David B. "Tom" Thompson 

                      Military Service

                                         What's New 

June 8, 2023 Added new section Presentations and Papers with a Presentation for Sgt. Bob Buba.

May 18, 2023
Added under TEAMS and GROUPS Group Photo 26    THANKS to Doc Schoelkopt.

October 25, 2022 Update Sgt Alan JENSEN in the In Honor and Memory  section.
              From Jay Fitzpatrick (aka Cpl Fitz) G 2/7 on  "C" Rats box
June 11, 2021 Added Joe CROCKETT to GENERAL PHOTOGRAPH-StateSide with Navy Cross link.
         TEAMS and GROUPS STATE-SIDE Photo-08,-09 & -10

June 10, 2021 Added 4 new GENERAL PHOTOGRAPH-StateSide for AKIOKA, FENDRICK, SHAVER
        & STOUT
. New photo under PHOTOGRAPHS FROM OTHERS-STATE SIDE  and same photo added under

April 24, 2021 Added PHOTOGRAPHS FROM OTHERS-STATE SIDE section and
PFO-KOVAL Complete all 90 of Koval's Photos. THANKS Joe KOVAL.

March 2, 2020 Added Sgt Alan JENSEN to the PHOTOGRAPHS FROM OTHERS section and
TEAMS and GROUPS Photo-025. THANKS to David JENSEN (Alan's JENSEN's brother for
           providing photos and  information.

February 26, 2020
Added Sgt Alan JENSEN to the In Honor and Memory  section
           providing photos and  information.

December 26, 2019 Added to the USMC STATESIDE - 5th FORCE RECON SECTION under
       Miscellaneous Photos and Items and
the second item is
          DIVISION SPECIAL ORDER NUMBER 367-67 Hazardous duty pay-parachute  May 10, 1967
THANKS to Al MERVYN via Louis "Lou" KERN for providing this item.

November 19, 2019 ID THESE INDIVIDUALS has been updated with three unknown Marines have now be IDed
          by LCpl Joe RAMEY - those ID'ed were
Photo  P08-01 (RAMEY), P10-01 (COOPER), P10-02 (SEARS)
          these three have also have been added to 
Team Photo 3 No. 4 Id'ed.    THANKS to Joseph "Joe" RAMEY for providing the ID's.

October 16, 2019 Added new section to the USMC STATESIDE - 5th FORCE RECON SECTION called
       Miscellaneous Photos and Items and
the first item this new section is
          5th Force Reconnaissance Company "Dependants Day" Nov 4, 1967 a 2 page pamphlet showing the six activities
          and participates.   THANKS to Louis "Lou" KERN for providing this item.

April 9, 2019 Addd Jimmy "Shakey" LINN Team "Lunga Point" to GENERAL PHOTOGRAPHS

March 22, 2019 Added small photo next to TEAMS and GROUPS links to aid selection.

March 21, 2019 Added 29 photographs for Joseph Lyons Under PFO-LYONS in the
Photographs From Other People and Sources thanks to Joe's daugher Kim.

March 20, 2019 Added GySgt Rodney H. "Pu" PUPUHI to the In Honor and Memory  section.
         Special "Thank You" to Robert Buda, Fred Vogel and Andrew Finlayson for photos and data.
March 16, 2019 Added Cpl Samuel Drake CARVER to the In Honor and Memory  section.
Special "Thank You" to Robert Buda & Hal West 1st Force Recon and Andy Carver,
        Ret.Major USMCR his brother, for photos and data.


March 9, 2019 Added Sgt Roy Gerard DORSETT to the In Honor and Memory  section.

Feb. 26, 2019 Added the 34 Dive and Operation Orders (after action records) links to
      wanted to see the complete debriefs for the patrol or dive you were on with
      Thompson you are all set - just click the links.

Feb. 23, 2019 Added Cpl Joseph Walter LYONS to the In Honor and Memory  section.

Feb. 14, 2019 Added 19 photographs (WEST-004 thru WEST-022) Under PFO-WEST in the
Photographs From Other People and Sources. Also to TEAMS and GROUPS section
         adding Teams and Groups #22,
Teams and Groups #23 & Teams and Groups #24.
         Also added ING, STUFFLEBEAN and SULLIVAN to
General Photograph Section.

Feb. 11, 2019 ID THESE INDIVIDUALS has been updated with the one photo. HELP US ID THESE

Feb. 10, 2019 The Photographs from Other People and Sources are now placed on it's own webpage by submitting person.
       This will be easier to get to the proper
section and in a much faster web loading time.


Jan. 22, 2019
Added SgtMajor Thomas Halbert "Tom" GRIGGS to the In Honor and Memory  section.
Jan. 16, 2019 Added Cpl.Patrick James MURPHY to the In Honor and Memory  section.
Jan. 14, 2019 Created a new section In Honor and Memory off of Main Menu to Honor and in Memory of
    fellow Marines and Corpsman. I have started with Sgt. Robert Larry HUGHES. This project
    has been it the thinking stage for some time and will take a while to update. I also plan
    to do a MOS group and Places and others like air support, training places.

Sept. 17, 2018 Thanks to Major Charles D. "Will" Wilkins for 1st Force Recon Team HONG KONG Feb/1967
Photographs From Others, GENERAL PHOTOGRAPHS and TEAMS and GROUPS Team #21
June 30, 2018 Thanks to Edward "Eddy" "Bo" BOWMAN for providing name for Cpl FEO, now listed as
     Cpl Kenneth "Kenny" FEO in Photographs From Others, GENERAL PHOTOGRAPHS,
TEAMS and GROUPS as well as Thompson's Patrols.  I am searching to find him.
June 26, 2018 Those of us that know Kyle Watts, who was a Captain is the USMC, or has read his
      articles that he has written for Leatherneck Magazine (including those on the 26th Marines
      and the two on the 1st Force Recon (Hue City Dive in 1968 and The Ladder Extract in January 1969
      with follow up story with the reunion of Bob BUDA, Dave THOMPSON  and the Pilot Larry Adams),
      will be happy to heard that he has a NEW WEBSITE where you can reread those articles, give him
      ideas for future articles, and MORE. He stated "
I've decided to start a website with my writing to hopefully continue progressing in
                 my goal of pursuing it full time, and hopefully connect me with more veterans . .
"   So plan a visit and let your fellow marines known
      the site:
Battlesight Zero    www.bzohistory.com   I have added his web page link on my LINKS PAGE.
June 24, 2018 FLEMING photos completed in Photographs From Others under FLEMING and TEAMS and GROUPS
     photos #18, 19 and #20 at the end HELP ID the missing names and THANKS again Dick.
June 15, 2018 Richard H. FLEMING (my asst. Team Leader in Forefather) provided many given/nick names
     as well as many photos that will be added to Photographs From Others(at a later date). I updated
TEAMS and GROUPS as well as Thompson's Patrols. I have also added his book
     "CHASING CHARLIE" in the Books section.  THANKS Dick FLEMING
February 27, 2018 Added 2 more photographs Under BAKER to Photographs From Other People and Sources.
February 26, 2018 Added 8 photographs Under BAKER from Jeffrey BAKER who was with Co. "C"  in
         1st Recon Bn. in DaNang and with 1st Force Recon Comm Section under Lt Hansen in
         An Hoa and later at Hill 10 to
Photographs From Other People and Sources. Welcome aboard
         Jeffrey and thanks for the additional An Hoa shots and of the ladder Training on Hill 10.
         Also added
"Sierra Sandwich Club - Ladder Recon Extract Patch" photo from Capt. ADAMS under above section.
February 13, 2018 Added 1 photograph (VOGEL-016) Under VOGEL (near bottom of the page)
Photographs From Other People and Sources. Team "Petrify" team photo. Thanks Fred.

          Added also to TEAMS and GROUPS section see new Photo 17 all ID's by Bob Buda.
          Thanks Bob.
January 19, 2018 Now using the 
  Site Map with quick links format for Main Menu.
January 15, 2018 It's my honor to add Capt Larry ADAMS CH-46 Pilot of the HMM-165 to
           GENERAL PHOTOGRAPHS section and to PHOTOGRAPHS FROM OTHERS. Capt ADAMS inserted
           and extracted many of our recon patrols. Was the 1st Pilot to use the SIMMON's rig
           under combat conditions with the extract of "Team Forefather" in Jan-1969 which earned
           him the NAVY CROSS & myself and my team "Team Forefather" THANKS for that day.
January 15, 2018 All the links & pages now on davidbrentthompson.com (my new website)
            and appear to working 100%.

January 12, 2018 I have purchased a domain name and rented space for my webpages on iPage
           since my ROOTSWEB site stopped working. I have uploaded all the pages to my new site.

           I am working on making sure all the pages load proper and the links work.
           If the link take to a bad ROOTSWEB page just click your BACK key to back out.

December 1, 2017 Weapons Equipment and Miscellaneous Items which was one large web page
           is now three separate pages (one each for Equipment, Miscellaneous Items and
           Weapons)to allow for faster web page loading.
November 29, 2017 Added GENERAL ORDERSCODE OF CONDUCT and  The SALUTE Report
           under Guidelines Instructions Procedures and Related.
November 28, 2017 Under Weapons Equipment and Miscellaneous Items finished most of US
           weapons completed under
THIS IS A WORK IN PROGRESS so you will see unlinked parts.
November 27, 2017 Added two links LEATHERNECK Magazine of the Marines and
1st FORCE RECON ASSOCIATION  on Facebook under Links Books and Miscellaneous.
November 25, 2017 Added a new section Guidelines Instructions Procedures and Related
           which contains How To Make A Swiss Seat and Marine Corps Hymn at this time under
ScrapBook-Collections-Miscellaneous. Thinking this section in the furure would contain
           anything from the
General Orders, POW Guideline, etc. using PDF format.
November 24, 2017 Under ScrapBook-Collections-Miscellaneous page I have started on the
Weapons Equipment and Miscellaneous Items with most of VC/NVA weapons
THIS IS A WORK IN PROGRESS so you will see unlinked parts.
November 22, 2017 Added ORGANIZATIONAL DATA 1st Force Recon January 1968 to February 1969
under ROSTERS and LISTS and added link to each monthly TEAMS and OPERATIONS report.
November 21, 2017 Added Commanding Officers of 1st Force Reconnaissance Company 1957-1989
under ROSTERS and LISTS.
November 17, 2017 Added ScrapBook-Collections-Miscellaneous page which will contain items such as
           Selective Service card, Newspaper clippings, patches, badges, ranks, ribbons
           weapons & equipment, mess gear, c-rations, memorials, etc. things that do not
           fit in my other sections. THIS IS A WORK IN PROGRESS so you will see unlinked
           selections that I am still working on. The ones that have done are
           Cards-Clippings and Stories and Badges Patches Ribbons and Ranks.
November 1, 2017 Added Mountain Warfare School page under 5th Force Recon.
             still working on.
November 1, 2017 Added Forward Observer and Artillery School page under 5th Force Recon.
October 31, 2017 Added Amphibious Reconnaissance School page under 5th Force Recon.
October 28, 2017 Added 5 new Fred VOGEL photos (VOGEL-010 to VOGEL-015) to the
          Photographs From Others. Outstanding photos from an OUTSTANDING Marine.
October 27, 2017 Elliot "JJ" RUBENFELD checked in and send along a photo. Added "JJ"
         to the General Photograph and the Photographs From Others. Semper Fi "JJ"
October 27, 2017 Added General Photograph State Side and also 
ID These Individuals and Groups State Side
October 23, 2017 Completed my State Side PreJump Airborne JumpRelated and
        Scuba Training webpages.
October 23, 2017 Added Larry "Quig" QUIGLEY (I MISSED ADDING EARLIER) and
         James "Mac" McGEE (who ID's himself)
to the General Photograph Section.
October 22, 2017 Added 1stSgt. William L. "Top" HOLEMON 1st Force Recon
individual photo to the General Photograph Section after Bob BUDA
          ID'ed his photo. "Top" was a veteran of World War II, Korea
          (where he received his Silver Star) and  Vietnam. He passed in 2011.
October 21, 2017 Added 2 photographs (BUDA-004 and BUDA 005) Under BUDA (at the top)
Photographs From Other People and Sources. Includes Cpl Sam CARVER and
         Sgt Bob BUDA at An Hoi in Jan-1969 and Sgt Bob BUDA at Phu Bai June-1968.
         THANKS Bob.
October 9, 2017 Started on my STATE SIDE webpages including PreJump Airborne JumpRelated
      and 5th Force Recon {State Side} have the Prejump web part done. Also have the 93
      member 5th Force Company photo in 1967 posted and ready for lots of missing names to
      ID'ed.  LOTS OF WORK TO DO but it's a start.
July 24, 2017 Moved LCpl William L. "Flip" PHILLIPS from ID This Indiviual to 
General Photograph Section as ID'ed by Hal West & Jim Lynn.
July 23, 2017 Added 3 photographs (WEST-001, -002 and -003) Under WEST (at the bottom of the page)
Photographs From Other People and Sources. Includes Hal West & Jimmie Lynn photo,
          Team "Record" and Team "Record" in rubber boat training.  THANKS Hal West!

          Added 2 photos (WEST-002 -003) to TEAMS and GROUPS section see new Photos 15 and 16.
          Added 13 individual photos from Hal West's team photos to
General Photograph Section.
May 13, 2017 Added Hubert H. BAILEY (ID by Steven Cicalese) and HM3 M.W. Mike 'Doc' ROBERTSON
Rick "Rabbi" Rabenold) to individual photos at General Photograph Section and in
        Teams and Groups. Photos #01 & #10 for BAILEY and Photo #14 for ROBERTSON.
April 1, 2017 Added 3 photographs (see # 15,16,17) Under QUIGLEY 1st Force "Swift Scout"
Photographs From Other People and Sources. THANKS AGAIN Larry!

          Two photos to the TEAMS and GROUPS section see new Photos 13 and 14.
          Added 3 addtional people to 
ID These Individuals.
        TRAINO, WILKINS, ZWECK individual photo to the General Photograph Section
        and updated these names and added Photo#12 at ID These People in Teams and Groups
        and Teams and Groups.

March 13, 2017 Added LISTING OF PATROLS FOR: David B. THOMPSON under ROSTERS and LISTS.
          Were we on the same patrol or Dive together? Now you know. Can not remember
          that name of the Corpsman or radioman on that patrol ... will it sure helped me!
NOTE: In my listing or any where on a web page REMEMBER  to  Use Ctrl/F  to find items. Example Ctrl/F and type in UNKEL
                        to find all the places he is listed.
   Or Ctrl/F and type in D12-  to find and move right to the Dive Mission 12

March 10, 2017 Added Teams and Operations Dec-68  Teams and Operations Jan-69
  and Teams and Operations Feb-69  under ROSTERS and LISTS.
               THANKS to Rick "Rabbi" Rabenold for all his help with OpOrder #'s
               and Team Leaders for the Teams.

              As I did not add the OpOrder #'s on Team Leaders from Jan-Jun-68
              I will add that to my To Do List. Jan-68 to Feb-69 is only period
              I plan on covering (my tour dates).

March 8, 2017 Added Teams and Operations Aug-68  Teams and Operations Sept-68
Teams and Operations Oct-68  and  Teams and Operations Nov-68
              under ROSTERS and LISTS.
March 6, 2017 Added Teams and Operations July 1968 under ROSTERS and LISTS.
          Plus made corrections and additions to All Teams and the Roster.
          And Rabbi got me pointed in the right direction, so I found my
          missing Sept-Oct-Nov 1968 Patrol & Operations for 1st Force with
          the 1st Recon Bn. Patrol & Operations reports on the web.
March 4, 2017 Added Teams and Operations April 1968  Teams and Operations May 1968
Teams and Operations June 1968 under ROSTERS and LISTS.
March 2, 2017 Added Teams and Operations January 1968 & Teams and Operations March 1968
under ROSTERS and LISTS. As I plan to always make original scans available
          please note I have tagged
sFirst Force Recon ROSTER  PhuBai RVN  Feb-1968  with a download link.

          I will work on other Teams and Operations for 1968 as time permits - and a big
          THANK YOU to Rabbi for helping provide Team Leader listings.
Feb 27, 2017 Added a Teams and Operations for February 1968 page under ROSTERS and LISTS.
          I still have to add more Team Leaders names and I'll be working on that.
Feb 24, 2017 Added 3 photographs (see # 8,9,10) from QUIGLEY 1st Force "Swift Scout"
Photographs From Other People and Sources. THANKS Larry!

          Two of his new photos made it to the TEAMS and GROUPS section see new Photo 10
          and Photo 11 both of Team Swift Scout in Jan and Feb of 1968.
Feb 15, 2017 Added a new section on the my Main page called ROSTERS and LISTS.
         And THANKS AGAIN to Larry F. "Quig" QUIGLEY 1st Force "Swift Scout", I have added
First Force Recon ROSTER  PhuBai RVN  Feb-1968 to this new section.
        I added the MOS Descriptions and the CO, XO, ect data. The Roster that Larry got
        from the ARCHIVES was not readable in places,
mostly the numbers (think we needed
        a typewriter repairman on the roster) so when I retyped by hand all the data,
        you may find some errors.
        Now I can use this little gold mine of data to add given names and ranks to my photos.

   Jan 23, 2017 Added 7 photographs from Larry F. "Quig" QUIGLEY 1st Force "Swift Scout"
Photographs From Other People and Sources. THANKS Larry!

        SHAW, UNKEL individual photo to the General Photograph Section.
        and updated these nine names at ID These People in Teams and Groups.
         THANKS TO Rick "Rabbi" RABENOLD and Larry QUIGLEY for the ID's.
  Jan 08, 2017 Added a TINY photo next to each name that you can view before clicking
                the link to see the full size photo in the General Photograph Section.

Jan 07, 2017 Ran spell checker and corrected many typos on the web pages.

  Jan 06, 2017 Added photographs from BUDA, FINLAYSON and VOGEL to new webpage called
Photographs From Other People and Sources.

     Jan 05, 2017 Finished the captions for An Hoa Section.

     Jan 05, 2017 Added Sgt Rodney H. Pupuhi-Phu Bai 1968 (Retired GySgt Died Oct-2014)
         individual photo to the General Photograph Section.

     Jan 04, 2017 Added new section ID These Individuals when once identified will then be
          added to the
General Photograph Section.

  Jan 03, 2017 Added Cole, Schroder and Treurniet individual photo to the General Photograph Section.

      Dec 20, 2016 Added Dorsett, Roshong and Schoelkopf individual photo to the General Photograph Section.

  Dec 19, 2016 Added BOOKS US Marine Reconnaissance Related under Links Books
        and Miscellaneous

Dec 02, 2016 Created a help ID these people, make any spelling error corrections or
       provide additional information page which is at ID These People in Teams and Groups.
       I added 7 Patrol Team photos and 1 Dive Team photo and ID listing. 

  Dec 01, 2016 Created a 5th Anti Tank-Ontos Repairman-Ordinance Maintenance Company page
and added 6 photos.

Dec 01, 2016 Created this What's New webpage to note changes and updates.

                           Email:  dthompso@mwt.net


       Copyright and Ownership: Individuals and groups can use these volumes freely but
              without use for their financial gain, use to fraud or fake service. The full ownership is
               retained by the author and contributing sources.