SLEEP Narrative
Catalogued June 29, 1975 by the Eagle Badgers 4-H Club under the
direction of Mrs. Jean Hardy, R. 1, Muscoda, Wisconsin. Located 2.9
miles north of Eagle Corners (Wis. 60) on County Trunk E, section 16,
Town of Eagle. It is a churchyard cemetery of the old Union
Church. The church is at present a focal point for neighborhood
worship services. The cemetery is also a public site. The grounds cover
much of a hillside sloping to the east. It is well kept and noted for
the beauty of it's many peonies which come into bloom in early June.
Distant visitors come to see and photograph this seasonal spectacle,
which bespeaks of life even among those at rest. The first known burial
was in 1859. The site began to enlarge soon after the decline of Eagle
Corners cemetery 3.5 miles to the south.