Orion Township, Richland County, Wisconsin USA
(Last Updated November 9, 2019)
Maiden Name Cross - Reference
MAIDEN/Other marriages Given Name Burial Surname
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AMBROSE Mary Magdalena Blake
Booher-MCMILLAN Margaret Williams
CHECK Nancy Ann Gher
COOK Nancy McMillin
FOARD Frances Diana Leggett
FRY Mary Etta McClaren
Fuller-KINGERY Alvaretta Eleanor McClaren
HAASIS Lena Williams
KELLER-Leggett Catherine Foard
KINGERY-Fuller Alvaretta Eleanor McClaren
Leggett-KELLER Catharine Foard
LEGGETT Charlotte Eliza "Lottie" Foard
MCCLAREN Nannie Adelcia "Delia" Oelke
MCMILLAN-Booher Margaret Williams
MCMILLAN Sarah Jane McClaren
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Email Corrections/Additions to: dthompso@mwt.net
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