(Last Updated July 18, 2023)
MAIDEN/Other marriages Given Name Burial Surname
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ALLEN Mattie E. Sharp
Breen-ECKELS-Short Rebecca Jane "Becky" Shireman
BURNETT Phebe Jane Shane
Collins-HURD-Hitchcock Mary "Polly" Hole
COOPER Minnie Elva Sherman
COOPER-Rowland Marcelite E. Hole
COPLEY Adeline E. Drake
ECKELS Sarah M. Short
ECKELS-Breen-Short Rebecca Jane "Becky" Shireman
Hitchcock-HURD-Collins Mary Polly Hole
HURD-Hitchcock-Collins Mary Polly Hole
KEYSTER Maria Mayfield
KINCARD Rhoda Eckels
KITZMAN Ernstina Oelke
KRAEMER Emma Louise Mayfield
LADENDORF Anna Klinzing
MAYFIELD Sarah Malissa Wilson
MCMILLIN Analyza Sherman
MILLER Ella Matilda Mayfield
PACEY Elizabeth Allen
PAULS Doretta Mayfield
PAULS Mary Helene Pauls
RATH Elizabeth Dora Pauls
Rowland-COOPER Marcelite E. Hole
SCHOOLER Polina Wilson
SCHUMACHER Augusta Fessel
SHERMAN Carrie Emma Mayfield
SHERMAN Ida M. Mayfield
Short-Breen-ECKELS Rebecca Jane "Becky" Shireman
SMITH Isolene Kent
STANCZIK Catherine Smith
STEBBINS Harriet "Hattie" Teeters
TEETERS Lena M. Edwards
WEITMANN Anna Elizabeth "Elisa" Pauls
WHITMORE Lydia Ezelda Wilson
WILSON Alice Ellen Manning
WILSON Margaret Ellen Moody
WOLFE Minnie Smith
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Email Corrections/Additions to: dthompso@mwt.netUse, Copyright and Ownership: Individuals and groups can use these volumes freely but
without use for their financial gain. The full ownership is retained by the author.