desler in 1906.                   
     Son of William Harvey & Eleanor Adelaide (Stout) Buchanan.
BUCHANAN, William F.                    1876 1878 07-29-1876 10-12-1878 1-22  Add1
     Son of David Thompson & Celia Ann (Storer) Buchanan.
BUCHANAN, William Harvey                1858 1934 02-02-1858 05-29-1934 2-21  Add1
     Married Eleanor Adelaide Stout on October 19, 1880.
     Son of Robert Harvey & Mary (Reed) Buchanan.
BUCKLIN, Jack Reece Ellsworth           2004 2004 06-05-2004 06-05-2004 3-26
     Son of Scott & Sharon (Baker) Bucklin.
     Note: Jack is buried by his aunt Susan Ann (Baker) Anderson.
BUFTON, Frank L.                        1884 1957 02-02-1884 01-13-1957 3-23  Add1
     MS with Jessie. Married Jessie J. Sandmire on March 28, 1907.
     Son of Evan & Rose (Dolan) Bufton.
BUFTON, Jessie J. SANDMIRE              1887 1975 06-26-1887            3-23  Add1    Add2  Add3    
     MS with Frank. Married Frank L. Bufton on March 28, 1907.             
     Daughter of Jacob A. & Mary Ellen (Mullendore) Sandmire.
     F=VFW Ladies Aux.
BUFTON, John Evan                       1871 1957 12-01-1871 01-19-1957 3-22
     MS with Judith. Married Judith Elizabeth Janney on May 5, 1901.
     Son of Evan & Rose (Dolan) Bufton.
BUFTON, Judith Elizabeth JANNEY         1874 1953 12-07-1874 01-29-1953 3-22
     MS with John. Married John E. Bufton on May 8, 1901.
     Daughter of Jacob & Augusta S. (Hoskins) Janney.
BURNS, Alice Lillian WAGGONER           1867 1961 01-13-1867 07-22-1961 1-10  Add1
     Married Dr. John William Burns on January 5, 1892.
     Daughter of William Jenkins & Alice Sophia (Turner) Waggoner.
BURNS, John William, Dr.                1867 1909 04-19-1867 02-09-1909 1-10  Add1
     Married Alice Lillian Waggoner on January 5, 1892.
     Son of Patrick & Mary O. (Kavanaugh) Burns.
BURNS, Linda Joyce                      1948 1948                       1-07
     Granddaughter of Loyd Glen & Ellen Josephine (Dunbar) Walter.
     Daughter of Cecil & Naomi A. "Peg" (Walter) Burns.
     Only one date listed.
BUROS, Julie Marie                      1959 1959 09-12-1959 09-12-1959 3-34
     "Gone to be an Angel" 
      Daughter of Orville C. & Myra L. (Jones) Buros.
BUROS, Myra L. JONES                    1921 2008 01-01-1921 03-28-2008 3-13  Add1
     MS with Orville. Married Orville C. Buros on October 5, 1940.
     Daughter of Thomas "Howard" & Alta Jane (Hocking) Jones.
BUROS, Orville C.                       1916 1976 01-26-1916 08-00-1976 3-13  Add1
     MS with Myra. Married Myra L. Jones on October 5, 1940.
     Son of Paul Leonard & Helen Buros.
BURROW, Jeremiah Joseph                 2008 2008 11-14-2008 11-20-2008
     Son of Travis James & Katherine "Kathy" "Kat" (Larson) Burrow.
     "OUR LITTLE ANGEL"  "Son of Travis and Kathy"
BURROW, Katherine "Kathy" "Kat" LARSON  1974 2021 06-23-1974 05-28-2021
     Married Travis James Burrow.
     Daughter of Thomas & Patricia (Richardson) Larson.
BURT, Frank Elery                       1888 1954 04-14-1888 01-02-1954 3-22
     MS with Sarah. Married Sarah Ethel Lepley on July 3, 1909.
     Son of Thomas Patterson Gordon & Martha Matilda (Hurless) Burt.
BURT, Sarah Ethel LEPLEY                1889 1997 12-11-1889 12-21-1997 3-22
     MS with Frank. Married Frank Elery Burt on July 3, 1909.
     Daughter of Simon McClellen & Sarah C. "Kate" (Curtis) Lepley.
BUTTKE, Keith Allen Kennedy             1966 1966 10-05-1966 10-05-1966 3-35  Add1
     Only one date.
BUXTON, Eileen                          1915 1922                       2-17
           Daughter of Delmer Derwood & Amy Verne (Woodall) Buxton.
BYERS, Matthew James                    1975 1975 07-21-1975 12-17-1975 3-23
     "In Gods Care"
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