SLEEP Narrative
Catalogued November 8 and 9, 1974 by H. A. Dieter. The location
is 2 miles east of Gotham on County Trunk JJ. The grounds are
well kept. Land was donated in 1848 by Leonard Button. The
first known burial here was that of Temple, daughter of Rev. N.M and
Emily Wheeler, aged 2 years and 20 days. There are presently 50
known veterans buried here. The writer found the usual incomplete
identification, such as dates, branch of service as well as a few
having no monuments at all. Grave registrations have often failed
to identify. After search has sometimes given proof of this lack
of grave marking. The writer intends to further look for their
proper identity. Many death certificates have declined offers of a
government marker, where a simple "Yes" would have procured a free
regulation monument in each case. The following gravestones were
closely examined and recorded as a matter of public record for the Old
Cemeteries Society of Wisconsin.