SLEEP Narrative
Catalogued April 28, 1975 by H. A. Dieter. Located on the present Cecil
Parish farm in section 22, Town of Eagle. It lies about one mile west
of Wis. 80 after the Pleasant Hill cemetery turn off. Indications of a
farm road used to reach the site were still visible. The enclosure is
in poor condition as well as the grounds which is dense with
undergrowth. Five legible stones were found, while the area gave some
indication of additional burials. The cemetery seems to lack for a
suitable name. Four family names were all there was with HILLTOP which
to arrive at a possible title for this bit of high ground. Many sites
of the same type have had more than one name throughout the years. With
or without a name nothing can alter a peaceful spot such as this, long
in watching over a three dimensional view above the busy scenes beyond.