(Last Updated October 6, 2022)
BLACK, Georvina Inez 1898 1900 02-28-1898 02-06-1900
Daughter of George & Lillian Alabama (Outcalt) Black.
Aged 1Ys 11Ms 9Ds
BOYD, Floyd L. 1905 1992 10-09-1905 05-05-1992
MS with Lillie. Married Lillie V. _____ on June 13, 1938.
BOYD, Gerald H. 1909 1992 05-08-1909 03-16-1992
PFC US Army - World War II F=WWII
BOYD, Lillie V. 1918 1987 08-22-1918 12-10-1987
MS with Floyd. Married Floyd L. Boyd on June 13, 1938.
BOYD, Rosetta H. IRONMONGER 1885 1957
MS with Samuel. Married Samuel J. Boyd on March 5, 1902.
Daughter of William "Riley" & Lovicia I. "Vicie" (Williams) Ironmonger.
BOYD, Samuel J. 1863 1941
MS with Rosetta. Married Rosetta H. Ironmonger on March 5, 1902.
Son of Samuel & Mary Boyd.
BURDICK, Alonzo H. 1826 1868 08-16-1826 02-18-1868
LS with his wife Hannah and their daughter Minnett Burdick.
Married Hannah Stillman Carpenter. Aged 41Ys 6Ms 2Ds
Son of Stephen Rouse & Elizabeth E. (Wells) Burdick.
BURDICK, Hannah Stillman CARPENTER 1827 10-12-1827
LS with her husband Alonzo and their daughter Minnett Burdick.
Married Alonzo H. Burdick.
Daughter of Gardner & Sophia (Burdick) Carpenter.
Note: No dates listed on marker!
BURDICK, Minnett A. 1863 1885 12-12-1863 12-17-1885
LS with her parents. Aged 22Ys 5Ds
Daughter of Alonzo H. & Hannah Stillman (Carpenter) Burdick.
CARPENTER, Bertha J. 1871 1881 11-25-1871 10-15-1881
Daughter of Stephen V. & Elizabeth Jane (Burdick) Carpenter. Aged 9Ys 10Ms 20Ds
CARPENTER, Charles F. 1855 1881 09-29-1881
Son of Stephen V. & Elizabeth Jane (Burdick) Carpenter. Aged 26 years.
CARPENTER, Elizabeth Jane BURDICK 1834 1886 09-26-1834 03-30-1886
Married Stephen V. Carpenter on September 25, 1851. Aged 51Ys 6Ms 4Ds
Daughter of Stephen Rouse & Elizabeth E. (Wells) Burdick.
CARPENTER, Ernest P. 1873 1881 10-15-1873 11-04-1881
Son of Stephen V. & Elizabeth Jane (Burdick) Carpenter. Aged 8Ys 20Ds
CARPENTER, Herbert P. 1862 1862 06-14-1862 07-18-1862
Son of Stephen V. & Elizabeth Jane (Burdick) Carpenter. Aged 1Ms 4Ds
CARPENTER, Stephen V. 1825 1910 05-20-1825 04-21-1910
Married Elizabeth Jane Burdick on September 25, 1851. Aged 84Ys 11Ms
Married Samantha J. Sells-Hissey on May 12, 1894.
Son of Gardner & Sophia (Burdick) Carpenter.
Note: Added from death record.
COOPER, Dennis L. 1961 2012 12-01-1961 07-06-2012
Son of Samuel Milton "Sam" & Leona Mae (Ironmonger) Cooper.
COOPER, Donald Milton "Donnie" 1952 1953 07-08-1952 04-04-1953
Son of Samuel Milton "Sam" & Leona Mae (Ironmonger) Cooper.
COOPER, Elizabeth L. 1979 1979 05-08-1979 06-08-1979
Daughter of David & Bonnie (Woodruff) Cooper.
Granddaughter of Samuel Milton "Sam" & Leona Mae (Ironmonger) Cooper.
COOPER, Leona Mae IRONMONGER 1924 2010 08-27-1924 02-05-2010
Married Samuel Milton "Sam" Cooper on August 6, 1948 in Iowa. "Mother"
Daughter of Mathew Mark & Elizabeth Ann (Stout) Ironmonger.
COOPER, Molley Bell 1909 1974
COOPER, Samuel Milton "Sam" 1926 1997 04-18-1926 01-16-1997
SH3 US Navy - World War II F=WWII
Married Leona Mae Ironmonger on August 6, 1948 in Iowa.
Son of Samuel J. Lyle & Mildred (Brownell) Cooper.
COOPER, Stephanie LeeAnn 1975 1975 09-29-1975 09-30-1975
Infant daughter of David & Bonnie Leigh (Woodruff) Cooper.
Granddaughter of Samuel Milton "Sam" & Leona Mae (Ironmonger) Cooper.
ELLIOTT, Beverly Jean 1945 2002 07-01-1945 10-16-2002
Daughter of _____ & Margaret Marie (Ironmonger) Elliott.
ELLIOTT, Ernest Paul 1921 1961 02-16-1921 03-11-1961
Wisconsin PFC 232 Inf 42nd Div BSM - World War II F=WWIII
Married Helen Edith Rabuck.
Son of William Ernest & Lulu Pearl (Wanless) Elliott.
ELLIOTT, Helen Edith RABUCK 1933 1963
Married Ernest Paul Elliott.
Daughter of Dexter Franklin & Edith Murl (Hill) Rabuck.
ELLIOTT, Margaret Marie IRONMONGER 1920 2012 09-02-1920 06-18-2012
Married _____ Elliott.
Daughter of Mathew Mark & Elizabeth Ann (Stout) Ironmonger.
FRY, Ethel Louisa STOUT 1878 1961 06-15-1878 11-28-1961
MS with Willis. Married Willis Fry on December 31, 1898.
Daughter of Jonathan & Cordelia (Wildermuth) Stout.
FRY, Willis 1875 1934 04-05-1875 11-18-1934
MS with Ethel. Married Ethel Louisa Stout on December 31, 1898.
Son of William & Eliza Jane (Thompson) Fry.
Note: No dates listed on marker.
HILL, Annie TORKELSON 1873 1963 05-01-1873 01-18-1963
MS with Edward. Married Edward "Ed" Hill.
Daughter of Lewis & Bertha Torkelson.
HILL, Edward "Ed" 1871 1948 12-26-1871 08-29-1948
MS with Annie. Married Annie Torkelson.
Son of James A. & Mary E. (Fry) Hill.
HILL, James A. 1840 1908 05-14-1840 12-10-1908
Private Co A 36th Wis Inf - Civil War
MS with Mary. Married Mary E. Fry on November 26, 1865.
Son of James Harry, Sr. & Mandana (Brunell) Hill.
HILL, James Henry, Sr. 1815 1882 11-29-1815 09-29-1882
Married Mandana Brunell. Aged 66Ys 10Ms
HILL, Leo J. 1924 1960 04-06-1924 12-28-1960
US Army - World War II F=WWII
MS with Mary. Married Mary Louise Cooper on April 14, 1946.
Son of Lewis James & Blanche (Wallace) Hill.
HILL, Mandana BRUNELL 1822 1890 03-05-1822 12-21-1890
Married James Henry, Sr. Hill. Aged 68Ys 9Ms 16Ds
HILL, Mary E. FRY 1847 1922 02-14-1847 03-06-1922
MS with James. Married James A. Hill on November 26, 1865.
Daughter of Adam & Margaret (Smelcer) Fry.
HILL, Mary Louise COOPER 1927 2009 09-11-1927 01-19-2009
MS with Leo. Married Leo J. Hill on April 14, 1946.
Married Bernard William Bartels on June 28, 1968.
Daughter of Ivan E. & Frances Icelene (Fuller) Cooper.
HUSKER, Frank George 1939 1996 02-22-1939 10-23-1996
Married Joanne Elizabeth Sieger on May 25, 1957.
Son of Frank & Bernice Mae (Pickett) Husker.
IRONMONGER, Annie THOMAS 1917 1963 06-15-1963
Married _____ Ironmomger.
Daughter of Mirn A. & Kathryn M. "Kate" (Maples) Thomas.
Note: No dates listed on marker.
Note: Note: Kathryn M. "Kate" Maples-THOMAS 1889-1941 buried Jug Creek
Cemetery, Rockton, Vernon Co. WI with 3 infants.
IRONMONGER, Ardella Melissa ELLIOTT-ROBERTS 1911 1951 01-17-1911 01-05-1951
Married Jonas Joseph Roberts on May 11, 1932.
Married John H. Ironmonger.
Daughter of John H. & Melissa (Revels) Elliott.
IRONMONGER, Clarence Lee 1916 1916 02-10-1916 02-18-1916
Son of Mathew Mark & Elizabeth Ann (Stout) Ironmonger.
Note: Added from death record.
IRONMONGER, Dorothy 1941 1942 05-05-1941 04-29-1942
Duaghter of John H. & Ardella Melissa Elliott-Roberts) Ironmonger.
IRONMONGER, Edward L. 1908 1974 12-30-1908 12-15-1974
TEC 5 US Army - World War II F=AmLegion
Married Margaret Stout on September 14, 1935.
Married Martha M. Tobias-Bowman on June 28, 1952.
Son of Preston & Sarah J. (Delmore) Ironmonger.
IRONMONGER, Elizabeth Ann STOUT 1884 1957 08-02-1884 10-05-1957
MS with Mathew. Married Mathew Mark Ironmonger on October 25, 1901.
Daughter of Jesse & Rebecca (Caylor) Stout. "Mother"
IRONMONGER, George H. 1911 1939 07-22-1911 12-12-1939
Son of Mathew Mark & Elizabeth Ann (Stout) Ironmonger.
IRONMONGER, Jerry Downs 1905 1909 11-27-1905 08-02-1909
Son of Preston & Sarah H. (Delmore) Ironmonger.
Note: Added from death record.
IRONMONGER, John H. 1906 1985 12-25-1906 08-29-1985
Married Ardella Melissa Elliott-Roberts.
Son of Mathew Mark & Elizabeth Ann (Stout) Ironmonger.
IRONMONGER, Lavida Mae OLER 1935 2014 09-14-1935 10-03-2014
MS with Oscar. Married Oscar L. Ironmonger on September 21, 1953.
Daughter of John Earl & Florence Esther (Seeley) Oler.
IRONMONGER, Lovicia I. "Vicie" WILLIAMS-MOREHOUSE 1854 1925 12-00-1854 12-15-1925
MS with William. Married William "Riley" Ironmonger. "Mother"
Married Lysander Morehouse [1828-1910] on April 19, 1890.
Note: Given name varys: Louisa/Lovina/Loviva/Lovicia
Note: Only "MOTHER" is listed on marker no given name.
Note: No dates listed! Used 1880 cencus for approx. birth rear.
IRONMONGER, Martha M. TOBIAS-BOWMAN 1893 1972 03-03-1893 04-16-1972
Married Aaron Bowman on February 2, 1911.
Married Edward L. Ironmonger on June 28, 1952.
Daughter of Elijah & Emmy (Delap) Tobias.
Note: No dates listed on marker.
IRONMONGER, Mathew Mark 1874 1942 04-22-1874 01-25-1942
MS with Elizabeth. Married Elizabeth Ann Stout on October 25, 1901.
Son of William "Riley" & Lovicia I. "Vicie" (Williams) Ironmonger. "Father"
IRONMONGER, Oscar L. 1917 2010 09-13-1917 04-11-2010
MS with Lavida. Married Lavida Mae Oler on September 21, 1953.
Son of Mathew Mark & Elizabeth Ann (Stout) Ironmonger.
IRONMONGER, Preston 1875 1909 03-26-1875 01-28-1909
Married Frances F. Bailey-Ironmonger on November 7, 1900.
Married Sarah H. Delmore on June 7, 1903.
Son of William "Riley" & Lovicia I. "Vicie" (Williams) Ironmonger.
Note: No dates listed on marker.
IRONMONGER, Richard E. 1902 1971 04-19-1902 03-22-1971
Son of Mathew Mark & Elizabeth Ann (Stout) Ironmonger.
Note: No dates listed on marker.
IRONMONGER, Wilbert Leroy 1907 1908 09-13-1907 04-24-1908
Son of Mathew Mark & Elizabeth Ann (Stout) Ironmonger.
Note: Added from death record.
IRONMONGER, William "Riley" 1847 1889
MS with Lovicia. Married Lovicia I. "Vicie" Williams. "Father"
Note: No dates listed. Used 18880 cenus birth year / RO Obit death year.
IRONMONGER, Winslow D. "William" 1879 1956 05-00-1879 11-09-1956
Married Magdalen E. "Maggie" Stout on January 22, 1902.
Son of William "Riley" & Lovicia I. "Vicie" (Williams) Ironmonger.
Note: Marker is engraved "Wm. Bood Ironmonger" which I believe is
Winslow's marker and not an other person.
Note: No dates listed on marker. Used obit for dates.
JAQUISH, Avery Grant 1818 1887 02-08-1818 04-22-1887
LS with his wife Eliabeth and their daughter Alice McWETHY.
Married Elizabeth Hodges.
JAQUISH, Elizabeth HODGES 1827 1882 07-27-1827 04-15-1882
LS with her husband Avery and their daughter Alice McWETHY.
Married Avery Grant Jaquish.
JAQUISH, Reginald Theodore 1952 2014 12-08-1952 07-20-2014
Married Pat Casati on June 1, 1979 in Reedsburg, WI.
Son of Theodore & Irma (Leigh) Jaquish.
LAWRENCE, Robert John 1962 1962 01-15-1962 08-25-1962
Son of Cecil Duane & Mary Ellen (Ironmonger) Lawrence.
[See Mary Ellen Ironmonger-Lawrence-WILDER]
MCWETHY, Alice M. JAQUISH 1857 1885 10-27-1857 06-17-1885
LS with her parents. Buried under her maiden name.
Married Jerome McWethy.
Daughter of Avery Grant & Elizabeth (Hodges) Jaquish.
MILLER, Anton "Tony" 1889 1974 04-04-1889 12-25-1974
MS with Clara. Married Clara A. Marshall on January 22, 1929.
Son of Anthony "Tony" & Mary Anna (Weishan) Miller.
MILLER, Clara A. MARSHALL 1892 1984 02-10-1892 09-14-1984
MS with Anton. Married Anton "Tony" Miller on January 22, 1929.
Daughter of Alexander & Emma Mary (Crysman) Marshall.
MILLER, Ida Cleone ELLIOTT 1931 2016 09-22-1931 10-30-2016
Married Myron Dean Miller on January 23, 1952.
Daughter of David Milo & Euncie Elva (Haines) Elliott.
MILLER, Myron Dean 1931 2018 09-01-1931 07-24-2018
Married Ida Cleone Elliott on January 23, 1952.
Son of Anton "Tony" & Clara A. (Marshall) Miller.
NEWKIRK, (Baby) 1957 1957
NEWKIRK, Allen Curtis 1954 1996 11-22-1977 01-08-1996
Married _____ Fish on November 22, 1977.
Son of Frank Daniel "Dan" & Edna Ellen (Ironmonger) Newkirk.
NEWKIRK, Casey Allen 1986 1986 07-13-1986
Son of Allen Curtis & _____ (Fish) Newkirk.
NEWKIRK, Edna Ellen IRONMONGER 1915 1962 01-18-1915 07-13-1962
Married Frank Daniel "Dan" Newkirk.
Daughter of Mathew Mark & Elizabeth Ann (Stout) Ironmonger.
NEWKIRK, Frank Daniel "Dan" 1906 1965 02-14-1906 08-16-1965
Married Hazel Mae Ironmonger on December 22, 1926.
Married Edna Ellen Ironmonger.
Son of Frank F. & Grace C. (Clickner) Newkirk.
NEWKIRK, Gregory Marvin "Pete" 1945 2003 11-02-1945 03-09-2003
Married Ann Gerrits.
NEWKIRK, Hazel Louise 1948 1949 10-22-1948 04-06-1949
NEWKIRK, Hazel Mae IRONMONGER 1911 1932 04-22-1911 05-17-1932
Married Frank Daniel "Dan" Newkirk on December 22, 1926.
Daughter of Mathew Mark & Elizabeth Ann (Stout) Ironmonger.
NEWKIRK, Norman F. 1936 1973 01-14-1936 07-06-1973
AG3 US Navy - Peace Time F=US
Son of Frank Daniel "Dan" & Edna Ellen (Ironmonger) Newkirk.
NEWKIRK, Olive Beverly ""Ollie" THOMAS 1929 2008 04-27-1929 08-16-2008
Married Kenneth Daniel Newkirk.
Daughter of Mirn A. & Kathyrn M. "Kate" (Maples) Thomas.
Note: Kenneth Daniel Newkirk [1927-2007] died in Juneau Co., WI.
Burial location unknown.
Note: Kathryn M. "Kate" Maples-THOMAS 1889-1941 buried Jug Creek
Cemetery, Rockton, Vernon Co. WI with 3 infants.
NEWKIRK, Lawrence P. "Pat" 1934 2001 03-17-1934 04-24-2001
Veteran - Korea F=Korea
Son of Frank D. "Dan" & Edna Ellen (Ironmonger) Newkirk.
NEWKIRK, Sandra K. 1962 2006 09-25-1962 09-16-2006
Daughter of Kenneth Daniel & Olive Beverly ""Ollie" (Thomas) Newkirk.
OSBORNE, (Baby) 1911 1911 08-01-1911 08-01-1911
Daughter of George William & Marietta (Hill) Osborne.
Note: Added from death record.
OSBORNE, Donna L. THOMPSON 1928 2000 05-13-1928 06-18-2000
MS with James. Married James William Osborne on August 1, 1958.
Daughter of Claude Everett & Hazel T. (Klingaman) Thompson.
"Together Forever"
OSBORNE, George William 1889 1944 05-11-1889 01-13-1944
MS with Marietta. Married Marietta Hill on February 14, 1911.
Son of William John & Edith Ada (Fry) Osborne.
OSBORNE, James William, Rev. 1923 2002 02-12-1923 07-17-2002
TEC 5 US Army - World War II F=WWII
MS with Donna. Married Donna L. Thompson on August 1, 1958.
Son of George William & Marietta (Hill) Osborne.
"Together Forever"
OSBORNE, Marietta HILL 1893 1970 08-01-1893 07-08-1970
MS with George. Married George William Osborne on February 14, 1911.
Daughter of Edward "Ed" & Annie (Torkelson) Hill.
OUTCALT, Elizabeth E. SCOLES 1826 1909 01-01-1826 04-04-1909
LS with her husband Frederick and their daughter Hannah Outcalt.
Married Frederick Joel Outcalt on July 14, 1846 in Indiana.
Daughter of Andrew Wesley & Hannah Mercer (Calvert) Scoles.
OUTCALT, Frederick Joel 1818 1899 03-09-1818 05-28-1899
LS with his wife Elizabeth and their daughter Hannah Outcalt.
Married Elizabeth E. Scoles on July 14, 1846 in Indiana.
Son of John Grant & Rebecca (LcLain) Outcalt.
Note: Most records show as Fredrick, marker engraved Frederick.
OUTCALT, Hannah Rebecca 1847 1864
LS with her parents Frederick and Elizabeth.
Daughter of Frederick Joel & Elizabeth E. (Scoles) Outcalt.
Footstone="H.R. Outcalt"
OUTCALT, Mary E. ROBERTS 1887 1910 10-01-1887 12-28-1910
Married Samuel Frederick Outcalt on July 4, 1905.
Daughter of Wesley L. & Caroline "Carrie" (Williams) Roberts.
OUTCALT, Samuel Frederick 1858 1938 05-18-1858 07-13-1938
Married Mary E. Roberts on July 4, 1905.
Son of Frederick Joel & Elizabeth E. (Scoles) Outcalt.
Note. Added from obituary. Buried next to wife. No marker found!
RABUCK, Edith Murl HILL 1908 1960 09-19-1908 12-20-1960
Married Dexter Franklin Rabuck on February 17, 1931.
Daughter of Edward "Ed" & Annie (Torkelson) Hill.
Note: Added from death record. Cemetery listed as Anderson Cemetery!
REVELS, Beuford AKA IRONMONGER 1897 1907 07-30-1897 03-13-1907
Son of Lincoln & Frances F. (Bailey) Revels.
Note: Added from death record. Cemetery listed as Anderson Cemetery!
Note: Birth name IRONMONGER changed to REVELS.
REVELS, Lincoln AKA IRONMONGER 1868 1938 05-25-1868 07-25-1938
Married Frances F. Bailey on October 26, 1895.
Married Susie Bludsoe on October 23, 1905 in Minnesota.
Son of William "Riley" & Lovicia I. "Vicia" (Williams) Ironmonger.
Note: Surname IRONMONGER changed to REVELS.
Note: Susie Bludsoe-REVELS 1883-1962 is buried in Minnesota.
Note: Surname spelling also varies: Revel/Revels/Revells
ROBERTS, Capitola H. BOYD-TITUS 1907 1984 10-06-1907 01-12-1984
Married _____ Titus.
Married _____ Roberts.
Daughter of Samuel J. & Rosetta H. (Ironmonger) Boyd.
ROSENBAUM, Jonathan "John" 1830 1867
Private Co A 36th Wis Inf - Civil War F=Civil War
Married Caroline _____.
Note: No dates listed on marker.
Note: Used 1860 census for birth year and newspaper index for death year.
ROW, Asa C. 1869 1870 08-10-1869 08-27-1870
Son of D. & M. Row. Aged 1Ys 17Ds
ROW, Milton M. 1863 1865 01-04-1863 05-27-1865
Son of D. & M. Row. Aged 2Ys 4Ms 23Ds
SCOLES, Hannah Mercer CALVERT 1796 1881 10-21-1796
Married Andrew Wesley Scoles about 1825 in Ohio. [He died in 1855]
Daughter of John & Esther (Jones) Calvert.
SHAW, Infant Daughter 1888 1888 06-30-1888 07-01-1888
Daughter of William Archibald "Arch" & Mary Permelia (Brownell) Shaw.
SOLLES, Gordon LeRoy "Gordy" 1934 2012 05-14-1934 05-29-2012
MS with his sister Margaret. "Son"
Companion of Tootie Ender.
Son of Roy S. & Mabel Gladys (Ironmonger) Solles.
SOLLES, James Harold 1916 1917 04-23-1916 04-07-1917
Son of Alvin & Agnes (Brown) Solles.
Note: Added from death record.
SOLLES, Mabel Gladys IRONMONGER 1904 1973 02-07-1904 08-23-1973
MS with Roy. Married Roy S. Solles. "Mother"
Daughter of Mathew Mark & Elizabeth Ann (Stout) Ironmonger.
SOLLES, Margaret Ann 1936 1936 10-16-1936 10-21-1936
MS with her brother Gordon. Aged 5 days. "Daughter"
Daughter of Roy S. & Mabel Gladys (Ironmonger) Solles.
SOLLES, Roy S. 1904 1986 07-29-1904 01-08-1986
MS with Mabel. Married Mabel Gladys Ironmonger. "Father"
Married Rose M. Hawkins on November 7, 1981.
Son of Lamay & Sarah Ellen (Jackson) Solles.
STOUT, Cordelia WILDERMUTH 1847 1926 02-01-1847 02-18-1926
MS with Jonathan. Married Jonathan Stout on January 8, 1868.
Daughter of David C. & Ann (Newkirk) Wildermuth.
STOUT, Jonathan 1847 1910 01-22-1847 04-04-1910
Private Co H 46th Wis Inf - Civil War F=Civil War
MS with Cordelia. Married Cordelia Wildermuth on January 8, 1868.
Son of Joseph & Sarah (Nafus) Stout.
STOUT, Merit 1838 1906 01-27-1838 04-13-1906
LS with hia wife Permelia (blank panel), Permelia's parents Edward
& Paulina WALKER and Permelia's brother Levi A WALKER.
Married Permelia Walker on March 2, 1865.
Son of Joseph & Sarah (Nafus) Stout.
STOUT, Permelia WALKER 1843 1915 03-10-1843 07-00-1915
LS (blank panel) with her husband Merit, her parents Edward
& Paulina WALKER and her brother Levi A WALKER.
Married Merit Stout on March 2, 1865.
Daughter of Edward Carr & Paulina (Birmingham) Walker.
Note: No marker with her name however bronze panel available.
Note: Added to the cemetery based two obituaries. Parents & husband here!
WALKER, Edward Carr 1815 1885 07-20-1815 12-19-1885
LS with his wife Paulina, his son Levi WALKER, daughter Permelia (blank panel)
Permelia (blank panel) and Permelia's huband Merit STOUT.
Married Paulina Birmingham on March 20, 1836.
Son of Levi Walker [1789-1836 buried in NY].
WALKER, Levi A. 1837 1863 03-13-1837 07-01-1863
LS with his parents Edward & Paulina WALKER, his sister
Permelia (blank panel) and Permelia's huband Merit STOUT.
Private Co D 7th Wis Inf - Civil War F=Civil War
Son of Edward Carr & Paulina (Birmingham) Walker.
"Iron Brigade" "Killed at Gettysburg July 1, 1863. We Shall Know
You, We Shall Find You Among The Good And True, When The Robe
Of White Is Given For The Faded Coat Of Blue."
WALKER, Paulina BIRMINGHAM 1817 1895 03-20-1817 03-19-1895
LS with her husband Edward WALKER,her son Levi WALKER, daughter
Permelia (blank panel) and Permelia's huband Merit STOUT.
Married Paulina Birmingham on March 20, 1836.
Married Edward Carr Walker on March 20, 1836.
Daughter of William & Martha (Godfrey) Birmingham.
Note: Two markers one engraved Paulina and the other Polina.
WALTERS, Nancy Jean WOODRUFF 1963 1999 03-09-1963 12-14-1999
Married Steven Ray Walters on July 24, 1982.
Daughter of Raymond Gene "Woody" & Leota Elberta (Lane) Woodruff.
"Loving, Faithful Servant"
WILDER, George D. 1959 09-29-1959
MS with Mary. Married Mary Ellen Ironmonger-Lawrence on Sept. 27, 1980.
Daeth date pending.
WILDER, Mary Ellen IRONMONGER-LAWRENCE 1944 2008 04-09-1944 01-02-2008
Married Cecil Duane Lawrence.
MS with George. Married George D. Wilder on September 27, 1980.
Daughter of John & Ardella Melissa (Elliott) Ironmonger.
WILLIS, Corintha Cornett "Nettie" HILL 1866 1939 10-25-1866 09-20-1939
MS with George. Married George Madison Willis on January 6, 1884.
Daughter of James A. & Mary E. (Fry) Hill.
WILLIS, George Madison 1860 1919 10-13-1860 06-18-1919
MS with Nettie. Married Corintha Cornett "Nettie" Hill on January 6, 1884.
Son of John Wesley Sr. & Mary Jane (Jordan) Willis.
WOODRUFF, Leota Elberta LANE 1932 2014 10-17-1932 04-25-2014
Married Raymond Gene "Woody" Woodruff on March 27, 1954.
Daughter of Newell & Myrtle (Haskins) Lane.
WOODRUFF, Raymond Gene "Woody" 1934 1992 01-21-1934 02-06-1992
SSGT US Air Force - Korea F=Korea
Married Leota Elberta Lane on March 27, 1954.
Son of James E. & Hazel M. (Lee) Woodruff.
WOOLEVER, Daniel 1825 1898 04-20-1825 06-02-1898
Private Co I 35th Wis Inf - Civil War
Married Eliza "Charity" Sabins on February 18, 1847.
Married Martha E. Moon on September 10, 1860.
Married Debbie Orilla Hill on June 15, 1890.
Son of Abraham & Hannah (Meyers) Woolever.
WOOLEVER, Debbie Orilla HILL 1869 1902 03-08-1902
Married Daniel Woolever on June 15, 1890. Aged 33 years.
Daughter of James A. & Mary E. (Fry) Hill.
Note: Added from death record. No marker found!
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