SLEEP Narrative
Catalogued April 21, 1975 by H. A. Dieter. Located one mile west of
intersection of U.S. 14 and County Trunk E, section 13, Town of
Akan. The plot is on the present Vic Mitchell farm, once owned by R. G.
Parsell as of 1880. This very old burial site is enclosed by an 8 x 14
netting fence on steel posts and supported along the top by iron
piping. It closely borders the highway property on the west bank of U.
S. 14. One small slab type marker was found among the
undergrowth. No evidence was found of two other burials recorded
at the County courthouse. They were Wm. Ogden * and Daniel Taylor, *
two Civil War veterans. It was reported that they had been exhumed and
buried elsewhere. The writer will continue search for the above
veterans and such reports, if found, will be subsequently noted for the
Old Cemeteries Society. The marker found is that of James M. Sheafor,
son of Squire and B. Sheafor, having died 25 August 1865, aged 2 years
, 4 months and 8 days. * They are buried in the Basswood Cemetery.
July 7, 2014 Update -
Daniel N. Taylor is buried here, his marker was missed during the 1975
review of the cemetery.
His US Military marker is hard to read but is at the cemetery.